Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

(Lucem, I just realized, Umbra went home)

Eli watched the car pull up and suddenly remembered the person driving it. "Umpire!" he called to the shadow, "who's the pretty lady?" Eli had been sitting on the porch for hours, Eli never really got bored, when he changed his activities, it was usually just because he got distracted. "What is that thing you two were doing last night? The memory is burned into this house very strong."
(you did type eli, I was just clarifying pronunciation, my phone is glitch ingredients, I'll look for Eli's SUS in the am)
(Woah... Stuff :D )

After stepping out of the shower and drying himself, Lucien got changed into pyjamas and slippers then made his way over to the files. When he picked up a file he noticed a lump, he furrowed his brow and picked up another, and another and another. All of them had identical lumps inside, 'bombs,' the alternate personality thought, 'they are so bombs.' Lucien shook his head at the personality, 'Why would they put bombs in every single file in their base?' He thought,

'Just open the window.' To keep the personality happy, Lucien opened the window next to his desk as he peeled open a file, as he did so a voice came from the file, "Congratulations!" The file called out, when the file called, the rest of the files began to call the same phrase,

'Let me out!' The alternate personality commanded. Normally Lucien would ignore him, but he seemed very serious this time so he allowed control to the alternate personality control. The alternate personality threw the files out of the open window and caused a large blast of air to lift them up. As the alternate personality pushed the files up the effort required was obvious on his face. When the files reached the apex of its ascent the congratulating stopped and each file exploded simultaneously.

When the file exploded, Lucien's control returned to the body, not long after regaining control, Lucien felt what seemed like an earthquake. As he knew to do, he sat down and waited for it to pass.
(so apparently nobody else has Labour day off...) 
(not that anyone is paying attention, but my power is out, so is my Internet, so I'm data only for a bit!) 
(YAY, power's back... @paipai900, Leuther is about to wake up, get your sappiness ready :big grin:)
Leuther awoke, but didn't open his eyes, he heard a ringing noise, so he swung his arm to where his alarm usually is, finding instead an IV drip. What the then it all came rushing back to him; Skandranon, being shot, opening the door, the dead things that shouldn't be dead, and "Eona" Leuthers eyes fluttered open, looking around the hospital room. "Eona?"
After several minutes of thinking of what to say when he saw Eona again, several more minutes of passing out again, and several more minutes still of arguing with the old Slavic crone of a nurse into letting him leave, Leuther got himself brought home in a wheelchair by Stephen.

Upon arriving at his home, he waved goodbye to the walking slab of meat and rage and rolled over to the television. He flicked through the channels for a while, mustering up courage. "Phyllis, phone book search: nearby seafood restaurants that deliver." Phyllis responded with a list of names and, eventually, Leuther picked one and ordered in. Leuther was waiting for the delivery guy when he shifted and Lucky fell out of his pocket "Oh, right... Why did I pick you up again?" he said, turning the revolver over in his hands. Bored, Leuther pulled up a 3-D design program on his laptop, messing with possibilities until he had one he liked; dechromed with ornate golden etchings, an embossed club suit on an ivory handle, heart suit at the base of the barrel, an ebony finish, and 'Lucky' engraved in silver on the ejector tube.

(Yay, FNV referrences)

Leuther's doorbell rang; the delivery guy had arrived, so Leuther wheeled over to the door, picked up his sushi and payed the man. Eating in silence, Leuther emailed the design to a guy he knew, asking if he could make the gun look like it. After sending the email, Leuther stopped for a moment, realizing what he was doing "I have to call her" he said to himself, more a reassurance than a statement. "Phyllis, phone book search: Eona Adis, PhD."

Leuther waited for what seemed like an eternity, but was really just a few seconds befor Phyllis replied;

'One match, would you like to call now?'

"Yes, Phyllis"


Please pick up, please pick up, please... was all Leuther could think as he listened to the ringing on the other end of the line. 
(That took longer than I'd like to admit)

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