Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

((he laid down right in front of the boy and just sort of went to sleep at his feet haha I was just wondering if you were planning on posting after that or if I should just keep walking))
DarkAncient said:
((he laid down right in front of the boy and just sort of went to sleep at his feet haha I was just wondering if you were planning on posting after that or if I should just keep walking))
((Haha! Well, Benjamin just kind of ignored him after that xD he's used to having people grovel at his feet))
Umbra nodded and shook the man's hand with a smile. "It's good to see you again, Chrys. I'm Umbra in case you forgot." It was nice to see Chrys again. He had left and he was worried if anything had happened to him.
((haha then time for this))

Kima suddenly jumped up from his sleep with a bit of a scream. "Ajax I'm sorry!" He was sweating profusely which was quite strange because when a full grown Dodomeki started to sweat it was pure white like milk. He wiped some of the sweat off of his body and stood up checking to make sure his sword was still there. "Kid if you ever see a sphinx named Ajax tell him Kima is sorry for leaving so soon, though he probably doesn't remember the face behind the name." He wiped himself off a little more and walked off towards the main office having been told to go there and get his orders, which he was afraid meant he was going to be forced to teach here.
"Umbra! That was it... sorry, I've, uh, got a lot on my mind. Really, though, Chrysos was just a title, please, call me Leuther... You were the one with the mask, right?" He said, not knowing what to talk about "What were you, again? Or 'are' I guess, some things never change" Leuther let out a nervous laugh. "Where have you been?"

Raising an eyebrow as he watched the weird man walk away, Benjamin only knew one sphinx by the name of Ajax, and that was his father. Why would this man apologize for leaving too early? Curiosity caught the half sphinx in it's clutches as Benjamin called out to the grey man. "My father's name is Ajax Sarrok." With a blank expression on his face, Benjamin wondered what was the relation between his father and this weird man. Folding his arms over his chest, Benjamin shook the weird feeling off and began to ponder upon what had just happened. " you know him?" Benjamin's eyes flickered over to his sleeping father on the bench, seeing as he was having a lot of stress already.
Carly smiled beaming with joy and grabbed the wolf beside her as she ranted on about games, she threw in a few, "oohs" and "ahhs" about some of the things she said until she got to the end of her rambling. "I like pretty much any game too." she concluded when Amai said she liked basically anything. Carly's smile however faded, she was not social corrupt like Coyoty was she had attended elementary classes when she was younger and though home schooled now due to the fear she might change unexpectedly she knew she would have to share what she was.

"A sphinx!" She said surprised and happy to hear another winged creature stood before her. But she listened in depth about this girl's parents, her mother having been human and her still there dad having been sphinx, it made her think of her mom. "My mamma's sister has wings, do you have wings too?" she asked knowing most sphinx did but she had never met one face to face and personally. Now she was thinking of her mother too much and her father. would Amai ask about what she was? If so how would she respond?

{ @paipai900 Is Amai's dad taken? ~turns head~}
Umbra chucked at his response. "Yeah, that was me. I'm a Shadow, it's an almost unheard of species."

Umbra scratched the back of the head when Leuther asked him the question. "I've just been here mostly. I used to travel a lot for work, but I stopped when I settled down here."
"Umbra-kun are you married" Kikyo said a lewd look plastered on face,The shadow had grown exceedingly more attractive than he was in highschool and knew without a doubt he had some type of girlfriend
Kima simply nodded to the boy. "I would never forget your father though he could easily forget me. He tried his best to be kind to me, at least I think he did. I never got to say sorry for leaving without a goodbye." He sighed and looked at the sleeping figure. "Time has changed him, he actually looks like he could be responsible, and look at me I was almost executed." He shook his head and looked at Ajax again. "I just wished I had never left that room that I had..." He stopped the child probably didn't want to hear all this. "It isn't important I guess I am not who I once was and I can't change that."
"I'd rather not talk about that. Sorry..." That subject was touchy nowadays for him. He missed his wife and it was still hard for him to talk about, except with the kids.
[QUOTE="Angel Evans]"Umbra-kun are you married" Kikyo said a lewd look plastered on face,The shadow had grown exceedingly more attractive than he was in highschool and knew without a doubt he had some type of girlfriend

((*cough* Lux *cough cough* :D ))

CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{ @paipai900 Is Amai's dad taken? ~turns head~}
((What do you mean by taken? I don't like to "take" people or claim them because it's better to just go with the flow of the roleplay. Characters are capable to cheating, breaking up, getting together, divorcing, etc. So, none of my characters are ever "taken" :3))

Amia and Benjamin

Shaking her head at the question about wings, Amia had seen her father's real transformation and was always in awe of his wings. She asked him when she would get her wings and he said when she was older and move developed. "Not yet, my wings have yet to grow in." Turning to face her brother, Amia took Benjamin by the collar and lifted up the back of his shirt, revealing two little bumps in his back. "But, Ben here is growing his wings!" Beaming brightly, Amia couldn't wait to grow her wings, but she was a little scared because she saw how painful it was for Benjamin

"Hey!" Benjamin quickly pulled his shirt down, a light blush dusted over his face. Turning to face the girl before him, Benjamin sighed and ran a hand through his dark silky locks. "I apologize about this, my little sister can be a little bit-"

"Amazing? Wonderful? Totally awesome and epic?!" Amia giggled as she interrupted her older brother and put her own words in the blanks.

Benjamin raised an eyebrow at Amia and shook his head. "A little out of hand." Chuckling lightly, Benjamin picked his little sister up and placed her on top of his shoulders.
"Oh I understand" she really did understand It was the same as when her brother died and she had to step up as Lucifer
Kima chuckled at the children and patted Benjamin on the head. "Try not to kill anybody okay kid, and remember to tell your father whenever he wakes up." With that Kima turned towards the office fully prepared to be told he was going to do community service by being an example of what the children here shouldn't become. "And stay in school."

Raising another eyebrow at the man, Benjamin opened his mouth to speak once again. "Is your name Kima?" Benjamin remembered a time when his father had said something about an oni by the name of Kima, and perhaps this was the man his father had once spoken about. Luckily, Amia was too distracted with her new friend to notice what Benjamin was saying. Was this guy really one of his father's friends back in Ishika High?
Kima just turned and nodded sadly. "Yes my name is Kima." He sighed and shook his head. "I have been waiting a while to talk to your father but I heard about you two and figured he had gotten married. I didn't want to make anything awkward, but I'm surprised he mentioned me." Kima seemed a bit happy about this thought it was hard to tell due to the lack of face. "I always thought I would just end up as some other random person, then again I guess my farewell to the school was a little...big."
{ @paipai900 Is he uh.... currently in a relationship? The ONLY character of mine that HAS ever broken up with any character is Melina over there. Time to do some young love at first sight scenes because I can!}

Carly nodded blushing slightly, her mother had no beating heart, she could not blush but deep colour rose to Carly's cheeks and as a breeze blew past her fanning her incredibly long hair around she pushed it back behind her shoulder placing her hand to the side of her face. Being a cat she had no real human hears so her cat ones pulled back helping to keep some of her hair where she put it. She smiled her blush coming to an end.

"Ah, my mum is a wolf, I never knew my dad but I hear he was a cat so. I am technically a cat wolf hybrid but my Mamma says I am just a cat." Carly comes to a close with her swpecies description wondering since coyoty was a cat hybrid and she being so large why Carly was not, was it just her size, her age, carly was not sure but something never seemed right about her story, perhaps it was that her sister was so sickly, or that none of her siblings looked like Gemina at all. She tried not to dabble in the lives of her parents but could not help and assume one of the siblings she looked up to was lying. She decided to get off that subject and move to the wings subject.

"Coyoty-Sama nearly had her wings torn off!" Carly yelled aloud getting a warning glare from red eyed zephyr behind her followed by a growl. She dropped her ears looking like someone just hurt her and returned her gaze back to the cute young boy before her. "You did not tell me your name Sama." She said using the prefix for "sir" in Japanese like she was taught.

{Okay there is a reason she speaks like a Japanese person though clearly is not Japanese and about ther parents that will be explained MUCH later. ^~^}

Setting his little sister down, Benjamin frowned at Kima, not knowing what the oni was talking about. "My parents never married. My mother died before that could happen." The young sphinx hybrid shruggged and folded his arms over his chest. "Humans were always so weak." To him, the subject about his mother' death wasn't a sensitive one, he never even really met the woman. But, if you ever insult his mother, you will have a family of sphinxs on your back, all plotting ways to give youan agonizing and painful death.

CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{ @paipai900 Is he uh.... currently in a relationship?
((No, Ajax s not in a relationship at the moment :3))
Kima sighed and looked over at Ajax. "That must have been hard on him, when I knew him I doubt he understood the word loss. He was still used to being worshiped but I guess now he's just like any other person, working for his family." Kima shook his head a bit and sat down. "Why does he look so worn out and tired. I've never seen him sleep for a reason other than to be lazy, then again times have changes, but he seems so...exhausted."
paipai900 said:
But, if you ever insult his mother, you will have a family of sphinxs on your back, all plotting ways to give youan agonizing and painful death.
((No, Ajax s not in a relationship at the moment :3))
{wow... too bad Coyoty is taken and I am not sure if I entirely want to add another character to this RP I mean Gemina nad him would be perfect together....I am not sure if I do though... also, I quoted that statement about humans and Benjamin's mother part of your message because I saw it and was like: "Hey that sounds familliar Has pai finished her Vikrla skely?" So have you finished your skelly yet? I have Mary and Merdorco up. }

Glancing over at his tired father, Benjamin frowned and turned his body to face the girl who had asked for his name. "Things happen, I guess." Benjamin mumbled those few words to Kima before directing his attention to the girl. Brushing his hair out of his face, Benjamin sighed and frowned ever so slightly. He didn't really want to talk to anyone who didn't seem interesting, but Benjamin clearly remembered what his father was telling the siblings in the car. "Ben." The sphinx didn't feel like wasting his energy on some girl and thought that if she dragged this conversation out, he'd run away.
((well goodnight all))

Kima simply turned and waved. "If your father wakes up tell him Kima would like to say sorry." He then made his way towards the office his dreaded moment arriving. When he arrived it became obvious his fears had come to life. In order to reform him they had assigned him to teach a PE class for the younger students.

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