Ishika High Graduates - A New Beginning (Actual RP)

Aeki was sitting on a bench in the park, watching his little boy, Leo, run around on the playground.

"Be careful not to break anything!" Aeki called.

Leo nodded and grinned as he went down the slide.

Aeki smiled as he remember how he found Leo. He was a tough kid. Strong as a bull too. Even Aeki couldn't beat him in arm wrestling.

You have so much potential my little Leo. Aeki thought happily. Aeki checked the time and it was time to head out.

"Hey kiddo, it's time to go." Aeki called out.

Leo nodded and ran to Aeki, grabbing his hand. He grinned at Aeki sweetly.

Aeki smiled back at him and put Leo on his shoulders. Leo laid his head on Aeki and sighed contently.

Aeki turned and started to head back to his guitar store where he and Leo lived in.
((I just died from the cuteness, Aki!~ QAQ Leo and Ben need to meet, okay? They just have to. I still have to make Ben and Ajax down... :3 Well, here's a quick post for you guys :D ))


Spotting Umbra, Eona flashed him a bright grin, which instantly faded when she saw how tall he was compared to her. "....fuck you...." The kraken was sulking in her short height, everyone else had hit puberty so easily and all she got was a few inches in height and a bunch of fat everywhere. Maybe I need to lose some weight...? Sighing and shaking her head, Eona turned around and joined the group hug with the random girl and Umbra.

"Umbreon! I choose you!" Eona giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around the taller man, poking his face with her finger. "Hah! Didn't puberty do you good!" Winking teasingly at her friend, the kraken had to get on her very tip toes to reach his chin. Dammit. Eona frowned once again, but it was quickly wiped off when she suddenly fell over, losing her balance.
(( O.o Really? Sorry I thought everyone would be in a town away from Ishika High by now. I probably should've specified that when I created the thread. No worries though xD ))
Pacing left and right past the poor man cowering on the floor, the masked man began to grow inpatient, "I'll ask you one more time: where is your hideout?" the masked man questioned, you couldn't see his expression due to his mask, but by the tone of his voice, you could assume it was a very serious expression,

"I- I told you! I don't know! I- I'm not high up enough in the ranks to know wh-where these things are!" the man squirmed, fear in his voice. With a small 'hm,' the masked man placed his gun back in his holster and left the grunt sitting there in fear, but being a member of a monster hunting cult, and a coward, the grunt picked up his small knife from the floor and charged at the masked man screaming: "Death to the monsters!" Without so much as turning around, the masked man removed his gun from the holster, pointed it backwards, and shot the grunt directly in the stomach before returning the gun back to the holster. The unusual thing was that the gun made no sound, it was as though the air around it was manipulated allow no sound through, 'idiot,' the masked man thought as he left the alleyway.

Stepping out of the alleyway, the masked man saw Ishika high and the memories came flooding back, normally a small laugh would have been produced from his mouth, but this time he saw some people who he recognised and a small tear lolled down his cheek. He wanted to rip his mask off his face, run over to them and hug them, but that would be a terrible idea.
Aeki stopped at Ishika High to gaze at it, and reminisce.

"I went here when I was younger Leo. Just like you will when you're old enough." Aeki said.

Leo was asleep so he didn't respond. His wolf ears twitched. They appeared just like Aeki's did when he was learning to control his true form.

Aeki smiled but then saw a masked man watching a group of people. He sniffed the air and recognized the scents of classmates of his. Now Aeki truly wished he had made friends but surely none of them would remember the young werewolf who was addicted to meat and blood.

He gave a small smile and continued to walk, still staring at Ishika High.


After falling onto the ground, the kraken pushed herself up and dusted off her white lab coat, wishing she had worn something else instead. Sniffing the air, Eona's eyes widened as she smelled the familiar scent of... "Puppy!~" Eona jumped around and hurried over to the werewolf, a bright smile on her face as she tackled him down and pet his hair. "How's the wittle puppy doing?~ Hm?~" The woman giggled softly as she continued to pet Aeki's hair, the only thing that had made her remember Aeki was because of how soft his hair was. "You still haven't told me what kind of conditioner you use..." The kraken frowned ever so slightly before noticing another smaller figure standing by Aeki. "YOU GAVE BIRTH?!?" Eona shrieked as she spotted the child, her jaw dropping to the ground.
Aeki grinned widely.

"Hello Eona! I'm glad I was remembered. This is my son Leo. No, I didn't give birth.. Males aren't like that.. I found him while I was traveling and adopted him." Aeki laughed, surprisingly giving Eona a big hug, unlike his former personality.

Leo opened his eyes and his ears twitched. He gazed down at Eona from Aeki's shoulders, wondering who was this strange woman.
The masked man watched Eona, well at least he thought it was Eona considering how different they all looked these days, run over to someone he couldn't quite recognise, smiled under his mask, and walked off, 'They seemed happy,' he thought to himself,

'Yeah, they do,' he thought once more, having a conversation with himself in his own head.

Aryan watched Eona run off to somebody she called a puppy and laughed a little, out of the corner of its eye it saw somebody with a mask on, to it the man seemed familiar; the man stood and walked like somebody it knew, like that somebody but with a lot of a metaphorical burden on his shoulders.
((ermagerd I really want to throw Ajax, Benjamin, and Amia in now! But, I have to finish them up and I said that they would only come in later.... xD ))


Chuckling lightly, Eona extended a hand to Leo, her signature friendly smile stuck on her face. "Hi there, pup! I'm Eona!" Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Eona pushed herself off Aeki and straightened out her lab coat once more. Pushing her long hair out of her face, the kraken was beaming like a beacon, some would even be blinded by how bright she was. And, of course, by seeing Aeki with someone - even if it was a child - Eona was reminded of how forever alone she was...but shook it off easily.
Leo just stared at her shyly, not answering.

Aeki laughed and said. "Go on Leo, shake her hand!"

Leo shook his head and turned away, hiding behind his father.

"I'm sorry Eona, Leo is very shy around people." Aeki said apologetically, chuckling.
((I think I just died from the cuteness of that image... *dies*))


Seeing the child run behind Aeki, Eona's chest was hurting from the adorableness. Clutching her chest, not her boobs guys, Eona let out a strained sound from her lips. "Hnngh!" The scene was just so cute! Eona began giggling at the picture and ruffled Leo's hair softly. "That was adorable!" The kraken waved off Aeki's apology, gesturing that it was fine. Bending down to Leo's height, Eona smiled gently, a sudden hurt in her chest from grief. She wished that she could have children. "Hi, Leo..." But, the kraken knew that would be impossible with her physical state.
".........Hello." Leo whispered but then turned away.

Aeki smiled and ruffled Leo's hair.

"Its been to long Eona. Have you met everyone else from out class?" Aeki asked smiling. "I didn't realize so many of us were still around here."
((Yup, Leo's absolutely adorbs! I really need to get the kitty family in here. xD ))


Glancing over to Umbra/Occutlus, Ari, and Tira, Eona flashed the werewolf a silly grin. Taking his head in her hands, Eona directed his vision to the familiar group of monsters that were hugging and chatting quickly, doing their best to all catch up with what had happened over the years. "See that group of people? Guess who they are." Giggling softly, Eona smiled for no reason in particular.
"Our old classmates. I could tell by their smell. I suppose they won't remember me that much. I was a punk back then. I'll say hello to them anyway." Aeki said, smiling at Eona. She was so easy and kind to talk to. He walked over to them but didn't know how to start.

I guess this is how Leo feels like.

Leo was trying to pull Aeki away from the scary group of people but to no avail.
Kikyo finally got off of Umbra to look at the cutie pie standing next to someone who looked rather familiar "Hi there handsome,What's your name?"
"Hello. My name is Aeki Namikito. I was a student here and many of you were my classmates although I'm not sure if a lot of you remember. I was quite a different person back then." Aeki said, chuckling. "I'm honored to meet you all once again."

Aeki pushed Leo in front and said proudly. "This is my son Leo. Say hi Leo."

Leo ,of course, said nothing.
Kikyo smiled gently pulling out a snickers from her purse "Here you can have this.I'm known as the candy lady my sweet tooth is ridiculous,but always remember to brush your teeth after" She stood up on her feet to address Aeki "Hi,I'm Kikyo Lucifer Queen of Hell and one of 4 great Satans a pleasure to meet you"
"A...Satan. Well I won't deny I'm a bit surprised but I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." Aeki replied.

Leo took the candy and started to lick it. It tasted horrible. Meat was much better but Leo didn't stop licking it. He didn't want to be rude.
(I'm sorry Leo! xD )

Kikyo smiled she felt accomplished. Back home they never treated her like a normal person. They were all scared of her because of her status as Lucifer "It's good to be back"
"Were you a student here as well? I'm ashamed to say, if you were a student, I never noticed you here." Aeki said, smiling as he talked with Kikyo.

Leo was starting to turn pale. He remember his father's words.

When you face an obstacle. Punch it in the face and walk away.

So Leo decided to man up and eat the whole thing in one bite.
Ayra sighed and leaned on the gate of the school. He watched the group of people from afar, he never really did fit in that well. He was such an awkward teenager. He sighed he didn't recognize anyone.
Kikyo giggled "Yeah I did go here,but I was that awkward teenage girl who would fantasize about her crush from afar" Kikyo flicked her gaze to Umbra and quickly turned back "What about you,I don't remember you either

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