Viritus - Actual Role play.

His smile vanished as she mentioned her getting caught.

"They'll have to kill me before they take you."

He said in Alexis's ear and then he thought for a second then looked at the group.

"I would have no desire to become human. Everything I have is right here."

He said as he held Alexis.
"Hello everybody!" Dr. Keiji Kadou called over the megascreens of the world. "And welcome to the 60 second Viritus update broadcast!" The young scientist smiled as he shouted this. So mang people watched the broadcast, which made him very happy. "And I am pleased to announce that Viritrex, the only medication certified to slow down curse progression has now been lowered from a staggering $15,899.99 a shot, to only $12,559.99 a shot! Isn't that great?! I am pleased to announce that the pro-cure rally in many capitals around the world was a huge fundraising success and we at Cintex are working hard to lower the cost even more! It may not be so long until Viritrex is available at a pharmacy near you at a low cost! I'm Dr. Keiji Kadou, and this had been your 60 second Viritus update! Have a good day!" He called out in a rapid voice. He was so excited about the fundraiser's success and the lowered price of Viritrex.

Razul looked at Alexis and smirked slightly. "I'm fifteen, so yes I may he classified as young but you're pretty young yourself so you shouldn't be throwing that word around." He looked at her with grim eyes, she annoyed him really. For a devetal she sure was annoying. Even though she seemed paranoid she was also naive enough to keep thinking so well. "What the hell is human about torturing others and killing them. If you haven't noticed we've lost most of out humanity. Even those who claim to be normal humans can act unhumane." He said plainly.

"I don't think manners has the slightest thing to do with it. Maybe if you weren't so paranoid you would have realized that. The reason they have done nothing to stop us is because we aren't human. We're something more capable that they can't handle. Epidemic or Devetal I don't care what it is I just have goals that need to be completed. I don't waste my time." He said quickly. She was dumb enough to underestimate him by calling him young and believing he isn't old enough to understand. Just like the others, they never change.
((Awwwww Kalexis is soooo cute!~ x3))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

Scoffing at the 60 second broadcast, Rowena rolled her eyes and whispered for everyone to hear her. "Rip off." Folding her arms over her chest, Rowena took a bite into her fudge bar and smirked in a very knowing way. "Each Viritus is unique to everyone, one simple shot would never slow down the process." Pausing for a moment to take another bite into her ice cream bar, Rowena chuckled lightly at the amount of money it would take to actually form a shot for Viritus. "You would have to create a shot that's different for everyone to do that."

Waving the fudge bar around like a magical wand, Rowena pretended to cure everyone from Viritus. "With the power of love, I cure you of your dreaded disease!" Rowena giggled in a very high pitch and annoying way that hurt even her own ears. "Haha! No." Sitting back in her seat and taking another bite into the fudge bar, Rowena glowered lowly. "Death isn't that easy to trick."

Razul looks as the woman waves her fudge bar in his face. He was about to wack it off but she sat down and laughed annoyingly. She had a point, they were idiots for trying to stop a choice. They shouldn't try to cure it only partial part of it. Stop the stages of decay or something and preserve the power.

"I agree with Cyclops on the rip off part, it makes no sense." His stomach growled very slightly and he muttered "Damn now I'm hungry.." He said to himself. He looked if the ice cream truck was there but it was long gone. He could always go and try to find a gas station but he was not in the mood to walk 4 miles even if it isnt that far.

((Im on mobile sorry for the crappy dappy posts and the hungry thing is based on real life. My stomach growled and Im hungry :D ))
Kain cracked him neck and then looked at the fifteen year old. His eyes darkened literally and stared straight into Razul's eyes.

"Don't talk to her like that again. I can look into your eyes and know what you're thinking. Don't you ever think of her as dumb again and if she annoys you then leave."

He said then he released Alexis and quickly grabbed Razul by his shirt and lifted him off the ground.

"If you ever think of her as an idiot again I'll do worse than kill you and believe me. I've had a lot of practice in this area."

He said then dropped the punk on his butt and stepped back next to Alexis.
Keiji sighed after the broadcast. If only the last part had been true. There wasn't any way to cure them at this point, and even though his research had yielded a temporary front against the epidemic, he was not able to fix the problems it had already caused. How much it had cost so many people...his sister...some of his best friends...even he himself had nearly been killed by an infected person. If it hadn't been for Teach, he'd be dead. His legendarily expensive medication only slowed the processes, but due to differing DNA and situational diversity, it could not cure them. He wished it could. He hated seeing so many people suffer, so many much pain and sacrifice. The people who acted like animals, no, worse than animals...they needed his help. But even his pockets are not deep enough to fix everything. He sighed.

"You should relax. Take a walk. I could use one too. It's cramped in here." Teach, Keiji's genetically modified wolf/dog said with a gruff tone.

Razul simply looked at the man who lifted him and smirked. As he dropped to the ground the man walked back and stood next to his boyf- girlfriend. "Yes please go back to your boyfriend, also there is a thing called personal space."

A tendril of shadows slowly manifested behind him. He wasn't going to have some idiot just lift him and underestimate his power like that. "Oh really? That's nice. Noted as a reason why you should die sooner.." He said as the tendrils seem to slowly creep around them.
Alexis watched Kain carefully before she looked at the screen where the broadcast was previously shown. She wondered, If this man really believed that he could cure them of their insanity, of their inhumanity and their fears. With a sigh she shook her head. "Kain, leave him alone." She whispered, closing her eyes for a moment as she huffed.

Opening her cold dead green eyes as she looked around at them all, her hands settled on her waist. "I think...we should pay this dude a visit..." She whispered, shifting her weight to the other foot before she shook her head. It was driving her mad.

She glanced over at the tendril of darkness she walked over towards the kid, her hand facing him as she let the poison begin to seep from her skin, the odourless and colourless gas leaving her breath and skin as she gave him a smile. A paralyzing poison. "Please don't threaten Kain, I don't believe right now is a good time when we have a man who wants to strip us of our gifts dear~" She cooed, clapping her hands together. She glanced over at Smurfette, grinning. "What do you think Senpai?" She asked sarcastically before she laughed. "You as well Gwen?"
((OH BURNNNN!!! xD ))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

"Oh! Are you going to take that?" Rowena chuckled lightly, obviously enjoying the show that was currently being put on. "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight," the officer was chanting in her mind as she quickly stole a bag of popcorn from a nearby vender, opening it up and popping a piece of the corniness into her mouth.

Spotting the shadows, Rowena held back a tiniest of smirks as she leaned forward to watch the fight occur. "This is going to be good." Watching as the Devetals interacted, the officer frowned softly as she was suddenly reminded about the fish in the pond that she had to feed. "Some kids probably fed them, they're getting fat anyway."

Shrugging the thought off, Rowena suddenly got up and ran towards the washroom. Barging inside, the Devetal bent over a toilet bowl and began puking out blood and stomach acids, having to hold her long blonde locks up to avoid it getting dirty. Stumbling over to the tap, Rowena turned the water on and splashed her face. When she looked up in the mirror Rowena had to hold back a shriek of horror.

"When did I become such a monster....?"
Teach growled at the smell of infected. "Back off. Violence is not necessary." He said simply. What animals...and I am one. He thought.

(Wait...theyre talking to Keiji right...?) 
Kain just simply stopped when he heard the little shit call Alexis a boy. His eye turned fully black a turned to face the boy. His face looked like his face was stuck and his face twitched.

"Hehehehehehahahahaha! Look it may be hard for you see it because your blind, but she is a beautiful young woman and you should show some respect."

He said trying his best not to rip the punk apart.

Razul simply slashed the air in front of him, telling the toxic girl to back off. "I suggest you don't come any closer." He then notices the zombie looking woman run to one of the bathrooms. Clenching her stomach.

"Guess chocolate doesn't sit well..what a waste.." He added. He finally hears the other man talking and he sighed "I'm not blind I can actually see better than you. Even in the dark. Sadly I think you seem kind of blind with those bug eyes..looks like you snorted 10 pounds of crack while taking acid. Not that acid would be hard to get considering ginger over here can piss you some. Now go back to being her b*tch i'll sit here and enjoy watching you get mad." He creates a small chair of his own shadow and sits on it. A smug look on his face.
She just tilted her head before laughing. "This hilarious!" She laughed before she walked closer to him, the air around her a lot colder as she eventually stood in front of him. Once there she felt her dead eyes burn, her lungs hot as she supressed a cough. "But...You really should be careful." She warned before she stood up properly.

Her eyes followed the blue smurfette with a frown. Stage 3 huh? With a frown she put her hands in her shorts pocket, her eyes narrowed as she huffed. It would happen to them all eventually. It would happen, she knew it and she couldn't wait for death to embrace her.
(I have no idea if they were talking yo keiji they were looking at the broadcast then wanted to find you but I guess you were pretty close...))
Kain just grins at him.

"You're not worth my time. Hell your not worth anyone's time here. And between the two of use you have done more drugs than I have. Since my drug count is zero."

He said grinning at the punk. How he wanted to punish this punk...and he already picked how he would do it.

Razul sighed as he looked at the woman. A shadow covered his mouth like a gas mask. "Please step away from me Alexis. I'm 15 you look roughly 17 you're not tricking anyone here." He said his mask muffling it. Even thought she seemed stupid she was a danger with poison so he simply had shadows shield him from her touch. He heard the mans comment "I'm 15. You're 40 do the logic man. Oh hey you're clean? Good for you we've already killed people so do you really think that matters?" He said, imbeciles like him really annoyed him. "Excuse my comments Alexis. I apologize. I pity the day you chose that idiot as a partner. Which is I don't know 15 minutes ago. I'm guessing here though and I agree. I wonder where the doctor is now."

He hears a growl and looks over. He simply points to the direction
(I leave for like an hour and come back to two and a half pages.. you guys are pretty active c:)

Gwen stood a bit away from the people, and watched the males and the insane woman, Alexis, provoke each other.

It wouldn't help anything if they attempted to kill each other, she thought, and she was sure that would only lead to bad things.

“How long have you all been cursed?” She asked, in an attempt to divert their attention from each other, and also because she was curious, she wasn't sure how long you could live with the curse, and she was interested in finding out - she’d only been cursed for three months, so hopefully she still had a while ahead of her.

She hoped these people would actually respond, too, considering they didn't seem like the kind who appreciated small talk.

Razul's chair seems to move away from Alexis and toward Gwen. Stopping next to her his mask dissapears. "It all depends how much you use your power and who you are really. Some people survive 3 others 7 years maybe more. It doesn't matter really. We all meet death at one point." He says quickly as his chair fades away and he stands next to her
He lost himself in thought as he strolled. So much work, and yet so little time. So many people were suffering out there, and it rested on his shoulders to stop it. To decay for being wasn't right in his eyes. He didn't want to rob anyone of their special abilities, but he didn't want them to die either. It was all so difficult. So much time and money went into his research, yet the group that needs it most can't afford it. Viritrex was for the people...not the rich.

Teach watched his master as he followed close. The stench of the diseased was strong. Too strong. Close... He thought. His master was prone to losing track of things, so it was up to the stronger-than-average wolf/dog to keep him safe. He had risked his life for his master before and he would gladly do it again.
Rowena Ivory, Bathroom

Reaching up with a shaking pale hand, Rowena trailed her icy hand across her face, her haunting yellow eye wide in terror at what she had become. Her once gorgeous golden eyes were gone, replaced with the eyes of a monster. The once bright white of her eyes had been turn pitch black, causing her iris to pop out. What hurt the most was that there was only one eye left.

Running her hand across the rim of her empty eye socket, Rowena began to sob at what she had become. A living corpse just waiting to be eaten away. Tears of blood found their way down Rowena's cheeks, leaving lines of faint red on her blue skin. Clutching the counter tightly, Rowena hung her head and began to sob, the droplets of blood falling into the rusty sink.

The young woman could feel her body rotting away, lately it had been a lot harder to move than before. Unlike other Devetals, whenever Rowena moved, she used up her life energy. The curse had given her strength and speed, moving around required strength and speed. Rowena would disappear faster than the normal Devetal. She was going to die so soon, and she wasn't even close to getting her revenge.

Biting her lip to control the sobs that could be heard from outside the washroom, a metallic taste found its way into Rowena's mouth. The contents of her stomach wanted to get out once again, Rowena tried to hold it it, but it didn't work. The puke mixed in with the blood in the sink as it slowly drained out through the hole. Washing her mouth once again, Rowena pulled away from the counter, cheeks stained with blood.

"What have I become...?"
Suddenly he needed to use it. And bad. "Curses." He muttered as he knocked on the bathroom door. "Oi oi. Almost done in there?"

"Smell one. In there." Teach growled lowly. 
(Gtg. I was hoping to rp for a bit longer, but ive run out of time.)
(Yes. Keiji's got to use it...if u get what i mean? But i really have to go now Dx) 
(I could stay up later, but thats kinda pushing it..depends on how tired i get in the next 30-40 minutes)
(Gah, I went offline >_<)

Alexis just ignored the kid's comment. Why even get mad? She had never got angry unless it was at someone who refused to die so why start now? She yawned, looking off in the direction that the kid spoke of before she tilted her head. "Im 18 brat." She stated before she turned upon her heels, following the direction once said. She wanted to meet this doctor.

She reached the bathrooms, looking at the oh so familiar man who stood there with a grin. Lucky, she was early in her curse so she looked normal. Albeit her eyes held insanity and the faint smell of poison always lingered by her body. "You...Are you the doctor that believes he can save the cursed?" She asked politely, one hand resting upon her waist as she watched them carefully.

Turning she took note of his dog, her green eyes void of life stared at it before she huffed, deciding to ignore the dogs existence as she turned back to the doctor who was their 'saviour'. "Do you really believe we want to be saved? We all took this mostly willingly...why do we need a cure?" She stepped forwards, letting the poison leak from her fingers and lips. "Oh are doing this for all those sad families who lose their children or lovers to this curse right? Or is it the government so they can live without the fear of us killing?" She glared at him, drawing a thin knife from her pocket as she did. "Tell me?~ Please?~"

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