Viritus - Actual Role play.

Kain turned and followed Alexis and looked at the young doctor. He smiled creepily at the young man and wrapped his arms around Alexis again then dragged his long tongue across her neck slowly then looked the doctor right in the eyes.

"What does humanity have to offer us? I have everything I need or want right here."

He said smiling as he sucked on Alexis's neck for a couple seconds then stopped and just looked at the young man.
He turned and took note of her. "Actually yes I do. If I didn't at least try to save your lives, like my job requires me to do, I'd be no better than a monster myself." He paused, thinking for a moment. Having trouble concentrating on one thing at a time was a definite problem of his. "It was your choice for power, and when the answer is clear to the cure, it'll be your choice to take it or not. Death or's your choice. The saying goes like this: "You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink". I think of myself not as an enforcer, but rather a giver of helpful advise. Whether you take my advice or not is your decision to make." He said, and although he saw the knife, he kept his calm.

Teach growled lowly at the sight of the knife. He took a ready position and charged himself up. He would not allow his master to come to harm because of his suggestion to take a walk. Two....where is bodyguard?...he supposed to be here with master....He thought.
Alexis didn't really give a crap about it. She just didn't. Her eyes stared ahead at the doctor before a grin came to her lips as she laughed softly. " to you get this cure? What did you use as a basis to make it?" She asked, folding her arms over her torso with a frown. "Did you and your government pluck one of us off the street and experiment?" She asked, leaning back into Kain with a frown.

She was pissed. Her eyes narrowed against him before it turned to the dog, a growl passing her lips as she leaned down to its level. "Want me to suffocate ya'?" She asked, as her hand turned black with the silky poison liquid. She never really could stand animals, it didn't help that this doctor, the one that put so much effort into 'saving them' had one.
Kain watched her and smiled. She was vicious, ruthless, evil, and he loved her for it. He looked back up at the doctor and smiled again. The doc was nervous he could smell it. He wondered.

"What do you sound like when you scream doc?"

He asked smiling. His curiosity was peaked and he wanted to know.
"We don't experiment on anyone. We used a Viritus infected DNA sample that was voluntarily donated to the lab. We were able to use mice to examine the results of various chemicals on the DNA, and any side effects." He begins to babble on about DNA and chemicals and various sciency health things.

"Stop." Teach growled. "You no better than beast. Violent. Uncultured." He growled. "And I am beast. I know."
(I'll have my introduction post up soon, I'm just busy at the moment with other stuff.)
;3 Mhkay, Post soon Lucy. You have quite a interesting character after all. 
Alexis stared at the doctor, ignoring his crap as she turned back to the dog. Since when did a dog talk? Ohh? Did that mean everything switched? Maybe she was a dog then. No, she wouldn't want to be a dog. She'd want to be a mosquito. Yeah, she wanted to be a bloody mosquito. Why? Cause they were annoying little things that drove you crazy by violating the blood with disease. She could do that too.

She looked at the dog, a large smirk on her features as she said one thing. "Woof." She folded her arms over her torso, staring at it. If the dog would talk, she would bark. Simple. She did sound, she sounded mentally insane but the again that was true so no one could make a valid complaint...or could they? Alexis, beginning to confuse herself just stopped the train of thought to change it to something else, something that was her previous intention.

Turning back to the doctor she rubbed the back of her neck, yawning at his boring explanation. "Shut it." She hissed, narrowing her eyes. "We don't really give a crap, we want you to stop with you trying to help us." She pointed out as she grinned. "Or you will regret it, Im only warning you out the kindness of my heart." She snorted after that, almost laughing. She, having a heart? If she believed the organ actually was a medium for the emotions that normal humans made a big deal over...then she would take death any day. Who would want to deal with emotion's that would chain them down to people and places. No, Alexis liked to be free, no she had to be free or her mind would be lost further in the depths of the Viritus curse.
(I'll try, but I'm getting so many alerts an conversation updates like you wouldn't believe.)
Kain looked at the young doctor and was annoyed that he hadn't answered him. He smiled when Alexis woofed. It was crazy. Crazy but adorable. Did he just think someone was adorable? He did. He kinda liked it. He wrapped his arms around Alexis and smiled at the doctor again saying.

"Doc. What do you sound like when you scream?"

He said in a very sadistic tone of voice. He wanted to know what the doctor sounded like. He wanted to know what he looked forward to if they had to come pay him a visit. He kissed Alexis's neck and again. He loved having her. Loved? Another human emotion. He wondered. Did she feel it to?

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