Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(I would have said look it up, Mordy, but that wouldn't have ended well) 

DarkAncient said:
((alright then what is the pages name? Is it just Highschool of a thousands terrors later years or what?)
(Ishika high graduates - a new beginning)
((Ishika High Graduates: A New Beginning I think....I'll work on Eona's sob story now, is Pear on? Or does anyone want to comfort her? :3))
((No, this role play is still going - although Eona and Ajax will be graduating this year and leaving - until everyone either graduates or leaves :3 or killed, but we all know that everyone in this role play is never killed xD ))


Wiping the tears that fell from her eyes, Eona's sobs could be heard from outside of the change room, echoing throughout the empty - or so, what Eona had thought to be empty - pool. Tear stained cheeks were constantly wiped in an effort to calm herself down, but the kraken just couldn't. So many things had happened when Eona emerged from her seven hundred years of loneliness, centuries of emotions came crashing in on one day.

Eona knew that she was alone. What Eli had said was true. The kraken was yearning for another's touch, another's comfort. She wasn't strong enough to live by herself, she wasn't a strong individual. Eona was suddenly hit with all the realization at that moment, her eyesight blurred from the droplets of tears than squeezed out her eyes and travelled down her face, meeting up at her chin and then dropping to the ground. She was alone, and she hated it.
(I just remembered Nessa was currently being all awkward with Flynn. Erm so Nessa finished infirmary visit and is walking away OR MELODY AND EONA COULD HAVE A MOMENT if you want)
(Leave the jokers to their catchin up business xD ....yeah but I gtg. Sleep time for me. I promise for more humor from Chiaki tomorrow. (Cant unhear Johnny Yong Bosch.))

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