Viritus - Actual Role play.

He sighed again and looked down at the man. He picked up some gasoline that he had carried with him. He slowly poured the gasoline all over him. The man screamed because he knew what was coming next.

"You need patience my dear...but it's your first lesson so I'll humor you. Oh and sir thank you for volunteering but you're fired."

Hes said smiling and the lit a match and threw it on the man setting him on fire. He watched the flames and smiled. He looked over at her and smiled. He offered her his hand.

"Would you like to make some s'mores? And I know that there are others around, but your the only one I'm interested in my dear."

He said smiling at her as he kept his hand offered to her.
The Viritus curse, it hurt, each stage hurt and made her want to scream. She wondered if she could meet herself, and if she did would she torture herself? That would be fun. With a happy grin she grasped his hand in her blood soaked ones and pulled herself up, brushing her clothes down, instead smothering it with red. Black shorts and a green tank top were a mess of red now.

The only one? That made her pause. Oh she remembered, remembered something very well. A blush stained the girls cheeks, her eyes turning to face the screaming flames. Literally. "T-thanks..." She whispered, releasing her hand from his. Despite her monstrous personality. She was a teenage, near adult girl. "No thanks...I don't want any s'mores..."
Even if was a monster he was still a young man. This girl fasinated him and he wanted nothing more than to make her his. He smiled and wrapped and arm around her protectively and smiled.

"The fire is kinda romantic isn't it?"

He said smiling as he held her and watched her reactions.
Alexis was confused, her mind that only thought of sadistic blood shed was confused. What was this man doing? A small whine passed her lips, her confusion making her pout. Next came arms, wrapping around her as she felt her cheeks flush but she had no expression. Confused, very confused. She tilted her head, glancing up at him as she looked with curiosity. Was fire romantic? Her eyes shifted over to the flames, the mans form now gone from its shadows. She guessed so, considering she found the scent of ash and blood intoxicating. "Definitely." She murmured in reply, her eyes resting upon the flames as they licked at the air.
He smiled at her response. He wrapped his other arm around her and held her close to himself. He hoped to stay this way as long as possible. It almost made him feel human again. He almost liked the feeling. It wasn't painful and he was enjoying it. He would try something he hadn't tried since he was human but wouldn't try it till he knew what her reaction was going to be to him holding her.
Alexis was flushed, the strange feeling consuming her as she simply kissed her teeth. Refusing to meet anything but the males gaze. Stupid man she didn't even know the name of. How the hell could he make her feel emotions she abandoned when she gained this death loving curse. However, her confidence was gone as she remained their with a blush.

The girl had calmed down, her body once tense from the desire to see her victims final breath be taken was now relaxed, no longer feeling that horrid pain that burned at her lungs, that gripped at her heart and crush it within its grip. No longer. Green eyes became lidded as she settled down from her high, no longer acting upon her sadistic desire.
He smiled at her blush and then decided he would do it. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. Her skin was surprisingly soft and warm. He was happy that he had found her. He knew his life would be very different. They could travel together and kill humanity together. How could he be happy? He was a monster. He didn't have emotions. Right? Maybe not...
The Devetal felt the lips upon her cheek and flinched, but relaxed instantly. He was...kind. The monster by belief grinned slightly. She'd die eventually, she should enjoy this hell on earth while she could. She turned upon her heels, her arms weaving around his neck as she pressed her lips against his. Why? She didn't know herself but she liked listening to herself when she was talking to herself. She did that a lot.

Releasing him after a while she slipped from his arms, putting her hand up as she headed towards the doors. "Im Alexis just so you know." She paused, looking at her blood stained clothes. "I'm going to see these other Devetals...I want to see if they are messed up too." Walking down the steps she eventually left the comfort of the ruined building, now standing at the edge of the park. She could sense them, feel the curse that lingered upon them. So, she decided to call out. "COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!" She shouted.

(@Cressy @Nanashi @paipai900 )
Rowena Ivory, Community Park

Hearing some idiot yell and disturb her from her sleep, Rowena's glowing yellow eye twitched with irritation as she pulled out yet another maggot from her empty eye socket. The maggot was rather stuck to her flesh so the officer had to really pull at it to get it out. It was kind of like waxing, it hurts when you try, but once you get all the "hairs" out, you get a satisfied feeling.

Chuckling lightly at her rather interesting comparison, Rowena decided to check out whoever woke her up, maybe join in their game of hide and seek. Spotting a couple standing in the middle of the park, Rowena raised an eyebrow as she watched the girl scream her lungs out. "Use those lungs while you can, child." A faint blue hand laid on top of her chest as Rowena smiled softly, reminiscing of all the karaoke nights she and her friends would have.

Taking one step towards the girl, Rowena suddenly appeared behind her and tapped her shoulder. "Tag. You're it." Suddenly appearing behind someone always gave people a scare, Rownea enjoyed watching them develop a paranoia, their scared eyes glancing around everywhere to see where she would appear next. It was rather hilarious, Rowena always did find amusement in playing with her food.

Razul heard a loud shout and scowled. His shadow seemed to make a very angry pose and he stood. He walked toward the voice until he finally saw a girl. --Great another psycho..-- he thought. Not that he wasn't crazy himself he was just a bit more disciplined. He didn't go around and scream his head off. He looked at the girl, she seemed curse, her skin was very pale like his and she had a bit of a crazy and pained look. But she seemed higher than most.

Razul put on his jacket again and he simply stood a distance away from the girl. Her red hair was tangled and her clothes was covered in blood. He later felt a foul stench fill the air and he coughed slightly. Seeing a glowing orb appear behind the screaming girl. His ability to see through darkness easily seemed to kick in he saw a.. Zombie? No. There wasn't really a thing like that. Probably a cursed that has been in stage 3 for a while. The putrid odor bothered him as he approached a bit more.

Razul finally was at a noticeable view and he called out. "Yes?" he wasn't amused by the display of psychos near him. None of them seemed disciplined and were downright insane. --Probably a bunch of sadists-- he thought.
Alexis was happy. The blood stained girl turned to face the blue skinned woman with a devilish smirk. "Hello!~" She cooed, leaning back so her hair fell down, her eyes peering up at her. "OOH! A smurf! And once that defied my previous statement. There are people with gold eyes!~" She span around, the blood staining her skin becoming visible.

Yes, Alexis was surprised by the blue skin despite the fact she was very knowledgeable in the stages of the curse. Her hands settled n her waist as she took a few steps back, taking the knives from her pouch as she held them between her fingers, one hand of them pointing at the blue smurf as the other set at her waist. "Come to play? Or shall we chat my dear smurfette~" She asked, cocking her head to one side.
Kain followed her out the door after she had kissed his lips. He loved the feeling. It was. Human. So he followed her out of the building and smirked as she called out for the others. She was so adorable. He smiled when another joined them. If this was two years ago she would have scared him, but nowadays he was never scared of anything.

"Welcome to the party."

He said smiling and he looked at Alexis and saw she was getting ready for a fight and he sighed. She was truly adorable but let her fun get in the way of her manors.
Gwen, walking away from the park, heard the girl she was walking past say something about Devetals, then shout something telling someone to 'come out'. Gwen wondered if she could possibly be referring to Gwen herself, as Gwen was, of course, a Devetal, and decided to stop to find out.

"Who are you talking to?" She asked the girl, stopping and turning around, going over so she was next to the girl and raising an eyebrow, wondering what the girls story was. It wasn't often people mentioned Devetals, at least, not any people she'd spoken to, so this was rather new to her. She wondered if this girl was another Devetal, and then wondered what powers she might have.

The girl had a vague air of insanity about her - probably fueled by the way she was talking to this blue-skinned girl, and the blood on her - and she was the kind of person Gwen would normally be scared of, whom she would back away slowly from if they tried to speak to her, like they were a crazy dog, but the girls words about Devetals enthralled her, which was the reason she had asked her.
((HOLY CRAP GUYS!! I just noticed the similarities between Rowena and Smurfette... Both have blonde hair and blue skin and both like to sing...there's probably even more similarities to. xD AND I TOTALLY SHIP KAIN AND ALEXIS!! I will call it Kalexis!~))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

Smirking down at the girl, Rowena smirked, but didn't reach for her weapon, being an officer, she could smell the poison coming from the girl. "As much as I would love to play with you, my dear," Tucking her hands in the back pockets of her slacks, Rowena seemed to ponder upon something for a moment before flashing the girl a playful grin. "Life would be a lot more easier if everything was all talk." Frowning ever so slightly, Rowena scratched at her empty eye socket like the way you would scratch your nose.

Brushing her uniform off, Rowena frowned when she saw a fresh blood stain on her dull blue shirt. "The colours don't match." Wiping the blood off with a simple flick, the officer stretched her sore aching muscles and decided that there was nothing interesting here. Feeling somewhat hungry, Rowena pulled out a packet of crackers from her shirt and began munching on the snacks.
Alexis stared at them all. "Three?" She whispered before a roar of laughter left her lips. "Five Devetals in the same area!" She just kept on laughing, her arms resting upon her hips. This was amazing! The pure fact that there was five Devetals in the same city, at the same time in the same spot made her blood run. "Well..." She paused, her eyes scanning them all as she walked up to Kain, wrapping her arms happily around his neck. "How about we get to know each other?~" She asked with a smirk.

Alexis decided to peck Kain's lips before she turned around, her back to him as she put her knives away. "Mainly...I want to know about your curses...what it gave you...why you traded your life for hell..." Her eyes glittered behind their emotionless and dead shade of green as she pointed out to the recently dubbed smurfette. "You first, you seem the more experienced of us all~"
-Razul, Park-

Razul stared at the Devetals, they all seemed deranged in some sort of way except for one that just approached. She seemed the closest to his age. He stared at them plainly and boringly. He seemed pretty annoyed at how loud the idiot was being he was thinking about killing her but she seemed to be sputtering some useful things. Plus being a fellow Devetal she knew how having power felt. She went back to a man and gave him a slight kiss as she started asking questions.

He then drew his attention to an older and seemingly wiser woman. She seemed at the 3rd stage of the Curse and was obviously tired. She seemed much more mellow and a bit playful than what the red head was. He held a coin at hand and moved it across his fingers. "Smurfette" as the crazy girl called her. He smirked slightly, she kept amusing him and it was entertaining on how crazy she was.

Razul was well aware these people kill for pleasure. Torture others and enjoy it deeply. To Razul death is death, everyone meets Hades at some point in life. He looked up at the sky, dark. The stars barely noticeable from the polluted city, the lamppost gave him assistance and provided shadows for him. He wasn't thinking of fighting, he just wanted a way to explain the curse. Or at least show it.
Rowena f***ing Ivory, Community Park

Raising an eyebrow at the younger girl before her, Rowena sighed and decided she really didn't have much to do today anyway. "I am hell." Chuckling softly at the inside joke she used to have with her co-workers, Rowena folded her arms over her - massive - chest and furrowed her eyebrows, wondering how she should explain her curse. Then again, you don't ask for someone's name with telling yours. "Well, my dear, you must know you manners, don't you?" Quirking an eyebrow, Rowena's lips stretched widely, much to wide to be human.

Glancing around the group of Devetals, Rowena held back a giggle. "You're all babies!" With tears of amusement prickling her eye, Rowena began to laugh, earning herself a few weird looks from the innocent - or guilty - bystanders around them. "Oh, dear lord!" After her laughter had calmed down, Rowena quickly scanned over the other four Devetals, quickly observing their natures.

"So, we have a sadistic ginger, an emo teenager, a shy brunette and a pedophile. Beautiful." Rowena chuckled as she scanned over the Devetals before her, judging each of them with amusement evident in her eyes. Playing around with the black badge on her right breast, Rowena thought that maybe she should amuse these children, she always did enjoy watching Tarzan.

Pushing her voluminous blonde locks out of her face, Rowena grinned as she kicked the ground softly, leaving quite the large pothole for any oncoming bikers. "Well, child, I traded in my life for power, the curse gave me power, and I'm going to die with power." Winking playfully at the girl, Rowena took out another packet of crackers and opened it as gently as she could.

((And so, as I typed this, someone was playing their music a little too loud and I was rocking out to some of their K-Pop music. xD ))
Alexis listened carefully, watching smurfette with a grin on her lips. "Manners? Oh I know them to well...I chose not to embrace them my dear smurf!~" She replied in a hushed tone. She found this amusing, so very amusing. She folded her arms upon her torso, a grin on her lips. "You will die with power, just like the bloody rest of sounds fun right?" She asked, leaning forwards slightly as that glimmer of excitement entered her orbs once more before she smirked.


She studied the other people. A kid, a very small kid that seemed younger than her. A couple years maybe? She wondered which power that his curse granted him, which ability aided him in his reason for taking his death in this manner. Next was the other girl. She a school girl. Shouldn't she be one of those happy go lucky girls, in school getting boyfriends and passing exams?...Well, she couldn't blame her as she lost herself from this path as well.

A smile came to her lips once more, it was fake, soft as she looked at them all with sadistic, yet loving eyes. "I'm Alexis! As Smurfette won't introduce herself properly I shall." She paused, reaching up to tap her finger upon her cheek. "I traded my life to get rid everyone...see...because everyone will turn against each other...My power? Lets say if you dare come near me you will die before the curse even brings you to deaths door~" She cooed, smiling happily.
((I ♥ KALEXIS!!))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

"How stupid. Dying is for losers." Rowena chuckled softly at the double edged thought, she then looked down at her rotting self and felt the corners of her lips twitch, forming the smile of a sadist for just one moment. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, Rowena sighed and felt her decomposing muscles relax as the sun warmed her ice cold skin. "I'm so close." The officer's eye opened and stared up at her pale blue hand, opening and closing it like a baby just figuring out how to move.

Glancing over at "Alexis", Rowena cracked a smile on her blue lips and took a mental note of the girl's name. "Now I know who to go to if I want to die already." The Devetal smirked and shook her head, she knew that she wouldn't die until she tracked down that murderer. She was going to tear that monster apart limb by limb, basking in the sounds of their shrieks of pain and agony as she cut all three of their heartstrings, leaving them to a slow and painful death.
Gwen looked at this Alexis person, wondering whether she should introduce herself, she wasn't sure if she wanted any of these people to even know her name. Eh, what's the worst it could do? Besides, they wouldn't even know her last name. You're paranoid, Gwen. Gwen told herself, but hey, when you were standing near someone with blue skin whom seemed to be rotting, paranoia was called for, she believed.

"I'm Gwen." She said, about to add, because of the manners ingrained in her from a young age, something about how it was a pleasure to make their acquaintance. But really, it wasn't, so she stayed quiet after saying her name, not adding on anything about her powers, as, if she was going to be truthful all these people - Alexis, this blue-skinned person whom seemed to have earned the nickname of smurf, and then the two males - really did frighten her, probably because she hadn't met many Devetals, and two out of four of this group had blood on them, and one looked like she was rotting, and she really wasn't sure how much she wanted them to know about her.
Razul put his coin away as they talked. He heard the Alexis girl say she decided not to follow her manners. He rolled his eyes "We've already killed people why the hell do you speak of manners..." he mutters to himself. He observes the group Carefully. Making sure they don't do sudden moves. As the blue tinted lady sat down a girl spoke. She seemed in uniform as if she were going to school. Gwen? well there's a pretty generic name for ya. But Razul hadn't heard of it in a while and pretty much every name was Generic compared to his.

Razul, such an odd and mysterious name that his parents gave him. It suited him well, almost as well as Hades but he sighed. "I'm Razul." he said simply. He didn't want to spoil anything about his powers. When Razul heard Alexis say threaten them about her power he merely grinned and rolled his eyes slightly. Like that meant anything in a group of superhuman teenagers. He simply twirled his coin again. More entertained by it than by the conversation. Although the blue tinted woman's chest was the only outstanding thing of the group really. But the rotting flesh sort of turned it off. Although they would all end up like that so. It's no use to look at her with disgust, but he sure as hell wont look at her with lust. 
(Also I gotta go be back later)
((Guys, I have the best character development for Rowena EVER, but it'll happen later in the role play :3))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

"And so we have an Alexis, a Gwen, and a Razul. What were their parents thinking naming their kids that?" Rowena chuckled lightly, picking at the rotten flesh on her elbow. "No wonder they traded in their life, with names like that, they were probably bullied!" The officer then thought of her own name, Rowena Ivory, yeah, Rowena's name wasn't that good either.

Standing up when she heard the familiar tune of an ice cream truck, Rowena sprinted towards the vehicle and appeared right in front of it, giving the driver quite a scare. Not even moving when the ice cream truck came into contact, Rowena flashed the driver an innocent grin as she took out her wallet and skipped over to the window.

"I'd like a fudge bar please!" Rowena held out a dollar twenty five to the driver, who looked quite shaken. With a bright smile on her face, Rowena was already used to her smell of rotten bodies and was handed the fudge bar. Paying the man, Rowena saw not much purpose for money, she was going to die soon anyway, so why bother try to become a millionaire?
(What did you call me a pedo? Cuz my character is only 20)

Kain smiled when she kissed him. Wrapped his arms around her and looked at the others.

"I am Kain. I traded my life because my life just like most others is pointless. Humans are a weak race that have outlived their welcome on this world. I traded my live to enhance my already peaked physical prowess. I can do anything any human can do but five types better, but in this world there are some that are worth my time. For example."

He said smiling and he turned Alexis and kissed her and held her close.
((It's Rowena's terrible insulting humour, don't worry about it.))

Rowena Ivory, Community Park

Happily eating her fudge bar, Rowena approached the group of Devetals once again, just in time to catch the pedophile's name. "And so his name is Kain." Realizing that she hadn't actually said her name, Rowena flashed everyone a simple smile as she took her seat on the bench once again. Manners were quite important after all.

"Well, since everyone's already introduced themselves," Rowena waved the fudge bar around like a magic wand, a silly grin stuck on her pale blue face. "Rowena Ivory, not at your service." Nodding curtly, the officer pondered if she should reveal her motive - motives - for trading her life for power. "I was diagnosed with lung cancer, so I decided that I might as well go out with a boom." Chuckling lightly, Rowena had only spoke one of her reasons, she didn't see the point in telling everything. That takes away the fun in things.
Alexis stared at them all, interested. Turning around she felt Kain's lips on hers as she blushed once more. Her cheeks were a light pink as she grinned, laughing softly. Definitely interesting. Her arms wrapped around his torso as she looked over at the kid, her head tilted. "You...are quite young aren't you?" She asked. Manners? She laughed softly, here eyes narrowing. "Because...If we don't act human then the government scientists will catch us, lock us up and we will be used as experiments to find a useless cure." She stated, anger in her eyes. "They cannot find a proper cure without doing tests, and what is better than a living tester?"

She laughed, green eyes wide as she stared at the night sky. "I wonder if the experiments would hurt?" She asked quietly. "I wonder if any of you will get caught...or if I will get caught..." She whispered.

It was a few minutes later, watching the smurfette go to the ice-cream van, then introduce herself as Rowena. "Nice to meet you Roweena." She stated, yawning softly. "Hey...would any of you take the cure if you had the chance to get it? If it existed would you become human again?"

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