Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Lucien watched her run and got very confused, being confused - and hungry - Lucien decided to follow her, echoing her apologies to the librarian as he ran after her.
(@paipai900 I feel bad for Eona D:)

"Eona, you won't be alone - curse or no curse." Nessa said, trying to reason with the hysterical girl - was reason even the route to go? Nessa had no idea. She'd never had to comfort a kraken before she came to this school, and it was never in any of the books she read, so she was just saying the first thing that came to mind and hoping she didn't screw it up too badly.

Nessa didn't know what else she could say to what Eona said about the babies, so instead of saying anything she just hugged the girl tighter, hoping that what Nessa hoped was true was true - that Eona wouldn't die alone.

No. She didn't need to hope. She was sure of it. If not Nessa herself, she'd make sure someone was always by Eona's side - Eona could get a boyfriend. She was sure someone had to be enchanted with the kraken, she was a very good person.
((I hate paper cuts...wow. I just noticed I'm doing two sob stories at the same time from the same person. xD Then again, like me, Eona's probably going to end up a crazy cat lady in Graduates after all the drama is over ^^"))


Hugging Nessa tightly, Eona could already feel herself calming down. "Nessa's right. I still have friends." A little smile appeared on Eona's face as she continued to hug her dragon friend, but that smile never really did reach her eyes. Chest still hurting, Eona wiped her eyes once more and pulled away from Nessa, a smile of gratefulness growing on her lips. "...thank you...." Eona's eyes widened when she noticed she was crying again, but not from sadness, but from relief.

Her hand still on her lower abdomen, Eona furrowed her eyebrows together and hugged Nessa one more time with her free arm. "Thank you so much..." Bottom lip quivering, the kraken squeezed her eyes shut as she couldn't produce any more tears. "...I love you, Nessa. I love you." Eona hugged the dragon tighter, feeling so grateful that she had such a great friend.
{I just realised Frau has no one to respond to... I mean I posted.... Does anyone want to interact with him!?}
{oh my freaking gosh, I tried using Jack's phone (a brand new droid) and I nearly threw the phone out the window it was so irritating... XC}
{Tapatalk is an app that supports major fourms and this site is one of them. It is a good app to have and I love it. It's on the apple store and the android market. But on android you have to pay for it.}
{In Europe we did not have androids... When we moved here Jack got an android and my mum got a new prototype for a phone that I am not aloud to say what and it was American dollars. It's actually 4.99$ on the market.}
(It's active, I just don't know where everyone is. I've got a spare character I think. Where is Takehiro?)
( Uh, to be honest, I haven't really even made an introduction for him, hehe. I'm just all pent up with anxiety and don't really know how to place my character, sorry...)
(Alright, here goes~ Haha, it's not that good but whatever).

Takehiro looks up at the school, as he stands by the entrance. He looks around, wondering if there were any students outside of the school right now. As he walks into the building, he immediately caught this particular scent. Since he hangs around with humans a lot, Takehiro has gotten pretty used to human scent. But now that he's attending Ishika high, it'll take some time to get used to this otherworldly atmosphere. Not that he cares much, though. The Tanuki's just glad that he finally gets non-humans to talk to. Takehiro readjusts his bag, as he starts walking down the hallway, observing the interior of the school.

( This was so lazy, ughhg....)
(It's fine don't worry~)

As it always did, AR-E25 was wandering aimlessly through the school when it saw somebody walk in through the doors, since it was a bit lonely it decided to talk to this person, "Hello," it said when it was within social speaking range.

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