Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

Full Name: Devon 'Devi' Blackburn

Age: 300 as a Demon - 17 as a Human

Species Name: Ice Demon

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- He is 5'7" and 140lbs

- He is always seen wearing winter attire, no matter the season.

-His skin is always cold to the touch.

True Appearance Notes:

-His hair is a lighter blue then what the picture shows

-His skin is frosted with ice.

-His fingers are clawed.

Species/Power Level: 4

Personality: Devi is loud and outspoken. He speaks his mind but feels bad about the consequences afterwards. He is a bit of a trickster and loves a good prank. He is highly sarcastic and loves to make people laugh or just jokingly insult them. Due to him being an Ice Demon he can have a bit of an icy side. Mostly when he is upset or insulted, he gets angry easily and always has a smirk or a glimmer of hidden madness in his eyes.

Personal Bio: Devi grew up in the ice caps of the Underworld with his mother, father and brother. His father was a Noble demon of high power. He expected a lot of his sons and most of the time was hard on them. Devi studied hard and practiced his ice powers daily. His father was always busy and this led to him and his brother always spending their time together. Not that he minded.

He admired his brother and looked up to him. When his brother was ordered off to the army, Devi was upset but masked it with a smile and crack jokes. He was chosen to live in the mortal realm with his mother to keep them safe. It was at this point that he was told he had to go to Ishka High with other monsters.

Theme Song (Optional):


Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories): He seems to take a liking to Hot Chocolate and Ice Cream.

Nico said:

Full Name: Devon 'Devi' Blackburn

Age: 300 as a Demon - 17 as a Human

Species Name: Ice Demon

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- He is 5'7" and 140lbs

- He is always seen wearing winter attire, no matter the season.

-His skin is always cold to the touch.

True Appearance Notes:

-His hair is a lighter blue then what the picture shows

-His skin is frosted with ice.

-His fingers are clawed.

Species/Power Level: 4

Personality: Devi is loud and outspoken. He speaks his mind but feels bad about the consequences afterwards. He is a bit of a trickster and loves a good prank. He is highly sarcastic and loves to make people laugh or just jokingly insult them. Due to him being an Ice Demon he can have a bit of an icy side. Mostly when he is upset or insulted, he gets angry easily and always has a smirk or a glimmer of hidden madness in his eyes.

Personal Bio: Devi grew up in the ice caps of the Underworld with his mother, father and brother. His father was a Noble demon of high power. He expected a lot of his sons and most of the time was hard on them. Devi studied hard and practiced his ice powers daily. His father was always busy and this led to him and his brother always spending their time together. Not that he minded.

He admired his brother and looked up to him. When his brother was ordered off to the army, Devi was upset but masked it with a smile and crack jokes. He was chosen to live in the mortal realm with his mother to keep them safe. It was at this point that he was told he had to go to Ishka High with other monsters.

Theme Song (Optional):


Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories): He seems to take a liking to Hot Chocolate and Ice Cream.
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Full Name:

Sarah Dvralka

Age (Real age - Human age):

3256 years old - 16 Human years

Species Name:

Soul Shepherds

Species Bio:

Soul Shepherds are horrific demons who are tasked with keeping watch over dying souls. They are similar to Reapers but they do not actually take the soul of a being. They are only to guard it until the time has come for it to pass on. They live above ground instead of the underworld. Soul Shepherds are in great abundance since there are many souls in the world.

Soul Shepherds have been guarding dying souls since the beginning of time, including human souls. They have no enemies and have no allies. They are alone and prefer it that way. Soul Shepherds do not want to meddle with fate and are content with just guarding souls.

Human Appearance:

True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

Height 5'8"

True Appearance Notes:

Height 5'9"

Glows green and leaves green fire footprints where she walks.

Species/Power Level:



Sarah is an outgoing young lady and loves to have fun. She is super friendly and is very blunt while speaking. She'll get right to the point and hates it when people try to skirt around a subject.

Sarah is quite perverted and flirty, although she rejects many of the boys who ask her out. She hasn't found the person she wants to really date and is a sucker for romances and likes to match her friends as couples. All in all, Sarah is super loyal and a great friend. A awesome person to be with.

Personal Bio:

Sarah is actually half Soul Shepherd and half Reaper. Her father being the Reaper and her mother the Soul Shepherd. She was the youngest and the only Soul Shepherd child in her family. Although she was the youngest, and also the only girl, she was the boss of the family when her parents were away. Sarah took charge of the house and made sure everything stayed in tact while her four demon brothers would wrestle and practice reaping.

Being the only girl, her father was always doting on her and most of her personality comes from him. Sarah enjoys being the only girl because it gives her certain privileges in the house. After discovering she was a Soul Shepherd like her mother (A demon child discovers their power when they turn 10 in human years) she wanted to learn her power and go to Ishika High. Her father didn't want her to leave him and also didn't want boys near her but finally agreed with the consent of his wife as well.

Sarah is ready to meet new friends, teachers, and learn her powers. Most of all, she can't wait to meet the boys.

Theme Song (Optional):



I am going to start this in a moment!



Full Name: Calida Rose Maroe

Age (Real age - Human age): Real age : 452 Human Age : 15

Species Name: Dragon

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): N/A

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.) :

Calida is 5'3 in her human appearance, not very intimidating.

She often wears dresses, preferably green ones, as green is her favorite color.

True Appearance Notes:

She's green - possibly why green is her favorite color.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5): 4

Personality (At least a paragraph):

Calida, while rather shy and not very brash, is quite opinionated and if she's passionate enough about something she won't hesitate to argue heatedly with complete strangers about it. She often pushes away her shyness and will be the first one to approach new people, and is an extrovert. She isn't a bookworm like her sister, and instead expresses her creativity with her hobby of painting and sketching.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Calida is Nessa's little sister, only being fifty-one years younger than Nessa she's lived through the same things Nessa has, she's been closely gaurded by their overprotective parents since the murder of their brother, Ewan, two centuries ago, her shy demeanor might be a result of this, as she hasn't had much human contact outside of her immediate family for years.

Even before her brother's murder, Calida was protected, she was born four centuries ago, back in a time when people were being burned at the stake for witchcraft, and thus she of course had to hide the fact that she was a dragon, which wasn't easy for a toddler to do. Because of this, she wasn't allowed out much or allowed to engage in much conversation with people. She's hoping this will change though with Ishika High, and she might be able to finally go out of her shell a bit.

Theme Song (Optional): N/A

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):

Calida tends to like to skip more than walk places.

She does everything rather quickly, including eating, because she believes there's so much to do you shouldn't waste your life spending extra moments on mundane things when you could be doing something wonderful.


Full Name: Nessa Anne Maroe

Age (Real age - Human age): Real age : 503 Human Age : 17

Species Name: Dragon

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): N/A

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.) :

Nessa is 5'5.

She has recently adapted to finally wearing jeans and t-shirts, which still is a bit odd to her but more comfortable than fashion trends in previous centuries.

True Appearance Notes:

Nessa is blue in her true appearance.

She sometimes has a hard time keeping a reign on her human mind when she's in her true form, possibly as a result of her quick temper.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

Nessa is very shy, and has trouble talking to new people. She almost never is the person to initate a friendship or a conversation, and is a big introvert, finding her favorite friends in books. Oddly, though, she has a quicker temper than her sister, and is quick to get upset or angry at people over things, although as a result of her shyness she doesn't get in many fights with people and instead just lets her anger stew silently, the opposite of her sister in that respect.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Nessa wasn't as sheltered as her sister, because of her shyness and her nervousness she didn't speak much to people, so her parents trusted her more to keep her true form a secret. She'd often get sent out of the house to go on errands, and was allowed to do many things her sister wasn't.

Of course, this changed after Ewan's death, and she became much more sheltered, but she is nowhere near as ignorant and naive towards typical human customs as her sister.

She isn't really happy about this whole school thing, she believes that the classes will just cut into her reading time, but she guesses it can't hurt to try, although if her sister wasn't going, Nessa definitely wouldn't.

Theme Song (Optional): N/A

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):

Nessa hums quite a bit, when she's nervous or sometimes when she's alone and reading.
Full Name: Sphae Daoa

Human Age: 16

True age: 256

Species Name: Energy harvester

Species Bio: Just like the name implies, energy harvesters harvest energy. Now before you go hiding your cables and stuff, an energy harvester doesn't eat wires or anything like that, an energy harvester can collect and redirect energy in any of its forms, I'm sure you know at least some of the energy types so I won't list them. Think Cole from infamous + Sebastian Shaw from X-men.

Human Appearance:

True Appearance:

Human Appearance Notes: In human form, Sphae always carries a flower in his coat pocket and he never explains why he does that.

True Appearance Notes: The flower, mentioned above, is always removed from the pocket and usually discarded on the ground in his true form. Although being a different stature and shape, the true form body will have to don the same clothing as the human form, but Sphae has clothing suited for his true form.

Non-catalyst Power Level: 2

Catalyst Power Level: 4

Personality: Sphae has the personality of a normal person for his human age. He is not necessarily shy or socially awkward, but he can be quite self conscious about what he says and does. He's not a very serious person and can easily go with the flow, however he's not very good at pointing things out about himself which he should do. For example, if he was ill he wouldn't go see a doctor.

Personal Bio: Energy harvesters have a religion of sorts revolving around their sacred catalyst, although they do not worship it, the catalyst MUST always be owned by an energy harvester and that harvester MUST not lose the catalyst under any circumstance. As a result the catalyst holder is usually treat like some kind of V.I.P being very protected and always watched. So you can imagine how crazy the idea sending their current catalyst holder to a school, a PUBLIC school would sound. Non the less, Sphae can attend without being watched or protected - as far as he is aware that is.

Sphae, being the catalyst holder, didn't have the most normal of lives. Imagine this: you want to hang out with your friend? Sure here take these bodyguards to watch your every move and make your teenage life a total nightmare. Although his position did get him some perks like, oh I don't know, the most precious stone to his kind just like in his back pocket.

Other: In case you hadn't caught on, he's the current catalyst holder of his kind.
Full Name: Lumen Candentia

Age: 300-17

Species Name: Twilight

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.0e0f3913cb7f3953dce6d4560bc4c210.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.0e0f3913cb7f3953dce6d4560bc4c210.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

True Appearance Notes:

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):

Personality (At least a paragraph):

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Theme Song (Optional):

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):



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Anastasia Lorelei Von Faye

Age (Real age - Human age):


Species Name:


(Von Faye clan, also known as the 'Immortal Whites')

Species Bio:

Unicorns have long been known throughout history as many different things; symbols of purity and grace, legendary animals with the ability to heal others, and even in some cultures as messengers of death. The truth is, there are many different kinds of unicorns, many of which do different things. Unicorns have clans; families that are classified by their abilities, which surprisingly are entirely different from each other. One clan may control electricity, while another may control fire. One may have the ability to help ferry the souls of the dead, another may help symbolize war by being the battle-horses of demons.

The Von Faye clan have often been dubbed as the 'Immortal White' because they are the most well-known for being the symbols of purity, grace, and majesty throughout history- their shining white coats have all too often caught the attention of both humans and monsters alike. Unlike other unicorns, they have also been the most hunted of their species, by humans and monsters alike. Legends of the healing qualities within an Immortal White's horn, of the power one may gain from drinking it's blood, and even of the price one might fetch from the it's coat have caught the eye of many hunters. Because of this, the Von Faye clan is close to extinct.

Human Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

Height: 4'8 (She's really short >.<)

Weight: 100 lbs

Clothing Preference: Dresses. She will often go barefoot.

True Appearance:


Species/Power Level:


Although the Von Faye clan is powerful by nature, they are not offensive whatsoever. They excel in healing and light abilities.


Ana is a friendly sort of person, but also very shy. Having long been taught to avoid other people, its kind of hard for her to start a conversation with someone or to approach them at all. However, she loves to talk and has a bright personality. As she is sometimes even painfully optimistic, she tends to look on the 'bright side' even when the worst possible situation is happening. Ana can be very hard on herself- she feels like she has to be able to help everyone, everywhere. Sometimes, its like she's got the whole world on her shoulders when, in reality, she's just one little girl.

When it comes to her friends, she's intensely loyal and would do anything for them. She's the type of person who genuinely cares about other people, and would give the clothes off of her own back if someone needed it. Naturally kind, she tends not to notice when she's being used. She's also very sensitive and easily offended.

Personal Bio :

Ana has spent most of her life in seclusion, having been taught since birth that hunters would like nothing more than to skin her and sell her pelt for cash. Out of all the monsters, the Von Faye clan were the most reluctant to go out into the open. However, since the humans reacted more gently than expected, Ana's mother decided to give the outside world a chance by sending her daughter to Ishka Academy, despite the better judgement of the rest of the clan.

Theme Song :

Other :

I thought this rp needed a unicorn. :3
X64 said:

Anastasia Lorelei Von Faye

Age (Real age - Human age):


Species Name:


(Von Faye clan, also known as the 'Immortal Whites')

Species Bio:

Unicorns have long been known throughout history as many different things; symbols of purity and grace, legendary animals with the ability to heal others, and even in some cultures as messengers of death. The truth is, there are many different kinds of unicorns, many of which do different things. Unicorns have clans; families that are classified by their abilities, which surprisingly are entirely different from each other. One clan may control electricity, while another may control fire. One may have the ability to help ferry the souls of the dead, another may help symbolize war by being the battle-horses of demons.

The Von Faye clan have often been dubbed as the 'Immortal White' because they are the most well-known for being the symbols of purity, grace, and majesty throughout history- their shining white coats have all too often caught the attention of both humans and monsters alike. Unlike other unicorns, they have also been the most hunted of their species, by humans and monsters alike. Legends of the healing qualities within an Immortal White's horn, of the power one may gain from drinking it's blood, and even of the price one might fetch from the it's coat have caught the eye of many hunters. Because of this, the Von Faye clan is close to extinct.

Human Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

Height: 4'8 (She's really short >.<)

Weight: 100 lbs

Clothing Preference: Dresses. She will often go barefoot.

True Appearance:


Species/Power Level:


Although the Von Faye clan is powerful by nature, they are not offensive whatsoever. They excel in healing and light abilities.


Ana is a friendly sort of person, but also very shy. Having long been taught to avoid other people, its kind of hard for her to start a conversation with someone or to approach them at all. However, she loves to talk and has a bright personality. As she is sometimes even painfully optimistic, she tends to look on the 'bright side' even when the worst possible situation is happening. Ana can be very hard on herself- she feels like she has to be able to help everyone, everywhere. Sometimes, its like she's got the whole world on her shoulders when, in reality, she's just one little girl.

When it comes to her friends, she's intensely loyal and would do anything for them. She's the type of person who genuinely cares about other people, and would give the clothes off of her own back if someone needed it. Naturally kind, she tends not to notice when she's being used. She's also very sensitive and easily offended.

Personal Bio :

Ana has spent most of her life in seclusion, having been taught since birth that hunters would like nothing more than to skin her and sell her pelt for cash. Out of all the monsters, the Von Faye clan were the most reluctant to go out into the open. However, since the humans reacted more gently than expected, Ana's mother decided to give the outside world a chance by sending her daughter to Ishka Academy, despite the better judgement of the rest of the clan.

Theme Song :

Other :

I thought this rp needed a unicorn. :3

paipai900 said:


Full Name: Eona Adis

Age (Real age - Human age): 713 (looks 17), Eona was born in the 13th Century.

Species: A legendary Norwegian sea monster found in the waters of Greenland, the kraken is a singular creature that is not known to have any parents, siblings, or offspring, making Eona the only one of her kind in the whole wide ocean. No one really knows where Eona came from, but the legend says that she was sent as a way for Ǫgmundur Floki to kill people.

In past myths, the kraken has be described from a giant squid to a huge and terrifying crab, it's appearance varies from story to story. But, this kraken is a giant squid, a giant squid of humongous proportions. The kraken ranges from 40-50 feet in length, but Eona is the maximum 50, this is very large. Not much is known about this undersea legend, then again, not much is known about the vast ocean itself.


Human Appearance:


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes:

- Rather small, unlike her true appearance, stands at only 5'2 feet.

- Weighs approximately 110 lbs, she's more curvy than skinny. To be honest, Eona's a little on the chubby side.

- Deep scars on her lower abdomen, Eona's very sensitive about it.

- Every morning, Eona wakes up covered in slime. Keeps herself moisturized and skin blemish-free.

- There's no squares around her high pigtails, it's usually just normal hairbands or ribbons.

True Appearance Notes:

- Is very large, 50 ft in length. Including the tentacles.

- Very slimy. She's covered in mucus.

- No bones, can squeeze into small holes.

- When transforming, Eona breaks into millions of water droplets then they stick together to form her new appearance.

- Very strong, not one to be messed with.

- Large scar across the bottom of body.

- Many sharp teeth, very pointy and dangerous.

Species/Power Level: Used to be Power Level 5, currently only a low Level 2. When in real rage, this kraken can and is able to break the scale. Although, that is highly unlikely considering this woman has been rather peaceful the last twelve hundred years.

Personality: Cheerful and optimistic, Eona is rather naive to the modern and fast paced world that surrounds her. She's like a ray of sunshine and happiness, living in her own dreamland of oblivion. She uses what you would call a mask. A mask that hides the world from her and herself from the world. Some would say this is a foolish idea, shutting out the rest of the world all because you are too afraid to face the unknown of the land. Others may think that it is a genius method of preserving your own happiness instead of having other people or things drag you down. Eona's the type of person who will give up when something gets too difficult, she has no will power whatsoever, she lost that spark in herself a long time ago. Many people would see Eona as weak for giving up so easily, and she is. This legendary kraken is not the most mentally or emotionally strongest person there is. In fact, she's at the bottom of the food chain, ironically since she was at the top physically. Eona is definitely not strong. She's the utter definition of weakness.

Once a powerful beast of the sea, Eona recalled a time when she was happy. It was more than seven hundred years ago, before she was betrayed by her own friend. Her only friend. Ever since the betrayal, Eona was never the same. It left her bitter, sour, but most of all afraid. She couldn't trust anyone after that, Eona was hurt. The physical wounds healed over and left scars, but the wounds of the heart remained open, and everyday that seemed to pass, it felt like there was someone pouring vinegar all over it. The emotional bandages came off, but the wounds continued to bleed. Eona did her best to hide them, to not show her many weaknesses. But, she's just not strong like everyone else. Eona can't do anything like that, she tells herself she can't every time she sees herself in the mirror or through the reflection of someone's eyes.

Not the most confident person there is, Eona suffers from "survivor's guilt", often mourning over the death of her good friend, Puff. Eona often tells herself that it should've been she who was killed, she didnt deserve to live. Eona was worthless. She wasn't as good as everyone else around her, she had no real talent nor was she a great person. Because of her self loathing, Eona has tried to inflict pain upon herself, but she just couldn't bring herself to do so. She was a pathetic weakling that couldn't even punish herself. Eona hated what she was, she hated how everyone was better than her, she hated how no one even cared.

A masochist by nature, Eona tends to take things out on herself, even if it wasn't her fault. If a tsunami happens in China and Eona is on the other side of the world, you're bound to find her mentally beating herself for some reason that she came up with. Example: The tsunami was caused by Eona's waves, causing the waters to rage over the land and kill hundreds of people, seperate millions of families, and destroy the lives of others. Eona sees herself lower than everyone else, she's scum compared to others. Those people didn't deserve to die, Eona didn't mean for it to happen. But, it still did. Every time, Eona bashed upon herself, and eac time, she got weaker.

Eona's definitely not the smartest tool in the shed, and she herself knows that. In fact, this kraen is a complete idiot who jumps to conclusions quickly. She doesn't think things out, but when she does, she over complicates it and ends up making everything worse. Eona knows nothing about modern technology, for she had just come on land a month or so ago. And everything about this place scared her. How could they stand such a dry area? So many questions ran through Eona's mind as she tried to figure out why there were people in a box. She even broke the box to try and save them, only to find out that it's part of the new technology. A television. Something that projects pictures and videos of people all across the world. Was this how the humans communicated with one another? Either way, it was cruel and inhumane to trap one into such a small and inclosed space. Eona should know.

The seven hundred years of isolation made Eona think, perhaps those people in the television were also trapped, like how she was when a British army fleet struck her down and forced her to sink to the bottom of a trench. She had laid there, for seven hundred years, suffering in pain as the salt of the ocean licked at her open wounds and washed the blood away. It pained Eona, and there it was again. The hurt she had suffered. Perhaps she was just being over dramatic, she was being selfish. There was most likely much more worse off people in the world, and here she was, mourning in her own depression. Eona knew that she was weak, she knew that she would never be worth something. She wasn't expensive like the television. She was, and is, completely worthless.

Some may say otherwise, but Eona knows that they are just lying. As a larvae, the other guppies around her would call Eona names like, "giant", "weirdo", but the worst of all was, "monster". Was Eona a monster? The stories she had eavesdropped on were terrifying things, monsters were creatures who hurt others! And Eona would never do that, she couldn't hurt someone like they hurt her. Eona didn't like monsters, they scared her and she didn't like how they hurt people. It was only on that specific day that Eona realized that all the names everyone called her was true. She was a monster.

Not wanting to hurt anyone, Eona started to take it all out on herself so that she wouldn't hurt the others around her. But this took a large toll on Eona, she began to really despise herself, hating who she was and what she had done and would do. Eona separated herself from the rest of the ocean, she couldn't hurt anyone else. She wouldn't allow herself to. Long before Eona was stuck in the trench, she had already trapped herself in endless guilt and self loathing.

Because of her masochistic ways, Eona can't get angry at someone. That would hurt them, and Eona swore that she would never hurt anyone else ever again. She tends to cry instead of scream, she lets out her frustrationss and griefs through tears, drowning herself with self pity. All by herself. Eona cannot let others see how weak she really is, so she always has a bright smile dawning on her lips. Something she practiced for years.

The mask. It protects the world from Eona and Eona from the world. A fake plaster of cheerfulness and joy is what hides the true and twisted pain of a weak and confused little girl who never felt the loving touch of another and never got to host a real and proper birthday party.

Personal Bio: Born during the thirteenth century, a squid does not stay to care for their young,they just lay them then leave. The eggs are exposed to much danger and the possibility of not even surviving 'til the hatch. When Eona emerged from her egg, she was alone. She could smell the scent of murder that surrounded her place of birth. All her siblings were eaten by a predator, but it was all in the cycle of life.

Other: She's in The Little Mermaid! Eona cannot have children, this is the reason why there are no other krakens in the world. She also enjoys freezing cold water.


Full Name: Maria Angeline Rosalinda García

Age: Only 1 year old, but she looks 16.

Species: A mythical vampire-like creature that originated from the country of Philippines, an aswang is known by many names; manananggal, tik-tik, wak-wak, bal-bal, ghoul, and maninilong. They are very well known around Philippines Islands and are quite feared by the people, even before they came out as real creatures, the people of Philippines still feared them. Told as stories to scare children and pass down the lore of their culture, aswangs are a huge part of Filipino culture. The name aswang refers to a ghoulish were-dog, "Ang Aso", meaning the dog in Tagalog. They seem to be a combination of a vampire and werewolf, although aswang stories vary from region to region and person to person. They're often seen as female, but there is no specific appearance set for such a creature.

Aswangs are shape-shifters, transforming from a cat, bat, bird, boar, and most often, a dog. During the day, they are just normal people, acting innocent to avoid being hunted down by the other villagers. But, when the night rules, they turn into cold-blooded, merciless killers. They enjoy eating unborn fetuses and small children, using their long proboscises to suck the children out of their mother's womb or homes. Some are so thin that they can hide themselves behind a bamboo post, they are fast and silent. Although, some do make noises like the Tik-Tik (name is taken from the sound it makes). They make a tik-tik and wak-wak noise, confusing their victim by being louder when far away and quieter as they get nearer. There's also the Bubuu, an aggressive type of aswang that makes the sound of a laying hen at midnight.

When a victim is hunted, aswangs will sometimes replace them with doppelgangers made from tree trunk or other plant materials. The doppelganger will then return to the victim's home, only to fall sick and die. An aswang will also have bloodshot eyes, the result of staying up all night searching for houses where funerals are held to steal the dead bodies.



Human Appearance:


True Appearance: We have deemed this much too graphic to show. Go ahead and google it if you want. But, aswangs are shape shifters. Changing from a cat, bat, bird, boar, and most often, a dog. They're often seen as beautiful women who can split themselves in half from their waist, leaving the bottom half as the upper half flies around, searching for prey.

Human Appearance Notes:

- Very, very, very short. Maria is a stereotypical Filipino height, 4'10 feet tall.

- A little too skinny for her own good, Maria‘s weight changes drastically when she feeds. Her body is still getting used to her bloody diet.

- Bloodshot eyes, she also has dark circles around them. This is from both lack of sleep and heritage.

- Noticeable longer tongue, a shorter and more humanoid version of her true form's proboscises.

- Tanned skin, although, as most Filipinos are, Maria is very persistent of becoming pale.

- Your reflection in her eyes is upside down.

- Her toes point upwards.

- She has no philtrum on her upper lip

True Appearance Notes:

- Can remove torso from rest of the body.

- Long proboscises, sharp like a knife at the tip. Used for sucking blood out of her victim and eating unborn fetuses and small children.

- If you want to kill her, cover her lower half with salt while the upper half is out hunting. This'll keep them from reattaching and when the sun rises, the aswang will be reduced to ashes.

- Smells like rotting bodies, as strong as a room filled with dead fish.

- Maria cannot talk when in her true appearance.

Species/Power Level: "It's over nine thousand!"

She thinks and says that she's a 5, but this aswang isn't that strong. Her aggressiveness is a 5, but her true power is really only a 1. Maria's only one year old after all.

Personality: This arrogant aswang is the type of person who'll never back down from a challenge because of her pride and reputation. Maria is one of the most narcissistic and vain person you could ever meet. She's lazy, uncaring, and the worst of all, a sadist. This aswang doesn't care about what happens to other people, they're going to die anyway, why not have them die now? She's probably one of the most annoying one year olds ever.

When she heard that she had to go to this stupid monster training school, Maria was in compete rage! Throwing quite the tantrum, Maria is rather immature, even if she does try to act more mature than her actual age, which is a one year old child. Getting upset over some of the most simplest things, Maria's growth hormones often get the better of her as her rapidly developing body puts quite the strain on her mind, which is always trying to catch up the fifteen years it missed.

With the most hottest temper ever, Maria tends to say rude and mean things to people, even if sometimes she doesn't really mean it. Always having something witty to say, Maria just can't hold her sharp tongue! Pun not intended. She tends to rage and get very violent, hurting other people, things, and even herself when pissed off. Speaking of pissed off, Maria has a very dirty mouth. A colourful vocabulary, if you will. Someone needs to get soap and wash this aswang's mouth! Her favourite swear words to say are b*tch, little shit, and asshole. Oh, and of course, the good ol' classic; f*cking c*nt.

Although her petite and cute stature may throw you off, this girl is very promiscuous, flirting with every person she finds worthy of her presence. Then again, this is probably because she wants to eat you. Like, literally eat you. She'll get you in bed, have sexual intercourse to get you tired, and then devour you while you are at your weakest point. It's quite the good strategy, for it both pleases her stomach and sexual desires.

This aswang is very tricky and cunning, many times there is an alternate reason for why she does something. Trying to figure her out is like getting @paipai900 to try and figure out a maze. You'll get lost, confused, and frustrated. It's best not to even try and enter it. Although, if you do manage to find yourself stuck in the labyrinth, beware of the many monsters that lurk in the shadows of her innocence. Some things are best not to be known.

Speaking of love, Maria doesn't really get the point of such a useless emotions. She's only one year old after all. Maria sees it as a burden, something that'll just end up getting you hurt. Fairy tales like Cinderella are made up to her, and they were because they were written by the Brothers' Grimm. She tends to experiment with other people's feelings, just to see how it would feel. Maria's never been in love, she doesn't think aswangs are even capable of such a feeling. But, when other people describe what love feels like, heart stopping, butterflying, getting a tingly on the inside, Maria hopes that she never falls in love. Because those symptoms sound scary!

Being an aswang, and Filipino, Maria can eat almost anything! Swallowing things whole from the Korean dish of sannakji to a simple double decker hamburger! A growing girl needs her food, yes? No matter what this aswang eats, she doesn't gain a single pound. Fast metabolism perhaps? Or is it the fact that her stomach acids must be able to digest unborn children and small kids quickly so that she may be able to fly off to hunt for another unlucky prey? Although, being a prick that she is, Maria tends to come off as picky, even if she can eat anything and everything. Except for salt and garlic, those things are the Devil's creations. It is also hinted that Maria has a personal distaste for overly sweet things, enjoying spicy foods very well.

Overall, this young girl really is somewhat of a good person. You just have to dig deep. Like, very deep. In fact, you may just have to pass China while you're at it. You know what? Scratch all that out. This thing is a monster.

Personal Bio: She was never born an aswang, Maria was once a normal Filipino woman, just happily living with her family of twelve. She never asked to be attacked, she never wanted to turn into the monster she was now. But, this all happened because she had disobeyed her parents orders to come home before sunset. It was when the sun sets that the aswangs show their true form and begin to search for prey.

A young woman, around the age of fifteen, was hurrying through the night as she carried a plastic bag containing the usual grocery items that you'd buy from a local store; bok choy (chinese cabbage), talong (eggplant), mangga (mango), bawang (garlic), suka (vinegar), and asin (salt). Maria never knew that that grocery bag would both save and end the life that she had. It was just a simple errand, the young woman was missing the proper ingredients that she needed to make the next day's breakfast! It was her turn to cook the meal since her father and older brothers were all out working, trying to provide a proper income for the family.

Other: Maria has an obvious distaste and fear of salt, it is said that to kill an aswang you must cover their lower half with salt while the other is out hunting, that way they cannot reattach and then when the sun rises, they will reduce to ashes. This is also the same with garlic, they hate the smell and are turned off by it's horrid scent.
Such beautiful characters! :'D
paipai900 said:
Aki! Why do you always accept me when I'm not even half way finished?!
Ah but I didn't say you were accepted :3

Just commenting how beautiful your characters are! Silly paipai!
Akihito said:
Ah but I didn't say you were accepted :3
Just commenting how beautiful your characters are! Silly paipai!
Aki! Why do you always comment on my characters before they're half way finished!?


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