Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

Yeap! ^^ oh god, I'm actually kind of scared that your character might hurt mah unicorn Dx
ShadowWang said:
Huehuehue, maybe he'll have a soft spot for unicorns, I dunno. Or maybe it'll be Pegasus that he likes and not unicorns. :3
You know, I actually considered making little Anastasia a pegasus. But, I couldn't find a picture that I liked so it didn't happen. :/ Anyway....it might be interesting if the unicorn and the greater demon actually became friends..sort of. I think they even have the potential to have one of those rocky relationships where like, one does stuff thats morally wrong and the other opposes them about it while still somehow showing they care. Does that make sense?
X64 said:
You know, I actually considered making little Anastasia a pegasus. But, I couldn't find a picture that I liked so it didn't happen. :/ Anyway....it might be interesting if the unicorn and the greater demon actually became friends..sort of. I think they even have the potential to have one of those rocky relationships where like, one does stuff thats morally wrong and the other opposes them about it while still somehow showing they care. Does that make sense?
Gotcha, I run into that problem occasionally too. And that would be cool, it'd definitely be the unexpected relationship between two polar opposites. Maybe we could draw it out too, make them hate each other at first but then they begin to become friends. :3
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There. Finished Eona. I didn't include everything that happened so that they could be revealed during the roleplay. :) @Akihito Am I accepted now, my dear Aki? xD


Full Name: Maria Angeline Rosalinda García

Age: Only 1 year old, but she looks 16.

Species: A mythical vampire-like creature that originated from the country of Philippines, an aswang is known by many names; manananggal, tik-tik, wak-wak, bal-bal, ghoul, and maninilong. They are very well known around Philippines Islands and are quite feared by the people, even before they came out as real creatures, the people of Philippines still feared them. Told as stories to scare children and pass down the lore of their culture, aswangs are a huge part of Filipino culture. The name aswang refers to a ghoulish were-dog, "Ang Aso", meaning the dog in Tagalog. They seem to be a combination of a vampire and werewolf, although aswang stories vary from region to region and person to person. They're often seen as female, but there is no specific appearance set for such a creature.

Aswangs are shape-shifters, transforming from a cat, bat, bird, boar, and most often, a dog. During the day, they are just normal people, acting innocent to avoid being hunted down by the other villagers. But, when the night rules, they turn into cold-blooded, merciless killers. They enjoy eating unborn fetuses and small children, using their long proboscises to suck the children out of their mother's womb or homes. Some are so thin that they can hide themselves behind a bamboo post, they are fast and silent. Although, some do make noises like the Tik-Tik (name is taken from the sound it makes). They make a tik-tik and wak-wak noise, confusing their victim by being louder when far away and quieter as they get nearer. There's also the Bubuu, an aggressive type of aswang that makes the sound of a laying hen at midnight.

When a victim is hunted, aswangs will sometimes replace them with doppelgangers made from tree trunk or other plant materials. The doppelganger will then return to the victim's home, only to fall sick and die. An aswang will also have bloodshot eyes, the result of staying up all night searching for houses where funerals are held to steal the dead bodies.



Human Appearance:


True Appearance: We have deemed this much too graphic to show. Go ahead and google it if you want. But, aswangs are shape shifters. Changing from a cat, bat, bird, boar, and most often, a dog. They're often seen as beautiful women who can split themselves in half from their waist, leaving the bottom half as the upper half flies around, searching for prey.

Human Appearance Notes:

- Very, very, very short. Maria is a stereotypical Filipino height, 4'10 feet tall.

- A little too skinny for her own good, Maria‘s weight changes drastically when she feeds. Her body is still getting used to her bloody diet.

- Bloodshot eyes, she also has dark circles around them. This is from both lack of sleep and heritage.

- Noticeable longer tongue, a shorter and more humanoid version of her true form's proboscises.

- Tanned skin, although, as most Filipinos are, Maria is very persistent of becoming pale.

- Your reflection in her eyes is upside down.

- Her toes point upwards.

- She has no philtrum on her upper lip

True Appearance Notes:

- Can remove torso from rest of the body.

- Long proboscises, sharp like a knife at the tip. Used for sucking blood out of her victim and eating unborn fetuses and small children.

- If you want to kill her, cover her lower half with salt while the upper half is out hunting. This'll keep them from reattaching and when the sun rises, the aswang will be reduced to ashes.

- Smells like rotting bodies, as strong as a room filled with dead fish.

- Maria cannot talk when in her true appearance.

Species/Power Level: "It's over nine thousand!"

She thinks and says that she's a 5, but this aswang isn't that strong. Her aggressiveness is a 5, but her true power is really only a 1. Maria's only one year old after all.

Personality: This arrogant aswang is the type of person who'll never back down from a challenge because of her pride and reputation. Maria is one of the most narcissistic and vain person you could ever meet. She's lazy, uncaring, and the worst of all, a sadist. This aswang doesn't care about what happens to other people, they're going to die anyway, why not have them die now? She's probably one of the most annoying one year olds ever.

When she heard that she had to go to this stupid monster training school, Maria was in compete rage! Throwing quite the tantrum, Maria is rather immature, even if she does try to act more mature than her actual age, which is a one year old child. Getting upset over some of the most simplest things, Maria's growth hormones often get the better of her as her rapidly developing body puts quite the strain on her mind, which is always trying to catch up the fifteen years it missed.

With the most hottest temper ever, Maria tends to say rude and mean things to people, even if sometimes she doesn't really mean it. Always having something witty to say, Maria just can't hold her sharp tongue! Pun not intended. She tends to rage and get very violent, hurting other people, things, and even herself when pissed off. Speaking of pissed off, Maria has a very dirty mouth. A colourful vocabulary, if you will. Someone needs to get soap and wash this aswang's mouth! Her favourite swear words to say are b*tch, little shit, and asshole. Oh, and of course, the good ol' classic; f*cking c*nt.

Although her petite and cute stature may throw you off, this girl is very promiscuous, flirting with every person she finds worthy of her presence. Then again, this is probably because she wants to eat you. Like, literally eat you. She'll get you in bed, have sexual intercourse to get you tired, and then devour you while you are at your weakest point. It's quite the good strategy, for it both pleases her stomach and sexual desires.

This aswang is very tricky and cunning, many times there is an alternate reason for why she does something. Trying to figure her out is like getting @paipai900 to try and figure out a maze. You'll get lost, confused, and frustrated. It's best not to even try and enter it. Although, if you do manage to find yourself stuck in the labyrinth, beware of the many monsters that lurk in the shadows of her innocence. Some things are best not to be known.

Speaking of love, Maria doesn't really get the point of such a useless emotions. She's only one year old after all. Maria sees it as a burden, something that'll just end up getting you hurt. Fairy tales like Cinderella are made up to her, and they were because they were written by the Brothers' Grimm. She tends to experiment with other people's feelings, just to see how it would feel. Maria's never been in love, she doesn't think aswangs are even capable of such a feeling. But, when other people describe what love feels like, heart stopping, butterflying, getting a tingly on the inside, Maria hopes that she never falls in love. Because those symptoms sound scary!

Being an aswang, and Filipino, Maria can eat almost anything! Swallowing things whole from the Korean dish of sannakji to a simple double decker hamburger! A growing girl needs her food, yes? No matter what this aswang eats, she doesn't gain a single pound. Fast metabolism perhaps? Or is it the fact that her stomach acids must be able to digest unborn children and small kids quickly so that she may be able to fly off to hunt for another unlucky prey? Although, being a prick that she is, Maria tends to come off as picky, even if she can eat anything and everything. Except for salt and garlic, those things are the Devil's creations. It is also hinted that Maria has a personal distaste for overly sweet things, enjoying spicy foods very well.

Overall, this young girl really is somewhat of a good person. You just have to dig deep. Like, very deep. In fact, you may just have to pass China while you're at it. You know what? Scratch all that out. This thing is a monster.

Personal Bio: She was never born an aswang, Maria was once a normal Filipino woman, just happily living with her family of twelve. She never asked to be attacked, she never wanted to turn into the monster she was now. But, this all happened because she had disobeyed her parents orders to come home before sunset. It was when the sun sets that the aswangs show their true form and begin to search for prey.

A young woman, around the age of fifteen, was hurrying through the night as she carried a plastic bag containing the usual grocery items that you'd buy from a local store; bok choy (chinese cabbage), talong (eggplant), mangga (mango), bawang (garlic), suka (vinegar), and asin (salt). Maria never knew that that grocery bag would both save and end the life that she had. It was just a simple errand, the young woman was missing the proper ingredients that she needed to make the next day's breakfast! It was her turn to cook the meal since her father and older brothers were all out working, trying to provide a proper income for the family.

She was then attacked by an aswang, the top half falling down on her and sinking it's sharp teeth into her arm, ripping out a large bit of flesh. Stumbling backwards, the contents of the grocery bag spilled all over the aswang, covering it in garlic, vinegar and salt. The aswang jumped back, obviously disgusted by the scent of the putrid garlic and burning from the salt and vinegar that covered it. Deciding that it wasn't worth a skinny little meal, the aswang flew off into the night, leaving Maria on the dirt ground, her arm bleeding heavily.

Not even stopping to pick up the food, Maria hurried off towards her house in the woods, applying pressure to her bleeding wound as she ran. It seemed to go for hours as Maria's heart seemed to be beating two hundred miles per hour, but she didn't care. She needed to get home as soon as possible.

But, it was too late, she was already infected. Maria became an aswang, thus beginning her life as a monster.

Theme Song:


Other: Maria has an obvious distaste and fear of salt, it is said that to kill an aswang you must cover their lower half with salt while the other is out hunting, that way they cannot reattach and then when the sun rises, they will reduce to ashes. This is also the same with garlic, they hate the smell and are turned off by it's horrid scent.
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I think i'm going to re-create my character over the weekend >~> usually i make them longer but the day i made it i was so slacking ^3^ Well i've read most of your character bio's and i have something to say xDDD Great Job~
Alrighty then! First gotta read up on what happened and then post Eona's late introductory. xD Then work on Maria and reply to a few other RPs... 
Dat double post.

Yeah, lol. You get what I was saying. 
I'm probably gonna take 'till tomorrow.
Full Name: Heinrik Thorne


Age (Real age - Human age):

422 Real Age - 17 Human Age

Species Name:


Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

There are many different types of Hellhounds and how they work. Most live in the gates of hell, guarding the underworld. The kind of Hellhound, Heinrik is has three heads. Most Hellhounds who possess more than one head is counted to be mentally unstable, apparently to unstable for even the gates of hell, so what they do with these hellhounds is throw them to the surface world to cause as much destruction as they can on humans and life. Note that these hellhounds can never return to the gates of hell and are outcasts to their own kind, family, and homeland. Hellhounds with more than one head is often seen, terrorizing and destroying on human ground, immediately these beasts are put to rest because they have or haven’t shown any desire to control themselves. These types of Hellhounds are impossible to come across any more, for most of them are wiped out. But you might catch a hellhound closer to you than you might think some hellhounds who have nowhere to go, change their form and take the appeal of a human being. Their extensions are to gain human relationships and live as long and gain a high status in the world as they can up on the surface world without getting exposed or killed. Some differ from these intentions and try to eat human flesh to satisfy their longing hunger for revenge on the people who casted them out, though they are mostly dead on account of being to reckless with the killings and are caught easily. And hellhounds who are like Heinrik change to a human form to look more pleasing to the world and try to grow a family and gain affection which they so desperately want from others.

Human Appearance (Anime pictures only!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Izaki.png.297276acdf3c8006e7d246697f192616.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Izaki.png.297276acdf3c8006e7d246697f192616.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/CerberustheDemonDog.jpg.71ede181abcc118368da0ddaa4862a97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/CerberustheDemonDog.jpg.71ede181abcc118368da0ddaa4862a97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

True Appearance Notes:

  • Stands 17 feet tall

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

1: Heinrik- Heinrik isn't completely possessed by his other personalities, he has one of his own and he differs from his other personas very much. He is quite kind to others and often thinks of there well being other than his own, this shows him as a likable person but it also shows him as someone who is very easy to manipulate. But this isn’t all true, yes he is a likeable person but he can detect evil deeds or selfishness very easily since he is accustom to his other personas evil ways. He has a bad side to him that hates all evil and would go so far as to even protect others from his own evil that dwells inside him.

2: Tiedus- He is the most serious out of Heinrik’s multiple personalities and doesn’t like to be touched one bit. Tiedus, while being a very serious type, can also be quite aggressive and quick to judge. He doesn’t have regrets and that’s what makes him one of the dangerous personalities, He will make bad decision even after thinking over them and he knows what his bad intentions are. He has a bad temper when it comes across dealing with people who have some sort of nature like being to kind or even being similar to Ravana.

3: Ravana- Ravana is the cleverest one out of all but he doesn’t use this trait for good intensions, he only uses it to entertain himself and cause chaos. He can seem nice to some people and then others can see his true intensions, don’t let him fool you though, Ravana is evil on purpose where as the other personas can’t help it. Ravana has common sense and wits which make him differ from the other personas, he is mostly found trying to control the other personas, when he can’t come out, so he can sit back and watch chaos unravel.

4: Alva- Alva is an unstable persona who can be quick to let madness take over and is very hard to understand or deal with. He mostly speaks to himself and gets scared very easily, causing him to fear everyone around him who seems like a threat. You would think this would make him the weakest out of all the personas but no, Alva is the most dangerous out of all. When Alva fears something so much he mostly ends up killing that thing without a second thought. His fear drives him to madness and blood lust, Alva is the most feared to be let out and Heinrik tries to keep him locked up for as long as he can.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Heinrik was abandoned from his homeland, Hell like all the other Hellhounds that are deemed unfit and too mentally unstable to stay. Being an unknowledgeable being at the time, he mostly spent his years wandering through a forest and eating anything that grew from the trees or an animal he could count as prey. After living on the earth’s surface for over a year, he began to think that he was originally the only life on earth who thought. But that didn’t stick to his mind for long, for he soon discovered a type of being he had never saw before. Heinrik had finally found a Human in habituated area along the forests river banks. He started to watch these beings, and saw how they worked; they were grouped into what they called ‘Families’. The oldest women being the mother and then she would have a partner they would call father. Then the younger humans were the children, being a hellhound Heinrik never knew who his parents were and that mostly worked with all beings that lived in hell. So finally after studying them for a while, he understood how they worked and decided to hide himself amongst them by transforming into an appearance that would frighten them less. Heinrik went to the village and they welcomed him with open arms, he grew happy with the small life he gained, and didn’t mind that work was part of the process of being part of a ‘Family’. He was just happy that he was no longer alone and thought that gaining a ‘Family’ would help suppress his other sides but the boys judgment was wrong.

After a few years had passed, Heinrik gained a place to call home and all the villagers there counted him as ‘Family’, he also had a small cottage and warm bed. He was happy with life and thought beings that were born human were so lucky, he thought he was the luckiest to be able to be a part of their society. But this sadly doesn’t end with a happy ending, so prepare yourselves for what is to come next.

One night when Heinrik was walking up a hill with the other male villagers to go bring back water supplies and a few deer’s they killed for food, he hadn’t become himself. For a while he was quite and looked down at the ground as all the other males talked and laughed. The other villagers had noticed and thought he seemed out of place, he usually was a smiling boy who couldn’t stop talking. They left him alone for a while and as they entered the small village, one of his friends placed a hand on the boys shoulder. That right there was the mistake, Heinrik was no longer there for it was Tiedus, one of Heinrik’s personas and if you don’t know, Tiedus hates to be touched and sees it as a sign that you want to get killed or fight. So as soon as the other male gently placed a hand on Tiedus’s shoulder, Tiedus just stayed expressionless and grabbed the other males hand and then began to bend it backwards until he heard a sharp snap. After hearing the noise he kind of smirked, maybe even laughed but if he did it couldn’t be heard by the other males scream. Tiedus began to walk away and back to the cottage as all the other villagers tended the the broken arm. The next day Heinrik awoke and had no memory of what happened last night and when he walked out into plain daylight, the villagers which he considered his ‘Family’ avoided the boy or looked at him in the wrong way, trying to say ‘We don’t want you here’. After a small child came up to him and asked him out of curiosity of why he broke someone’s arm, he did quite understand at first but then it hit him. He must of broke out and into one of his other personalities but he had doubts on the idea because he has always been able to control them or so he thought. Apparently Heinrik has never been aware of his other personas because his mind blocks out there wrong doings and comings. So, he could have lived his whole life in the forest and let his other personalities out, doing things that harmed life and not even recall it the next morning. So with that and considering the well beings of his ‘Family’ He left the village and traveled from place to place, not wanting to cause more harm.

During the Prohibition-era, Heinrik worked as a bartender for a small pub in New York City. A place that was hidden for certain reasons, his normal customers were breaking the law as soon as they entered the door, for Alcohol was illegal at the time. One evening when Heinrik was working at the bar, a couple of men in suits walked in. The suits themselves weren’t that fancy but it was a great indication that they were involved with the mob, for they carried guns in plain sight not caring who saw. These men in suits walked up to the bar and asked for a few drinks, he gave them what they ordered and in return, he got his money. The men all sat down at the bar and Heinrik continued to clean the cups as he listened in onto their conversation, it wasn’t that he didn’t trust them nor had an interest in them, He was just simply bored. But the men had nothing to say that he already knew, so he walked away from his bar and went to go see how his other customers were doing, some were regulars and he counted them as friends. As he went to go chat with them a few other men entered the bar, they must have been part of a different Mob group for when they entered the rooms atmosphere grew with hate. But Heinrik wasn’t paying attention, so when his back was turned the two Rival Groups started to fight and argue. Heinrik walked over to the group to try and calm them down or throw them out to take their fight elsewhere but interfering was a mistake. The two rival groups started a bar fight, not using their guns to show how confident they were, but throwing objects and punches instead. As Heinrik entered the circle of men to try and push them apart, a chair was thrown at the back of the boys head, causing him to fall down to his knees and hands. The men continued to fight not caring if there was a hurt civilian but the bystanders in the bar did nothing as well, for what could they do? Nothing at all, for they would surely share the same fate as the bartender, Heinrik kept quiet, still on the ground with blood trickling down his cheek for the hit to his head caused some bleeding. He wasn’t Heinrik anymore, the blow to his head caused a new release of his personas but this time it wasn’t Tiedus that leaked out, for it was Ravana. Ravana smirked as he saw the blood on the floor, then silently stood up and looked at the men who were to busy arguing to even notice he was there. Ravana took advantage of this moment to snatch a gun from underneath the bar counters. It was a 1920 Commercial DWM Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol that he now held in his hands, a small gun but still it held enough pistols to kill the entire nuisances in the bar. Ravana walked casually, smiling as he walked towards one of the men and then pressed the gun to their heads, shooting it clean off. Ravana was now covered in someone else’s blood but that wasn’t the thing bothering everyone, it was the fact that he had been smiling the whole time. The other men soon got a hold of their guns and then started to shoot at Ravana but something was wrong. When the fired away all you could hear was a clicking sound, there were no bullets in the guns. As they looked up at Ravana, he turned his smile into a devious smirk and dropped a sack onto the ground that contained the ammunition he stole out of their guns when they weren’t looking. He ended up killing all the men with one bullet except for one, he had miscounted and had to kill the last one off by using an army knife to slit his throat.

Seven years before entering the Academy that was made for monsters, Heinrik had an encounter with a beautiful girl named Shione. It all started when she found him in the middle of the street, curling up in a ball like some kid or coward. People just passed him as he continued to cower; Shione went up to the boy and petted his head softly, then asking him what was wrong. The boy simply replied there were too many people in the street that looked scary and mean. The girl laughed at this and asked him his name; he said his name was Alva. Once again one of Heinrik’s personalities had been out in the open and this poor girl never knew what she had encountered. But something was off about Alva as well, he feared everything around him, maybe even his own shadow but he seemed less tense with the girl next to his side. She grabbed Alva’s hand and told him her name, then she lead him to her house for the boy had no idea where he was going. Alva made himself comfortable on the couch and the girl went to the kitchen to make him something. She soon came back with drinks and snacks, of course the snack were all meant for little kids since she was sure the other male was a kid trapped in a teens body, she started to eat and then examined the other male. When he finally noticed her starring, he asked what was wrong but never got a reply so he just got scared, thoughts running through his mind that he had done something wrong or the girl hated him. But before he could jump to any hasty decisions, the girl petted his head once more; this action affected him more in a positive way. He didn’t know why but when the girl touched or placed a hand on him, he never felt nervous. After watching a movie he soon fell asleep with his head resting on the girls shoulder. Shione didn’t really mind at all and in some way it made her more comfortable being near the male, she continued to pet his head and then soon fell asleep as well. When the boy woke up he was no longer Alva, he was Heinrik and when seeing that he had been closely placed near a girl, he freaked out. He began to blame his other personalities thinking he had done something wrong or sexual but was relieved, seeing as all his clothes were on. The girl asked him what was wrong; using the name she thought was his, “Alva”. Heinrik was surprised that the girl had been in contact with one of his personas and wasn’t in fear of him or dead but of course he was happy. After a while he explained his situation to the girl and said he had no control of himself, explaining that it would be best if she didn’t go near him. Then the girl revealed what she was, a Banshee but she didn’t go into specific detail and she convinced the boy that she would help him. She said that Heinrik reminded her of someone she use to know and then petted his head once again, so a bond was made through one small step and they would forever be together. Not as a couple but as ‘Family’ nothing more and nothing less.

Theme Song (Optional):


other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):

Heinrik personalities is triggered by a hard enough hit to the head

Shione is hated by Tiedus and Ravana but is loved by Alva

Shione can only handle Alva to a certain limit and has no control over Tiedus or Ravana, though she will speak with them if given the chance and takes notes on them and their reactions

Heinrik’s eyes change to the color purple once he has changed to another personality 
I hope this is better than the last one ^w^



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