Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)


Chrysos Phaidra


46, equivalent to about 18 for humans


Hippogryph (Horse-Gryphon)

Human Appearance:


lean & muscular

Shaggy, curly blonde hair

wears aviator sunglasses and jacket for the irony of it

bright yellow eyes

True Appearance:


but with golden-colored feathers and light tawny fur, and bright yellow eyes


Chrys is a slightly pompous but overall friendly individual, though once people ruffle his feathers he holds quite the grudge, he is rather intelligent, but hates reading, writing, math, he really only likes athletics and art. Side note: when he is hungry, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to get between him and his food.

Personal Bio:

In the world of Gryphons, the Hippogryph is like the commoner, though, for a commoner, Chrysos has always had a charmed life, since hippogryphs are mules of a sort they are less fertile and therefore aren't as picky about pair-bonding as Gryphons and Chrys is hardly an unattractive individual (for a lion-eagle-horse) but when he reached maturity, his parents decided it was anegg-celent opportunity to mule-kick him out of the aerie and send him to live among humans, to learn a bit about the world outside of the Grecian mountain range. Being stubborn as a mule Chrys still resents his parents for this, and frequently sends carrier pigeons (under threat of death by digestion) with messages complaining about every little problem, though really, he's justpeacocking for attention, the small problems are like water off a duck's back.


Wonderful for pest control, Chrys eats rodents (and other small mammals) and the occasional small bird, along with plants and stuff (Hippogryphs ARE omnivores, after all)

--same history to be revealed, but that is unimportant as of right now
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D... A? Oh, and I see. That wasn't a mispelling of my name, it was a nickname for Kaosophile. Heh, slow brain of mine. xP 
Ah, DeviantArt. Got it. Weeew *shuts up*
ShadowWang said:
D... A? Oh, and I see. That wasn't a mispelling of my name, it was a nickname for Kaosophile. Heh, slow brain of mine. xP 
Ah, DeviantArt. Got it. Weeew *shuts up*
YOU SPELLED MY NAME RIGHT!!! *Envelops in hug and sobs into shoulder* you have no idea how happy you've made me
Nicole is a joke, paipai was a mistake, Patricia is incomplete. ^^ Anyway,someone want to RP with me? Btw, you're accepted Kao Kao. The council has been given the ability to accept people when Aki isn't on ^^
I need some sleep so I can catch up on what has happened so far... Chrys may end up exactly the same, or Chrona might never be... except in the gen 2 RP that will eventually happen... anyway, good night.
Weird conversation guys >w> D:< You know what i hate~?! >> I hate doing Ivans work, Literally last night he was making me work on his character forever and i need to finish them up today. He is too lazy to type it out himself >~< That bum

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