Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

Me: :D Bob the builder, can we fix it? Bob the builder—

Bob: No, we can't. e-e

Me: D:
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Kasai said:
I believe so, @VampiricPotato.
By Jove, @Mooalally! I've found a real potato vampire! I told you they existed. So much for flesh-eating koalas.
Oh my God, you're right! Fine, but someone better make a flesh-eating koala account ... someday ...

Your profile pic creeps me out, though. From a distance it just looks like a blank face.
Full Name: Dilys Tiarnach

Age (Real age - Human age): 16

Species Name: Cervitaur

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): ((I didn't invent this, but I figure I should probably explain what a Cervitaur is.)) A Cervitaur is essentially a Centaur, but instead of a horse lower-half they are half deer. They are skittish creatures, not really cowardly. But in most cases they will prefer running away to fighting. This generally causes them to use passive responses or passive aggressive ones at the most. They tend to dislike and fear predators, although they can usually learn to tolerate dogs.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.): She is a bit short, coming in at 5'1". At the beginning she will be wearing a shirt similar in style to the one in her true appearance picture. It will be emerald green. She will also be wearing light blue jean shorts, and black converse. ((This is not what she would wear back in her forest village. But she wears this now to fit in more.))

True Appearance Notes: Ignore any facial differences between her two pictures, please. Her face looks like the human form picture in both forms. The only main difference with her head is the fact that she will have deer ears.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5): 1

Personality (At least a paragraph): When Dilys first meets someone, like most of her species she is unnecessarily wary and quiet. She will rarely approach someone first, and if someone approaches her she usually becomes overly cautious about what she says, to the extent of becoming awkward. However, once Dilys gets to know someone she can become very friendly. Though, like most of her species she isn't quite as mentally adept as the average human. She isn't stupid, but she can come across as a tad dense on the occasion. She also has a severe fear of wolves, bordering on phobic.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs): Born April 5 into a small village in a remote forest in Canada, Dilys was the only child of a farmer (Her mother) and a hunter (Her father). She spent most of her younger life playing with the other fauns of the village while her parents worked. But as she got older, she had to begin helping out. First, she began with helping her mother tend to and harvest the crops. (Corn, squash, beans, and wheat.) One of her fondest memories is from when she first was able to properly participate in the harvest festival.

As Dilys got a bit older, she was allowed to leave the village in order to assist her father in setting traps for small birds and rodents, and gathering leaves, acorns, and some fruits that they weren't grown in their village. Although Cervitaurs are fairly immune to most natural poisons and resistant to most unnatural ones, Dilys still became fairly adept at recognizing what was and was not edible. She also became very good at setting traps. She ended up splitting most of her time between assisting her mother with the farm and her father out in the forest.

Theme Song (Optional): ((Reeeaaally tempted to put "Paper Moon" as her theme, but it wouldn't fit her at all. So Imma just not put anything. xD )) EDIT: ((Nevermind, I found one. It only kinda fits, but I like it a lot.)) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KkDnTQpotc[/media]

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories): She is very quick, especially in her true form. She is also capable of being very stealthy and hard to detect.

((If there's anything that should be edited or doesn't fit, please let me know and I'll fix it straight away. ^_^ ))
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