Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Fun Fact: Lux wasn't intended to exist. His creation was based on a whim by the creator after seeing others begin to incorporate second characters.

But then he grew a life and love of his own
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]That love is not Umbra by any means, nor will it ever be.

Only the person you love can be unfazed by you hitting them on the head with a cane... repeatedly
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Will the character sheets be the same as Monster and Me?

Nope. It'll have more stuff to fill out. :3
I noticed everyone else had done one so here we go~

Fun fact: For this restart, I had plans for a virus character, like a computer virus. But I scrapped it when I decided I didn't want to explain the universe simulation theory.

Fun fact: I will not explain the universe simulation theory, google it.

Fun fact: facts are fun!

Fun fact: the universe simulation theory is also known as simulated reality.
Full Name: (her race is not usually named so she made one for herself) Laverna fierra

Age (Real age - Human age): 300-18

Species Name: forest nymph

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): forest nymphs were creatures created to protect and care for their designed area (such as the woods, creeks) they can blend in with their surrounding by molding into their natural element.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

tends to dress plainly usually in a simple dress and always had bracelets on her left ankle and her right wrist

True Appearance Notes:

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

laverna in human form is quite dormant, she usually keeps to herself and will only open up when in her natural setting. being in the school was not her choice so she tends to be on edge when around people or stuck in a room. if you find her in the forest or around animals then you can easily see her light up and you wouldnt find a girl more open and happy. when she goes back into her normal form shes alot more harsh as people tend to avoid her due to her appearence. she will snap at people if they get on her nerve or push the wrong button.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Laverna was raised in the woods as a little faun, her parents always treating her kindly and loved her with all their hearts. but unfortunately her mom passed away when she was caught by a human and was used for her power. her father raised her the best he could without a womens hand in it, and the day came where the treaty was made. he wanted nothing more than for laverna to be safe, she had been innocent for so long showing the obvious love for nature her mother had. when she was brought into the human world she knew it was going to be hard, at first being around kids her age (in looks at least) they looked at her in fear. her wide black eyes and pale skin made them cry and she would always be taken back by her father who had learned to adopt a human cover while she had not. for a few more years she lived in the forest practicing to live out in the world until finally she managed to adopt a human skin. she said goodbye to her father and was welcomed in to the school not long after.

Theme Song (Optional):


Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):
[QUOTE="Ardetha~Nacht]Full Name: (her race is not usually named so she made one for herself) Laverna fierra
Age (Real age - Human age): 300-18

Species Name: forest nymph

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): forest nymphs were creatures created to protect and care for their designed area (such as the woods, creeks) they can blend in with their surrounding by molding into their natural element.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

tends to dress plainly usually in a simple dress and always had bracelets on her left ankle and her right wrist

True Appearance Notes:

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

laverna in human form is quite dormant, she usually keeps to herself and will only open up when in her natural setting. being in the school was not her choice so she tends to be on edge when around people or stuck in a room. if you find her in the forest or around animals then you can easily see her light up and you wouldnt find a girl more open and happy. when she goes back into her normal form shes alot more harsh as people tend to avoid her due to her appearence. she will snap at people if they get on her nerve or push the wrong button.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Laverna was raised in the woods as a little faun, her parents always treating her kindly and loved her with all their hearts. but unfortunately her mom passed away when she was caught by a human and was used for her power. her father raised her the best he could without a womens hand in it, and the day came where the treaty was made. he wanted nothing more than for laverna to be safe, she had been innocent for so long showing the obvious love for nature her mother had. when she was brought into the human world she knew it was going to be hard, at first being around kids her age (in looks at least) they looked at her in fear. her wide black eyes and pale skin made them cry and she would always be taken back by her father who had learned to adopt a human cover while she had not. for a few more years she lived in the forest practicing to live out in the world until finally she managed to adopt a human skin. she said goodbye to her father and was welcomed in to the school not long after.

Theme Song (Optional):


Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):


@Lucem Tenebris @Nanashi @Prowlzerz @UnholyRedemption @paipai900

COUNCIL! PLEASE accept characters that come in.

I've gotten a few PM's about not being accepted. I can't be online all the time. I would REALLY appreciate your help.
Hey guys,

Due to some IRL issues, I won't be able to post very much. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon, but I don't really know. I'll still be on, just not as often. I hope you understand and sorry for the inconvinience. ^^"



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