Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

Akihito said:
I can never win can I ;_;
Meanwhile, TechnoDragon is all... 
Didn't wok as I planned... :C<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/upload_2013-9-24_15-52-4.png.faaa4d7b9501f2c9954c3d09949fbd1f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/upload_2013-9-24_15-52-4.png.faaa4d7b9501f2c9954c3d09949fbd1f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name: Kai Hender Daven Quarn

Age (Real age - Human age): 223 years old -17Human years

Species Name: Egern

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): Egern are similar to that of a fire demon. They hold the same power as wielding any flames such as your regular red fire, black fire , and blue. Ergen can do much more. They have the ability to control all flames including hell fire along with inferno manipulation. Fire demons come in many sizes and many genders however Egren is only a race made of females. This was the price Hades had to pay by creating a whole new race. His wife demanding woman to have a place in his underworld. Agreeing to this he made this race but added his own taste in it as well. Their forms being that of a humans but is bare, exposing their chest and lower areas. Once more the wife intruding in his creation demanded that they be cloaked with hard lava. Agreeing to this once more there bodies were cloaked. Their hairs however would always float , never to be laid down. The areas around their wrist and ankles would be lite in that type of fashion as well, always flowing. A tattoo on there back symbolizing the hell they came form. They are the second most beautiful creatures and the third to be very destructive. Their speed is quick ,since they run on all fours like a lion but faster. The position of a lion but fast as a snake that has not ate in four weeks.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

True Appearance:

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.): She stands to be 5'6 and weighs 150.3. Her skin is tanned a little. She has red eyes that match her white hair that on both side are in a bun and covered by a rag. She has bangs that hang down in front of her face but not to far to where it would cover her eyes. The back of her hair is long and stops at the nape of neck. In the middle of the back of her hair is a long pony tail that comes down to her mid back. For her outfit she wears loose clothing, not to draw attention it is just what she wears. A white almost transparent under wear that is laced on the side. For her top she wears a black bra that is big enough to cover her nipples. The over coat she wears barely covers the bra and comes down to a rectangle that would cover her underwear but expose her midsection. The bottom of the overcoat is split in two which would cover her right and left leg along with her rear end. She wears white stockings that come over her feet halfway, since she wears no shoes. She also wears arm warmers that stop midway on her hands.

True Appearance Notes: Just like in the race description. Her body is coated with hard lava. Giving her a gray dark tint. Her eyes are a crystal blue with purple that circles around in the middle of her irises. Her hair changed to her mood. If she is happy the fire is pink. If she is far from upset to he point of breaking her hair is black. When she is said her hair is blue when she is calm her hair is a mixture of red , orange and blue. When she needs to feed it is green. You could call her a mood changer. She wears no shoes , no clothes , no jewelry. She stands to be 6'2 and weighs 120.3. Her body is more curves than skinny. She has a 4 pack that cant be seen all to well but if you touch her midsection you could feel it. Her nails are clean and at a medium length.

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5): 5

Personality (At least a paragraph): She is filled with nothing but sarcastic comments, rude comments, cold words and mind games. People mistake her size as a child, or some girl who wants to be big and bad. Her personality varies from her true form and her human form. Her human form taking on the needy girl who must always follow her superiors around. A slave that would do it just for fun. She can be mean but nice when she's in this form which makes her friend count really low. In her true form she is more blunt but sarcastic. Her words are cold with out an ounce of warmth in them. In this form she does not care for friends or lives of others. She could care less about humans, thinking that they need to know whose superior. She takes on the persona of a Queen at most and a girl in her human form.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs): Kai was known to be the fourth child born(Made) in the underworld. She however was the first to get a grasp on their power. She was the one that always followed Hades around whenever he had to do something. Unlike his other children that was made before her she was part of the family as much as the others. Hades made her understand this when she looked down when one of his children returned with good news. All the while Kai was in her true form so many of the male demons that resided in there tried to talk to her. However she was always uninterested because she wanted someone stronger than her.

It wasn't till her mother took her away form Hades to join the other girls. On the other side of the underworld, she learned manners and such that only bored Kai. She wanted adventure and of course death, which only Hades could give her. Before she could return to her father she was told she would be attending a school. Kai refused knowing she was the only child that was unruly to her mothers rule and took more after Hades who wanted everything that included fear and blood shed. Kai's mother did not like this and wanted her to learn understanding and when not to start a fight. Being sent up to the world above, her form changed in to that of a human. This disgusted Kai in every way but she had no choice. The first sight of a human angered her. Before leaving her mother's arm she glared at her before biting her sharp teeth. "You can not change me."

Theme Song (Optional):[media]

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories): Kai is a beauty both in child form and in her true form. She would always hate her mother for such a rash decision, and only sending her up there. She hates being in her human form so much she tries to scratch off which only lead her to peeling and bleeding. She like flames, and would eat them. She is a cannibal .
Full Name: John Adams ((Pit Fiend name: Spheius, [seff-ee-us]))

Age- Real age: 4678 - Human age: 24

Species Name: Pit Fiend

Species Bio: Pit fiends originate from the Nine Hells of Baator, Pit Fiends are locked in a strict and brutal hierarchy (changing form as they worked their way up the ladder of power). Pit Fiends they are a form of Devil stronger then a Demon. The pit fiend is a Devil, with great strength and deadly power. As greater devils, they are the personal servants of Asmodeus ((Think Of Lucifer)), and each of them has an individual name. Pit fiends have had the tendency to stop serving Asmodeus, Now that mortals and "Monster" are in "peace" They have no use to serve him.

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Evil-Anime-Guy.jpg.51ec4bb1743e7b9893e684b6bd6a4c8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Evil-Anime-Guy.jpg.51ec4bb1743e7b9893e684b6bd6a4c8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2f30c8c_FireDemon.jpg.384d279a58c96030218bfb1dced74449.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6903" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2f30c8c_FireDemon.jpg.384d279a58c96030218bfb1dced74449.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.): John will smoke, policy or not he smokes. he has Black dress pants and black dress shoes. He is

about 6.4 in height and has a tattoo around his neck and as the same tattoos on his wrists.

True Appearance Notes: Chains are attached to his body which are the chains that hold him to his pit, They limit his power. His true form is about 27 feet tall

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5): 5

Personality (At least a paragraph): John is a Very laid back Teacher, He has no problems with anyone what so ever. Very open with others, He is understanding. John does all he can to help the students he teaches. Having a bit of a bad past he would know what pain is but he has had tendency to seem rude or mean but that only due to being such a powerful demon. He wont ever show his true form to no one. He expresses himself with no problem and is not embarrassed by much. A out going person, Friendly towards other students.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs): Being a Pit fiend Life can be really hard since your purpose is to serve the devil himself. Most of Adam's life was devoted to Asmodeus Since he was created by him. He would serve him to the best of his ability. But in 2003 when monsters revealed them selves to Human kind, It changed Adams thoughts to more a peaceful setting in his head. Soon a year had passed and most every pit fiend left Asmodeus except 3 and one was Adam he was being loyal but what drove Him to leave was when Asmodeus was trying to make a plan to stop the piece with humans. That drove Adam to leave Asmodeus, But when he tried Asmodeus he stopped him and fought him but right before the fight he made a bet, If Asmo wins Adam will serve him without question and If Adam won he would never hear from him again. The fight lasted for hours and went on and on, no one knows the end result was but Adam got out into the Human world feeling it was his job to help others in this world so he works at Ishika High to help others.

Theme Song (Optional): [media]

Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):



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Full Name: Heinrik Thorne

Age (Real age - Human age):

422 Real Age - 17 Human Age

Species Name:


Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

There are many different types of Hellhounds and how they work. Most live in the gates of hell, guarding the underworld. The kind of Hellhound, Heinrik is has three heads. Most Hellhounds who possess more than one head is counted to be mentally unstable, so what they do with these hellhounds is throw them to the surface world to cause as much destruction as they can on humans and life. Note that these hellhounds can never return to the gates of hell and are outcasts to their own kind, family, and homeland. Hellhounds with more than one head is often seen, terrorizing and destroying on human ground, immediately these beasts are put to rest because they have or haven’t shown any desire to control themselves. These types of Hellhounds are impossible to come across any more, for most of them are wiped out.

Human Appearance (Anime pictures only!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Izaki.png.084e20068cfdc94379829e630bee8c08.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Izaki.png.084e20068cfdc94379829e630bee8c08.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Cerberus.jpg.9c5dbc0bf5afd1536a1e4d7288e66b01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Cerberus.jpg.9c5dbc0bf5afd1536a1e4d7288e66b01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

True Appearance Notes:

· Stands 17 feet tall

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):


Personality (At least a paragraph):

1: Heinrik- Heinrik isn’t completely possessed by his other personalities, he has one of his own and he differs from his other personas very much. He is quite kind to others and often thinks of there well being other than his own, this shows him as a likeable person but it also shows him as someone who is very easy to manipulate. But this isn’t all true, yes he is a likeable person but he can detect evil deeds or selfishness very easily since he is accustom to his other personas evil ways. He has a bad side to him that hates all evil and would go so far as to even protect others from his own evil that dwells inside him.

2: Tiedus- He is the most serious out of Heinrik’s multiple personalities. Tiedus, while being a very serious type, can also be quite aggressive and quick to judge. He doesn’t have regrets and that’s what makes him one of the dangerous personalities, He will make bad decision even after thinking over them and he knows what his bad intensions are. He has a bad temper when it comes across dealing with people who have some sort of nature like being to kind or even being similar to Ravana.

3: Ravana- Ravana is the cleverest one out of all but he doesn’t use this trait for good intensions, he only uses it to entertain himself and cause chaos. He can seem nice to some people and then others can see his true intensions, don’t let him fool you though, Ravana is evil on purpose where as the other personas can’t help it. Ravana has common sense and wits which make him differ from the other personas, he is mostly found trying to control the other personas, when he can’t come out, so he can sit back and watch chaos unravel.

4: Alva- Alva is an unstable persona who can be quick to let madness take over and is very hard to understand or deal with. He mostly speaks to himself and gets scared very easily, causing him to fear everyone around him who seems like a threat. You would think this would make him the weakest out of all the personas but no, Alva is the most dangerous out of all. When Alva fears something so much he mostly ends up killing that thing without a second thought. His fear drives him to madness and blood lust, Alva is the most feared to be let out and Heinrik tries to keep him locked up for as long as he can.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Heinrik was abandoned from his homeland, Hell like all the other Hellhounds that are deemed unfit and too mentally unstable, so like others he was sentenced to the earth to potentially destroy and wreck a village nearby and then most likely die off afterwards. At this time Heinrik (True Form) was filled with rage and hate because of his abandonment and thought it best to lash out his anger on any one or thing nearby. After he stumbled upon a village of humans he instantly with no hesitation what so ever, started to rain his terror upon the village and after demolishing a few buildings, he stopped. He looked down upon at the blood filled streets and listened to the crying mothers who had lost their home or the sobbing children whose nightmares have come to reality. Still he thought he felt no pain in the incident or shame in what had become of him.

Countless of times, He lost control and poured more pain into the humans, he no longer help power over his own actions. Heinrik felt sorry for what he did and grew a love for all life at this time but he had no will to stop for he could not control himself. This led on to more bloodshed and loses of life. Heinrik got so far from gaining control of himself that he wanted to end his own life so others would not have to endure his wrath. So he finally gained enough courage to do it and went deep into the woods, planning to erase himself off the earth with a small blade pressed to his neck but the boy never went through with it because he was saved by a Banshee. The girl convinced him not to end his life and shared that they had somewhat of a terrible curse, though he never knew what curse the girl bared for she would not tell. This girl became the closest thing he could call his family, she gave him shelter, food, clothes, and she even went so far as to conjure up a new medicine to control his Personas. (( P.S. The Banshee girl character is going to be created by my twin brother and the sheet will be posted up as soon as he finishes it ^3^ ))

Theme Song (Optional):


other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):



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paipai900 said:
OMG a puppy! :D
>w> Aww~~ your adorable :D Have you gotten your Character sheet done yet? 

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]You are automatically cool for having a ONE OK ROCK song.

>w< Thank you~!!
I really need to finish Lumen's character sheet and I think someone talked to Curum. Also, I have a present for Umbra fans.
OMG Lumbra ftw! xD And no, I haven't finished them yet. :3 I'm almost done Eona and Maria has a long way to go. lol

Full Name: Hasashi Daemon

Age: 301 Years old - 17 Human years

Species Name: Greater Demon

Species Bio: Demons are dark and evil spirits, often servants of the devil. They may possess great power and the ability to control and manipulate others. Typically they are restricted to spiritual worlds only, but occasionally when a greater force interferes they enter the plains of mortals. It is said the only beings demons fear are the angels... and the Creator.

The Daemon family didn't originate from demons, they simply gave birth to them. It's an unexplainable phenomenon, yet for 3 thousand years it has happened without one human child ever being born. It is said that the first Daemon made a contract with a demon, thus sealing the family's fate. And every so often, a Greater Demon is born amongst the ranks of the Daemon family.

Human Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.a9cff3d6fdf73dfa95a14464a41653d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.a9cff3d6fdf73dfa95a14464a41653d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes: Green eyes and brown hair; stands fairly tall, nearly capping off 5'11. He's quite scrawny, and his facial features are a little shallow. A small scar, no longer than the length of a paperclip, rests below his chin. As far as clothes go, Hasashi prefers something casual yet nice, such as a dress shirt and pair of jeans. He doesn't go much into the chains or cargo pants, though of course when he's exhausted he'll throw on whatever. During school hours he wears the standard boy's uniform.

True Appearance Notes: In his true form, Hasashi towers above everyone else at exactly 7 feet tall. He possesses the same shallow complexion and body structure, but he appears a tad bit more muscular. Of course, appearances can be deceiving, and Hasashi's strength can go nearly unmatched. His green eyes are turned a bright red hue, and his skin fades to a sickly blue. As a demon, he dresses in black robes and a demonic priest's mantle.

Species/Power Level: When calm and more reserved, he's at the 3rd power level. But when angered, provoked, or intrigued in some twisted manner, he rises to a level of 5.

Personality: Hasashi is quite charming overall, many think that he's already prepared to interact with normal humans. He's very calm and reserved, and he keeps a strict rule of politeness that he abides by no matter the situation, as well as a formal attitude when required. In ways, his mannerisms and personality seem to belong in the 20th century as a classy black-and-white movie actor. Charming to the girls, admirable to the guys, he keeps himself in high respect. It goes without saying, Hasashi is rarely seen without his photogenic smile.

A first impression isn't always accurate, and Hasashi's is certainly deceiving. He has no morals at all - killing, stealing, they mean nothing to him. There is never a reason for him to show compassion to another or act kind unless he finds some benefit or feels an inclination. Getting on his bad side isn't a good idea either, as he'll hold ill feelings and grudges for very long periods of time. And under the present circumstances, he wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone.

Personal Bio: The Daemon family is a very small and secluded one. Throughout a long history of giving birth to demons, the family had no other choice than to go into hiding, or kill off their children to avoid being killed themselves. Savage behavior was common throughout the generations of the Daemons, passed down from parent to child. Many of Hasashi's ancestors left their homes at a young age to avoid being murdered by their relatives. It was just how things were; if the family thrived too much they would be found out by society, and so "Survival of the Fittest" was put into play.

After thousands of years of this black history, Hasashi's great, great, great, great, grandfather set down a family rule. There could never be more than 3 Daemon family members at a time. If the number was exceeded, the unlucky 4th member was to be banished. This was how Hasashi grew up, the only child of his two parents. He's still extremely young for a demon, only beginning to reach maturity and properly learning how to harness his powers. His father was a demon, while his mother was human. The household was lonely, secluded, and held together by strict rules. Freedom was out of the question, as was social interaction. It was a marvel Hasashi even knew how to act around people when he joined Ishika High. Perhaps thanks to his mother he was able to learn some social skills, something his father was surely incapable of doing.

Born in the 18th century, Hasashi was actually an active part of the French Revolution. In order to protect his family as much as possible, he and his father helped to spread the Bloody Reign of Terror, for, as they reasoned, with the French preoccupied with their own destruction the Daemons would be safe from any suspicion. Unfortunately, the tables were turned against them, and Hasashi and his family were condemned to the Guillotine. Hasashi's father was not going down without a fight, however, and before the horrified eyes of the French police, he transformed into his true self, a demon. Every Frenchman in the area was slaughtered mercilessly, and as quickly as the deed had been done, the head of the Daemon household swept his family away from France. Over the next few hundred years, time was spent in hiding and wait. Though their were no witnesses to his father's transformation, Hasashi's parents preferred to keep low... very low.

During World War 1, Hasashi's father went out into the open again, this time determined to aid the Germans. He was constantly worried his wife would give birth to another child, another demon, and although he could easily kill it to ensure the family's safety, part of him wished to never look upon another demon child again. This is why he left for the war, and after the war ended he never came back.

A little less than a hundred years later, Ishika High was built. Joining Ishika High was refreshing for the still young Hasashi. At last he could interact with others, others who were like him and roughly the same age. Naturally, their are pros and cons to the whole school, but overall Hasashi is starting a happier chapter in his life.

Theme Song: [media]

In battle as his true form, Hasashi uses his own blood as a weapon. At any time he chooses, without any penalty to himself, he may open the very veins of his body and emit large quantities of his life's liquid. It has various effects depending on his foe, but generally it burns whoever it touches.



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I can't see your human appearance.....I'm not sure if it's just me and my stupid laptop but whatever...despite that your character is awesome..

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