Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

Awww! Sweetie, do you want me to send the duende after them? ^^

Well, then...I'm going to see if I can do that to my brother. Nah, too risky.
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Hey Pai~? Do you know who is all accepted into your role-play?? I want to read everyone's Character sheets but i have no idea which are in and which aren't ;o;
'Kay, I'll sort out the character sheets when I get on a computer. (If you guys haven't noticed, I'm lazy in the morning and it's too cold to get up xP)
Full Name: Nixxa Vandal

Age: Nidhoggar=17,859 Human=17 almost 18

Species Name: Nidhoggar

Species Bio: I know that no one knows what this is, so check out the link. http://www.mythicalcreatureslist.com/mythical-creature/Nidhoggr

Human Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/anime-doki.jpg.6e4ec623eea919ccec73219447907dda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/anime-doki.jpg.6e4ec623eea919ccec73219447907dda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/small561.jpg.b79b6795ffb58d142cad3b40511c39ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/small561.jpg.b79b6795ffb58d142cad3b40511c39ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Appearance Notes: She usually wears either a pitch black jacket with dark blue skinny jeans and a T-shirt with combat boots, or what looks like a snake skin jacket, blood red t-shirt, baggy jeans and sneakers. She also wears a mixture of the three. Her eyes are a slightly darker and duller green with flecks of brown. Her incisors are deadly sharp, and could kill all on their lonesome. Her hair also has brown and green highlights, and she pretends that the green has been dyed.

True Appearance Notes: She is about 9 feet long, and her wingspan is around eighteen feet long. Her eyes are red and reptilian too. Her wings are scaly, like snakeskin.

Species/Power Level: 5

Personality: Nixxa is very stubborn, sly and sneaky. She is almost snakelike in her cunning and trickery, enjoying other peoples pain often times. She is very forceful, and always wants to get what she wants. Very stoic and stubborn, Nixxa is generally cold to other people. She can be friendly, at times, but usually isn't. She's very bright, She is kind in that way that makes you question whether or not she tells the complete truth all of the time. To anyone that she dislikes or feels threatened by, Nixxa puts on a threatening act, glaring them down and acting rude and hateful towards them.

Personal Bio: Nixxa was born in Norway, and has a clear Norwegian accent. Her father was the original Nidhoggr and she has no idea of who her mother was. She speaks fluent Norwegian, too. She is the only child of the Nidhoggr that she knows of, which is one of the reasons why she moved from Norway. Her father wanted her to make the whole world fear their species, while she couldn't care less. All that they do is eat dead people and drain their blood. What's so scary about that.

Nixxa was never well liked, being the dead eating beast that she was. She flew out of Norway on her own once she was ten, old enough to leave home. She loves snakes, normal snakes, and has several pet snakes; including a boa constrictor and a python. They are all wild, she had taken them from zoos where she felt that they were being mistreated. not to be nice, they were just her brethren. She is a loner, and doesn;t exactly enjoy spending time with anyone except for herself and her snakes.

Theme Song: [media]

Other: N/A




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