Highschool of a Thousand Terrors: New Year -(Sign Up)

X64 said:
So...what are we doing in terms of plot?
Right now, it's just bonding and relationships until I or someone else thinks of a good plot.

It won't happen until later when everyone gets to know one another.
Oh ok, so we're going by a sandbox-style basis. Thats cool! I just hope nobody gets left out of bonding 'n stuff....
X64 said:
Oh ok, so we're going by a sandbox-style basis. Thats cool! I just hope nobody gets left out of bonding 'n stuff....
I try to monitor my roleplays as best as I can and make sure no one gets left out.

I know how bad it feels to be left out and I don't want others to feel like that so I'll try to make sure everyone has fun and good bonding.
I know :D Im still laughing at a idea I had^^ And listening to my new theme song. > :D Dun Dun Dunnnn

Oh, Im going to have Kai do something soon. ^_^ >:3 
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]After my post in Salisonia, I'll get started on Curum's introduction.

You have a character on PaiPai's Role play beta o3o Who is he~??
Full Name: Stephen Carlos

Age (Real age - Human age): 32 - 32

Species Name: Human

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): ...Human

Human Appearance(Anime pictures only!):


True Appearance:


Human Appearance Notes (Anything you wish to add. Height, preferred clothes, etc.)

6' 8" Muscular as all hell

True Appearance Notes:

Species/Power Level (Choose number 1-5):

for a human... 5

Personality (At least a paragraph):

Stephen is a quiet individual, usually talking with his fists instead of his mouth, but he has a soft spot for kittens, especially his kitten, Hunter
though he would never let anyone know about him. His first language is manly grunting, his second is Filipino, his third English, his fourth military jargon. Beyond that his only real personality trait is that he cares deeply for his charge, Chrys.

Personal Bio (It must be at least two paragraphs):

Stephen Carlos was born in Dasmariñas Philipines 32 years ago, when he was 8, his parents could no longer take care of him, so they sold him into child slavery. He bounced around from drug lord to drug lord until he had had enough, and stole a guard's gun, killing the whole Heroin operation in one fell swoop. He was discovered by a private security organization who brought him to America, trained him, and enlisted him in the USMC for extra training. By the time he got out, the company had disbanded and he was left to fend for himself.

At the age of 28, Stephen was contracted by a strange group of individuals as an assassin, but Stephen was not against it. Now, four years later, Stephen is still working for the Gryphons, but now he is charged with preventing Chrysos Phaidra from returning to Greece, as agreed upon in his sentence.

Theme Song (Optional):


Other (Anything else that does not fit the categories):

Not enrolling in Ishika High, just a support character 
Izaki Nakajima] [B]I'm still reading but so far i think he is amazing >w< [/B][B] Here is a link to my character [/B] :P [B] Couldn't find the page.[/B] [B] [/B][URL="http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/tales-of-salisonia-rise-of-the-dragons-my-character-sheet.14619/#post-539106 said:
Also he looks so cool~!! >o< I really think you did an outstanding job :D  

Finished reading it and i love it so much~!!
Thanks a lot. I finnaly finished my post!

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