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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Aidan sat at the bar when he heard Avery yelling upstairs. "Oh, maybe that wasn't the best idea... poor lass." He felt bad but was glad about his quick decision. He didn't want her to be mad or upset about anything but he also didn't want to have sex with her.

((@generalll if anyone wants to go to the bar ^_^ ))

~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Blowing some air from her cheeks Kimberley was about to just pick a random direction to walk in before spotting a man writing something down. She smiled. Good. A person. Maybe they would know where she could get dome food and supplies around here. Walking up behind him, she tapped his shoulder. "Hello mister!" She said grinning.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina, now standing behind Jason and holding Rin a bit more protectively still looked at the peculiar man, trying to see his face and wondering why he wasn't speaking.




Blair watched with a surprised but otherwise calm expression. His anger couldn't all be her fault, she hoped.

"I just don't like to..." she struggled for words, backing away from him as he came closer. Words. She couldn't talk. "I'm sorry, Avery." She looked away from him, unable to focus when she saw him. Good alcohol means bad decisions. "I can't look at you." It came out more angrily than she intended, and might have seemed to have a different meaning entirely.

I jump and look back seeing a odd girl, strange for someone just to walk up to the Dr. "Ello, I'm Dr. Jekyll, you may have heard of me," I say in a bit of a proud manner, a hand on my chest as a take a deep breath.

Jason saw the gun and immediately believed the worse "You shot him! You kill AJ!" He said picking the man up, his hat covering his eyes. He threw him across the room and growled, anger in his eyes.

@Nona @Yappi

Avery's eye twitched. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?!" He exclaimed, as his eye began twitching more. As he got closer, he reeled back his hand as if he were about to slap her. Instead, he turned around and slammed his hand into the wall, cracking it slightly upon impact. He turned his head so she could hear him, although he wasn't looking at her. "You think I wanted this..?" He questioned, as he lifted his left arm a bit. He turned to face her, his hair covering his eyes slightly. He knew it was an eyesore... But it didn't give her the right to treat him like that. His fist clenched a bit, but it eventually fell limp. He raised his hand to his forehead, where it gripped his hair tightly. He leaned back against the wall with a thud, and began breathing heavily, obviously trying to hide the fact that he was in pain.




Blair looked up as he spoke, and flinched slightly in anticipation. She'd never felt so incredibly sober in her entire life.

As he calmed down, like he was too exhausted to say anything else, she wrapped her arms around him, close enough to feel his heart beating and feel his chest rising and falling, and closed her eyes for a moment.

"That's not what I meant." She considered calling him some sort of name, pointing out his stupidity, but it probably wouldn't make either of them feel better. "If I don't look at you, I can pretend you don't exist. I can pretend you weren't hurt. You don't need to be hurt again, but I'm sure that's the reason you're angry. So again, I'm sorry. I wish I could take that pain away, but that's not in my control." She brought her hand down to his left arm, barely brushing it. "This doesn't make me think any less of you." She pulled away, but her eyes didn't leave his face.


Max had seen this whole fiasco, her face turned a bright red when the women started asking for sex. Maybe it was embarrassment, maybe it was anger. The last thing she saw was Aidan disappearing with the girl upstairs before coming back down and giving his opportunity for sex to Avery. She swiveled on her heels and left out the door. Max jogged down the road a bit before firing her arrow win the leg of an attacking Zombie. She stopped to retrieve the arrow. This gave her time to get away from the Zombie without killing it. A vow. A promise. Never to kill. Though she sort of wanted to kill the girl from earlier in the bar. She didn't look back to see if anyone was following her. She didn't say any sort of good bye when she left, since she didn't want to ruin the moment. @Quarantine


Avery's eyes widened when he felt Quin's arms around him. He rested his head on her shoulder, and his good arm on her back, taking in and relishing the words she spoke as she said them. He didn't deserve treatment like this... He was a monster, and he knew it. But, it still felt good to be held again... Avery winced a bit when she pulled away... Like all the cold from the outside world had just rushed in to take him away. He let a weak smile come to his lips after she'd finished talking. He leaned off the wall, and towards her slowly. He let his forehead rest against hers, as a sign of affection and appreciation. He let his eyes close, before he finally spoke, "Thanks... I needed that..." He said, with a slight breathlessness to his voice.


Aidan watched as Max left, frowning some he decided to try and follow her. He wanted to explain himself and everything that happened. He hoped that she didn't think any less of him, he just didn't want to deal with the nonsense and the craziness of Equinox. He watched her shoot the zombie and smiled. "Hey, Max! Can I talk to you for a second?" He was nervous that she was going to try and call him out for everything that happened before. It showed to because the usually cheerful look that was on his face was a little more serious.


I walk out of the apartment humming, dried up an trying to forget what happened. I walk into a bandit, the bandit doesn't know what to think "Child... Go back to your parent. You don't want to be here" he says sternly "J-" he's interrupted by the leader 'Nah... I have a be- why does she have a collar on?" He ask the other guy "I mean we are bandits not savages, we won't do anything 'that' bad but I have a idea..." He says getting a sinister grin. Harmony backs up scared, she sprinted way ahead of Jack so she has no one to help her. She takes

out her knife, backing up slightly.

Yappi said:
I walk out of the apartment humming, dried up an trying to forget what happened. I walk into a bandit, the bandit doesn't know what to think "Child... Go back to your parent. You don't want to be here" he says sternly "J-" he's interrupted by the leader 'Nah... I have a be- why does she have a collar on?" He ask the other guy "I mean we are bandits not savages, we won't do anything 'that' bad but I have a idea..." He says getting a sinister grin. Harmony backs up scared, she sprinted way ahead of Jack so she has no one to help her. She takes

out her knife, backing up slightly.
(You do know Peace was talking to her right)

She cleaned the bloodied arrow with a rag. Mas kept walking, even as Aidan's voice came through. "Yes, Aidan, what do you need so desperately at this moment?" She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around with a sweet smile on her face. Only it was not kind, it was mocking. It flipped into a neutral look as she shoved the arrow back in the quiver. "Might want to go back, unless you would oh-so-love to be one of these guys'," She pointed at a Walker behind a fence, growling and thrashing. They were safe. She finished with, "dinner." Max twirled her black-handled throwing knife in between her fingers with an annoyed look.

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359](Srry waiting for [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14559-nona/ said:
((Sorry ;-; I'll get to it in a bit, working on a post for another rp))


Blair quickly sat down on the bed and nodded, wanting to say more but unsure what to speak about.

She wasn't quite comfortable with his face so close to hers.

Not wanting to pry, she changed the subject and said, "Er... so-" she stopped. She didn't want to talk, like they were old friends. He wasn't, and she didn't need to treat him like that.

"My name is Blair."

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((May I join in first? I have a post ready so it wouldn't take too long!))=-=-

((Sure, its okay with me~ :3))
Aidan looked to the ground and sighed, expecting everything that had happened. "Look please I need to explain and you need to understand me." He walked closer hesitantly and stopped about a yard infront of her. "I'm a bartender, that lady got dunk and fell to the ground. I thought she had a heart attack. I used ti deal with this all the time so I carried her to one of the rooms." That's when he stated to get annoyed in the story, his voice sounded disappointed that he even let the woman stay in his bar. "She got up and tried to get me to have sex despite the amount of time I explained that I was interested in someone else... who I have a feeling is pretty pissed at me right now." He frowned at her then and shuffled his feet some. "I finally got fed up and left down to the bar. That's when I saw Avery, he seemed to be interested in her enough so I tried to set him up... please belive I had and have no intentions to do anything to that woman. I'm not the type of person to take advantage of a drunk woman. Plus, I like y..." he sighed and looked into her eyes, his voice suddenly became softer. "I like you, and I wouldn't give you up for drunk any day..." He put his hands in his pockets and sighed.


Avery chuckled a bit at the awkwardness of their situation, and even more so at her failed attempt at conversation. "Don't make it awkward, Blair." He said, shaking his head a bit as he did so. He grabbed a chair from a stack of spares in the corner of the room, and pulled it up so he was sitting across from her. He sat down in it, so the back of the chair was facing her. He rested his arm on the chair, and smiled a bit. "You wanna play 21 questions? It's a great way to get to know someone."

(In case you didn't know, 21 Questions is a game where one person asks a question, the other answers truthfully, and the process repeats until each individual reaches 21 questions.)



"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy was walking around in the church when she heard some movement nearby. Steven: "Lookie here! Jason and a random dude are fighting! Raquel: "Oh join in! Join in!" With what, a suicide grenade?! Lucy thought to them and herself (they can hear her thinking). Wait, instead I'll tell them to stop fighting or else by holding a grenade in the air! She thought to them and herself once again. Steven: "Thats a horrible idea! They'll just shoot you down! Just hide behind the girl holding the baby while you wait." Lucy stuck her tongue out at Steven with frustration whom was behind her and then ran to beside the girl. "I'm Lucy what's your name?" Steven: "The queen of awkwardness has struck again but this time at the middle of a fight." Lucy looked to the right of her and mumbled "Shut, up," to Steven while glaring. She then turned her attention a few seconds later back to girl.


-=-=((Nearby @Yappi and @Shammy the Shamrock))=-=-



Blair smiled at how childish it seemed. She nodded in agreement and looked back up at the boy.

"Alright. You want to go first, or me?" How incredibly normal this was.


(Is it alternating, as in they take turns asking, or does one person go all at once?)

She looked to the sky and blinked slowly, almost rolling her eyes again. "Hah, yup. Your right. It's not you, it was her. But she was asking for sex, you know, before you gave her that drink and I just think that-" She hesitated and quit rambling.. "Ach, never mind. I didn't mean to come across like that." Max rubbed the back of her neck and looked back down at her feet. The first bit sounded like a slurred mixture of sarcastic and frustration, the second part was truthful and more confident. She shifted her heavy booted feet. "I like you too, but I have to go. Unless you wan't to tag along, though you do have a bar to run and I'm not sure you even know combat." Her words trailed off. Max had not gotten the memo that Aidan liked her, she just thought he meant that he liked her as a friend.

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