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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Avery smiled a bit, and leaned back in his chair. His smile was soon wiped from his face when one of the back legs to the chair broke off. He fell back, his head slamming into the hardwood floor. It didn't hurt at all, but he used to opportunity to yell a bit. "Gah, how does someone even answer that?!" He exclaimed, as he tried to keep a straight face. "My dick! My pole!! My fucking Johnson! The meat! My fucking rooster!" He exclaimed, although it was a lot less serious now. He stood up and rubbed his head a bit, laughing pretty damn hard as he did so. He grabbed another chair from the stack, and kicked the broken one aside. He sat down again, and looked at her, with a dumb smirk. Avery shook his head, and locked his gaze with hers. "Last time you got fucked?" He asked, not caring about beating around the bush. He chuckled a bit over his vulgarity, and rested his head on the back of the chair.


[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock][media]

(I CAN'T BREATH!!!! xD )

("You, your kids, and your Johnson" xDDD))
MiyaTheNeko said:
((Sure thing!))
A few bandits surrounded Harmony all with wepons. "Heh... fresh meat." One growled and that all closed in on her. Kne attempted to grab her arm.


I pull both my knives, backing up defensively. I stab the bandit in the gut and kick him off. I start to panic.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock][media]

(I CAN'T BREATH!!!! xD )

((Lonely Nights, Adult Sites, You, Your Hand, And Your Johnson...))

((Your girlfriend's in town, she's bending down, you, her mouth, and your Johnson!))

((You dropped the soap, go pick it up. You, your butt, and my Johnson!))


"Okay, got it. Message received." She grinned, watching as he claimed a new chair. She winced as if the question physically hurt her just thinking about it.

"Seventy-two days ago. That was, ah, the last relationship I had. Before then it was seventy-three days ago." Blair looked at him happily and asked, "And you?"

The bandits who was stabbed stumbled some but didn't back down from the fight. The bandit that was hit in the knee collapsed.

The third out of five bandits charged at Threat while the one that was stabbed charged at Harmony and hit her with a crowbar.

"Can't remember it down to the second, but if I had to guess it was maybe... 4 or 5 months ago??" Avery said, sounding quite sure of himself. "Last time you slept with someone else?? Not sex, but just normal sleep." He asked, with a rather curious expression, although his smirk never left his face.




"Poor thing," she cooed mischievously before saying, "Never, in my memory. I never really spend the night. It's usually over and done with, and I never see them again." Not missing a beat, she asked, "When did you lose your virginity?"

MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira smiled and nodded at hwr with understanding. "That's pretty cool!" She said and watched as Laika started to get close to finishing with the wound. She nodded and laughed at what she said. "I'll make sure it grows up to be like it's father. Besides the drinking of course, I want him/her to be strong and kind hearted. That's how Avery was, though he was sort of... rude to certain people he was allways sweet around me." She said remembering the good days they had together. "Thanks." She smiled and sat up a little when she finished with the wound.

~*Laika Flynn*~

"Well, that's nice, I'm sure they'll have those qualities, you'll probably be a geat mom" she said smiling lightly, moving back when she sat up "You're welcome" she said as she then stood up "Remember its only really a temporary fix... so don't go running into battle if you want it to last until it starts healing right" she said with a small laugh.

CellistCat606 said:

"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy smiled at her then giggled a bit seeing the baby,
Steven: "Yeah Rin is a pretty good name," Lucy nodded at Steven to show she agreed. She looked over at the two fighting to see Jason had dropped his weapon, figuring if she got involved she would probably get teased so she decided to not ask about it. Lucy turned her head back and looked at the baby and asked "Nice to meet you Melina, so is Rin your's?" Raquel: -bows down to Raquel- "Oh queen of awkwardness what have I done to be blessed by your presence?" Lucy glared at Raquel and thought would it be too much for you too be quiet? Raquel: "Yes, yes it would be."


@Yappi and @Shammy the Shamrock))=-=-

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina tilted her head in a curious manner when she seemed to be nodding at who was beside her but there was no one? Melina had seen weirder so she didn't question it. Upon heard her question Melina blushed and shook her head "A-Ah, no, I don't have any kids" she said, laughing sheepishly "Rin's mother is out at the moment. I'm just watching over her."


@Shammy the Shamrock

~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Kimberly smiled up at him, her eyes seemingly searching his face for any recognisable trait to go by but to no avail. she slowly shook her head, still smiling as she did so "I'm sorry Mr. I don't recognise you at all..." She extended her hand for a handshake but first using her other hand to place on her chest and copy his action first "I'm Kimberly Varkas, I don't really expect you to know me, I'm not famous at all!" she said with a giggle. "I was wondering if you knew where I could get food? I haven't been here before" she explianed

@Shammy the Shamrock


Avery was about to respond, but she kept rolling on with her next question. He liked the thought of the one-and-done deal, though... It would certainly help him out a bit. He shook his head a bit, in an attempt to get the foul thoughts from his mind. He looked back up to her, and smiled a bit. "Don't remember the date, but it was after the apocalypse." He said, not sounding too ashamed. "Go ahead and make a joke." He said, with a smile. "What turns you on the most?" He asked, with a clever smirk.


Jason heard what she said "If you want a baby, you could just asked me." He said with a chuckle before looking at the intruder, he saw it as AJ and went up. He looked as if he was going to give him a hug but instead kicked him in the stomach. "DON'T FUCKING DO THAT EVER AGAIN! You want me to feel guilty," he said crossing his arms, he saw Lucy and waved "Howdy," he said before looking back.

@Yappi @Nona @CellistCat606
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Mira smiled at her and nodded. "Will do doc." She said with a laugh and sat up. She tilted her head at Laika. "Do you drink at all? I'm sure there is still some here if you want anything." She offered with a friendly smile. Mira coldnt get avery off her midn now. She kept getting a feeling he was still alive... out there... somewhere...

She eyed him down. "Well?..." She motioned to the passenger seat."Hop on in, ya prat." The keys were jammed into the car and she put it into reverse, making a sickly face. "Heh...You know, it's strange how I've never learned to drive, yet I do know how to." Max said in a low tone as she focused on backing out and turning around. She pulled out of the path leading in the junk yard and onto the main road. The sun was setting, but it was so clouded with smog that she could barely see the colours that it made. Max eventually pulled over to a gas station to raid it with a first aid kit and snacks, and used the gauze wrap to properly fix her slit-open arm before hopping back in and driving through the night. She wasn't tired and hadn't looked over to see if Aidan was asleep or awake in a while. She scratched her arm, one of her body parts coated in ink.

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The bandit smirked and swung the unconscious harmony over his shoulder. "Let's go see how much we can get fir this one." He said and made his way to a bandit camp where they went to an auction house and tied her to a chair. Ready to sell her to anyone who was willing to pay a portion.
I rummage through my bag and bring out a apple, out of the kindness of my heart I give it to her. "Here, I was a physician back in London. I left soon after-" Refusing to finish I looked up "So where are you from," I say trying to change the subject.



She was genuinely surprised at his response. "On both sides of the spectrum. For men it's total badassery, and for women, it's innocence. But for both, intelligence." She sighed, shrugging dramatically. "Guess I'm pretty easy. What position do you like best?"

MiyaTheNeko said:
The bandit smirked and swung the unconscious harmony over his shoulder. "Let's go see how much we can get fir this one." He said and made his way to a bandit camp where they went to an auction house and tied her to a chair. Ready to sell her to anyone who was willing to pay a portion.

I wake up tied up, I can't see what's going on. Vision blurry
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