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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason picked AJ up to his feet "Welcome back partner, how have you been cause I've been on cloud nine." He said sitting back on the pew, he was silent letting Melina talk to Lucy, a smile on his face as he leaned back.

@Yappi @Nona @CellistCat606

Quillicious said:
((Jay: He wouldn't be a problem... *Ominous laugh*))
Aidan couldn't help but blush a little at what she had said. He did a decent job of hiding it but was still showing some. That's when he saw the zombies approaching the car. He pulled out his rifle and was about to shoot out the window when she began to plow through them. He put the rifle down and smiled at her. "That's easier than waiting s bullet." He said with a laugh then put his rifle back in the back seat. He watched the road ahead of him but found himself looking at her again. "We where at the gas station I know but did we refuel... I hope so cause I wouldn't want to be stuck in the middle of them.


Mira sighed and shook her head some. "That's true... well I guess we can just talk some right? Anything on your mind?" She asked leaning back in the seat, resting her hands on her stomach when she felt the baby kick. She smiled and motioned Laika over. "Wanna feel him/her kick?"


The bandit frowned when she didn't respond and violently dropped her then stopped it. Hoping it would cause her some pain, though he didn't put it in the water just yet. "Answer me!"


"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy let out a breath of relief to see no weapons getting thrown at her. She looked behind Melina to see Steven and Raquel making arm movements frantically to not look at them. So instead she just heard Raquel say,
Raquel: "Ask her to define it! It's the safest choice based on the past!" Being scared for her life Lucy agreed with her, "Define 'feeling okay'." She then gripped her right arm with her left hand trying to act a bit more normal than yelling out of nowhere.


@Yappi and @Shammy the Shamrock))=-=-

Avery frowned a bit, "Ah, I see..." He said, a little disappointed. He stood up from his chair, with a slight frown. "Well, since there's really not much of a point to this anymore, I'm leaving the bar to you. Lock up when you leave." He said, before turning away and exiting the bar.

Avery made it a good 4 blocks down the way before he reached a pileup of cars, blocking the road. He smirked a bit, and began searching for a car that still ran.

After around an hour, the sun was rising, and the sound of a rather loud engine filled the quiet air for miles. Avery let out a whoop of joy, and hopped into his new 1973 Firebird Trans Am. Of course, it still needed a good amount of work... Hell, it couldn't drive for shit yet. But, it would be worth the time and effort. He turned the engine off, and pushed it to the side of the road, where it would sit until he had the parts to fix it. He rested his back on the hood of his new vehicle, and laughed a bit at the sunrise.



Quillicious said:
((Jay: *cough cough* Complete mistake... *cough cough*
I could kill an asthmatic puss like you without breakin' a sweat. Too bad Mira's still got some attatchments.))


(That better??
xD )

Jay strolled through the woods, on his way to the church to pay it a little visit, so to speak. He held two pistols in his hands, firing them off at zombies at a rhythmic pace. He laughed and spat on the ground as he passed the spot where the bandits abducted him. Oh yeah, Mira, too. He kicked the head of a deceased bandit he killed days before, his decomposing neck allowing it to come off cleanly.

"I'm a maniac, maniac!"

He fired a few more shots into the air, wanting to attract more things to kill.

((Actually open for interaction. The last one was more exposition.))

~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Kimberley took the apple and smiled "Thank you~" she said looking at the apple for a moment "Kind of Ironic a doctor is giving me an apple, isn't this supposed to keep you away?" She asked with a giggle, referring to that saying. She took a bite from the apple as he asked where she was from. She answered after swallowing "My dad is Spanish and my mom was Irish, im from Ireland but moved here with my dad literally a week before all this garbage started" she said laughing a little.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Thetas said:

Avery frowned a bit, "Ah, I see..." He said, a little disappointed. He stood up from his chair, with a slight frown. "Well, since there's really not much of a point to this anymore, I'm leaving the bar to you. Lock up when you leave." He said, before turning away and exiting the bar.

Avery made it a good 4 blocks down the way before he reached a pileup of cars, blocking the road. He smirked a bit, and began searching for a car that still ran.

After around an hour, the sun was rising, and the sound of a rather loud engine filled the quiet air for miles. Avery let out a whoop of joy, and hopped into his new 1973 Firebird Trans Am. Of course, it still needed a good amount of work... Hell, it couldn't drive for shit yet. But, it would be worth the time and effort. He turned the engine off, and pushed it to the side of the road, where it would sit until he had the parts to fix it. He rested his back on the hood of his new vehicle, and laughed a bit at the sunrise.




(That better??
xD )



Blair watched him go before covering her mouth in a yawn, a bit disappointed that he actually admitted that was all he wanted. She looked back at her bed, her mind still reeling. Lying down, she worked her shirt off and tried to go to sleep, drifting off within moments.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Aidan couldn't help but blush a little at what she had said. He did a decent job of hiding it but was still showing some. That's when he saw the zombies approaching the car. He pulled out his rifle and was about to shoot out the window when she began to plow through them. He put the rifle down and smiled at her. "That's easier than waiting s bullet." He said with a laugh then put his rifle back in the back seat. He watched the road ahead of him but found himself looking at her again. "We where at the gas station I know but did we refuel... I hope so cause I wouldn't want to be stuck in the middle of them.

Mira sighed and shook her head some. "That's true... well I guess we can just talk some right? Anything on your mind?" She asked leaning back in the seat, resting her hands on her stomach when she felt the baby kick. She smiled and motioned Laika over. "Wanna feel him/her kick?"


The bandit frowned when she didn't respond and violently dropped her then stopped it. Hoping it would cause her some pain, though he didn't put it in the water just yet. "Answer me!"


~*Laika Flynn*~

She looked to her as she sighed "What. It'd be no fun for you to watch me get drunk" she said with a small laugh. "And I guess there's nothing on my mind that you don't know about that I feel needs to be said" she said, smiling and nodding when she mentioned the baby. Laika made her way over to feel the baby kick.


CellistCat606 said:

"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy let out a breath of relief to see no weapons getting thrown at her. She looked behind Melina to see Steven and Raquel making arm movements frantically to not look at them. So instead she just heard Raquel say,
Raquel: "Ask her to define it! It's the safest choice based on the past!" Being scared for her life Lucy agreed with her, "Define 'feeling okay'." She then gripped her right arm with her left hand trying to act a bit more normal than yelling out of nowhere.


@Yappi and @Shammy the Shamrock))=-=-

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina gave her another confused look "Define it?" She repeated before looking to the side as she thought "Well, what I mean to say is do you feel like you normally do or are you ill or upset?" She said, explaining what she meant in a hopefully understandable way.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina gave her another confused look "Define it?" She repeated before looking to the side as she thought "Well, what I mean to say is do you feel like you normally do or are you ill or upset?" She said, explaining what she meant in a hopefully understandable way.

@Shammy the Shamrock



"It's different for everyone, for me ok is digging into the soft flesh of someone's fatty neck and gent-" I say before stopping myself "It's we're you feel at peace"

Max did double takes to the rear-view mirror. "Yeah, we will be fine unless they somehow start to run any faster." She swerved the car around the corner, glad they had lost them. Max was baffled that Aidan hadn't left yet, since she didn't know where any real, nice, people were. "Want to take over for a bit? Could use some sleep." Seeing as she hadn't slept in three days, it might be good for her.


(( If anyone wants them two to run into anyone, that would be great haha... ))
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In less than half an hour, she was woken up by a noise outside. Feeling less than peachy, she slid out of bed and put her shirt on. The girl headed downstairs, putting on her backpack, and went through the back entrance, where she came from. The handle was shattered, so she blocked it with several crates before heading down the alley, towards the woods.

iiCupcakeCraver said:

Max did double takes to the rear-view mirror. "Yeah, we will be fine unless they somehow start to run any faster." She swerved the car around the corner, glad they had lost them. Max was baffled that Aidan hadn't left yet, since she didn't know where any real, nice, people were. "Want to take over for a bit? Could use some sleep." Seeing as she hadn't slept in three days, it might be good for her.


(( If anyone wants them two to run into anyone, that would be great haha... ))
((Let 'em run over Jay. He'll need it.))
Mira smiled as the child kicked Laika's hand. "Looks like it likes you." She chuckled a little when she heard the sound of the car. It seemed close but she didnt pay much mind to it. And continued to admire her stomach and Laika as the baby kicked. "Not counting now in the apocalypse, have you ever wanted to have a child?" She asked out of curiosity.


"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy looked to one of the corners and then responded hearing Steven and Raquel dancing behind Melina.
"Well for me, yeah I feel normal." For anyone but me at least she thought. Steven: "Yeah you're special in that way." Oh shut up Steven you were the whole reason I was yelling in the first place she thought. Steven: "Yeah sorry about that." Raquel: "Yeah I'm sorry too." Okay fine, I forgive you both, but you better not do this again she thought. Raquel: "No promises!"

MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira smiled as the child kicked Laika's hand. "Looks like it likes you." She chuckled a little when she heard the sound of the car. It seemed close but she didnt pay much mind to it. And continued to admire her stomach and Laika as the baby kicked. "Not counting now in the apocalypse, have you ever wanted to have a child?" She asked out of curiosity.

Harmony replied btw, last page
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