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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She stood behind Aidan, wanting to slap this man hard across the face, though she stayed put. Max slid the knife back in her pocket, desperately wanting to chop his balls off as well. She gave the man an annoyed and furious look as her colour turned deep red, maybe from anger or embarrassment. She clenched her fists at her sides to keep from lurching forward at him to strangle him half to death. She whispered to Aidan, to low for the other man to hear. "We should have backed up on him, just to finish him off."

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
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Mira shook her head and frowned some when she realized that. She hasn't seen him physically. She then nodded at what she said next. "Yeah, he knows about the child but... he probably thinks I'm dead..." she said in a sad voice. Not realizing that her dreams where reality. All the encounters where real. She sighed and sat the items down on a table, studying them.

Jay just raised an eyebrow and his smile melted.

"I take it you don't know who you're messing with."

He spun one gun and put it in his holster, kicked Aidan's wrist, disarmed him and put Aidan's own gun at his head. Jay was lightning quick, leaving Aidan no time to react. You could tell this wasn't his first rodeo. He kicked Aidan in the butt and pushed him against the car, still at gunpoint. He returned his attention to Max, his smile back.

"This his first time? I don't blame him, I don't look like much, but as you can see..."

He pulled the hammer back on both guns and held the other directly on Aidan's balls.

"He's in over his head. Speaking of head, I've got a place nearby."

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
MiyaTheNeko said:
Aidan was surprised when he suddenly jumped up with a pair of guns. He stood quickly and raised his hands up until he realized that he was serious about blowing his balls off. His eyes widened some and he covered his area. He was fine with the man (besides him threatening to take his area) until he started to flirt with Max. Aidan glared at him and was about to grab for his gun when he remembered it was in the car... his glock... that's right he had his glock on his side. He quickly drew it and aimed it at his head. "Do anything and I'll blast your brains out." He said with a serious look on his face. He wasnt going to have this, plus he was flirting with Max. Max may not see it but Aidan wouldnt let anyone hurt her. Nor would he let him get anywhere near her.

The bandit frowned and was about to throw her to the side. "You're no use to me... like this anyway." He said and took a knife from his pocket and was about to cut her clothes off. He didn't have a tight grip on the knife so it could be easily taken.


I grab the knife and stab him in the gut very quickly, over and over. Not a really hard stab but a quick poke, then again I must have stabbed him 5 times by now.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira shook her head and frowned some when she realized that. She hasn't seen him physically. She then nodded at what she said next. "Yeah, he knows about the child but... he probably thinks I'm dead..." she said in a sad voice. Not realizing that her dreams where reality. All the encounters where real. She sighed and sat the items down on a table, studying them.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika frowned lightly as she watched her examine the items on the table "Well, there's only one thing to do then" she said walking around to where Mira could see her "You look for him, show him you're not dead" She said with a nod "I'll help you" she offered.

Aiden growled when he was thrown against the car. He chuckled and shook his head, realising this just got a shit load easier for him. While he was distracted flirting with Max again, Aidan jumped and crashed through the window of the car, his feet knocking the gun away, gaining access to his rifle. He leans up out he window and fires three shots at the man, all aiming for his gut. (At least one has to hit him, we have to be somewhat realistic here...) He opens the door and grabs max, gently pulling her back so she wouldnt be caught in crossfire.

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Avery's mask was now stone cold, aside from where Mira had touched it. The blood on his ax had either dripped off, or was rock hard to the touch.



Avery grunted a bit. There was a small hoard behind him... Although he could easily outrun them, he didn't want to risk having a coughing-fit again. It could be fatal if he had one right now. Instead of taking the chance, he hid inside a barber's shop. His hair had been getting quite long, after all. While the zombies were pounding on his door, Avery was giving himself a haircut, as well as a clean shave. He nodded at his final product, and grabbed a bottle of hairspray. He took out his lighter, which Mira had given to him around the time that they first met. He smirked a bit, and lit the lighter. He sprayed the hairspray into the flame, making a make-shift flamethrower. He grabbed the stock of hairspray canisters off the shelf, and tossed them onto the floor. He lit a fire in the office desk, and left the lighter and canister behind. He burst through the back door, laughing all the way.

A small explosion exploded away part of a strip-mall towards the outskirts if the city. The explosion demolished the inside of what used to be a barber's shop. The flames started spreading quickly, to the rest of the strip-mall.

Quillicious said:
((Jay: Don't count your chickens before they hatch, buddy. Especially when you're dealing with me.))
((Aidan: I'm not one to fight like this, but your messing with fire now... I'm sorry but I'm not dealing with this shit. She is mine to protect, not yours to fuck.))

Quillicious said:
Jay just raised an eyebrow and his smile melted.
"I take it you don't know who you're messing with."

He spun one gun and put it in his holster, kicked Aidan's wrist, disarmed him and put Aidan's own gun at his head. Jay was lightning quick, leaving Aidan no time to react. You could tell this wasn't his first rodeo. He kicked Aidan in the butt and pushed him against the car, still at gunpoint. He returned his attention to Max, his smile back.

"This his first time? I don't blame him, I don't look like much, but as you can see..."

He pulled the hammer back on both guns and held the other directly on Aidan's balls.

"He's in over his head. Speaking of head, I've got a place nearby."

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
Quillicious said:
Jay drew both of his guns in a flash, aiming at both Aidan and Max's crotches.
"Touch me again and I'll blow your balls off."

He looked at Max and slowly raised his eyes up, a goofy grin growing on his face until he got to her face.

"No balls...slim figure...tits...long hair...nevermind. I can't blow you're balls off, but I sure hope you can blow somethin'. You really hit me hard, I must've gone to Heaven...no, Hell. Only fallen angels look this good. That hair, babe. Love the color. Turns me on quick as the A/C in July."

He winked at her, still not lowering his guns.

"Name's Bluejay, hot stuff. I'd love to know yours."

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Blue_Jay_KK_APA_2013_28342_232388_BrianKushner.jpg.34ac05c849d2062aa3445b212fc91ead.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133296" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Blue_Jay_KK_APA_2013_28342_232388_BrianKushner.jpg.34ac05c849d2062aa3445b212fc91ead.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Bluejay ^_^ ))



  • Blue_Jay_KK_APA_2013_28342_232388_BrianKushner.jpg
    327 KB · Views: 14
The thing is, Jay doesn't get distracted. As soon as Aidan jumped through the car, Jay grabbed Max and held her in front of him, then, with a groan, tackled her to the ground. A bullet grazed his side, and he saluted her with his gun.

"Welcome, babe."

He stood up, shaking his head slowly and chuckling.

"You're the one who hit me, and the one who almost shot her. I don't feel like killing anymore people today."

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
MiyaTheNeko said:
((Aidan: I'm not one to fight like this, but your messing with fire now... I'm sorry but I'm not dealing with this shit. She is mine to protect, not yours to fuck.))
((Jay: Doin' a shitty job of that, buddy boy. Good thing that douche is still in the back of my mind...for her at least...))
Yappi said:
I grab the knife and stab him in the gut very quickly, over and over. Not a really hard stab but a quick poke, then again I must have stabbed him 5 times by now.

Nona said:

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika frowned lightly as she watched her examine the items on the table "Well, there's only one thing to do then" she said walking around to where Mira could see her "You look for him, show him you're not dead" She said with a nod "I'll help you" she offered.

The bandit drops her and winces in pain. "Mother fucker!!" He yells and charges at her.

Mira smiled and nodded at her. She hugged Laika and sighed happily. "That would be wonderful! Let's go." She said and lead them out the door to where she saw the car and zombies.


Max had had enough of this bullshit, but her temper would only make him want to fight more against Aidan, so she stayed put and let him tackle her. She blinked slowly multiple times and kept her fists by her sides. She ripped out of his grasp and stood up, taking a few steps back from 'Bluejay'.

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko

When he drops me I just continue stabbing him really quickly with a 0-0 face. Before long I just start stabbing him in the throat.

A man in a bloodstained coat was limping down the street. His hand was on his side.

'Jay, Jay, Jay...fuck!'

He saw the two girls and hurried over to them.

'Hey! You two see my mate 'round here? Tall, blue jacket, name's Jay.'

@Nona @MiyaTheNeko
MiyaTheNeko said:
The bandit drops her and winces in pain. "Mother fucker!!" He yells and charges at her.
Mira smiled and nodded at her. She hugged Laika and sighed happily. "That would be wonderful! Let's go." She said and lead them out the door to where she saw the car and zombies.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika smiled and hugged her back "You're welcome" she said with a smile as she then followed Mira along until the reached the car and the zombies "so...is this where you found the stuff? Where do you want to go from here?" She asked as she looked around to see where he could have possibly headed off to. Laika stared at the man that approached them "Are you okay?" She asked before he asked for Jay "...Jay?" She frowned "...I knew a Jay, b-but he's dead...so I don't think its the same guy...sorry" She said quietly.


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Quillicious said:
The thing is, Jay doesn't get distracted. As soon as Aidan jumped through the car, Jay grabbed Max and held her in front of him, then, with a groan, tackled her to the ground. A bullet grazed his side, and he saluted her with his gun.
"Welcome, babe."

He stood up, shaking his head slowly and chuckling.

"You're the one who hit me, and the one who almost shot her. I don't feel like killing anymore people today."

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
Aidan was growing furious which wasn't good. He was careless when he was furious. He calmed himself down before stepping from the car and holding him at gunpoint. Max's bow and quiver was in his other hand. "Max, here." He said when he saw her get away from his grasp. "Take the car, I dont care we can walk." He said with a small smile on his face. "But keep your dirty hands off of her, I swear if you try anything like that again I'll end you." He was red with fury from everything that happened within the last few moments. His finger on the trigger ready to pull at a single threatening movement. ((he will shoot if you try to attack, keep that in mind ^_^ ))

@Quillicious @iiCupcakeCraver
Jay holstered his other gun and threw Aidan's back to him. He chuckled.

"Remind me of Lawton. Both from Europe, both with the same temper."

Nona said:

~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Kimberley took the apple and smiled "Thank you~" she said looking at the apple for a moment "Kind of Ironic a doctor is giving me an apple, isn't this supposed to keep you away?" She asked with a giggle, referring to that saying. She took a bite from the apple as he asked where she was from. She answered after swallowing "My dad is Spanish and my mom was Irish, im from Ireland but moved here with my dad literally a week before all this garbage started" she said laughing a little.

@Shammy the Shamrock

I was about to speak but fell to the ground. I could feel Hyde trying to worm his way into control, getting up I stared at her. "Do you have a place we can go, with locks," I said grabbing my chest. I wrote something in my book and looked back at her.
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