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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Mira looked around in a random direction and sighed some. "No idea, he could have gone anywhere from here." That's when a man approached them. Mira shook her head some but pointed down the street. "I think I heard some gunfire down the street, check there." She told the man.


The bandit falls to the ground in pain, squirming and trying to block the stabs. That's when she started to stab his throat. He spat blood everywhere and tried to scream but couldn't.


She shoved Aidan out of the way after getting ahold of her bow and quiver. Loading it with two arrows she aimed directly under 'Bluejays's' chin, forcing him to tilt his chin upwards. "What kind of shit are you pulling? What do you want you fucking-" She cut off, giving him a chance to respond.

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
Aidan was confused but caught the gun in his free hand. He quickly holstered it but didn't take the rifle off of him. He was ready for any type of attack. "No idea who you are talking about but... thanks?" He was then shoved by max to the side. He shrugged some but continued to aim at him.


Avery laughed a bit, and rested against the side of a Tim Horton's Donuts. He ran a hand through his short hair, and smiled a bit. His gaze fixed on his vehicle, off in the distance. "Oh shit... The tire..." He said under his breath. He looked to the Barber's shop he'd demolished, then to the alley he came from. He couldn't remember where he left the tire... He sighed a bit, and set off walking back to the vehicle. That's when he saw movement. Not a zombie, for sure... 3 People. 2 Girls, one man. Shit... He thought. His arm twitched when he thought of his gas mask. It wasn't there. Avery leaned in a bit to investigate further. "Mira..." He said under his breath. He instantly turned around and began bolting as fast as he could down the road.


Jay grabbed Max and held her in a choke hold. He also drew his gun.

"Try me, bitch. I've been in way worse situations. By the way, this isn't personal, girl."

He slowly crept closer, hiding behind Max, until he was a few feet from Aidan. Jay shot him three times in the foot. He didn't miss. As he was distracted, he whacked him in the gut, then the head with his gun, pistol whipping him.

MiyaTheNeko said:
The bandit falls to the ground in pain, squirming and trying to block the stabs. That's when she started to stab his throat. He spat blood everywhere and tried to scream but couldn't.

My crazy starts to show "I've never tried this before so give me a second" I Say grabbing a knife and sawing off his arm before taking a bite Infront of his still alive eyes. I patched up the neck wounds so he would no bleed out.

She blindly reached for her knife in her pocket, desperate to get a strike. She slashed, grazing his forehead and then his arm. She kicked him in the balls, hard, forcing him to drop her. "Don't underestimate me, fuckboy." She kicked him on the ground.

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
Quillicious said:
Jay grabbed Max and held her in a choke hold. He also drew his gun.
"Try me, bitch. I've been in way worse situations. By the way, this isn't personal, girl."

He slowly crept closer, hiding behind Max, until he was a few feet from Aidan. Jay shot him three times in the foot. He didn't miss. As he was distracted, he whacked him in the gut, then the head with his gun, pistol whipping him.

Aidan swore loudly when he was shit in the foot. He fell to the ground and took the hit to the gut when his hand on hand instinct kicked in. He grabbed Jay's hand before the pistol hit his head and twisted it, forcing him to drop the gun. Then watches as Max does her think with her knife.

"Don't do the same to me, fuck...girl? I don't know, I tried..."

Jay swept her legs out from under her and got on top of her, wrestling the knife away.

"How about we make a deal?"

Nona said:

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika smiled and hugged her back "You're welcome" she said with a smile as she then followed Mira along until the reached the car and the zombies "so...is this where you found the stuff? Where do you want to go from here?" She asked as she looked around to see where he could have possibly headed off to. Laika stared at the man that approached them "Are you okay?" She asked before he asked for Jay "...Jay?" She frowned "...I knew a Jay, b-but he's dead...so I don't think its the same guy...sorry" She said quietly.


(( @Quillicious Also, I didn't see your reply before posting so I edited it for some reason tagging doesn't work when you add it in the edit :I))
Yappi said:
My crazy starts to show "I've never tried this before so give me a second" I Say grabbing a knife and sawing off his arm before taking a bite Infront of his still alive eyes. I patched up the neck wounds so he would no bleed out.
@MiyaTheNeko (ps sunburn smells like bacon)
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