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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Quillicious said:
"The kind of deal where I don't kill you and you don't kill me? You were the people who hit me in the first place! What the hell?!"
@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
Aidan limped over to them and pulled Jay odd of her. "First if all, I hit you not her. So leave the pretty lass out of this. Second, I thought you where a biter, I tried to slow when I saw but I couldn't. I'm SORRY!" he drug out the word sorry before helping max up. He shook his head and growled at Jay.

@Quillicious @iiCupcakeCraver

She growled. "It wasn't like we were trying to hit you! Besides, you were the one who threatened us, we didn't do anything. Gerrroff me you prick!" She freed and arm and clocked him in the jaw, shaking her hand out from the impact.

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
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I smiled "Thank you, you are my savior. He's trying to get control again," I say not realizing that I had slipped about Hyde's existence. While I walk I cling onto her for dear life, shaking and slowly feeling like a bag of sand is on my shoulders.

Jay twitched after he was hit. He rubbed his jaw and frowned.

"Ow...so mean. Jeez, girl, calm down..."

He looked around, confused.

"Uh. Where's Lawton? He should be here. Have you guys seen him? Overcoat, goofy hat, British."

He kept looking at Max and squinting.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira looked around in a random direction and sighed some. "No idea, he could have gone anywhere from here." That's when a man approached them. Mira shook her head some but pointed down the street. "I think I heard some gunfire down the street, check there." She told the man.

Thetas said:

Avery laughed a bit, and rested against the side of a Tim Horton's Donuts. He ran a hand through his short hair, and smiled a bit. His gaze fixed on his vehicle, off in the distance. "Oh shit... The tire..." He said under his breath. He looked to the Barber's shop he'd demolished, then to the alley he came from. He couldn't remember where he left the tire... He sighed a bit, and set off walking back to the vehicle. That's when he saw movement. Not a zombie, for sure... 3 People. 2 Girls, one man. Shit... He thought. His arm twitched when he thought of his gas mask. It wasn't there. Avery leaned in a bit to investigate further. "Mira..." He said under his breath. He instantly turned around and began bolting as fast as he could down the road.



~*Laika Flynn*~

In the corner of her eye Laika spotted something. Someone. And they were running away from them. "Is that anything we should be concerned about?" She asked Mira, nodding to the man running, soon he'd be too far away to identify for any of them. She then turned to Lawton with a confused expression. "A-A few hours ago?...I-I was told he was killed by bandits" she said, stating at him




Mira was about to say something about Jay when she heard someone running. She saw immediately who it was and instantly sprinted after him. "Avery wait please!" She yelled out, her voice pained from the wound slowly starting to reopen. She didn't care at this point, she just wanted to talk to Avery. She still head the mask and axe in her arms.


@Quillicious @Thetas
Jack glares at Jay and shakes his head. "Oh so she counts as mean for slugging you in the jaw, but you aren't mean for shooting my damn foot." Aidan said aloud before kneeling to the ground. He ripped cloth off of his bartender outfit and wrapped it around the wound on his foot.

@iiCupcakeCraver @Quillicious

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika nodded as Mira ran away "T-Thats what I heard, Mira told me, she was there with him" she explained "But that was longer than a few hours ago..." She said furrowing her brows in confusion. "Maybe she was mistaken?"



She hissed. "I don't know who you are, but I sure damn well know Lawton." Max recalled the time when he had found her on the roof, that must have been about three days ago. She hurried over to tend to Aidan's foot. "At least they're clean shots, should heal up pretty fast."

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
Aidan chuckled and looked up at Jay. "Did I really hit you that hard with the car?" He said, suddenly more cheerful now that he wasn't trying I kill them. He looked at max and smiled some. "Thanks, yeah I'm glad about that but... still sucks. Gonna be a pain to walk for a while.

Jay looked at her in confusion and glanced at Aidan's foot.

"Oh! I'll help."

He bent down and examined the wound.

"No bullets are in there anymore. Entry and exit points are clean, no ruptured arteries. This might sting."

He got a bottle of rubbing alcohol and poured some on his foot.

"How do you know Lawton?"

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika nodded in response "Yeah, I knew him. He was the one that brought me to the church to stay..." she answered looking to him "Why do you ask?"


'No reason. Just looking for him, and I figured you two might've known. He talked about two girls he met before, but he said they were a ways away from here. Something about regrets as well.'



Avery stopped running at the sound of her voice. It enraged him. It infuriated him! This bitch!! He clenched a fist, and as soon as he heard her running steps get close enough, he spun around, and backhanded her across the face. "You have no fucking right..." He started. "You left me for dead, you bitch!" He exclaimed, his face twisting into sadness and rage. He began to shake, as his emotions took over. However, logic flooded into his mind as he saw the two other from earlier. If they saw that... Avery shuddered at the thought.




(Sorry for the wait... A lot of deleting and retyping >-<)

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika tilted her head at his words? "Regrets?" She repeated, though she honestly didn't expect him to know about what exactly he meant by that. "I'm sorry I can't help...I haven't seen him since he ran after Mira in the woods before he got possibly killed..." She explained, sighing softly.



"Doesn't matter." She went around the back of the truck and picked up more of the gauze to help tie around his foot for now, until they got real medical pads that didn't come from a first aid kit. They pads would be expensive, so stealing was her best bet. "I just met him after...Uhm-Never mind."

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
Suddenly, Lawton slammed the butt of his shotgun onto the side of Aidan's head as Max went around the truck. Jay pistol whipped him and both him and Aidan fell to the ground, unconscious.


He got into the car, starting it up. The keys were still in the ignition. He gestured to Max quickly.

"They'll be fine! Get in now! Trust me!"

He opened the passenger door for her.

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