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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Quillicious said:
"I get those threats every day, sweetheart. That's the reason I'm bringing you with me."
He matched her tone.

((Oi, be careful what the hell you do m8 Aidan is in the back of the truck. He isn't one to give up on a lady...))
MiyaTheNeko said:
((You should really go see how Mira is doing.... I mean she just got hit after months of being away from Avery xD ))
((I was going to send her to do that but then they were hugging and apologising two seconds later and then everyone else is dribing around and/or unconcious so I wasn't sure what to do with her xD ))
Quillicious said:
((Jay: I ain't 'fraid of no puss.))
((Aidan: look man, I'm not here to start any trouble, but that is my lass you are messing with... Avery causes trouble, I am trouble... just don't do anything you will regret. Infact, if it comes down to it, and you turn out to be a cool dude. I'd be happy to make a truce as long as you keep your hands on your own ladies... ))
MiyaTheNeko said:
((You should really go see how Mira is doing.... I mean she just got hit after months of being away from Avery xD ))
Nona said:

~*Laika Flynn*~

Seeing as Mira found who she was looking for, she was no longer needed so Laika continued walking down the road, she had lost track as to what was home was with all the running around, but she'd find it eventually she supposed...

@Any one?

((Laika keeps getting abandoned by people...I mean people literally just run off
xD ))

((Probably smart... Bitch is about to get smacked the fuck up again .-,))

Avery's eye flinched. "Y-You... You what..?" He asked, his face dropping a bit. His face turned into one of disgust, as he realized what she was saying. He pushed her away quickly his face showing that he was appalled and offended. "You cheated on me???" He exclaimed. He thought that everything could be back to normal again... He was obviously wrong. His mind was racing. Everything was spinning. His arm began twitching... Then his hand... And finally, his eye. He backhanded her once again, with twice the force. "Y-You bitch!!" He exclaimed, his fist clenched. "I-I... I can't..." He said, as tears began streaming down his face.

Nona said:
((I was going to send her to do that but then they were hugging and apologising two seconds later and then everyone else is dribing around and/or unconcious so I wasn't sure what to do with her xD ))
((Might as well send her down their to check, you never know what could happen with Avery... xD ))
Thetas said:
((Probably smart... Bitch is about to get smacked the fuck up again .-,))

Avery's eye flinched. "Y-You... You what..?" He asked, his face dropping a bit. His face turned into one of disgust, as he realized what she was saying. He pushed her away quickly his face showing that he was appalled and offended. "You cheated on me???" He exclaimed. He thought that everything could be back to normal again... He was obviously wrong. His mind was racing. Everything was spinning. His arm began twitching... Then his hand... And finally, his eye. He backhanded her once again, with twice the force. "Y-You bitch!!" He exclaimed, his fist clenched. "I-I... I can't..." He said, as tears began streaming down his face.

Mira felt terrible she couldn't stand to see him like this. She was about to try and do her best to comfort him when she was hit once more, the recoiling throwing her to the ground. She let out a weak scream of pain and heald her face. She felt horrible, and knew what she did was wrong. She tried her hardest to get the pain away from her when she stood again, holding her face. "A-avery I'm s-sorry..." She felt weak, dizzy almost. She hated herself for what she did and stumbled to him. She gently grasped his hand and heald it in her own. "Please avery, forgive me for what I did... I was being stupid, i-it wasn't all me I..." her breathing quickened greatly, the wound in her gut bleeding again. A small trickle of blood flowed down her cheek. "Please Avery...." she said in pain, physical and emotional pain.
Thetas said:
((Probably smart... Bitch is about to get smacked the fuck up again .-,))

Avery's eye flinched. "Y-You... You what..?" He asked, his face dropping a bit. His face turned into one of disgust, as he realized what she was saying. He pushed her away quickly his face showing that he was appalled and offended. "You cheated on me???" He exclaimed. He thought that everything could be back to normal again... He was obviously wrong. His mind was racing. Everything was spinning. His arm began twitching... Then his hand... And finally, his eye. He backhanded her once again, with twice the force. "Y-You bitch!!" He exclaimed, his fist clenched. "I-I... I can't..." He said, as tears began streaming down his face.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika decided to walk back, after all, she had no idea where she was going, the guy that stopped with them before ran off somewhere, if she ever found Jay...well she had a feeling she wouldn't but if she did she was convinced he'd be less than happy to see her since she wasn't Mira and might just run off again. Walking back to where they were before she saw Mira get slapped. She rushed up to them "What the heck?!!" She called why was he slapping her? Shouldn't he be happy to see her?! She didn't understand it.



Avery looked to the new girl, his mind racing. "I-I..." Avery couldn't form words. H-Her stomach... The night when Avery found Mira in the woods flashed through his mind quickly. He never... Avery wished he could just disappear. Leave all this behind. But, he couldn't... He'd already tried, and look where that got him...

Then, something hit him.

The baby.

Avery saw the bulge in his Wife's stomach, and then the stab wound... He began shaking. He looked up to Mira. "
T-The baby..." He said, more concerned than he'd ever been in his whole life.
Mira looked at Laika and shook her head trying to indicate that it was no big deal that he hit her. She looked back at Avery who seemed to have a very worried look on his face. She them noticed him looking down twoards her stomach. It was confirmed what he was worried about when he finally mentioned it. Mira shook her head at him and stood, looking up at him. "T-the baby is okay Avery.... I promise I f-fealt it kick earlier." She said and turned her head. She spat some blood on the ground, the blood that was slowly traveling back up into her mouth from the wound. She had a hard time keeping upright, she was still very dizzy from the hit and loosing more blood. It started to show when she stumbled a little bit without even intending on moving.



Avery let out a quiet sob of joy, before hugging Mira tightly, being extra careful of her wound. "I'm so sorry..." He said, before kissing her cheek gently. He looked over to the new girl, with a look of concern on his face. "I-Is there anywhere we can bring her..? She needs medical attention..." He said, as he let go of her. He was so happy that his baby was okay... Both of them. But, now wasn't the time to celebrate.



~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika looked back at Mira when she gestured to it being okay. That didn't stop Laika from glaring at him for hitting her. What kind of man slaps a pregnant wounded woman. Taking a breath she still said nothing for Mira's sake. "There's the church, one of the girls there had Medical training, I'm sure she can help. I had it temporarily fixed up for until she got there but it broke when she ran to you when she was told not to run." She said looking to him "The church isn't too far from here, she should last until then" she said as she took a step closer to them both.



Everything around miya began to move in blurres. Every gesture Avery made, the hug the apologies. "I-its okay... Avery... I de-deserved it." Her words were split and slurred. Her movement more wobbly. She blacked out in Avery's arms, hoping to be heald up by him and not falling to the ground. She barely heard anything that Laika said. A mark slowly formed in her face from where she was hit.

Well that just happened... I uh... I wonder if he meant everything he said, about being sorry... of course he did, he loves you. I know he does, and I love him back but he doesn't show it like I do. He has his own way of showing his love, haven't you noticed. You are the person that controls his love for you... what do you mean by that? Haven't you noticed? He is an ass all the time until he is around you, he falls for you. He is putty in your hands. That's sort of a dick way to put it don't you think? Look, I'm not going to explain it to you... figure it out.

Avery held her in his arms, never wanting to let go. He lifted her up a bit, and carried her bridal style. He looked over to Laika, and gave a weak smile. "I'm so sorry for getting you caught up in this... And I hate to ask any more of you... But would you mind coming with us to the church..?" He asked, with an apologetic smile. He knew she was skeptical of him... And he couldn't blame her. But, the baby needed a godparent when it was born... And they would sure as hell need a doctor every now and again. It also couldn't hurt to keep someone around to keep Avery in check... His mental state was getting worse by the minute. He didn't even trust himself at this point.


(@Quarantine I am confused in a thing. Where is your character sleeping? At the casino or the location of the other characters?)
MiyaTheNeko said:
Everything around miya began to move in blurres. Every gesture Avery made, the hug the apologies. "I-its okay... Avery... I de-deserved it." Her words were split and slurred. Her movement more wobbly. She blacked out in Avery's arms, hoping to be heald up by him and not falling to the ground. She barely heard anything that Laika said. A mark slowly formed in her face from where she was hit.
Well that just happened... I uh... I wonder if he meant everything he said, about being sorry... of course he did, he loves you. I know he does, and I love him back but he doesn't show it like I do. He has his own way of showing his love, haven't you noticed. You are the person that controls his love for you... what do you mean by that? Haven't you noticed? He is an ass all the time until he is around you, he falls for you. He is putty in your hands. That's sort of a dick way to put it don't you think? Look, I'm not going to explain it to you... figure it out.
Thetas said:

Avery held her in his arms, never wanting to let go. He lifted her up a bit, and carried her bridal style. He looked over to Laika, and gave a weak smile. "I'm so sorry for getting you caught up in this... And I hate to ask any more of you... But would you mind coming with us to the church..?" He asked, with an apologetic smile. He knew she was skeptical of him... And he couldn't blame her. But, the baby needed a godparent when it was born... And they would sure as hell need a doctor every now and again. It also couldn't hurt to keep someone around to keep Avery in check... His mental state was getting worse by the minute. He didn't even trust himself at this point.



~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika looked him over from a bit first, huh. He doesn't seem so like an ass now, he seems genuinely worried, she still didn't trust him though. With a raised brow and crossed arms she nodded "Alright, I will" she said unfolding her arms and agreeing to accompany them for Mira's sake since she needed to tell Melina what was up before she treated her that and she wanted to know for sure he wasn't going to just smack her as soon as she looks better.


~*Kimberley Varkas*~

"That's me, the apocalypse's super hero at your service" she joked, giving a fake salute "Though I do feel the need to ask, who's trying to get control? I'm not sure I follow" she questioned as they neared her home, she wasn't joking about those locks either. Around her home which was a small house on the far outskirts of the city was loads of old cars, scrap metal, batteries, gadgets and her front door which had about 10 different locks on it. "Its amazing how many people want to steal my stuff" she said laughing lightly as she reached the door and began to unlock it.

@Shammy the Shamrock


My little teeth finally eat through the mans arm and I lay down the bones of what was once his arm. I use my finger and boop him on the nose

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JPTheWarrior said:
(@Quarantine I am confused in a thing. Where is your character sleeping? At the casino or the location of the other characters?)
(Hey JP, sorry for asking in IC, but I just need to know... Where are the characters? I plan on doing a loud loud loud entrance... hehehehe)
[QUOTE="Scatman John](Hey JP, sorry for asking in IC, but I just need to know... Where are the characters? I plan on doing a loud loud loud entrance... hehehehe)

((There are a lot of characters spread out everywhere around the city, no one is really in one spot ^_^ ))
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