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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Yappi said:
My little teeth finally eat through the mans arm and I lay down the bones of what was once his arm. I use my finger and boop him on the nose

The man is slowly starting to loose consciousness from blood loss from his arm. His pained screams growing weaker by the minute.

[QUOTE="Scatman John](Hey JP, sorry for asking in IC, but I just need to know... Where are the characters? I plan on doing a loud loud loud entrance... hehehehe)

(I only know two groups but I cant really tell who belongs to who. 2 are at a casino, that is closed so you probably wouldnt be able to enter, but around 4 or 5 are at a bar, and there you can go I think :) )
JPTheWarrior said:
(I only know two groups but I cant really tell who belongs to who. 2 are at a casino, that is closed so you probably wouldnt be able to enter, but around 4 or 5 are at a bar, and there you can go I think :) )
((There is only one person at Aidan's bar now I think. If that, @Quarantine Might have left the bar but idk.))
Grigory was speeding past zombies on his motorcycle, smiling like an evil bastard. "Hahahahaha! Loved this bike!" He'd say to himself, his voice almost came out as a whisper from how loud the motorbike is. Four streets away was a 'natural' roadblock from broken cars and zombies, so he suddenly turned left on the first street that he saw. "Oh shit... that was close..." He said to himself as he noticed the street leads to the outskirts of the city.

(GTG school, peace)
JPTheWarrior said:
(I only know two groups but I cant really tell who belongs to who. 2 are at a casino, that is closed so you probably wouldnt be able to enter, but around 4 or 5 are at a bar, and there you can go I think :) )
(Just cycling 'round town with my dirtbike for now, but will reply later when I get back from school)
JPTheWarrior said:
( I see thank you. Then where is your character and the others?)
((I know that Aidan, is hiding in the back of a truck with Jay, and Max. Mira is with Avery and Laika in the city about to head to the church. My others, and other people.... I don't really know to be honest xD ))
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Jay kept glancing back toward the road, a strange expression on his face. He stopped the truck.

"Meet me at the church, Max. I'll be there soon, I need to take care of something."

Jay waved at Mex and gestured to where the church was. He sprinted off down the street, toward where Avery, Laika, and Mira were walking.

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko @Nona @Thetas
Aidan feels the truck stop and lets out a sigh of relief. His head was feeling better not besides a slight headache he had. He peaked over the side of the truck bed to see that Jay was walking twoards a few other people. He looked into the truck and saw Max, a smile grew on him after that. He got out and went to the passenger side door to talk to max. "So, would you like to drive or me?" He said with a smile though he was badly beaten. Working in a bar toughened him up quite a bit, splitting up bar fights can chance someone for the better when it comes to fighting and taking a beating.

The bandit looks at her with weak eyes. "Please" me mouths out to her. "End me... please..." he can't talk right, the wounds to the throat preventing him from speaking.

@MiyaTheNeko @JPTheWarrior @Thetas @Nona @WhoeverelseIforgot I won't be on as frequently ^^' Crazy story. My boyfriend thinks being bisexual means he can date/have sex with both genders at the same time. So I'll be sleeping and eating ice cream or whatever else single girls do.))
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Quarantine said:
@MiyaTheNeko @JPTheWarrior @Thetas @Nona @WhoeverelseIforgot I won't be on as frequently ^^' Crazy story. My boyfriend thinks being bisexual means he can date/have sex with both genders at the same time. So I'll be sleeping and eating ice cream or whatever else single girls do.))
((Okay that's fucked up for one... your boyfriend is and idiot. Also, I'm a single girl and i just rp and sleep xD ))

~*Laika Flynn*~

Continuing on their way to the church Laika walked alongside Avery, occasionally checking on Mira was doing. Though she didn't speak to him much at all, she still was sceptical about him and his actions. Walking along, her eyes drifted toward someone rushing towards them. Blinking a few times, she immediately recognised him, her steps slowing just a little to make sure. "Jay?" She said staring in his direction. She couldn't help but smile a little seeing that he definetly wasn't dead even if she felt things were a little awkward for her because of past events.




MiyaTheNeko said:
The bandit looks at her with weak eyes. "Please" me mouths out to her. "End me... please..." he can't talk right, the wounds to the throat preventing him from speaking.

"Hmmmm no,you were fine with watching me suffer" I say happily
"You weren't suffering..." he weezed out, still in great about of pain. The needle with the strange liquid sat beside him. It would up his nerves so he would be feeling more pain that he already was.

Mira was still unconscious in Avery's arms, her breathing was very light and starting to slow from blood loss. She dreamt about her and Avery before she had left him in the apartment and before she cheated on him, she also dreamed of the days to come. When the child is born, if and when the apocalypse ends... The mark from where she was hit is clearly visible on her face.

@Thetas @Nona @Quillicious
MiyaTheNeko said:
"You weren't suffering..." he weezed out, still in great about of pain. The needle with the strange liquid sat beside him. It would up his nerves so he would be feeling more pain that he already was.

I inject him with the syringe and slit his wrist. I take off his shoes and cut is ache lies heel. I cut off a finger and shush his screams with his own finger. I throw it to the side and watch him squirm.
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