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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She at up, appearing almost completely alert at first.

"Really? I thought you said you were already into someone." Wrapping her arms around him, she whispered, "That's okay with me, though, if you're fine with it."

The girl let out a small laugh, her vision just slightly blurry.


Avery sighed a bit, and leaned against the back wall of the bar. He sat down with his back to the bar, clutching the gas mask he wore on his face. He hated the respirator on that thing... The visors too. But, it was his only reminder of what he used to be... How he used to live... The woman he used to love. Cold hearted bitch... He thought to himself. He felt tears rise, but he wouldn't let them flow. He let his hand fall to his side, where it gripped the dirt he sat on.

"A long, long time ago..."

He started, as the pains in his chest rose.

"I can still remember how that music used to make me smile"

The line reminded him of the way he used to smile... And laugh... He shook his head a bit and continued.

"And I knew if I had my chance..."

"That I could make those people dance"

And now all he did was ruin...

"And maybe they'd be happy for a while..."


"But February made me shiver

With every paper I'd deliver

Bad news on the doorstep

I couldn't take one more step"

He sang, with remorse, as the memories of the day repeated in his head.

"I can't remember if I cried..."

He started the next verse, the tears in his eyes beginning to flow.

"When I read about his widowed bride..."


"But something touched me deep inside..."

Avery's voice became shaky, as the tears flowed quicker.

"The day the music died..."

Avery began sobbing quietly, his hand gripping his face, in an attempt to stop the tears.

"I'm so sorry..."

He muttered through the tears

Peace sighed "Was I the person who drove you away a long time ago. I can't stop thinking about you and it hurts when I do. I wanted to come to do what I didn't do before, apologies." She said looking down at the floor, turning away.

@Yappi @MiyaTheNeko

Jason smiled "Of course, I need someone like you to lean on. A person who I know I can trust since AJ is gone," Jason said patting her back and looking back at Rin. He saw Anthony walk in and brought his stick out "Howdy stranger," he said pointing it at him.

Aidan looked at her confused and sighed under his breath. 'Shes drunk... fucking great...' He thought to himself before picking her up and walking upstairs. "I'll be down in a minute..." he said to anyone that might be listening. He opened a room and layed her down. He began to walk out of the room knowing she was probably going to try and seduce him somehow.


((Aidan has worked in a bar for a good bit, he's used to this stuff xD ))


"No! Aiden!" She less-than-gracefully slid off the bed and tackled him from behind.

Not moving from on top of him, she tried to convince him to stay.

"Wait wait wait. I swear to you, it'll be like this fast." She clapped her hands together to demonstrate. "Unless you want it to go longer." She awkwardly wrapped her hands around him, begging, "Please please please please please." The word almost became meaningless, so she let out a whine, putting her head on his shoulder.


I hug him "Apology accepted" I sigh "But I won't take you back, I already have Lucas... He helped me through a rough patch and well, I won't break his heart just to have you back. With Threat around I have a feeling it wouldn't work out in the end considering he wants my intrails on a plater"
@Yappi[/URL] @MiyaTheNeko

Jason smiled "Of course, I need someone like you to lean on. A person who I know I can trust since AJ is gone," Jason said patting her back and looking back at Rin. He saw Anthony walk in and brought his stick out "Howdy stranger," he said pointing it at him.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina smiled at his words before nodding "Then I'll try help as best I can" she said before hearing the knock at the door. Watching Jason answer it, she stood up to see who it was better, still holding Rin in her arms as she did so.



Avery sighed a bit, and took off his gas mask. He wiped his tears, and shook his head, begging himself to forget what just happened. He stumbled to his feet, and sighed, leaving his gas mask behind. He didn't want that anymore... He didn't want to be reminded of what he used to be... He wanted to start over.

Avery walked back into the bar, dark rings under his eyes. He sighed a bit, seeing that no one was there. They were both upstairs. Avery sighed a bit, and sat down on a stool by the bar. He rested his head and arm on the bar, desperately needing alcohol...


((I feel like this color is gonna be more fitting to him now...))

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~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Stabbing the last zombie that had been of the hoard that ambushed her and followed her around, she let out a sigh. "Well that's enough anger management for one day" she mutters before laughing quietly to herself, wiping off the knife she had used before putting it away. Placing her hands on her hips she looked around the now empty street deciding where the best building to find some supplies would be at. After all, that's what she left for and she was getting kinda hungry...

@Any one :3

"Oh bloody hell." He manages to say before he hits the ground with a grunt. He turns his head back and looks at the woman who was pleading for him to get in bed with her. Any other man would have taken advantage of that fact right away but he wasn't like that. Something about this seemed off and he didn't like it. Something finally drew him to roll his eyes. "Okay! Fine please just get off of me..." he obviously wasn't happy about it but he knew she wouldn't stop bugging him. He wasnt one to give in easy though, he had a plan to get away from her until she came to her senses.

Nona said:

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika nodded "You did tell me about him, you said he passed on..." She said "Maybe them Dreams mean something? You never know" she said softly, she didn't believe that dreams communicate the future or stuff like that but some people do and it seemed to calm them sometimes so she mentioned it. "You should really get that treated..." She said looking to her wound "I can try patch it up temporarily until you find someone who can treat you properly" she offered.

Mira nodded at her and smiled some. "I hope so." She said weakly and then lowered her head. She looked to the wound and nodded. "That would be great actually, thank you." She said and layed down on one of the coushened seats and removed her shirt, not really feeling awkward about it. Laika was her friend and was going to patch her up, she was thankful for that.

I wandered the city, rubbing my head at what Hyde had got me into. I write something down in my journal and continue the walk. It seemed so ghostly that no one could be seen, by some it was scary by me it was just lonely. No one to share feelings or now my struggles with Hyde, I hated it and wish I was back in London before the zombies.

Jason still pointed at the man "Give me the reason I shouldn't kill you right now." He said standing in front of Melina so that she wouldn't be hurt by this man.

@Nona @Yappi

I grunt, the clover revolver hangs at my side. I take off the mask, though I don't show my face


She paid close attention as he talked. The girl heard this, which took a second to process. She grinned, rolling off of him. Blair stood up carefully. After this she took a few steps back, so he could get up as well.

Aidan stood up and smiled at her. "One second lass I need to get something." He winked and slowly closed the door before running downstairs. He saw Avery and smiled widley. "Avery my friend! Come here I have a surprise for you." He grabbed Avery and without his consent dragged him up the stairs and pushed him into the room with Equinox. "Have fun!" He yelled to him then went back downstairs to tent to the bar.

@Quarantine @Thetas

Avery's face twisted in anger when he was grabbed, but it turned more neutral the further they got up the stairs. "Aiden... What are you-" He was cut off by a quick shove. He looked behind him, in an attempt to question Aiden. Avery shook his head a bit when he saw that he was already gone.


MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira nodded at her and smiled some. "I hope so." She said weakly and then lowered her head. She looked to the wound and nodded. "That would be great actually, thank you." She said and layed down on one of the coushened seats and removed her shirt, not really feeling awkward about it. Laika was her friend and was going to patch her up, she was thankful for that.

~*Laika Flynn*~

"Don't thank me yet, the only medical experience I have is dealing with injured farm animals" she laughed sheepishly as she lifted her backpack to take out whatever medical supplies she had left. Sitting beside Mira she looked at the wound her eyes briefly moving to the small bulge on her stomach...It kinda looked like a baby bump to her but she didn't ask about it. She instead began working to patch up the wound, being extra careful not to screw up in case that was in fact a kid in there.


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Thetas said:

Avery's face twisted in anger when he was grabbed, but it turned more neutral the further they got up the stairs. "Aiden... What are you-" He was cut off by a quick shove. He looked behind him, in an attempt to question Aiden. Avery shook his head a bit when he saw that he was already gone.


((Three things where probably going through his mind:

1. Aidan got me something cool

2. Aidan has gone crazy

3. Oh shit he's gonna rape me...))


For a few long seconds, Blair just stared at him before it came to her.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to clear her head. Matchmaker.

She sat down on the bed, trying desperately to focus.

Blair felt a wave of disorientation hit her. Standing up again, she seemed to acknowledge Avery with a bit of confusion and mixed emotion. Each movement appeared impulsive instead of thought out.

Mira smiled at Laika and tilted her head, watching every movement she made. "A vet hu? Cool." She chuckled and waited for her to finish patching everything up. Mira noticed that she had glanced at her baby bump but never mentioned it. "You know, I'm about 5 months in now I think." she smiles and looked down at her stomach. "I felt a kick after the stab so I'm glad it didn't hurt the child. Pissed it off maybe but..." She laughed some.

Quarantine said:

For a few long seconds, Blair just stared at him before it came to her.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to clear her head. Matchmaker.

She sat down on the bed, trying desperately to focus.

Blair felt a wave of disorientation hit her. Standing up again, she seemed to acknowledge Avery with a bit of confusion and mixed emotion. Each movement appeared impulsive instead of thought out.

+(( Aidan: Thank god, home free and I still have a chance with the woman I do like!! ))+

Avery sighed a bit, and looked back to Quin, obviously a bit confused. He shook his head a bit, and turned so he was fully facing her. "What the fuck is your deal with me??" He asked, his face turning slightly red. He really wasn't all that pissed... But he needed to vent. Badly. "First you're fucking ignoring me, and now this shit?!" He exclaimed, his face getting redder and redder. He began walking towards her, his arms spread out, and making wild gestures as he spoke, showing how pissed he was.


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