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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Miya looked at him, obviously worried about what he said. She whipped off her face and stood. "Then we leave the city... or go into hiding there are a million places to hide." She said wanting to be with him through this. She was strong and could help fight through this if needed.

Aidan heard movement upstairs and figures that Max had probably awaken. He stood and made his way up the squeaky staircase. Once he arived he looked into the rooms until he found hers then knocked. "Lass you awake?" He yelled in hoping for an answer. he was tempted to peek in but wanted to respect her privacy, so he stood outside the door and waited for some sort of response.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya looked at him, obviously worried about what he said. She whipped off her face and stood. "Then we leave the city... or go into hiding there are a million places to hide." She said wanting to be with him through this. She was strong and could help fight through this if needed.

I shake my head "I'll wear my cloak and not speak a word... The rest can't know I'm alive. Let's go back to the church" I say slipping my cloak on and standing ip
MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira stopped coughing and smiled weakly at Laika. "I-I'll explain when we get inside." She said and half lead them into the city. She pointed out a Wild Ace that they could bunker down in and talk. "Last time I was here... there wasn't any Zombies so we sh- should be clear to go." She starts to cough again, more blood coming from her mouth from the untreated wound.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika wore a worried expression as she spoke, looking at her wound, then the blood trickling from her mouth "Alright then, but let's get you there quick, you don't look so well..." She said as they eventually made it there and went inside.


Miya nodded at him and held his arm. She started to walk back to the church, understanding that the others where not to know he lives.


Mira sits down at one of the tables and starts to cry weakly. She gently grabs Nona's hand and let out a sigh. "Jay... he is dead..." She said in a pained voice. "We got... attacked by bandits. I got beat and stabbed... they killed him for revenge."

MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya nodded at him and held his arm. She started to walk back to the church, understanding that the others where not to know he lives.

Mira sits down at one of the tables and starts to cry weakly. She gently grabs Nona's hand and let out a sigh. "Jay... he is dead..." She said in a pained voice. "We got... attacked by bandits. I got beat and stabbed... they killed him for revenge."


I silently approach the church, "Walk in first, pretend you could not find me... I'll walk in about a few minutes after" I say sitting down on a stump
Miya nods at him and walks into the church. She instantly sits down and starts to cry again to give the vibe that she couldn't find AJ anywhere and belived he was actually dead.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya nodded at him and held his arm. She started to walk back to the church, understanding that the others where not to know he lives.

Mira sits down at one of the tables and starts to cry weakly. She gently grabs Nona's hand and let out a sigh. "Jay... he is dead..." She said in a pained voice. "We got... attacked by bandits. I got beat and stabbed... they killed him for revenge."


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika's eyes widened at her words "W-What?!" She stammered her body frozen. Bandits? Why did everyone she cared for get killed by those. First her friends and parents and now Jay as well?!. "T-That's..." Her eyes teared up. She didn't know what to say, stunned and upset by the news that he was gone.



Avery smiled a bit, and took the time the bartender was away to give the bar a once-over. He eyed every detail, making mental notes of possible escape routes, weak points, and hiding places. He smiled at all his options. He turned his attention back to the stairs and waited for Aidan, with a rather calm smile on his face.


Max hadn't really slept. Hell, when had she ever slept okay? She had her weapons on her and her satchels slung. Aidan's voice made her jump, she opened the door to see him standing there. She smiled a bit and made her way down the stairs. "Sorry to bug you, I really should probably get going." Max gave a little salute before striding to the door and opening it to go. She honestly did not want to intrude on him any longer and this was a business, so it was probably unfair of her staying anyways. Though she did not want to go, he was irresistibly kind...and pretty cute cute. She glanced at the other man across the bar whom she had seen earlier.

@Thetas @MiyaTheNeko
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Avery flashed a peace symbol at the girl, with a sweet smile. He didn't know what else to say, and/or do. He sure as hell didn't plan on saying sorry anytime soon, that's for damn sure. "Where 'ya headed?" He asked, before spinning his stool so he was facing her. He rested his elbow on the bar, and waited for an answer.


Aidan smiled and followed behind her until he got back to the counter which he sat at. He looked at her and frowned a bit. "That's alright ma'am, please do come back soon. I'd love to see that beautiful face around here more. And remember the rooms are allways open if you need a place to stay." He said as he wiped off the counter.


Nona said:

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika's eyes widened at her words "W-What?!" She stammered her body frozen. Bandits? Why did everyone she cared for get killed by those. First her friends and parents and now Jay as well?!. "T-That's..." Her eyes teared up. She didn't know what to say, stunned and upset by the news that he was gone.


Mira pulled her into a gentle hug and cried with her. "I'm s-so sorry Laika, I know you and him sort of had a... a thing." She said and rubbed her back comfortingly. "Look, if you ever need anything just ask, I'm here for you."


Blair turned around for a moment before saying, "Don't worry, I'll see you again. It was great meeting you." She jogged down the street, looking for nothing in particular. A light caught her eye and she went around a building, hearing voices. The woman tugged on the employee door until giving up and shattering the handle with her hammer. She walked in to a dark room, and followed a man's voice, which had a thick Irish accent.

Stepping out of the hallway, she saw a counter with a man at it, and her heart skipped a beat. It could've been a TV or a radio, but it wasn't.

She waved slightly and, to get his attention, she said loudly, "Hey!" her mind scrambled for something to say so they didn't kill her on the spot. "Equinox. Quin." Cringing at her own words, she looked around the room at a few other people.


Aidan looked over at the person who entered and gave a friendly smile after they spoke. "Hello there!" He said and waved back, he slid the rag away and pulled out a few drink menus. "Anything you would like to drink?" He was already standing from his stool and ready to work. Some people would probably find it strange that he was so cheerful during the apocalypse. Not to mention he was running a bar in the middle of a zombie infested city.



Blair watched him for a moment before saying, "Ah, no. No thank you. Good alcohol means bad decisions." She paused before leaning on the counter and asking, "So how old are you?" She smiled, shifting her weight carefully. And very obviously looking for trouble, despite her previous statement.



Blair looked up, feeling someone's eyes. The girl avoided eye contact for a moment. Okay. That's a bit odd- Oh Jesus he does not look pleased. Her eyes widened at the sudden hostility and she couldn't help but laugh after a moment. It was something she did when she couldn't handle stressful situations.

Occasionally she would look up just as she was almost calm, only to be sent into another fit of laughter. Finally she covered her eyes and gasped out, "Stop... looking at me like that. Please."

@MiyaTheNeko @Thetas

Avery let out a slight huff, trying to retain his secluded attitude. But, to no avail... Her laughter was contagious. Avery let out a slight chuckle, and shook his head. He extended a hand, "Sorry about that. You don't really give me a good vibe, that's all." He said, with a smile. "I'm Avery." He said, as he waited for her to shake his hand and respond with her name.


(One thing that I always forget to tell people-- Avery's left arm ends in a stub at the elbow. It's kinda hard to work into the RP, so I'm just telling you over OOC >-<)

Aidan smiled but caught Avery's glance and nodded slightly in understanding. He continued his duties and sat down in the chair some. "Okay then suit yourself." He said and tilted his head at the woman infront of him. '"I'm 23 lass, why?" He asked curiously and watched Avery closely as he studied the woman. It was obvious he didn't get a good vibe off of her but Aidan didn't want to question anything. Under the counter on his side was a Glock that he used to use when he helped run a bar and also if it came down to it a automatic rifle.

@Quarantine @Thetas
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Blair tried to keep a straight face, but settled for a smile.

As she looked at his hand, something became clear to her. It was like someone had deflated her, insulted her. She pretended it didn't bother her, and shook his hand.

But it did. She didn't know him, but it still felt wrong that he had to suffer.

"Hey. Not going to tell you my real name, but you can call me Equinox, or Quin." She was fairly blunt about this, as it had become some sort of policy. Telling people her name made a relationship seem far more intimate. Instead, it was like acting. And if she got close to someone, oh well. Would've happened anyway.

Hearing the man's voice, she let go of his hand and responded, "Ah, that's good. I guess we'll have to create children now, to reconstruct the population." She took off her hoodie, now inside, and acted as if she'd said something no worse than a comment about the weather.


(Yeah, I read about that ^^)


I knock on the church door, I'm wearing a cloak and mask to conceal my face and clothes. I have a clover revolver visible on the side of my person. No one here knows my real name is Anthony so I'll use that.
Aidan raised an eyebrow at what she said and chuckled some. "Well yes of course! The world has come to the end and well the population has fallen but uh..." He scrached his head some, sort of nervous of this girl. "I sort of all ready have someone in mind that I'd like to do... that... with so if you're trying to get me to... yeah I'd have to deny." He said in sort of awkward tome before catching himself. "It's not that your not pretty miss you're gorgeous. I'm also not necessarily saying that you were trying to have sex..." He trailed off and ran his hand through his hair. He was sweating some from the awkwardness if everything he just said and quickly grabbed an Ale off the wall. He drank from it and hoped to god she wouldn't try to hurt him for his nixed assumptions.

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