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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Kira had been walking around inside a forest for a while. Ashlie was sleepin in her arms, totally oblivious to the danger in the world, or that her father figure was probably dead.

She soon found a casino in the nearby city, so she easily picked the lock, on the lookout.

She heard a voice from ahead, and reached for Keon's gun, located in the waist of her pants. She pulled it out and cocked it.

She then stumbled over a dead walker, creating a noise. She swore in French.


Blair shrugged, not entirely sure what to do with him. "I don't mind either way. Do as you please." She closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but she found it to be much harder with someone else nearby. Hearing a noise, as well as a voice, she instantly became alert, and took out one of her knives, as well as the hammer. She stood up and stormed out, seeing a female figure, though the hallway was too dark to see clearly. Her eyes widened and she swung the hammer toward her abdomen.

(@Brianna Ackerman
Jane Jane followed her a bit nervous. Of course he couldnt get a nice night of sleep. He smiles a bit when she is about hit the figure, but as he sees who it was, his eyes widen and he screams "No wait!" he tries to say before the hammer hits her, but it would probably be too late

@Brianna Ackerman @Quarantine


Kira jumped back as she swung the hammer.

"Woah there" the French woman said. "You wouldn't hit a woman with a baby, right?" She motioned to her daughter.

"Especially one who is finally sleeping. It took me three hours to get her to go to sleep, and I will not be amused if she wakes up."



Blair gripped her weapons tighter and said through clenched teeth, "Out. Get out. This is mine and you had no right to come in. Baby or no baby, I don't give a damn. You shouldn't have created it in a world like this." Her eyes were full of piercing anger, though her voice sounded more sad than full of rage.

(@Brianna Ackerman
"The petít fille* was created before this hell." She said. She looked over at Jane.

"You should probably know that Keon's dead." She said. "And he probably won't be coming back this time."
Jane he smiles seeing Kira and her baby still alive. Then some memories come to his mind and he blushes. He shakes his head trying to make the blush go away. He looks at Quin "Quin? No let them stay. They are friends! I promisse. I know them!" he talks a bit loud but quickly lowers his tone

"She is my... friend and wont do any bad to us. And she has gone to a bad time. Like us too, but she has her baby. She had it before this hell happened"

When he hears her words he looks down. He wasnt sad but he shouldnt show it someone who lost her boyfriend... or husband. He never knew what they really were. "Yes... I... hum... remember. We fell to a trap and he died to save us." he lies about it. Only Keon and Jane knew what truly happened.

@Brianna Ackerman @Quarantine



Blair smirked, "It was bad enough before this happened. Back then people knew the decisions they made were bad. Now they can't help it." Glancing over at Jane, she put the hammer back into her backpack and went to the break room, piling the remaining food into her bag and closing it roughly, as the bag was almost too full to close. Estimating that it would last almost two weeks if she reserved it, she put it on and looked around for more supplies to put in the backpack pockets. As she tore through the cabinets, leaving a mess of expired food, she finally grabbed four more knives from the knife block and put them into her hoodie pocket.

@Brianna Ackerman
Jane "Are you going away?" he follows her quickly, worried about it. He didnt want her to leave because of him and/or Kira.

"Please, if you are dont. We will go with your rules and wont do anything to put us in any kinds of danger!"

@Brianna Ackerman @Quarantine


She eyed down Avery with a look that said, "What the fuck?". Her feet swiveled back to Aidan and gave him a nod. She locked eyes just for a split second before heading up the squeaky stair case, though her own footsteps could barely be heard. It may have been a talent from years of snooping around, but everywhere she went, it seemed as though she could be a ghost. She rounded a corner at the top of the flight to find a couple of rooms. They resembled the bar alike, but she could tell Aidan had spent time fixing them up. She entered the one all the way at the back, as though not to be a prick and pick the largest one. Setting her satchels, bow, and quiver down, she slid a knife from her pocket and twirled it around in her hand to contemplate the room a bit. A small bed sat near-ish the corner. She plopped onto the end of it, quite surprised. Max honestly had not seen one in a long time, and had never actually used one in...could it be? 13 years? Ever since she left her home because of the apocalypse, which for her, it was 8. She pressed the base of her palms into her eyes.

@MiyaTheNeko @Thetas
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Blair let out a strained laugh and pushed past them, "Listen, I don't owe you anything. Just keep in mind that this is my casino. I inherited it because my entire family died, so if you two- three - do so much as chip a flake of paint off the walls, you'll be sorry." It was an empty threat, but her way of saying that she strongly disliked them, but they could have the casino. Throwing the keys towards them, she left the casino and began walking down the dark street.

@Brianna Ackerman @JPTheWarrior
Thetas said:

Avery smiled a bit. "Well that's pretty damn respectable." He said, as he extended a hand. "The name's Avery." He said, as he waited for the man to shake his hand, and reply with his name. "You just found yourself a business partner, my friend!" He exclaimed, before taking one last sip from his drink, finishing it off, leaving the glass empty.


((EDIT-- Removed well over half the post, due to resons))​
Nona said:

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika continued to play with the little tiger cub smiling softly at it as she did so. Hearing a familiar voice she slowly looked over her shoulder and saw Mira. Blinking a few times as she noticed how shaky and weak her voice was "...Sure, of course you can" she said as she patted the ground beside her and the cub.


JPTheWarrior said:
(Well as for the plot. Lets say Keon died. If he comes back I dont know what to do but we two will talk and think about a new character or a way for him to coma back. Right now lets just say Kira, Jane, Keon and the others that were with them were attacked. Keon died and the others were gone missing. Kira could find QUin and Jane right now if you want :) )
((I think I should inform you guys that Keon will not be coming back. I've been in contact with him over Google Hangouts and according to him the people that unban accounts didn't unban his for some reason so yeah...))

"You don't know how glad I am to hear that." He chuckled and looked at the extended hand. Aidan of course shook it and smiled. "Good to meet you Avery, my name's Aidan." He lowered his hand and sat back on his stool. He was very glad to hear he had a business partner for his new business that was bound to be over run by bandits or zombies some day but he didn't care about that. "That is a great thing to hear then." He grabbed the empty glass and put it in the sink. "Anything else you'd like to try?"


Mira scrached her head some and smiled at the young cub she was playing with. She sighed and tilted her head. There was a clear spot in her stomach that was stabbed with a knife. "A-actually I was hoping we could go somewhere... indoors?" She leans on a tree and started coughing some. A small trickle of blood trailed down the side of her mouth.
Jane he sighs and runs towards her. He thinks a bit and decideds to grab her arm "Was it the baby? Please. Stay with us. We need you..." he sighs. How could he make her stay. "Please. We are a baby, a fragile mother and me. I mean I dont look like much right?"

he has a sad smile "I am going to be honest here. I want to survive... more than anything. But I cant do it alone. That girl's name is Kira. She is... cool I guess, but she isnt good enough. She will always choose her child first, even if it means me dying. I need someone I can trust and a person I can count on and be... a real friend."

he does a sad smile "Please.. Quin... we wont disobey you. Just stay with us. We are a small and quick group and wont put you in any danger. During missions, like food gathering I will only talk when you ask me something. Alright?"

@Quarantine @Brianna Ackerman


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina took Rin gently in her arms as Jason handed her over to her. Nodding her head at his words "Well if you feel more comfortable staying here to watch over everyone else then do that" she said looking to him "Maybe have someone to share your responsibilities with so its a bit easier and not so hectic around here" she said before looking to Rin as he played with her smiling lightly "Yeah, I can see why" she answered.

@Shammy the Shamrock

MiyaTheNeko said:
((I think I should inform you guys that Keon will not be coming back. I've been in contact with him over Google Hangouts and according to him the people that unban accounts didn't unban his for some reason so yeah...))

"You don't know how glad I am to hear that." He chuckled and looked at the extended hand. Aidan of course shook it and smiled. "Good to meet you Avery, my name's Aidan." He lowered his hand and sat back on his stool. He was very glad to hear he had a business partner for his new business that was bound to be over run by bandits or zombies some day but he didn't care about that. "That is a great thing to hear then." He grabbed the empty glass and put it in the sink. "Anything else you'd like to try?"


Mira scrached her head some and smiled at the young cub she was playing with. She sighed and tilted her head. There was a clear spot in her stomach that was stabbed with a knife. "A-actually I was hoping we could go somewhere... indoors?" She leans on a tree and started coughing some. A small trickle of blood trailed down the side of her mouth.
(( @Nona too, sorry ;- ;) )
MiyaTheNeko said:
((I think I should inform you guys that Keon will not be coming back. I've been in contact with him over Google Hangouts and according to him the people that unban accounts didn't unban his for some reason so yeah...))

"You don't know how glad I am to hear that." He chuckled and looked at the extended hand. Aidan of course shook it and smiled. "Good to meet you Avery, my name's Aidan." He lowered his hand and sat back on his stool. He was very glad to hear he had a business partner for his new business that was bound to be over run by bandits or zombies some day but he didn't care about that. "That is a great thing to hear then." He grabbed the empty glass and put it in the sink. "Anything else you'd like to try?"


Mira scrached her head some and smiled at the young cub she was playing with. She sighed and tilted her head. There was a clear spot in her stomach that was stabbed with a knife. "A-actually I was hoping we could go somewhere... indoors?" She leans on a tree and started coughing some. A small trickle of blood trailed down the side of her mouth.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika blinked "Alright" she said standing up, immediately noticing her stomach "J-Jeez what happened to you?!" She said looking to her stomach before moving to help her walk when she started coughing, heading toward an unoccupied building in the distance.


(Ok I have a break in my job :D , welcome back Brianna!!!)


I wake up to find Miya sleeping on me. I shake her awake "Wakey sleepy head"
Mira stopped coughing and smiled weakly at Laika. "I-I'll explain when we get inside." She said and half lead them into the city. She pointed out a Wild Ace that they could bunker down in and talk. "Last time I was here... there wasn't any Zombies so we sh- should be clear to go." She starts to cough again, more blood coming from her mouth from the untreated wound.

Yappi said:
(Ok I have a break in my job :D , welcome back Brianna!!!)

I wake up to find Miya sleeping on me. I shake her awake "Wakey sleepy head"
Miya wakes and looks at AJ with a smile. "Good morning." She said before slapping him hard across the face.
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya wakes and looks at AJ with a smile. "Good morning." She said before slapping him hard across the face.

I recoil from the slap "What was that for?" I say waking up chuckling
"Never make me think you're dead again..." she said in a hurt tone before hugging him. She was crying into his shoulder from mixed emotions about what all happened.

MiyaTheNeko said:
"Never make me think you're dead again..." she said in a hurt tone before hugging him. She was crying into his shoulder from mixed emotions about what all happened.

I sigh "I'm in some deep shit... I killed the leader of the city's most powerful bandit tribe and they want my Balls on a platter. I did it so they won't track me there and kill you, Rin or Jason" I say sadly
She picked up the dagger once more and flipped it a couple times in her hand before dropping it again and taking up the dusty sheets in her pale hands. Max jerked them hard, making dust fly everywhere. "Achh..." She coughed lowly. She clapped her dusty palms and returned the now semi-clean sheets to its proper place. Peeling off the sweatshirt and tossing it aside, she was now left with a navy blue muscle tank and black cargo pants with her messy-but-not-disgusting hair falling over her shoulders as she sat on the edge of the bed with her hands clasped together.

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