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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Miya circled aj like a guard dog making sure to protect him if anyone came to try and hurt him. She finally tapped him to see if he was awake. "Are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone.

Miya started to get worried and layed next to him. She didn't have any way to help so she did her best to apply pressure on the wounds hoping to stop the bleeding.


I cough up blood when i awake "m-Miya?" i say choking on my own blood a little bit. "My bag..." i say pointing to it "bandages" I feel so weak,


Max eyes widened slightly, but again, he had something about him that just made her feel...She wasn't sure. Her grey hood was pulled back revealing her bloody red and wild hair as the first thing you see. She smirked and blushed a bit while raising an eyebrow. "Aidan. Nice." She ruffled her hair with a hand.

Mira nodded and quickly made her way over to the bag. She pulled out the bandages nad quickly applied them on the wounds. She hugged him and cried. "I thought you were dead..."


I take some pain killers and wait for a moment before Miya start to cry. I cry into her shoulder, out of multiple reasons. I am happy I didn't join those bandits, I get a stick next to me and try to stand up "I have some food over here" I say walking to a wall. There's a tied up marksmen that's barely alive


"Oh stop it." She snickered a bit. He looked quite nice as well, and today sounded like it was going just as good as his day had been. Well, almost as good, besides getting hit in the face by a group of asshole bandits. "You are correct, all game and no snitches." Max turned to look outside the door and into the night. "Better watch your back, or God will get you back for it." Her expression shifted into a sarcastic smirk. "Welp," She began, pulling her sweater over her hands again. "I better get going, don't want to be intruding on you new business." She picked up the dagger she had dropped.

Aidan frowned some when she said she ws about to leave and thought quickly. "Hey, you know I don't mind you staying after all it is the apocalypse." He chuckled thinking more and morw about it. He didn't have any other intentions besides the friendly one and a couple of thoughts that made him like the girl more. He tilted his head. "Business is okay with the apocalypse but sadly I have to turn down any Zombies that walk by... after all I have no brains to give away." He jokes and knocked on his head as if it was empty. "So uh, anyway there are some rooms upstairs where they would put the people who passed out if you want to stay,i cleaned those up just in case people topped by. Its completely up to you, I have no authority to prevent you from leaving." He smiled and hopped deep down that she would accept.


Miya smiled when he mentioned food and helped him up. She walked over with him to the marksman and smiled. "I'm gonna go for some wings tonight if your okay with drumsticks." She walked over and got ready to rip off an arm.


Avery sighed a bit. He didn't know what to think anymore... He shouldn't have helped her. He didn't know why he did... She was nothing to him... Right?? Avery shook his head and looked upwards, so he could see where he was going. Dead in front of him was a bar. His face lit up substantially at the thought of alcohol. Mira hadn't let him drink... She knew what it did to him. But, she was dead to him now. Her opinion didn't matter. Within moments he was at the door, knocking.

"I swear to god if they make a comment about my arm..."

He muttered, still salty about Jason's 'Righty' comments. He looked down at his left arm, which ended in a stub just below the elbow. He couldn't blame people for staring... It was quite the eyesore.


MiyaTheNeko said:
Aidan frowned some when she said she ws about to leave and thought quickly. "Hey, you know I don't mind you staying after all it is the apocalypse." He chuckled thinking more and morw about it. He didn't have any other intentions besides the friendly one and a couple of thoughts that made him like the girl more. He tilted his head. "Business is okay with the apocalypse but sadly I have to turn down any Zombies that walk by... after all I have no brains to give away." He jokes and knocked on his head as if it was empty. "So uh, anyway there are some rooms upstairs where they would put the people who passed out if you want to stay,i cleaned those up just in case people topped by. Its completely up to you, I have no authority to prevent you from leaving." He smiled and hopped deep down that she would accept.

Miya smiled when he mentioned food and helped him up. She walked over with him to the marksman and smiled. "I'm gonna go for some wings tonight if your okay with drumsticks." She walked over and got ready to rip off an arm.

The man wakes up, I get a meat cleaver ready. He screams before I bring it down to his arm, it turns into a choking sound when I cut the other arm off. He sits there a fountain of blood, I dig into his arm, feeling better already. I slowly fall asleep due to the pills, by the end of the meal I'm alseep.

(I have work tom, peace!!!)
Yappi said:
The man wakes up, I get a meat cleaver ready. He screams before I bring it down to his arm, it turns into a choking sound when I cut the other arm off. He sits there a fountain of blood, I dig into his arm, feeling better already. I slowly fall asleep due to the pills, by the end of the meal I'm alseep.
(I have work tom, peace!!!)
Miya happily digs into the fountian man, not being as clean as aj was. She dug straight into the man's other arm with her teeth and eventually fell asleep next to aj after she finished.

((Have fun!))

Max gave a nervous glance to the Zombie-invested night, and then back to the brown-haired man known as Aidan. She weighed her options which did not take all that long. "Eh, sure, why not. Thanks for the offer heh..." She was going to head up the creaky stairs, but the knock on the door behind her was enough to make her startled. Max opened the door slightly before swinging it open for the man. "You know it's a bar, you can just walk right in." She rolled her eyes with frustration and let him in.

@MiyaTheNeko @Thetas
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Aidan smiled sone and waved it off as if it was no big deal, which it really wasn't. "Oh, no problem at a-" he was interrupted by the knock at the door and tilted his head. He laughed and shook his head. "I guess it would have helped if I had an open sign up then?" He said and waved to the man who stood outside the bar. "Come on in sir!" He looked over at Max and smiled. "You can head up there if you'd like, I shouldn't be here to long." He said with a friendlu smile before he redirected his attention to the one armed man. He had not intentions of staring but did happen to glance at it once.


Avery smiled at the girl. "Well, I didn't want to be impolite." He said in a rather asshole-ish tone. He looked to the bartender, and smiled a bit. "You serving?" He questioned, as he pulled up a bar chair and sat down in it. He rested his arm on the bar, before resting his chin in his hand. He seemed like a rather sweet individual... Aside from his treatment of the lady, of course. He had a rather tough time treating women like they should be treated... He was quite ashamed of it, actually. But, he couldn't help it. They intimidated him. Women were his one weakness. He could be putty in their hand at the slightest touch. It's why he avoided them whenever possible...


Aidan chuckled and nodded at the man. "Of course we are! What can I get you?" He asked sitting on a stools and rolling twoards the mass amount of options that were displayed behind him. Of course he didn't have a generator yet so there was mostly just lanterns to light up the wall. He belived everything was seeable but just in case he handed the man a quickly written list of all the drinks they had to serve. The young Irish man waited patiently for him to decide. In the meantime of him waiting he had his eyes on the girl from earlier, a smile on his face before he returned his attention to Avery.

Directed at: @iiCupcakeCraver

-=-=((Hello everyone! I would post something RP related right now, but there's still a couple more things I need to catch up on at the moment, but I probably will be back at any random time tommorow, so goodnight!{Sorta}))=-=-


Avery smirked at the selection, and looked to the paper for the proper names. He coughed a bit, and looked up to the man, obviously of Irish origin. "Strawberry Sunrise." He said, as he slid the paper back to him. He smirked, and raised his head from his hand. "How long have you had the place?" He asked, looking around as if he was interested. He wasn't.


(Eh??? Get it??? The drink???)

(Yang's favorite drink, from RWBY...)
Aidan smiled at the man when he named the drink. He looked back and found all the ingredients he would need to make the cocktail for him. He smiled snd hummed a little as he set down a glass and added in everything he needed to make what he wished to have. "2 ounces cream de fraises... 4 ounces oj... and finally half an ounce grenadine." He smiled and slid the cocktail over to him along with a strawberry garnish. "There you go! A strawberry sunrise cocktail." He said with a friendly smile. "Long story actually, I don't think you would want to hear it."


"You're right, I wouldn't." Avery said, with a chuckle, as he took a sip of his drink. He took his lips from the rim of the bottle, and burped a bit. He looked down a bit, and mumbled to himself "Damn, that's smooth..." He muttered, with a blank face. He looked back up to the man, and set the glass down. "How do I pay ya?" He questioned, with a slight smile.

"yeah didn't think so..." The Irish man said as he leaned back on his stool. He had put a small board on the back so he wouldn't fall. Waiting for the man to finish he read the list of items in the menu... and you know you're fucking bored if you're reading from the menu. Once he finished and asked for a way to pay he smirked. "I'm not very picky but I do need to keep in business." He said putting the menu down and yawning some. "Maybe some time you could bring back a round? How's about every bottle depending on the worth can get you 3-5 drinks?" He tilted his head some and smiled. "This one is on the house but for future reference?" He hopped he could make a deal, he needed to keep some supply so he hopped the man would take the offer. Of course he was able to bend it some if he wanted and extra drink or two.


Avery smiled a bit. "Well that's pretty damn respectable." He said, as he extended a hand. "The name's Avery." He said, as he waited for the man to shake his hand, and reply with his name. "You just found yourself a business partner, my friend!" He exclaimed, before taking one last sip from his drink, finishing it off, leaving the glass empty.


((EDIT-- Removed well over half the post, due to resons))​
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