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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason took the note and started to shake. He tucked it in his pocket and went to the church, no emotion to his face. He put Melina down and put his head in his hand. "Why, WHY! I did this, if I was here instead of relaxing he could still be here. I was sloppy and should have never left, I had to lead and look where that got me," he said resuming position and letting out deep, low, breaths.

@Yappi @Nona
Jack threw on a shirt but left his coat on the ground. "Just a little mix in with some bandits, nothing terrible." He said with and smile and looked over at Harmony and motioned her over. "See, almost got shot." He pointed at a bullet hole.

(Church i think)


i walk through the city wearing my cloak... I cant live with myself, now Miya will never forgive me. Why did i ever do this, its way too late now. I walk through the city, i find a bandit camp. i approach it, Never a better way to start over huh. This place is more chill of a camp, even a bar. I walk in and look for a seat, im greeted with weird looks but they soon go away when they see im packing.

"I didn't have my coat and shirt on because it's hard to move with that big thing on." He said with a chuckle and looked on the ground. He rubbed his head and sighed. "Spilled milk, nothing more." He brought out a town and quickly whipped it up."


Jada smiled and started off twoards the city. "I think I saw them in one of these apartments." She said looking around, trying to remember.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya saw Jason crying and tilted her head. She walked over and put her arm around him trying to comfort him. "Everything alright?" She asked, holding Rin in her open hand.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"ok...." i say slowly backing up and sitting down. I draw in my notebook humming a tune AJ taught me

"Fun? ok!" i say not really understanding, really suppressing most of my not innocent side. "Its just a song my brother taught me"
Jack chuckled nervously when he heard her call him brother. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, remembering what aj said about faking suicide or whatever. "Look, on his way outside a... a biter got him. I didn't think about it, I saved him off after we had out fun and I heard screams." He heald her tighter. "I'm sorry harmony... he's dead..."


Max entered a bar and sat down at the front counter after tossing her cigarette in a small trash bin. The place was empty so she sat on the bar stool and put in her ear buds. She sang along to the tune and spun around in the chair, lost in the words. Her voice was incredible, but she dared to use it in front of herself. Though she didn't even know it was so incredible. "If any word that I said could have made you forget, I'd have given you them all, but it was all in your head." She half-sung along and half-hummed. @A\.n\.y\.o\.n\.e\.e\.e\.. Song Max Listened To:

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The bandit bar i was in was heavily populated, Bandits, Survivors and military where there alike. I am approached by a bandit, he doesn't talk... he just hands me a paper. Recruitment under highway 96 bridge, be there I turn to say goodbye but there already gone, welp i wanted to start over and this is where it starts.

Max found a rusty door, and also found it led to the other part of the bar. It was similar but packed and she was practically swimming in bandit and military men. She felt a bit...Awkward at the least, being as she was not dressed or the same sex as the rest. Max stood in the corner with an over-sized, dark grey hoodie drawn over her head to cast a shadow over her face and keep her anonymous. She should have just kept at the other side of the bar where there was no one. The song still played through her ear buds. The door to the empty part of the bar was blocked off by men. Maddox was already claustrophobic and had a fear of crowds, so this was not settling well for her.

@Yappi (( Only if you want. :P ))

Someone taps my arm, its a military man from the camp that i killed. he punches me, I shove my revolver into the padded part of his vest and it slightly muffles the gunshots as i unload into him. I throw him off and sit back down ordering another drink

MiyaTheNeko said:
"I'm sorry Harmony, I know it sucks but I couldn't stop it." He said hugging her and trying to comfort her.

i sigh, i shake in Jacks arms. After a while i calm down and sit up, still crying but calm.
Aidan popped up from the counter of the bar to see someone being shot. "Oi! Take that shit outside, we don't need to be cleaning up the blood." He said in a strong Irish accent. He had a great amount of whiskey, vodka, and other drinks in his arms. Some of the bandits looked over at him, knowing he wasn't the bartender. "Ha, nevermind continue what you were doing I have to run." He pulled out his AK and quickly pushed through the crowd of bandits. He only shot if needed but for the most part made it out without having to injure anyone. He stuffed the bottles into bags and took off into the city where he stopped at a old bar. "Oohhh my old friend let's get you up and running again shal we?"

He walked inside and unloaded all the drinks he managed to steal.


"It will bw okay angel, please don't be sad." He said in a comforting voice. "He is in. Better place now, he doesn't have to suffer in this world."

MiyaTheNeko said:
Aidan popped up from the counter of the bar to see someone being shot. "Oi! Take that shit outside, we don't need to be cleaning up the blood." He said in a strong Irish accent. He had a great amount of whiskey, vodka, and other drinks in his arms. Some of the bandits looked over at him, knowing he wasn't the bartender. "Ha, nevermind continue what you were doing I have to run." He pulled out his AK and quickly pushed through the crowd of bandits. He only shot if needed but for the most part made it out without having to injure anyone. He stuffed the bottles into bags and took off into the city where he stopped at a old bar. "Oohhh my old friend let's get you up and running again shal we?"
He walked inside and unloaded all the drinks he managed to steal.


"It will bw okay angel, please don't be sad." He said in a comforting voice. "He is in. Better place now, he doesn't have to suffer in this world."



"welp... that happened" i say taking another sip and walking out. I go to the bridge underpass... i wait for hours.


"Yo-Your right" i say as my tears dry up.

She seemed to not have heard the muffled sound of the gun being fired, mostly from the chatter and her ear buds. Max took them out before staggering over to the slumped man. She dragged him off and hid him in a dust room, just so that no one would be able to find him. A favor. A bandit approached her and ripped her hood away, revealing her head of bloody red, dyed, hair. He shouted something and the men formed a tight circle around her, a group of bandits. "Oi! Which tribe of bandits are you from, miss?!" Back-handed her across the face. Max was not taking this. She drew her knife and showed its gleaming blade. The man laughed, but he took a step back and returned to his seat. The others followed, but one shoved her on the ground and spat at her. Max nicked him with the blade before he returned to his table. A purple bruise formed nicely across her ring-pierced nose, though it wasn't bleeding all that bad. She ordered a heavy whiskey and returned back to her shadowed corner with her hood drawn again.

@Yappi @MiyaTheNeko
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Aidan finished cleaning out the bar of corpses and started to mop up the blood from the ground. The whole time he did this he was whistling a little tune. After finishing moping he started to clear the seats out of the bar putting them into a big pile and wacking at them with a hammer, breaking the wooden tables and chairs to just splintered wood. He started to throw them into a barrel where he burned them in a fire. That's when he started working on the shelves that had beer and alcohol still on it. He sorted through all of it, finding the ones that worked best for his duty. The ones that were out of date and didn't taste well he threw on the fire. He finally took a break and did the easy job of setting up the drinks he had in a nice orderly fashion.

Thetas said:
((Where's @Nona ?! xD ))

((No idea, but if you want have ark find Aidan, in sure they would get along fine
xD ))

She went through the alleys and back to the empty and old bar, to find that it wasn't empty and looked almost completely different. Max had sneaked in through the back and was now leaning on a bar stool sipping her whiskey as she watched the man. She was still unrecognizable with the shadows that had been cast over her. Max fingered the handle of her dagger and tugged the long sleeves of her sweater over her hands and adjusted the hood over her head.

Peace clutched her hand tight "I-I am so nervous. What if she gets mad at me, or tries to kill me. Maybe she'll hurt me, get even," she babbled on at the possibilities, shaking and grabbing her head.


(Sorry I had to do something (':3))
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