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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason stretched and looked back at Melina, he had a devious smile on his face. He went over to her side and made sure the blanket was under her, he rolled her into the blanket. Jason picked her up, grabbed pillows and a broken chair leg for protection, he whistled going out of the store and into the woods.

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Jason: I'm sleeping in a furniture store right now)

(Same thing then, a zombie with a note on it is approaching him)
Peace saw Jada and slowly went over. She sat with her pencil and paper in hand; starting to copy what she had saw. Peace shook and started to cry remembering Harmony but tried to ignore it. She still let tears go down her face but continued on with her drawing.


~*Laika Flynn*~

As she finished putting everything back into her bag, she let a sigh still sitting in the ground. As she was about to leave she felt something approach her and sniff her. Blinking a few times, she turned to see a...tiger? This had to be someone's pet right?" Patting its head softly she smiled weakly "Hey there, are you lost little cub?" She asked it, of course she knew it couldn't answer back, she wasn't a lunatic, it was just a habit she had. She looked around to see if there was anyone else around...


((Yeee I'll get a reply up now~ @Shammy the Shamrock ))
'I will kill both of you if you don't choose in ten seconds.'

"Mira, just leave! This is all my fault! Ple-"

The man with the brass knuckles punched him in the face and his head slumped down. He punched him again and again for every word Jay spoke. He raised his head slowly. He had a black eye and a giant bruise on his jaw, with blood dribbling from his mouth down his chin. Jay was caught in a coughing fit, and as soon as he breathed in he screamed in pain.

'Looks like he broke a rib.'

Jay spit blood on the leader's face as he leaned down to taunt him.


~*Melina Herford*~

Letting a quiet yawn, Melina began to wake up her eyes slowly opening. Her expression curious as she felt like she was being carried...which she was. Last thing she remembered was falling asleep on a bed. "Where are we?" She asked "You could have just woken me up you know" she said with a quiet giggle.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jada woke to hear someone crying. She slowly opened her eyes to see peace infront of her. She smiled some and hugged her. "You okay? What's wrong?" She placed a kiss on her lips and smiled.

@Shammy the Shamrock

The trigger rolled on its back some when it was pet and purred. Is playfully smacked at her and and gave it a small love bite.

Jasmine followed close behind until she saw her pet and another woman who was with snow. She leaned on the tree, giving no sign she was there and watched closely to see what the woman would do.


Mira was balling at this point. Crying her eyes out when they beat jay. She looked up and suddenly did what he said. "Him, please make it quick. I don't want him to suffer." She was shaking, wanting to run away.

The leader smiled and took a knife from the twin with Mira.

'Thanks for playing. But one thing. I didn't say I would let you go unscathed.'

He plunged the knife into her stomach, twisting it. He then cut her binds and gave her to another. The man with brass knuckles brought her a ways away and dropped her. There was yelling and a gunshot back at the site. And a scream.

Jason laughed "Then I wouldn't get to see you as a adorable potato," he said smiling and kissing her. He saw the zombie and made sure it was dead with his weapon. "What the hell," he said grabbing the note and examining it.

@Yappi @Nona

Peace felt the hug and cried into her shoulder "I can't stop thinking of Harmony." She said grabbing her shirt "Thanks, you help a lot," she said kissing her cheek and giving a weak smile.

Mira went speechless when the knife was stabbed into her gut and twisted. She let out a weak scream of pain as she was dragged away. Once she was finished being dragged away she curled up in the ground and pulled the knife out. Luckily it had missed her womb thus not harming the child. She threw it to the ground and lay there, slowly bleeding out and suffering the trauma of what she just did.



Jada forowned some and tilted her head at Peace. "Wanna go see if we can find her?" She asked scraching her head awkwardly. "It will be a little weird and all, if you and her got together. But as long as she doesn't try anything with Threat I'd be fine."

@Shammy the Shamrock
@Yappi[/URL] @Nona

Peace felt the hug and cried into her shoulder "I can't stop thinking of Harmony." She said grabbing her shirt "Thanks, you help a lot," she said kissing her cheek and giving a weak smile.

The note

-AJ's handwriting- Jason.... I am sorry to leave everyone so soon. I am not good with this so... If your reading this then you just killed me and I was a zombie. Thanks for being my best friend, tell Miya in sorry.... Take care of Rin but so -unintelligible writing that's scribbled out-

Your friend till the end, AJ


(I was too late!! Avery was gonna save them... Goddamn it!!
xD )

Avery was getting closer... It was around 5 minutes after the stab. He couldn't run... Hell, he could barely even walk... His chest throbbed with every breath. But, he couldn't let her down.... He couldn't let her die.

Avery grunted, and stumbled into a clearing. Everything was a blur now... But he recognized his wife clearly, as if she were the only thing in the world. He fell at her side, breathing heavily. He looked into her eyes, his face twisted in anger, hate, and sadness. He gripped her hand, squishing it hard. Almost hard enough to break a finger or two. He let his hand fall limp, where it landed on his mask. He looked from the mask, and into her eyes. He took the mask back gently, and stood up. He rolled her onto her back gently so the wound would seal better, and walked away. She was nothing to him anymore.


(He'll be back...)


"Ah, no reason. Just wondering. I best be on my way then, if you don't need me to save your life anymore." She tied the end of the rope to the edge of the building and the other to her arrow and fired to the ground again. Max gave him a little salute followed by a wink and jumped off the building with an arm wrapped around the winding rope. Her booted feet hit the ground and she tugged the rope out of the knot she had made into the arrow, but kept the other end tied to the top of the building and left it there in case Lawton needed it to get down. She started off through the piles of fallen pieces of building as she skipped, hopped, and jogged through it.

Yappi said:
The note
-AJ's handwriting- Jason.... I am sorry to leave everyone so soon. I am not good with this so... If your reading this then you just killed me and I was a zombie. Thanks for being my best friend, tell Miya in sorry.... Take care of Rin but so -unintelligible writing that's scribbled out-

Your friend till the end, AJ
@Shammy the Shamrock
Miras eyesight was worsening from the amout of blood she had loss. Luckily for her, blood had pretty much stopped flowing. That's when she saw him, Avery approaching. She gave a weak smile instantly recognizing him. He was the only thing that didn't appear blurred. Sadly he wasn't there for long because she soon blacked out after she was turned on her back.

Mira woke later, Avery no where in sight. She sat up and cryed some seeing he was gone. She went to grab the one thing she wanted to keep to remember him about. The mask was gone... she swore outloud and stood. She slowly walked back to the woods where she remember Laika was. She looked over and saw her with a tiger. "Hey, c-can I talk to you?" Her voice was broken nad weak from the stab.

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