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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Avery chuckled a bit at her remark about procreation, even more so when he heard Aiden's reaction. "Damn, for a girl you got some balls..." He said, with another chuckle. He stretched a bit in his seat, and looked to Aiden, his relaxed face showing that all intensity between Quin and him was gone. Quin might be the first female Avery's gotten along with since Mira... Stupid bitch... Should've killed her when I had the chance. He thought to himself. He shook his head a bit, and looked forwards at Aiden. "Gimme some of your strongest shit..." He said, not bothering to look at his list to see what his 'Strongest shit' was. The pains in his chest were coming back and the last thing he wanted was a little ache and some bad memories to ruin his night.


Thetas said:

Avery chuckled a bit at her remark about procreation, even more so when he heard Aiden's reaction. "Damn, for a girl you got some balls..." He said, with another chuckle. He stretched a bit in his seat, and looked to Aiden, his relaxed face showing that all intensity between Quin and him was gone. Quin might be the first female Avery's gotten along with since Mira... Stupid bitch... Should've killed her when I had the chance. He thought to himself. He shook his head a bit, and looked forwards at Aiden. "Gimme some of your strongest shit..." He said, not bothering to look at his list to see what his 'Strongest shit' was. The pains in his chest were coming back and the last thing he wanted was a little ache and some bad memories to ruin his night.


Yappi said:
I walk into the bar with a 2-barrel shotty in hand, I put it away and sit at the barstool "Whisky, Jack Daniels if you got it"

@Quarantine @MiyaTheNeko @Thetas
Aidan chuckled and turned in his stool grabbing some Jack Daniels for the new person and anither bottle off the wall for Avery. He turned and handed the jack Daniels to Johny and then turned to Avery. "Listen here now. I brewed this myself and I want you to try it. I thought it was pretty strong, stronger than what I've had but you be the judge. I also need a name if you have any ideas."


@Quarantine @Yappi


Blair looked a bit rejected, though it didn't bother her that much.

As someone entered the bar, she murmured, "Too many damn options." Her face went blank as she thought for a moment, genuinely considering them.

Her eyes flickered up as Avery made a request. Taking a stab in the dark, she said, "Tak milo." So cute. ??? ????.


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MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira pulled her into a gentle hug and cried with her. "I'm s-so sorry Laika, I know you and him sort of had a... a thing." She said and rubbed her back comfortingly. "Look, if you ever need anything just ask, I'm here for you."

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika frowned. A thing. If you could even call it that. Declaring he loved her then leaving to be with Mira, though she wasn't angry about it anymore, especially not now She didn't even get to find out the reason or say goodbye even. She hugged Mira back, nodding slowly "T-Thanks..." She said quietly.

Thetas said:
((Thank god... We missed you!! *Virtual hug* Now you will never leave >;3 *Tightens hug*))

((Aww- O-Oh?...;-; *can't breathe*))

"Speak English." Avery said, with a chuckle. Tak Milo... What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Avery chuckled at his rather violent thoughts, and took the bottle. He popped it open with his thumb, and was about to take a swig, when he got an idea. "Three glasses, please." He said, with a smirk. He looked over to Quin, with a rather confident smile.




She was kind of glad he didn't understand, in hindsight. Like lightning, a thought occurred to her and she brushed it away, but it stayed. Shallow.

Looking up at him, she turned and tried to pretend he wasn't looking at her, as to not erupt into uncontrollable laughter. Maybe it was just his eyes that made her do that.

She paced the perimeter of the room, her eyes staring at her path. A good name. I could come up with one if I tried it. Dry, sweet. It all depends on the flavor-

She criticized herself, but eventually walked back up to the counter, fidgeting with her shirt. She was going to do it anyway.

"So, uhm, bartender." He hadn't given his name yet, but that was a minor obstacle. "Do you have something that won't get me three sheets to the wind? ... Like something those basic white b*tches would have."


Mira stopped hugging her and smiled some at her. "Not the first time I've lost someone though... there was Avery." She thought about it again and almost teared up. "He was great and it seemed like I as the only one to calm him. He was great but..." she wiped her face of tears. "Just recently I've been seeing him around... in dreams it's..." she couldn't finish before she started to cry some.


Avery glared at Aiden's obvious hints, but ended up chuckling at them instead of beating the shit out of him. He poured the drink into the 3 glasses, filling them each halfway. He slid one to Quin, kept one for himself, and smirked at Aiden. He slid the glass across the bar to Aiden, and smiled. He grabbed his glass, and raised it between all three of them. "To new friends?" He questioned, as he looked between the two, with a friendly smirk.




She watched the exchange the two had, and looked away. Whatever it was about, it was none of her business.

She glanced up at Aiden when he gave her the menu. Suddenly trying to pretend Avery didn't exist, she simply pointed to a drink at random and sat down at the counter, bouncing her leg with lack of anything to do.

Aidan couldn't help but laugh at Avery then shrug. "You're choice man." He said then returned his attention to Equinox who had chosen a random drink from the menu. He tilted his head some and shrugged. "Okay, if you say so!" He said and pulled down a thing of whiskey and set it infront of her as well as a glass incase she didn't want to drink it straight on.


MiyaTheNeko said:
Aidan chuckled and turned in his stool grabbing some Jack Daniels for the new person and anither bottle off the wall for Avery. He turned and handed the jack Daniels to Johny and then turned to Avery. "Listen here now. I brewed this myself and I want you to try it. I thought it was pretty strong, stronger than what I've had but you be the judge. I also need a name if you have any ideas."
@Quarantine @Yappi


I down half the bottle and put it down.... Buzzed "I'm Irish too ya know" I say my accent showing heavily "My family was in the mob... The Johnson family"

Avery glared at the girl, and downed his drink. He enjoyed the foul sting in his throat, even more so the further it traveled down. He set the glass down, and slid it into Aiden's, not caring about the result. He grabbed the keys from his lap, and tossed them to Aiden. He stood up, mumbled something under his breath, and looked at Aiden. "I'll pay ya back soon enough." He said, with a plain and bored look on his face, his tone insincere. He turned away, and walked out of the bar, turning down the street in the pitch black night. He threw on his gas mask, and began singing 'American Pie' under his breath.




Looking at the bottle as if Aiden had told her to drink horse piss, she made an attempt to sarcastically smile.

The girl poured her glass and was about to drink when Avery left. She felt obligated to tell him to be careful. Drunk and on the streets with those things. But she didn't. Instead, she downed the drink and poured another glass, drinking that one a bit slower.

Aidan looks over at Johny and tilted his head. "You know that's really interesting! My brother was killed by them!" He said with a laugh and shook his head. "I'm only kidding, but cool story anyway." He turned to Avery and smiled some, putting the glass to the side to be cleaned. "Thanks, have a nice day Avery." He said waving when he walked out. He looked at Equinox and tilted his head some. "Lass, you don't need to look at me like I just gave you a pile a shit... that's what you asked for." He said honestly but still smiled none the less. He continued to read the magazine but right side up this time.


I chuckle "That would not suprised me..." I say before he says joking "oh" I take a awkward sip of whisky


She was about to comment on it when she closed her eyes tightly and let out a string of curses, feeling like her throat was on fire.

"I thought we were friends," she murmured, pouring another glass. She swished it around before drinking it.

The girl shoved the glass away and clutched her abdomen. "Owww." The girl stumbled away from the counter and went to a table, climbing onto it and laying down in the fetal position.

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MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira stopped hugging her and smiled some at her. "Not the first time I've lost someone though... there was Avery." She thought about it again and almost teared up. "He was great and it seemed like I as the only one to calm him. He was great but..." she wiped her face of tears. "Just recently I've been seeing him around... in dreams it's..." she couldn't finish before she started to cry some.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika nodded "You did tell me about him, you said he passed on..." She said "Maybe them Dreams mean something? You never know" she said softly, she didn't believe that dreams communicate the future or stuff like that but some people do and it seemed to calm them sometimes so she mentioned it. "You should really get that treated..." She said looking to her wound "I can try patch it up temporarily until you find someone who can treat you properly" she offered.

Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina took Rin gently in her arms as Jason handed her over to her. Nodding her head at his words "Well if you feel more comfortable staying here to watch over everyone else then do that" she said looking to him "Maybe have someone to share your responsibilities with so its a bit easier and not so hectic around here" she said before looking to Rin as he played with her smiling lightly "Yeah, I can see why" she answered.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason looked at her "Would you be up for the job. You would be perfect for it," he said picking her up, making sure Rin was fine. He went inside and threw the blankets and pillows on the pew. "Much better," he said putting her down on a pillow. He leaned back, tipping his hat "You don't have to help if you don't want to," he said putting a pillow on his back.
Aidan smiled some and tilted his head. "I can see how it wouldn't be a surprise though. Sadly though I was the one it have to kill my brother. Yeah the man was trying t' make me his dinner." He sighed some and shook his head some. He then looked over at Equinox and started to get worried. He was about to tell her she should probably low down some bur it was too late. She was on the ground clutching her chest. He shot up from his chair and flew over the counter. He kneeled down and ran his hand across her back comfortingly. "Miss, you may want to lay down somewhere else." He said about to pick her up but waited for her to allow him to. "I can take you to a bed if you want..."

@Quarantine @Yappi
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Jason looked at her "Would you be up for the job. You would be perfect for it," he said picking her up, making sure Rin was fine. He went inside and threw the blankets and pillows on the pew. "Much better," he said putting her down on a pillow. He leaned back, tipping his hat "You don't have to help if you don't want to," he said putting a pillow on his back.


I walk up to the church and knock, I'm wearing a cloak and mask. In using the fake name of Anthony.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Jason looked at her "Would you be up for the job. You would be perfect for it," he said picking her up, making sure Rin was fine. He went inside and threw the blankets and pillows on the pew. "Much better," he said putting her down on a pillow. He leaned back, tipping his hat "You don't have to help if you don't want to," he said putting a pillow on his back.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina looked at him as she was carried, blinking a few times in suprise in response to his suggestion "M-Me?" She said after she was put down "I love the idea of helping you out...but.." She smiled sheepishly "Are you sure? I-I don't know if I'd be a suitable person to help keep an eye on things, I mean...I'm not the bravest of people" she laughed her words off a bit.

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