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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(I must say: This'll be my last post on this RP. It'll be the one who kills my character, so...)

Angela started trembling, as her heart started palpitating. She had a scared expression on her face, as her hands gripped the bedsheet tightly. It appeared that Fricka was suffering from a heart attack, which she didn't know was coming. All those symptoms were pointing towards her having a heart attack. She then suddenly stopped moving, her heart going blank. Her eyes stared blankly at the wall.

(If ya want, you can try and resurrect her... but i'm afraid she'd be dead anyway.. Also, she won't change into Zombie)
As he would continue to ride he would spot a group of men armed with rifles and bats surrounding a family with 2 kids. growling slightly he would motion his head to the bandit aiming his gun at a 5 year old girl. Growling the wolf would charge at the man and pounce on him colliding into him and causing his weapon to skid to the ground. The wolf would start to bite at the mans jugular tearing the flesh from his neck and causing blood to squirt out of the open wound. As the wolf was attacking the man I would slow down and park the Harley, I would turn and walk to the men my footsteps easily being heard by the bandits. I would grab my helmet and remove it and place it on the bike. As I was walking towards them the family seeing this opportunity would run escaping the 6 bandits. Seeing that the family was gone I would stop and gaze at the bandits, my wolf finally done tearing apart the bandit would approach me.
I would stare at the bandits with emotionless eyes the lead bandit a tall muscular man carrying around a fire axe would stare at me, his eyes would soon widen with fear as he would have a flashback of someone with a black trench coat with crimson eyes and the sounds of wolves howling being heard "t.t.t.h.h.h.e.e.e.e harbinger....." he would say loudly enough for his group to hear, their eyes would widen in fear and start to shake a few of the smart ones would turn and run. The Harbinger a well known nickname known by many bandits and people, People would say that once the Harbinger crimson eyes gazed on you, you would never live to see the sun again. His name would be whisper all across the country, Parents would say it to scare their kids into behaving saying "if you don't listen then the harbinger will come and take your soul" or that "Don't do anything bad or The Harbinger will come to take away the souls of the evil with his pets the black wolves" and many more stories, but no one has never been able to find the identify of the man because they would never live long enough to tell them, Sighing Keon would unsling his desert eagle and take aim at the man the last thing they would ever see would be the barrel of his gun.
After a few hours of searching for people and with no results Keon would drive back to the house noticing that the gate was unlocked. Sighing he would park the Harley and walk into the mansion carrying a duffle bag full of food and medicine. Once he was in the living room he would remove the duffle bag and place it on the couch and head up stairs he would check in everyone's room. As he would enter Angela room he would notice she would be staring at the ceiling with a blank look on his face, her skin would be pale and she wouldn't be breathing. Eyes widening slightly he would approach her and put his head on her chest to listen to her heart beat. Finding no heart beat he would proceed to cheek for a pulse finding none his eyes would gleam sadly for a moment then turn emotionless. 'Damit if I came here sooner I could have revived her but I was to late' sighing tiredly he would close her eyelids and cross her arms over her chest. He sit by the bed waiting for the others to come. with his emotionless eyes staring at the window.
You hear "Keon, your back, so how was the trip, I am sorry for your lost," Jason sits on a chair, his hat taken off, he waits for a response.
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Mira saw that that Keon had come back and followed him. She saw Angela laying blankly on the bed and frownes. She walked over to Keon and faced him. She took a seat next to him. "We should bury her." She said and looked over at him.
The man beside Keon extends his hand "Hi, I am Jason Grim, I...just got here," the man with the skeleton mask, and black cowboy outfit smiles at you.
She looks over at the man. "Mira." She said and shook his hand. "I go by Raven." She said and let go of his hand.

(Hey Shamrock xD small world hu. I know my hero name is the same as my nickname on here I ran out of ideas. :P )
He tips his hat "Call me Grim for short, do you know a Avery, that guy is what we call back home a jackass"

(I know, I didn't even now you were on this rp xD )
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She smiles. "Yeh I know Avery." She thinks for minute. "To be honest I don't see what's wrong with him, but I haven't known him for long."
Michael walked through the pretty much emprt streets. Stabbing a zombie on the head when needed. He had been wandering around for days, running into smaller settlements. He was often shot at but managed to get away with only a bullet in his arm, leg, and sometimes if they were luckey his torso. He looked around and spotted a large neighborhood. He switched out his knife with his assault rifle which previously hung on his back. He slowly walked through the neighborhood looking for signs of life, or light.
While he was walking through the neighborhood he saw a figure. He stopped to study it from far away. Unable to tell if the figure was an undead he whistled and aimed his gun. @Tessa Roberts
Sighing he would pick up Angela body and head downstairs he would walk outside to the garden and lay her body gently on the grass he would then take a shovel and start digging with emotionless eyes.
She follows him downstairs and grabs a shovel as well. She walks out with Keon and starts to help him dig. Frowning slightly when she spots Angela on the ground. "Keon." She says quietly. "Did anyone... Destroy the brain?"
Sighing "it wasn't your falt, if anything her death lys soley on my shoulders" he would say as he kept digging the hole

(I have been barying a lot of bodies lately T-T)
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She nods at him and continues to dig with him. She looks up at Jason. "Thank you for your concern." She says taking a quick break before she starts digging again. "If you would like to help there should be more shovels somewhere."
He grabs a shovel, humming something as he takes off his mask, he smiles "Back home, we burned the bodies in case they "turn," that is what we called zombies back home "
Keon would sigh and continue to dig "and when we finish you two will say nothing about helping me in case the others are mad I don't want you dragged into this" he would continue to dig for a while "ok stop that is enough" sighing he would walk over to the body which he had wrapped a big white blanket over it. He would slowly pick up the body bridal style and walk to the hole.
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