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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She nodded at Keon. "Okay." She stopped digging and threw the shovel to the side. She claimed out of the hole and looked in. She frowned seeing the body being placed into the hole.
After he finished placing her in the grave he would take out a white rose and place it on her body he would grab the shovel and start to burry her.
Jason agrees, and puts a cross on the body, "Thanks for not telling anyone I ran in here without permission, I am forever grateful," he bows.
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Raven tears up slightly but doesn't cry. She wipes off her face and begines to help Keon bury the body.
He uses his shovel as a stand "After that we should head inside, I don't trust the looks on those zombies," he points behind the fence.
Nodding he would get up and head inside, his eyes gazing at the the grave for a secound, then turn around not looking back at it. He would walk and sit on the couch, he would then take out his sword and start inspect and clean it, his eyes still emotionless 'this is what I get for being to attached to these people'. As he was cleaning his blade he would notice the scarlet collar on the ground his eyes would widen slightly and he would be hit with a flashback "and now she is yours" he would remeber saying that to Daisie. His hand would grib the sword handle tighter. (I'm on my iPad so plz excuse any of the bad grammar or spelling)
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Jason walks in tapping him "Hey, what is wrong with emotions, without them I would be dead along time ago." he pats him on the back "Ya, can't save everyone but you can at least remember them." he sits near him, trying to sound happy.
Noticing the figure didn't respond he headed in the opposite direction. He heard the light sound of shovels hitting dirt. He walked twoards where the shovels were. The shovels stopped for a while so he had a hard time finding exactly where they were coming from. He saw some zombies lined up on a fence and smiled under the mask. He walked up and killed the few that surrounded the fence then headed to the front of the house and knocked, removing the mask. He would scrach the leather eyepatch and wait for a response.
He lays his weapons out in front of him. Looking at the door he knocks once more before putting his hands behind his back. He smiled and waited patiently. Looking back every few moments to see if a zombie was heading up.
A man wearing a cowboy costume, and a skeleton mask opens the door "Get inside now, before you let some in." he grabs you by the collar, he eyes your mask "Nice mask, from one mask wearer to another, now who exactly are you."
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Mira walks in with them and settles herself on the couch next to Keon. She leans her head on his shoulder and jumps slightly when she heard the knock on the door. She looked over but didn't move, She watches as Jason walks over and opens the door. She sees the man and watches what happens with interest.
He nods and begines to bend down to get his stuff before the man grabbs his collar. "One, thanks. Two, can you release my collar. Three, Michael." He looks down at his weapons with his only eye then looks back up at the man.
He releases his collar, he shakes his hand, "nice to meet you, I am Jason, and the other two are Mira, and Keon," he points too the two on the couch.
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Sighing he would wrap one of his arms around Mira shoulder and pull her slightly closer his eyes seeming to be lost somewhere else not really paying attention as if he is starring at something far away
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The wolves would face the unknown man and growl all 30 crimson eyes starring at him ready to pounce if he shows the slightest amount of hostility or aggression.
He shakes the mans hand and bends over to pick up his stuff. He doesn't say a word but simply waves at the two on the couch. He puts the Assault rifle on his back, and his knife and gun on opposite spots oh his belt. He walkes in and looks around the large house.

(Large right, I skimmed through a little earlier to get an idea and saw someone mention a mansion?)
Jason smiles "Nice gun were'd ya get it, I prefer the old fashion revolver" he shows his revolver, it is white with the word "Life" etched into it.
He looks back at the crimson eyes in shock. He slowly backs into the house. "Hey, I think there may be a slight problem." He says looking twoards the eyes. "Does that happen often?"

(Popular place for people to wander I guess lol. I was just looking for a place to starts. Sorry for sort of intruding.)
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