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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She smiles and leans on him more. She looks up at him and kisses him on the cheek. She pulls away quickly and blushes. "I-I'm s-sorry" She stutters and looks at the man standing at the door.

(Ahhh, Avery and his balls being hit. I wish I was there to see that.)
Jason shrugs "Not for me, I just crawled in here with-, Black Beak get down from the strangers head." A crow is in Michael's hair picking at different pieces.
Raising an eyebrow he would glance at her "what was the kiss for?" he say in a curuouise voice not understanding the point of her kissing him and franctly in General the point of kissing at all

(Wait it's 9 people in the mansion and I have a feeling more will be coming :P )
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Her blush deepens. "I uh.. Its that... I..." She says sounding lost in her own words. She looks away and closes her eyes. "Mira, you idiot..." Raven mumbles to herself.

(Yeh, its cool bro. Like slash said there will probably be more coming.)
(Allright thanks guys. I'm sure there isn't many people accepting as you all. I appreciate it.)

He waves his hand at the crow, trying to get it away. "Come on bird, I allready lost an eye I don't need to loose anything else." He says and waves his hand at the bird once again.
Jason whistles calling the bird "Sorry Black Beak likes newcomers, he just wanted to say hi," he whistles the bird away.
(I have to hop off now, Night guys!)

Still blushing she runs upstairs to her room. She lays down on the pillow and mumbles to herself. "way to go idiot..." She continues to do so until she falls asleep.
raising a eye at her strange behavior he would take out his desert eagle and start to fix it and clean it

(Beside I try to get everyone active and in the rp because I wouldn't want people to not let me in a rp so why would I do it to them?)
(Np mistakes happen) I raise my eyebrow at his question "I do not know how to answer your question (if you don't know well my character does not understand many emotions like love hAppyness guilt remorse and more if he seems like he is acting the emotion then he is ether just copying the emotion from what he read in books or is feeling that emotion but doesn't understand it)
He walks further into the house. "Is there a place I can put my stuff." He says and continues to study the home. "Oh and, Keon was it? Looks like that girl has a crush on you." He says and smirks.

(So your character doesn't understand any emotions? Or just certain ones?)
"You can put your bag over their" he point to a pile of the other survivors bag "and I will go out tomorrow, night time is here so it is best that we all stay here" he say as he gazed outside seeing it is night time again "you two go get some rest I will take first watch" say unsheathinghis sword and resting it on his shoulder as he stares outside.

(And that he dosent understand and has never experienced loved, sadness, anger, remorse, guilt lust, cowardness, romantce, all of those emotions and a few more he does not understand and has never experienced and that if he does experience them he will not understand what they mean and will be confused on them did that clear things up?)
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He smiles "Can I come this time, it sounds like fun" he stares up at you, he is acting like a middle schooler

(must go *flies out window*, see all of ya tomorrow)
He would turn to face Jason's "maybe latter" as he said that jasonwould slowly fall asleep.sighing I would tiurn to face Michael "you should get some sleep too"
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He nods and puts his bag over with the others.He sits himself down in a chair. "Rest I will then. I haven't slept for a while." He lays himself back in the chair and closes his eye.

(I also have to retire for the night, sleep well everyone!)
Keon would be the only one awake. His wolves would be patrolling the mansion and ready to attack anyone that showed the slightest amount of hostility, aggression or tired to break in meaning to do harm.
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