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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Keon eyes would slowly open up, blinking away the blurriness, he would roll out of bed and crash onto the ground, grunting in pain he would slowly get on his hands and knees and look noticing that it was early in the morning, he would get up slowly grunting from the effort, he would slowly get up and start swaying his vision still clearing, he would stumble to the bathroom and barely make it to the sink, the clutching the sink using it for support, he would gaze at the mirror noticing his skin was still pale but the color was returning, and that his eyes glowing crimson color had not come back, it still staying the pale crimson. Frowning he would notice black veins wouldy start to appear all over his right arm and spreading his short sleeved black muscle shirt not being able to cover it, sighing he would think 'Its getting worse,' he would grunt and push himself off the sink and stumble to his bag and open it with slightly shaky hands, he would rummage through it looking for it, a few moments later he found what he was looking for, a long sleeve black muscle shit, setting it to the side, he would grab the hem of his old shirt and pull it up exposing his upper body, Throwing it away he would grab the long sleeve black muscle shirt and put it on.
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After a few minuets the dizziness and blueness of his vision would start to clear up, sighing in relief he would start to stretch and roll his shoulder sighing more at hearing his bones start to crack, as he did this he would notice that the medical bag had been moved and was not like he left it, frowning he would think 'The only person that would do this would b Avery' frowning more he would head to Avery's room and creek the door open silently not disturbing his sleep. Scanning the room he would notice their was no medication bottles on the stands, he would close the door again not making a sound, and continue on to Angela rooms sighing he would creak the door open silently and approach the stand where he saw the medications, grabbing one he would read the lable 'hmmmmm seems like Avery found out what was causing Angela illness while I was sick'. placing the pills he would turn around and exit the bed silently. He would then walk to Daisie room and check on her he would creek the door and see her curled up and snuggling into scarlet, Scarlet would be wide awake with her crimson eyes staring at my crimson pale, making a hand motion for her to stay I would close the door silently not waking up Daisie and continue heading to the rooms and check on Raven, as he entered her room he would notice that the covers would thrown off and she seemed to be shaking very slightly, he would go and grab her blankets and throw them over her and tuck her in comfortably, he would then turn around and leave her room and head downstairs.
Raven woke up suddenly breathing heavily. She shook her head and calmed down. She stood and grabbed her knife out of the wall and slid it onto her belt. She walked over to the bathroom. Turning on the sink she splashed some water in her face. "Get yourself to together Mira." She mumbled to herself and turned the sink off. She leaned on it for a few moments then went downstairs.
Keon would be sitting down organizing the bags with a frown on his face. His skin would still be pale and his right hand would be shaking slightly as he organized the bags
James slowly opened his eyes but he was already wide awake by the time they were half open. He smoothed down his hair since he wasn't the fondest of having bedhead- no one ever took him serious if he looked like a tired little kid. He sat up on his couch and got onto his feet, starting to wander around in search for the bathroom. James ran into the man with the gun from yesterday and one other. He cleared his throat to avoid sounding groggy before asking him the question. "Out of curiosity where's your bathroom?" His eyes moved back and forth from the two.
He his tapped from behind, from a man wearing a skull mask, and a cowboy outfit "Howdy the names, Jason Grim, pleasure to meet ya" he extends his hand wearing black gloves.
Keon would turn to face two unknown name "the name is Keon, and the bathroom is over there too the door on the right" he would point down a hallway.
James turned to face the new face before reluctantly shaking the extended hand. "James Bast." He gave a slight smile, more out of courtesy than anything else. He gave a nod. "Thanks." James then went to the bathroom and proceded utilized the facility. (Sry, I just love how weird that phrase is. Had to use it lol)
The figure waves "You alright, ya seem very sickly, back home ya get sick they cut off the infected part off" he says cleaning one of his revolvers.
James had been patiently holding it in for as many days as he hadn't slept. And honestly? He felt almost like a newborn due to how much energy he felt. After about ten minutes, a lightly smiling James emerged from the bathroom after the audible flush of the toilet and washing of hands.
The figure lights a smoke "The names Grim, I like meeting new people, and buddy your one of them. I am new around here, so please explain what is this place," as he talks he brings out his guitar and starts tuning it.

(I have no idea what to say to the comment, above me 0_0)
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[QUOTE="White Shamrock]The figure lights a smoke "The names Grim, I like meeting new people, and buddy your one of them. I am new around here, so please explain what is this place," as he talks he brings out his guitar and starts tuning it.
(I have no idea what to say to the comment, above me 0_0)

(Is your guy talking to James or Keon? xD )
Jason looks up at James, still tuning his guitar "So, how long have you been here friend," he says standing up with his guitar, the name "Judith" written in the wood.
"I'm not sure how you got in the mansion and honsetly I don't give a flick just that you didn't leave tthe place open for more people to sneak in" he say as he gets up his ski. Turning back to normal and his crimson eyes back to their bright glow.
James cocked his head slightly. "Good question. Pretty sure it was a few hours ago or so that I arrived. Not very certain since I was sleeping since I got here for the most part. And you?" He eyed the guitar and the name on it but decided not to pry in at who 'Judith' was. He glanced at Keon, noticing his eyes were more vibrant than a few minutes ago.
"I came when "black beak" flew in here, I tried to get him, but found this places was inhabited, is there anyone else I should know about besides the two of ya", he sees James looking at the guitar, "The name is from a sweetheart, back west." He plays a little bit.
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James nods. "There's quite a few others but I'm not entirely sure how many. Too many if you ask me, but at least they aren't bandits or anything." He brushes back a few strands of stubborn purple hair out of his face.
"If we were we would have shot you the moment you walked in beside I know your not a bad it because if you where the wolves would have torn you apart" as he said 28 crimson eyes would stare at you ready to pounce on you.
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He stares "Who are theses wolves you speak of," he says whistling as a bird lands on his shoulders "I have always thought kindness is the best policy" he pets the bird, it has a metal beak.
James then looks around him curiously. "You have wolves? Cool..." He had already turned to one with a calm steady look in his eyes. "Mind if I befriend them? I love animals." He had a soft and genuine smile on his lips.
James chuckles as he looks at it, surprisingly showing his soft side. The side that wasn't a cold and precise shell. "Hi buddy." A childlike voice sprang from his mouth as he spoke to the bird.
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