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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Daisie walked to her bedroom and opened the door, letting Scarlet walk inside with her. She hopped on the bed and crawled under the blankets, laying her head on the pillow and snuggling Scarlet.

(Sorry, I gotta sleep. Night)
Angela was slowly getting worse, with a high fever coming onto the play. She was clearly not getting better.
Avery decided to check on Angela, as no one had recently. He walked into her room, and saw that she was still asleep. He put his hand to her forehead, and frowned. He sighed, and sat down in a chair in the room, noting that 4 out of the 8 people in the house were crippled, or sick, including himself. He soon fell asleep in his chair.
Angela shivered slightly, as she opened her eyes, and looked at Avery.

"W-W-who are you?" She asked weakly. She hasn't met him before.
He opened one eye, and chuckled a bit. He pulled his gas mask from before over his head. He looked just like he did when they'd met, only he was missing his left wrist, his mask was tore up, he was missing equipment, and he was covered in small cuts, stitches, and bandages. "Avery." He said through his mask, hoping she'd remember
"O-Oh.... so it's you..." Angela stated, looking slightly sorrowfull at him

"W-w-hat happened to--" She got interrupted with coughing. She was really not looking good.
Avery pulled the gas mask off and put it away, "Not important. How long have you been sick?" He asked, as he rested his chin in his hand
Boe said:
Avery pulled the gas mask off and put it away, "Not important. How long have you been sick?" He asked, as he rested his chin in his hand
"I actually... don't know.. i think i went sick like... a few days ago.." She stated, looking down at the bedsheet
"Hm. Yellow Fever... Swine Flu... Tuberculosis? Whooping Cough?" He asked, looking at the sick girl, with a little concern. Her symptoms matched all of these, "Have you been puking at all?"
Boe said:
"Hm. Yellow Fever... Swine Flu... Tuberculosis? Whooping Cough?" He asked, looking at the sick girl, with a little concern. Her symptoms matched all of these, "Have you been puking at all?"
"N-No.. i haven't.." Angela declined, looking at Avery.

"Ugh... i don't want to die..." She mumbled, her eyes slowly becoming glossy.
"Not Yellow Fever, or Swine Flu then..." He said quietly to himself. "You aren't gonna die." He said firmly, as he tried to figure out what she had. "Sore throat?"
He smiled a bit, knowing it had to be either Tuberculosis, or Whooping Cough. He got up, and walked over to her, taking out his flashlight, "Say 'Ah'" He said, trying to sound like a doctor
Angela smiled a bit, as she opened her mouth widely, and a faint "ah" could be heard.
He shined the light down her throat, noticing white spots at the back of her throat. He put a hand to her chin and closed her mouth, "Tuberculosis it is." He said, with a small frown. "I have a decent supply of Isoniazid pills, but we're gonna have to get more soon... I'll check Keon's bag for some more, and maybe some Rifampin or Pyrazinamide too..." He said, as he walked to his room to get the pills. He stopped by Keon's room, and was happy to find a decent supply of Pyrazinamide in one of his bags. He walked back into her room, with a glass of water, and 3 bottles of pills, "How old are you, and how much do you weigh?" He asked, as he set down the bottles and water.

(So fucking proud of myself for remembering all of this xD )
"I'm... 17... and i think i'm... last time i checked, i was... 57 kilos..." Angela stated, slowly opening her eyes.
"1 Isoniazid and 2 Pyrazinamide pills till you run out should be more than enough to get that nasty bacteria out of your system." He said with a smile, "These should last you 6 months or so. You should start feeling better after a few days, and most of you symptoms will be gone within 5 months." He said, happy it wasn't too serious
"TH-Thanks" Angela said, smiling weakly at Avery, as she took the doze he recommended, and swallowed it, soon drinking some water.

"I... i appreciate it... and... if you want to have a shoot-out next time... keep it away from me, okay?" She asked politely, looking at Avery.
Boe said:
"I don't even have a gun. I doubt it'll happen again." He said, as he sat back down.
"Th-that's good.. Now... If you won't mind... I'll go to sleep.." Angela said, slightly relieved, as she laid her head on the pillow, and slowly fell asleep.
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