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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"the wolves stay, I found this house, I saved yoru ass so be graceful" he would sound annoyed witht he wolves growling at him ready to pounce he makes a hostile move
"what the hell do you have against me, I have spent years following you and getting your ass out of trouble that you always got into." He say in a tired voice.
Avery was about to freak out at the fallen Keon more, but noticed Daise. His expression turned soft, and he walked over to her. He cupped her chin in his hand, and gently made her look up at him. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
Daisie growled and pushed Avery away, "You people don't understand!!" She screamed, her voice hoarse and her tears falling down her face more, "Understand that this is an apocalypses!! We are to help each other and survive!! The past is in the past!! People got hurt, yes, but that doesn't matter anymore!! You're alive!!" She curled up on the steps and shook her head as her tears made a small puddle on one of the steps. She sniffled lightly and then looked up at him, "You guys fight, and you shouldn't. We are here, because we learned how to survive, to work together. Not to fight and bicker with each other. Be grateful for what you have now, because, like those two boys who just came in, they had to debate on weather or not to trust us!! That's not what I want..." She slowly began to calm down and so did her tears.
Avery was taken aback by this, but he knew it was true. Avery sighed, and looked at the two. "Yeah. Alright, I guess that's a good point." He looked back to Daise, "Sorry, We'll try to keep the fighting to a low." He said with a nod.
Daisie sniffled as the tears finally stopped, "Thank you... both of you..." She smiled lightly and sat up. She laughed lightly as well and then started to pet Scarlet, "That's how you get your way girl..." She whispered in Scarlet's ear and grinned up at the boys.
Sighing "I guess you are right" he would say he would notice scarlet continue rubbing against her "heh seems like scarlet has taken a liking to you" smile slightly
"I'm a dog, or in this case, a wolf person." Daisie said and smiled lightly. She continued to pet Scarlet and looked at the other wolves, "Can she stay...? I really like her..." Her voice was clam and soothing.
He would approach in the steps and sit next to her and wrap one arm over her shoulder "sorry" he would say. His voice would sound a little ashamed "it is the apocalypse I guess we do need to stop arguing at each other and be a group like they say A house divided cannot stand ".
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"And we'll of course you can she actually has a interesting story behind her" he say smiling as he pet scarlet fur causing her to purr and rub against us more
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Daisie froze as his arm wrapped around her shoulder. She gasped lightly and looked at him, "D-Does she really??" Daisie asked softly and took his arm off her shoulder. She never liked being touched like that. She never was. She laughed nervously and continued to pet Scarlet, smiling as she did so.
(Hey sorry I sort of left, we went out to dinner and my 4g wasn't working.)
"I was afraid she would have died she came way early then expected was to light and small she suffered from fevers and sickness on a daily basis"
Raven yawned and went to her room. She layed back in the bed. She didn't fall asleep but she just sat there. Thinking about what the world had become.
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"Almost every day I had to break into a dog store to gather the medicines and other supplies she would need" chuckles slightly "I once ran into a store full of infected to gather supplies, and while I was gathering supplies I found this" reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dog leash that was black with a silver over tag that had the word 'Scarlet printed on it in beautiful need writing.
"Oh damn..." Daisie said examining Scarlet. She tried to ignore the scars on Scarlet and smiled as she smoothed out her fur. "She's beautiful..."
Daisie looked at the collar, "No!! She's yours!! You fed her and helped her!! I don't wanna take her from you..." She said and refused to take the collar. Daisie loved Scarlet, but she didn't want to take her away from Keon.
Raven pulled out a small pice of paper. She started to write things down on it. Taking notes on what the world had become. She held the paper in her hand and violently cut it up with her knife. She then layed down on her bed and sighed. She took her knife and threw it into the wall. It didn't go all the way through but it stuck in. She looked over to the door then back at the knife that hung in the wall.
"No you-" he would stop and start coughing violently into his hand that didn't hold the collar his body would shake slightly and his hand would clench as he coughed up black liquid into his hand from his mouth.
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Daisie squeaked once again and stared at him, "Are you okay!?" She asked worried and moved him to the couch. She had a worried look on her face as she sat him down.
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