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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Daisie smiled as she saw the blurry Avery. She stumbled over to him and laughed lightly before she sat down on the floor, smiling up at him.
Avery noticed her, and wiped his small tears away. He smiled a bit, "Sleep well?" He asked, in a sweet tone. He was actually quite surprised that his emotion changed that quickly, as he was never one to do such a thing.
Daisie shook her head to his comment and smiled up at him, "Why were you crying?" She asked with her sweet voice. She tried to hide the fact that she just finished shaking like mad.
He glared past her, at the book on the table. "Just thinking. That's all." He said, in a disturbed tone. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her up onto the couch next to him
He smiled a bit, "That's good. Did you eat yet? Cause I'm starving." He said, as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head, with a childish smile
Daisie shook her head again. She didn't feel hungry, but she knew she was. Her stomach let out a soft growl and she held it lightly before she curled her knees to her chest and she realized she never changed her clothes.
I would go and walk into Angela room noticing that she is still unconsciousness, I would approach her and place my hand on her forehead to check her temperature, He would frown notcing that her fever would not go down. He would grab a another ice bag and switch it for the other one. sighing I would head back downstairs, I made it down stairs and would see Avery and Daisie leaning against each other. "why don't you two go get some sleep you look tired" he say as he grabbed his desert eagle out of the sheath and stare at the door.
Avery chuckled a bit, and got up. "We both just slept... I'm gonna go get my food." He said, as he walked over to the stairs. He walked up, and went into his room. He began eating eagerly.
Keon would turn to Daisie "Don't panic" he would put his fingers to his mouth and blow a loud sharp whistling sound could be heard all throughout the house,
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"Keon, why are you calling the wolves inside?!" Avery yelled, as he sprinted downstairs, falling, and trying to catch himself with his bum arm. He tripped, and fell down the stairs comedic-like.
Daisie didn't hear the whistle. She stood there and tilted her head. Her shaking began to grow as she looked up at him, he looked like something she's seen before, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She jumped up as she heard Avery fall and ran over to him. She began to make sure he was okay, not saying a word.
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Avery was fine, aside from a few bruises. He got up to his knees slowly, and looked up at Daise with a smile. "I'm fine." He said with a slight chuckle. Then he remembered what he was doing. He ran over, and tackled Keon, stopping the whistle.
when he tackled him he would roll and they would both stop with Keon on top of Avery Pining him down. The Wolves would run intot he room forming a circle around us including Daise.
Daisie moved out of his way when he got up. She sat on the steps, no words being said. Her hands began to shake and she stared at them for a moment. She squeaked as the wolves made a circle around them and she reached her hand out to pet one.
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"You have a wolf problem Keon! They're dogs! Dogs stay outside!!" The crippled man yelled at him. He noticed Scarlet, and reached out to pet her nose. "Scarlet can stay tho..." He looked at Scarlet, "Good girl."
Scarlet would bite your hand and huff at you, and would approach Daisie and rub against her I would glare at him "yeah she still is not happy that you shot her in the gut for no reason, she is lucky to be alive actually" I say my voice turning cold.
Avery yelled in pain as the wolf bit into his hand. He pressed his hand against his leg to help stop the bleeding, "She pushed me off a roof you sadistic asshole!" He yelled, as a small puddle of blood began to form under his hand.
Daisie started to pet Scarlet and then ran over to Avery. She pushed the boys apart and shook her head rapidly before she took some cloth and wrapped Avery's hand up. She smiled as she safety-pinned it and put his hand from up position, to a down at his side position. She walked back to the steps, sat down, and continued to pet Scarlet, no words.
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Daisie started to cry. She didn't know why, but she did. She sat there, head in hands, crying softly. She felt Scarlet up against her, but ignore it. Her head began to pound and she laid out on the steps, crying ever so softly, like a mouse.
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