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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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He would move her to the side gently and grab some fresh bandages he had in his pocket and start to work on bandaging his wound up not waking up Avery in the process.
She smiles. "Okay, I'm going to get some dinner. If my head still hurts I will be staying in..." She looked for an empty room. Finding one she point at the door, "That room right there."
Daisie shook her head at Keon, "My mom was a nurse... I can do this, give me a needle and fishing wire." She said with a straight face, holding back the tears forming in her eyes. She sniffled lightly and sighed, her face went serious. She looked at Keon as he pushed her aside. He looked down and sniffled again.
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Raven walks to the kitchen and makes her self a plate. She smiled and sat down alone at a table. She quickly eats and wanders upstairs to where Avery, Daisie, and Keon were.
"you are not in the right state of mind, and I was a field medic I can handle this" he say in a serious voice noticing how distress and slightly unstable she is. 'beside he is my responsibility' he would say in his mind
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Avery had begun to wake up slowly from Keon's rough bandaging. He winced in pain, as he looked over to see Keon working on his arm. He pushed him away, distrustfully. In truth, he barely ever trusted Keon, and he felt as if he reserved the right to blame him for his incident, because he only got into it from trying to run from him. Avery rolled away to the other side of the bed, and glared at Keon, with a tear rolling down his angry face.
She looks in seeing Keon and Daisie near Avery. She walkes in and stands with them, making sure not to get in the way. She watches as Avery wakes up. Seeing him push Keon away from his arm.
Daisie walked to the edge of the bed slowly. She looked down at Avery and placed her hand on his side. She didn't want to put it on his shoulder so he would feel uncomfortable. She placed her eyes on his wound and then at his tears. Her tears began to grow and she shook them away. Her attention was pulled to his wound and she grabbed the needle and fishing wire from Keon.
He smiled a bit, and his face relaxed, as Daise began to work on his arm in the way that it was needed. He would much rather not get into a fight with Keon, about blaming him for his incident, so he didn't mention it. No matter, he still didn't trust Keon, or his rough medical work. Truth be told, he'd much rather be treated by a nurse like Daise, than a Field Medic, like Keon. Daise was much more gentle.
Raven sighed and leaned on the bed, making sure to be careful not to mess up Daisies work. She looked over at Avery. "Sorry about your hand." She said with a sigh. "That's going to suck."
Daisie gave him a rag to bite down on as she slowly started to stitch him up the rest of the way. The way she moved the needle was as gentle as she could. She finished in less than a minute and smiled as she did so. She slowly put clean bandages on his wound and taped it on his arm. She took the bloody rags and the rag from his mouth, and walked downstairs. She threw them away and sat down with a sigh in the living room, whipping the tears from her eyes.
Narrow his eyes slightly he would turn around and start to walk to the door he would stop not facing them and say "dinner is ready" he would continue through the door his body tensed and head down stairs and would head to the garage. He would open the garage and open the door manually and bring his fingers to his mouth and blow on them a lard sharp whistle sound going through all the house being heard by everyone in the mansion and outside. A few moments latter the sound of wolves howling could be heard all throughout the house. smiling slightly he would sit on a stool and wait
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"Yeah..." Avery said in reply to Raven. Avery was about to thank Daise, but she walked downstairs. Avery limped after her, and sat down next to her a few seconds after she sat down. "Thanks Daise." He said quietly, as he looked over at her with a smile and a bright face. "Why are you crying?" He asked, as his expression turned to concern.
He would stand up and walk through the living room walking past Avery and Daisie, he would head to the kitchen and a few moments latter he would come out with a tray full of raw steaks he would walk to the garage walking past Avery and Daisie again.
Raven ran down stairs. She saw Keon heading to the garage and smiled. She walkes out to the garage. "Hey Keon." She said with a smile. "Headache is gone."
Daisie shook her jead at Avery. Her voice was soft and low, "I hurt you." She said and at that moment the tears went away. She felt like she had been torn out from the inside. Her head was on fire and she curled up in the chair.
He would look at her and nod at her "good" he say while still waiting. as he waited the sound of wolves could be heard again but louder and a lot closer "you might want to get behind me or get inside" he say leaning forward his eyes shining with happiness and excitement.
He reached over with his good arm, and put his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, I'm better, and it's because of you." He said with a smile, in the warmest voice he could muster up. His eyes were warm, but at the same time, they were tired of everything, sick of life.
As he stared outside with his crimson eyes 30 crimson silted eyes would stare back at him showing their intelligence and cold-bloodedness to kill anything that would get in their way. Grinning slightly one of the crimson pairs would move forward exposing themselves to the light showing wolf that is much bigger then the average height with crimson eyes and a horizontal line running down his right eye you could also see varies of scars and cuts on the wolf's battle showing the many battles and fights he wolf has been in and has come on top of. The wolf would approach me its head at the same level as my head as I was sitting on the chair. The wolf would howl a few feet away from me followed by the other. The sound of their combined would cause immense pain to anyone hearing it in the mansion, excluding Keon since he was use to it and got use to it.
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Daisie shook her head and took his hand off her shoulder. She curled up more onto the chair and let out a sigh as the tears slowly started to fade from her eyes. Her cheeks stained from the tears once on her cheeks she growled lightly and pushed her face into the arm of the chair. The thing was, Daisie felt guilty for what happened. If she would have stayed and talked, or if she would have gone and helped, then maybe that never would have happened to him.
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