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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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He would turn his head to where he heard the scream and stop cooking he would approach the unknown man with a weary look in his eyes
Avery heard the door close quietly, and slowly woke up, upset that he wouldn't get a good amount of sleep, and confused on how he fell asleep in the first place. He got up, and reached for his axe, which he'd lost in the fall earlier. He reached for his handgun, noting two things, he was missing the lower half of an arm, which he'd forgot, and that he'd lost his pistol at one point as well. He grabbed a flashbang, and walked out of the room, ready to throw it. He smiled, and pulled his ripped up gas mask over his face as well.
He would grab his sword and rest the blade against his shoulder and would see to unknown men, he would tense up and grab the hilt, in his other hand holding his desert eagle pointed ready to shoot "who are you two" he say in a cold voice with his grip tensing on the hilt ready to use it if they show any sign of aggression he would notice Daisie. "your up?" he say to Daisie

Raven would spin around with her rifle pointed at the unknown man finger on the trigger ready to fire.
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JPTheWarrior said:
he looks at her. He was really nervous "Are you ev- It doesnt matter! There are zombies outside! There is another survivor too!"
Avery looked to the others, "I would help, but I don't have a weapon. Or full use of both arms." He said, sounding like a smartass, with a upset tone. He shrugged, holding his flashbang.
burninglog said:
James finished off the last of the zombies, surrounded by a giant pile of heads and the corpses to go with them. He frowned before speaking in a relatively calm and quiet tone. "You should be a little more quiet. Loud noises attract the dead." He stated matter-of-factly before following the person into the mansion. James knew full well he might come off as creepy, but honestly he just wanted to make sure the person in front of him wasn't walking into a trap or anything. Some girl appeared, armed, and he just gave a light nod to say hello.
"I know but I was desperate. And since I have some luck in me it looks it is not the case. Hello" he says has look at the girl

He would turn his head to face her slightly and say "What happened to Avery wasn't your fault you where tired and stressed out" he say to Daisie
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James' face paled at the sight of the gun that was pointed at them. Though his face showed no emotion, one look into his eyes and you could tell he was terrified and pissed at himself for being so. "Problem? We're not killing you or anything."
Narrow his eyes "you could be lying" he would click the safety off, he sigh "but then again if you where showing any aggression the wolves would have killed you" he say and place his desert eagle in his holster and sheath his sword, he would cross his arms over his chest and stare at them.
He would stare at them noticing their eyes showing fear and that they are shaking slightly, "relax if we where going to kill you we would have" he say in a slightly warm voice his eyes softening slightly.
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Avery would put the flashbang back on his belt, and he'd eye the men. He wiggled his half-arm around, to get a feel for the fact that not only was it lighter now, but he no longer had any feeling in the lower part of his arm, because it wasn't there
Slasher999999999 said:
Narrow his eyes "you could be lying" he would click the safety off, he sigh "but then again if you where showing any aggression the wolves would have killed you" he say and place his desert eagle in his holster and sheath his sword, he would cross his arms over his chest and stare at them.
"So are we good?" he says. his body doesnt stop shaking
Daisie growled at Keon, "Shut up!!" She screamed in his face and looked at the boys. They looked pretty beat up. She lowed her weapon and shook her head, "You two Okay?" She asked and closed the door behind them. She sighed softly, "Keon and Avery, go rest. I got this." She said and sat her bat down.
He would sigh and walk up to him and put his hand on his shoulder squeezing his shoulder slightly in a comforting way "yeah we are good"
Slasher999999999 said:
He would sigh and walk up to him and put his hand on his shoulder squeezing his shoulder slightly in a comforting way "yeah we are good"
he would get scared a bit. He looks at him "O-oh ok.." he then looks at the girl but quickly looks away
"I'm not tired, but it's not like I could be of much help anyways." Avery said in reply to Daise, looking down at his left arm. He turned, and limped back upstairs.
He would turn back around and head to kitchen the smell of meat being cooked and seasoned could be smelled all through out the house, along with other pleasant smells,
James relaxed a little and he glanced back and forth between everyone. "I'm good, was just making sure this guy wasn't walking into any sort of trap." He eyed them. They didn't seem to be bandits, but you can't always count on how they look.
Avery walked into a dark room, and grabbed a flashlight he kept at his belt. He flashed it into the room, and stood in awe. The room was filled with old weapons, melee, and ranged. He quickly grabbed a Loop Lever 1892, and cocked it. He walked back downstairs with a bright smile
as Keon was cooking he would ponder on how things have gone so far 'things have gotten very interesting today being stuck with a group of people, strange they make me feel emotions I do not understand at all..... but what ever these emotions may be....they......feel....nice' a small smile would crack on his face and he would start to hum a gentle soothing song that could be heard to where the 2 unknown men, Raven and Daisie are at.
Daisie watched the two boys fade out of the room. She smiled lightly and looked at the other two, "You two need to rest as well, you look like you've been through a lot. We have food, medicine, clothes." She said softly and pointed to the couch, "He'll be okay. And so will you, tonight you're staying here, with us." She said her voice as if talking to a hurt kitten. She heard the humming and found it soothing. Avery on the other hand, made her angry. She looked at him and growled, shaking her head.

@burninglog and @JPTheWarrior
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PixieDusts said:
Daisie watched the two boys fade out of the room. She smiled lightly and looked at the other two, "You two need to rest as well, you look like you've been through a lot. We have food, medicine, clothes." She said softly and pointed to the couch, "He'll be okay. And so will you, tonight you're staying here, with us." She said her voice as if talking to a hurt kitten.
@burninglog and @JPTheWarrior
he looks away I shouldnt trust them. And she is talking with me like am a baby! I know I am young but still...
Avery would sit down in the living room with the others, and mess around with his new single shot short barrel rifle. He found a comfy seat, near Daise, and began to take apart the rifle to the best of his ability. He gave up within seconds, finally realizing how hard life would be with an arm and a half.
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