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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Lucas was simply frozen, in shock while the 'two' fought. Even when Harmony was hurt, his feet wouldn't move. He saw Peace and Harmony's moment unfold, and felt Harmony be placed in his arms. Maybe I'm the the one who does't deserve to be with her? he thought, not really focusing on her words due to his own anguish. He looked at her wounds; cautiously, being that he wasn't that comfortable around blood. Hopefully, she would get better soon and be able to move around normally. He didn't mind carrying her around if she couldn't stand, though. "D-Do you need me to carry yo...you?" he asked, his voice trailing of a bit "We...we need to find you a place to rest..."

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"I'd like that..." I say weakly. Barely able to stand, "Can you bring me back to the apartment?"
Lucas was silent, but nodded before promptly making his way to the apartment they took shelter in before. He laid her body down on the bed carefully, making sure not to be too rough on her wounds. "N-now rest up, okay?" he told her, examining the rest of the apartment with his eyes "Do you want me to go get you some more medical supplies?"

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"No...I'm good. I just need to rest" I say adjusting myself to sit up on the bed, "I just lost alt of blood, a day or two and I should be able to stand." I say getting some water from my bag
Yappi said:
I am out scavenging in the city, I walk down the streets humming.

( @Nona ,if you want to introduce your new Char)
A teenage boy ran out a few feet in-front of marcus, ducking into a nearby alleyway. The kid was thin and scruffy, and had no apparent group or following. He stopped by a wall, moving a few planks of wood to uncover the ammo box. He quickly counted the bullets, reloading the small pistol and grabbing a dagger from the box, putting it in his makeshift belt sheath.
Yappi said:
I am out scavenging in the city, I walk down the streets humming.

( @Nona ,if you want to introduce your new Char)
((Okay, I'll post in a second :3))

"Uhh kid you ok?" He's thin, has not eaten in a few days. "Ki-" I'm stopped by the gun, I try to walk next to him.
Yappi said:
"Uhh kid you ok?" He's thin, has not eaten in a few days. "Ki-" I'm stopped by the gun, I try to walk next to him.
He bolted to his feet whirling around. The teen backed away from the man, fear and unease flickering in his eyes. In his panic, he'd dropped the gun in between him and the stranger. Mentally cursing himself, he reached for his dagger. It was dull but enough force could at least hinder someone's mobility. "What do you want." His voice was a harsh whisper, it was obvious he hadn't interacted with others for a long time. As he waited for the man's response, he remained tense, his eyes darting around searching for a possible escape.


~*Laika Flynn*~

Looking around and letting a small sigh once she saw this part of the city was free from the undead. Laika sheathed her katana and placed it on her back again. She had came here for supplies but it seemed like this place had a lot of stuff taken already. Letting an inaudible and annoyed grunt she continued walking down the empty street only to hear what sounded like some whispering which caught her attention.



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Yappi said:
"Watch it kid, I just want to talk." I lay down some bee jerky "eat some, you need it "
The kid looked at him, "I'm fine thanks." The kid was obviously tense, and decided to lighten up the mood. He dropped the knife, kicking it away. "My name's Mitch. I'd like to know the name of my soon to be, or possible killer if you'd be so kind." He said the last few words in a teasing manner of formality. He adjusted the dog-tags around his neck restlessly.
Yappi said:
"Names Marcus, and I won't kill you" I say laughing. I squat down
Mitch decided that it was better to trust the guy, and not fight him. He was way bigger and could probably snap him like a twig. Mitch sat down against the wall. "What brings someone like you to the bad-ways." His curiosity had peaked, no one scavenged here unless they were alone like Mitch was. The gang members always chased him, and it was a wonder he hadn't been shot dead yet. Remembering the gang members he winced, moving a hand to his arm which was bleeding slightly. "Dang....gene must've caught me off guard.." He mumbled softly but Marcus could still hear him.[@Yappi]

"I'm a survivalist, I have so many guns it's not even funny" I take out my bag, I have my guns that I need on my belt. All my gear that is essential is off my bag. I open my bag to show 8 guns all laid out. 2 rifles, 3 revolvers and 3 sub machine guns. "See" I hand him a rifle "You were nicked by a bullet. Were you followed?"
Yappi said:
"I'm a survivalist, I have so many guns it's not even funny" I take out my bag, I have my guns that I need on my belt. All my gear that is essential is off my bag. I open my bag to show 8 guns all laid out. 2 rifles, 3 revolvers and 3 sub machine guns. "See" I hand him a rifle "You were nicked by a bullet. Were you followed?"
"Probably not. Listen, you should probably head out before their gang spots you. It's not safe here." Mitch stood, grabbing his stuff nd starting to walk out of the alley. "I can help you get to the edge of town, or wherever you need to go without being seen."

"Kid, your young so let me tell you something. Wether you like it there going to catch up with you, they will kill you and if not worse.... Trust me, I know" I say loading my rifle "How far away th-" a gunshot wizzez by me "And there are my problems"
Yappi said:
"Kid, your young so let me tell you something. Wether you like it there going to catch up with you, they will kill you and if not worse.... Trust me, I know" I say loading my rifle "How far away th-" a gunshot wizzez by me "And there are my problems"
"I know they'll catch up, they just did. My point is I've learned to run and avoid. Fighting back and making friends get you killed! Now come on!" Mitch grabbed Marcus by the wrist, pulling him along with surprising ease as they ran at least a block to the edge of the city. The gang seems to have given up. For now.
Peace ignored anyone around her, she clenched her chest crying. "I should have never left, I almost killed the one I loved. I can't see her anymore." Peace passed out from blood loss, Threat took control and walked the rest of the way home. He growled "She tried to kill you, I won't let that happen again," he said opening the door of the church, closing it and falling to the ground with a thump.

"Kid,kid?" I Say getting worried until he falls. "Peace... It's Johny, the guy you trust" I say patching his wounds "This is some shoddy business here" I say patching him up. He will be ok... I set his head down on a pillow and walkin out to the back. I look for Jason, I was out scavenging for a while.... I missed a lot. "Jason! You here!"
Yappi said:
"Kid,kid?" I Say getting worried until he falls. "Peace... It's Johny, the guy you trust" I say patching his wounds "This is some shoddy business here" I say patching him up. He will be ok... I set his head down on a pillow and walkin out to the back. I look for Jason, I was out scavenging for a while.... I missed a lot. "Jason! You here!"
When the noise of pursuit has ended, Mitch let's Marcus go, falling onto his knees breathing heavily his skin pale. His sleeve was soaked in blood at this point, running had increased the rate of blood loss. Light headed and short of breath, he collapsed on the ground exhaustion taking hold.

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