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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Peace smirks grabbing her hands, she pressed her foot against her stomach. "Weak," she said hitting her into the ground "I came to apologize for your mistake." She said hitting Conquest into a wall. She stepped a few feet back, her hands behind her back.

"Aww I just go easy on ya" I say throwing a knife with deadly precision and going Russian barfight kicking him in the gut and jamming my finger into his bullet wound. I lick the blood off my fingers "They call me crazy, tell me why?" I say getting a grenade out my hoodie "You know this whole time Harmoys been crying out for this to stop. Sobbing.. Alone... Helpless... Thankyou for that" I say with my insane smile
Peace smirked "Do you know why my name is Peace. Cause I am the real Threat," he said running up, he slid under her hand and cut at her fingers forcing her to drop the grenade. He used his bat to hit her across the face, he smiled stabbing her in the chest. He lifted her up with the knife still in her body "We could have been friends…now…look at us…I've become a liability to a team…and…you…you're a joke. I want you to remember…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my knife…in your chest…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.” He said hitting her into the ground with his knife still inside her. He smirked and left before she could even make a second move.


(If you get the reference you get a cookie :3)
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Before Threat leaves I make this conversation grabbing at his collar "Oh dont worry Harmony... Sure... Will" I say before Harmony comes back to control yelling and screaming in pain "Why do you fucking do this, you know what. Fine im done with this shit. Your peace will see what Harmonys grey matter Looks like... Inches away too" I grab my revolver and cock it loading the next round in with a genuinely sad frown

Threat smiled and threw the grenade Conquest had dropped, the pin out. He ran into the forest and vanished, the pain hit him like a truck "Shit! How am I going to explain this to mom, I'm so sorry for everything. It wasn't your fault, I heard other Mom is making a cake lets grab a slice." He said trying to ignore the pain, his bat in hand as he cheerfully went in the direction of the church.

I roll away from the explosion. I follow him, the cloak around me. "Your right, how are you going to explain it. Getting jealous over someone else and hitting a girl, stabbing them when they fight back" I say limping. "Don't half bake things, finish the job you little shit" I say throwing him my revolver
(Void the walking to the church part)


I walk towards the city not caring if he shot me... I'll get him back later, I try damnit and threat does this like a selfish prick. Ohh peace does blank... Piss off Conquest has killed maimed and ruined my love life and makes the ultimate sacrifice for his sorry ass. I should kill him but I won't... I'm not conquest and I won't stoop that low.
Peace picked it up and refused to shoot, something inside her made her lift the gun. Threat pulled the trigger hitting her arm, he smiled "An eye for an eye," he said unloading the revolver and throwing the revolver away. He would get her back, he had decided to help Peace get back together just for her to get pissed at them. She ruined everything about him, he was broken because of her and continued his walk.

I stumble for a moment and fall, the stab was getting to me. I am bleeding out... This is where I die, I sigh and sit down in the street. I lay down and I have my knife and my will in my hand. I chuckle... It had to end didn't it "Hehehe, guess all great things must......" She lays there, dead. Harmony is dead, bleed to death because of Threat and no less. Right there in Peaces eyes lays a bleed out Harmony still barely breathing. A light breath of someone with no more than a few minutes left.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace forced them to turn back, force them to run even with the pain. "Harmony! No, no, no please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have..." She sobbed and held Harmony in her arms, she tried to stop the bleeding, tried to keep her living but she knew it wouldn't work.


theres bandages and morphine in Harmonys bag, Harmony could be saved... If they choose to that is.
Peace searches her bag and finds bandages and morphine, she patched her up as best she could with her supplies. "Please stay, I'll never forgive myself if you leave," she said crying into Harmony's shoulder, holding onto her.

Peace picked her up and saw the hand, she gave a weak smile. "I missed you love," she said kissing her head, she said sitting by the car from before. "I'm so sorry for everything," she said stroking her hair with the other hand.

Peace sighed "Let's just pray that Conquest didn't go to far when she hurt Threat, I wouldn't you to be a single mom of the apocalypse." She said with a laugh, she ran over to Lucas and placed Harmony is his hands. "Take care of her, I don't deserve her," she said walking away into the forest, she soon was near the church "Mom," he called out looking for Miya covering the wound on his stomach.

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima
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I slowly open my eyes, I am in so much pain... Atleast I'm not caughing up a gallon of blood every few second. I look up at Lucas, Peace saved me. He saved me and left here, conquest is gone. Maybe Peace got over his jealousy, I won't know or need to know.

@Naomi Nakashima

I see black spots in my vision, I've been hit hard. I slowly recover as access the situation... Atleast 10 bandits, Mira is a hostage, I'm a hostage or... Victim I shudder at the thought. I down see any bandits behind me, I get my boot knife and try to cut the bondages.


I see Peace/Threat walking up to the church, I'm standing gaurd doing my job as always and I yell out "Heya Threat!!!" I haven't seen Harmony in days "Is Harmony ok?" I know the 2 have some sort of connection. I've yet to notice Threats been shot.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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