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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Otakubeats said:
When the noise of pursuit has ended, Mitch let's Marcus go, falling onto his knees breathing heavily his skin pale. His sleeve was soaked in blood at this point, running had increased the rate of blood loss. Light headed and short of breath, he collapsed on the ground exhaustion taking hold.

"Bloody fuckin hell" I say grabbing him when he's passed out. I sling him over my shoulder and start to walk


I see my uncle Marcus walking in the city, he's alway loaded with food. I put my cloak on and sneak behind him not noticing the man on his shoulder

@Otakubeats ( @Shammy the Shamrock )
Peace smiled "S-Sup," was all she could muster before giving heavy breaths.

Jason was sitting behind the church, still holding Rin. He smiled and got up, whistling to himself as he went leaned on the side, covering the child's eyes with his hat.

Jason saw Johny and walked up "It's AJ and Miya's, she wanted me to take care of her while she rest. How have you been," he said playing with Rin looking down at her then he looked back up and smiled.


I look confused as hell "AJ... Had a kid, your shitting me right" I say jokingly "That would make me a uncle..." I say thinking
Jason smirked "I'm a skele-uncle, so did you need anything, also," he smacked Johny's mouth. "No swearing in front of the kid or I'll shove soap down your throat," he said glaring at Johny.


"Jason saying that to the Irish is why WWII happened... Come to think of it where is AJ. AJ is a hard headed but he would never leave family for this long, have you seen him?" I get worried "With his luck...."
Jason shrugged and walked inside "Haven't seen him, then again I haven't seen many people around," he said sitting on a pew. Jason looked at him "Have you seen Threat, I haven't seen him for a bit," he said looking around the church.


"Kid was shot and stabed, I think him and Harmony got Into a fight" I say thinking about what Peace said
Jason turned away for a second "Who!? Who do I have to kill," he said as he put one hand down, it shook as he grabbed his revolver. He let out a sigh "Where is he," he said in a weak voice.


"Harmony, my sister. He's at his bed, I patched him up" I say still thinking "Have you seen Mira lately?" I say thinking ( @Shammy the Shamrock want to control the bandits who kidknapped AJ? I don't like my fav char being frozen for too long)
A bandit approaches aj and chuckles. "Hey fucker you awake?" He asks giving him a hard smack to the face just to make sure.


((Camping, got a 3g spot > :) ))
Jason lowered his gun "I don't know where she is. BUT YOUR SISTER DID THAT TO HIM! What the he-heck did Threat do to her," he said putting his arm under Rin. He went to the hatch and went down shaking a bit.

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(Pimp smacked her with a bat...)


I spit at him, the spit I deep red. I chuckle, I am putting up a facade but anyone with half a brain would relize im weak right now. The baby supply's,wedding ring... Ext.

Yappi said:
(Pimp smacked her with a bat...)

I spit at him, the spit I deep red. I chuckle, I am putting up a facade but anyone with half a brain would relize im weak right now. The baby supply's,wedding ring... Ext.

Mitch twitched slightly stirring.

"H-Harmony?!" Lucas calls, seeing her as she got up from bed and walked out of the door "You wounds aren't fully healed yet! What are you-?!" He follows her out the door, before seeing a man in the street. Is she trying to sneak up on him?! With her wounds?! Lucas didn't know what to do now, he only waits in the apartment doorway. Watching Harmony's movements with concern.

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The morphine is all that is keeping me going, Marcus is already long gone when I get semi quick. I limp over back to the apartment "I regret everything" I say going back inside and Laying down, exausted. The morphine is getting washed out of my system and I feel every pinprick of pain.
Quill limped out of the not-so-safehouse, patched up after Jay broke in and attacked him.

"That motherfucker left me for DEAD! When I find him I swear to God..."
((Good night!))

Lucas gave a shaky sigh as Harmony laid down, going over to the widow and staring out. How long would it be before the undead started to show up? In hordes, in hundreds? he blinked at the window, thinking of his families faces. His mother, his father, his older brother—all of their smiling faces. It hurt, he wanted to see them so bad! He took off his backpack, taking out a single picture. A picture very dear to him. It was captioned, the Salmire's not so perfect family photo—showing his himself accidentally falling over, his mother running to help him, his brother face palming, and his father still trying to smile for the camera. He laughed slightly at this, making tears he'd built up in his eyes fall onto the photo. He was crying again, he needed to stop doing that. Still...this picture, he remember that day so vividly now. He got scraped after the fall, causing him to cry like a baby. His brother was also a bit annoyed by this, which had made himself feel even worse. His parents proceeded to get him a bandage for it, but he still felt embarrassed by the whole thing. What a funny joke it was to give him this picture n his 11th birthday, huh? He smiled, glad he actually kept it. That reminded him, it was almost his 12th birthday. Guess he isn't getting a cake, though huh? He looked at his brother again, if anyone could survive an apocalypse—it was his brother not himself. He was a coward, unlike his brother. He was the one who taught him to use a gun; after all, without telling their parents of course. Saying something like "Only use it if ya' need to, got it? I don't want you goin' to jail!", and boy did he need to a lot now. He looked over at Harmony again, wiping his eyes. He needed to man up, he needed to protect her, he needed someone by his side. "Please be more careful from now on, especially since you're still healing" he told her, putting the photo away and putting his backpack away under the other bed. After this, he quickly got into said bed, looking over at Harmony with tired eyes. Tired eyes that quickly closed without much effort. I need you too.

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