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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Lucas felt something grab his shoulder, he was about to scream when he heard her voice. Harmony's voice. He turned to face her, tears suddenly appeared in his eyes for some reason. He was smiling, though "Haha, I'm sorry" he apologized "I just thought you'd moved on without me" he laughed a bit, wiping his eyes "I'm happy your back though, I-I would've been worried thinking you were alone."

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Nami jumped at the voice and fell off the roof into a pile of trash. "Wow... Thanks..." She said getting up and grabbing onto the roof edge again. She shook her head and pulled herself up, looking at the small boy. "Yes I have..." She flipped a knife in her hand and started playing with it, "Ran off." Die looked sad and stared at the floor.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace threw on of her knives "Shit! I really need to apologize," she said going over and picking her knife up. She looked at Die "Sup, why are you sad," she said putting her knife away.

Lucas' cheeks turn a bit red, he turns away to cover it up "I-I'm glad, Harmony...It's just..." he stops, scratching his head a bit "Nevermind" he offers her his hand, and adjusts his backpack "S-so, where we off to? Did you find a good spot to get food?"

Nami smiled and shook her head, sitting down, her blue hair glistening in the sunlight. Die giggled trying to hide his saddened eyes. "I'm not!" He said softly and st next to Nami. "I'm so tired!" Nami said, placing her head on the backpack.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace looked at them "We can go to my base, it's a church, you can probably sleep there." She said pointing to the direction of the church "Unless you want zombies to eat your face while you sleep," she said laughing.

"I want zombies!!" Die said excitedly and jumped up, "Church! Church!" Nami growled as she sat up and grabbed the bag, she trudged on with Die. "Please lead the way, I don't want to get lost..." Nami said, walking with Die over to the girl. Die giggled lightly and jumped up and down. Nami tippy toed and whispered to Die, "Let's hope these people are nice..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace nodded and guided them towards the church, through the forest and to the entrance. She opened the door "This is the church, most people here are either down the hatch, out here or making pies," she said sitting on a pew and looking up.

Nami looked around the church. It was so beautiful, so exciting. Die ran around the church giggling. "Yess!! We're safe for now!!" He yelled loudly and kept running around, hitting the pews. Nami sat down and sighed, her stuff falling off her shoulders.
Peace laughed at Die, she looked at Nami "You can borrow my bed if you're tired, I don't mind." She looked at Die "You act just like my son, who is also my little brother," they said crossing their feet and looking up at the burnt ceiling.

"Just, f-f-forget it! I-It's not important, right now!" Lucas stuttered, blushing a bit more "We need to get moving to, uh, find more resources! Yeah!" he started walking, forward "L-L-Let's go, okay?"

"Wow..." Die said as he came closer to the girl? He giggled lightly and stared at her, "So... You're two people?" He asked very curious. "Die! Really?!" Nami growled at him and shook her head, "No need and don't be rude!!"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Die smiled and giggled, "How old are you guys?" He asked playing with his sword hand, watching the knives glisten in the sun through the windows of the church. Nami was on one of the pews, smiling up at the ceiling.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace thought about it "Secret, but I will tell you, around 9-13 years old. I always like my secrets," she said with a smile. She got down from the pew "I need to go look for my girl, i'll be back in a bit," she said getting her bat out and walking out the door.

Nami nodded and Die followed her, "Be safe!!" He said before sitting in the pew and letting out a sigh, "Can we trust them?" Die asked Nami and Nami shrugged. "I don't know yet..."
"I-I'm really not that cute, ya' know..." Lucas mumbled softly, following her in. The store looked pretty torn up, but hopefully it wasn't badly raided yet. He searched the shelves for water or food, and found a particularly heavy box of water bottles. Unopened, amazingly. "Hey, Harmony! I found water!" I yelled, quiet enough for only her to hear. Still, no food could be seen from the shelves next to him. Maybe it was on the other side of the store or it was already raided?


"Neat, I found some soup" I say holding 4 cans "and yes you are" I say with a grin. "Let's head back, or we could go further into the city. I saw a unraided workshop earlier"

@Naomi Nakashima ( @Mira1 soon)
Quickly pushing as many water bottles as he could into his backpack, and sharing some with Harmony, Lucas responded "Okay then, which way is it?" Hopefully, he'd be able to find a better hands-on weapon than a pocket knife.

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