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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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He would look down at Avery and notice him awake and see him staring at a specific location he would frown and look at the location he was looking at noticing a rusty old car that has seen better days. He would kick boe in the shin "I know your awake your breathing patterns have changed"
Mason watched from afar. What the hell was going on? In a world where the undead were suppose to be the enemy it seemed humans were more interested in turning on humans. She gripped her bow and an arrow, slowly standing up from behind a car she was hiding behind.
She looked down at Avery. She chuckled. "Sorry, I don't belive that would be such a good idea." She looked over at Keon. "He's trying to get me to free him"
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"Boe im getting annoyed of having to keep doing this over and over again" he say with slight annoyance dripping into his tone he would get a gut feeling that something is not right and frown slightly he would sweep his eyes around the area seeing the girl with her bow and arrow pointed at him.
She looked over at Keon and saw him looking away. "Is there something wrong?" She asked still keeping an eye on Avery.
His eyes would widen slightly and he would bring his fingers to his mouth and blow a loud whistle echoed throughout the area (think of it like a new Yorker hailing a cab) it would echo for a while and once it finally died down the sound of wolves howls could be heard everywhere (I have a limited number of wolves so try not to kill them all plz ;- ;)
Mason stalked over slowly and surely, her arrow raised straight for the boys head. "Anyone care to explain why theres a boy here tied up and looking like he's about to croak any second?"
I would lower my finger and stare at her with blank emotionless eyes unnerving her slightly "I would put that bow down if I where" I say in a cold emotionless voice
(wait are you hidden in cover David or visible for everyone to see and look at use we all having a group meeting :D but with guns pointed at each other :D )
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Mira spots the girl and slowly pulls out her hunting knife. "I would listen to him if I were you ma'am."
"Well the thing is you're not me." Mason smiles. "And since I am me, I'm not putting it down until someone tells me what's going on here."
"I don't listen to anyone." Mason rolls her eyes at the girl. "I'm pretty sure my arrow is faster than your knife but we could always see about that." Why did she always put herself in these types of situations? Oh yeah, because of her stupid good heart. Sometimes she wished she was heartless and could have walked by this situation like it was nothing.
"Well, if you looked beside you to that boy tied up then it could give you an answer to your question." Mason spoke.
He would growl at her "and you should mind your own business and not stick your nose where it doesn't belong"
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