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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Naomi and Kazuichi ran into town looking around. "Naomi you help the towns people I'll go take care of some of those monsters." Before he turned she grabbed the back of his shirt. "Don't try and stop me." She let go. "Be careful." Kazuichi chuckled as he ran and yelled back. "Carefuls my middle name!" Naomi ran to help people then suddenly a thought hit her. " I thought his middle name was Serin? " She shrugged and went back to helping.
Carter hid behind a wall, escaping from the feathers, when the Phoenix stopped firing the arrow like feather at him, he run to the next nearby wall, noticing a wounded guard nearby "Help me..." It was the only thing that he managed to say, before one of the arrow like featers hitting him again, this time in the head.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus began working on fixing the ground and forcing the Hands of the Underworld back, closing them off in silent, away from the battle. "Impressive Daliah. Almost as large as my Hands. Very impressive." When he was done he went back to the castle
Like a ray of light in darkness, Ruby appeared in front of her. She was still in shock as the hands started healing themselves, about to grab Ruby. But soon they were forced away. She kneeled there in Ruby's arms, unresponsive for a bit. Soon she inhaled and was enveloped in Ruby's sent. She let out a large huff, realizing she wasn't breathing. Her hair fell to her sides and she closed her eyes, relaxing. "But... I thought.... how?"
Ruby holds her tightly, ignoring the crystals that are now disappearing. "I've been meaning to tell you. Remember all the times I said the monster inside me? I was trying to tell you the demon from before was inside me. It kept trying to contract with me and I denied it several times. Every time I tried to get you to help me it kept changing up my words. But.. just now it. Saved me from that Dragon. It made crystals grow on my skin so it's teeth couldn't get through. I had no choice but to make a contract with it. He gave me his power, knowledge, and loyalty along with assuring me he won't harm others. In trade for being able to keep me as it's host and take over if necessary."

ConnorX said:
Noah comes back with the cannon. "Haxk I got the cannon." "Good, only problem is you will only have three shots, got it?" "Load them up." Haxk got a cart and attached it to the cannon. "Good luck soldier." "Your not coming?" "I need to stay and finish up my work, go." "Okay." Noah got the cannon and went to the burning town.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Naomi and Kazuichi ran into town looking around. "Naomi you help the towns people I'll go take care of some of those monsters." Before he turned she grabbed the back of his shirt. "Don't try and stop me." She let go. "Be careful." Kazuichi chuckled as he ran and yelled back. "Carefuls my middle name!" Naomi ran to help people then suddenly a thought hit her. " I thought his middle name was Serin? " She shrugged and went back to helping.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter hid behind a wall, escaping from the feathers, when the Phoenix stopped firing the arrow like feather at him, he run to the next nearby wall, noticing a wounded guard nearby "Help me..." It was the only thing that he managed to say, before one of the arrow like featers hitting him again, this time in the head.
Once the feather arrow hit his head. It erupted in flames and exploded. Showing Carter what would happen if one hit him. The Dragon serpent slithers towards Kazuichi. It fires flames out of its mouth. The three minotuar golems charge the guards. Attempting to trample them. All of the people approaching witnessed Connor previously cutting off the head of one of the minotuar golems and it grew into another one like a Hydra. That's why there were three now because it's happened twice. Apparently the head wasn't their weak point.
She pushed Ruby back. "You... made a contract?! So you did lie to me!" She stared at her, furious, then exhaled and looked away. "We dont have time for that. We have to fight. Exactly what knowledge did it bestow upon you?"
"Holy..." Carter said to himself as he run over to the next wall that was part of a house, breaking the window with his elbow, jumping inside and crawling to the next wall, peeking from one of the window, trying to find a weak spot on the Phoenix
Kazuichi made a wall of sound to block the flames. "Alright hot-head let's dance!" He jumped onto a nearby house and shot a shockwave of sound at the monster then putting up another wall.
DizjayDeathPride said:
She pushed Ruby back. "You... made a contract?! So you did lie to me!" She stared at her, furious, then exhaled and looked away. "We dont have time for that. We have to fight. Exactly what knowledge did it bestow upon you?"
"I didn't lie I just made it two minutes ago...." Ruby stops when she hears the last sentence. She looks at the demons. "Well it turns out their weak points really are are their conjoined areas. Just look for the spot darkness doesn't flow off of it. Like a bald spot on it. Also they're communicating with one another. We need to find a way to separate them."

AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Holy..." Carter said to himself as he run over to the next wall that was part of a house, breaking the window with his elbow, jumping inside and crawling to the next wall, peeking from one of the window, trying to find a weak spot on the Phoenix
Carter can see that there's darkness oozing off of it everywhere. Except for a small cupcake sized point on its back where the Phoenix and centuar bodies combine.

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi made a wall of sound to block the flames. "Alright hot-head let's dance!" He jumped onto a nearby house and shot a shockwave of sound at the monster then putting up another wall.

The monster slams into the ground. It roars at Kazuichi. It starts to dig underground. Only to burst out underneath him.
As Connor slammed into Rachel she was knocked out do to his size. She laid there helpless and defenseless.

Reed thought for a moment. "If it has a weakness but it's not the head then what about where they're conjoined." He flew around the beast stairing at it. Inspecting every inch of it. He mafe sure to fly fast enough to dodge any hit it tries. He watched the cloud of black mist like substance flow aound the beast. The more he watched it the odder it seemed the flow he noticed a point where it wasn't flowing. A small little point the size of a cupcake. He plunged into it full force at top speed and stabbed into that point.

Kaylee looked at them confused. "Ok I don't know what's going on but I'll look there." She looked at the monsters.
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Noah got to the scene and thanked Haxk. He saw the guards get trambled. "MOVE!" He charged at the nearest minotaur-golem and swung his sword so it would cut them in half.
She stared at her. She really wanted to believe her. But... So she figured she would. Alright... I trust you.. Anyways, I already knew that since I killed the other but that last part. Interesting" She got up and went focused her mind on a type of broadcast. "Zaphkiel. Come here. And bring Brooke."

Zaphkiel was scouting around, looking for a weakness when he got the message. "On it" He teleported, grabbed Brooke, then went to Daliah and took off his music. "Whats up?" He heard Rachel's mind kind of.. .dreaming. He looked around and saw her knocked out. A clone grabbed her and carried her to somewhere safe.

She spoke in his mind. "I know about your sister but Im sure I'm the only one." Then out loud. "Okay. Simple. The monsters have a single point of weakness. Look around the darkness for a point that doesn't flow. Zaphkiel I want you to distract them. Make clones. Get their attention. Brooke your job is to scout around and find that point. When you do, use your speed to plunge your blade into it and kill it. It's very small and hard to see. But I believe in you."

Zaphkiel nodded and made multiple clones, about 30. They ran out and ran around in front of the demons. "Hey! Come here!"

Brooke nodded and flew around, looking
"You must be fcking kidding..." Carter said to himself when he noticed the weak spot of the Phoenix, as he run to the door, opening it and running to the next house.
Kazuichi jumped back. "Woah! " He landed thinking to himself ready to draw his knife but. "I can't just start slashing away I don't know if it will just multiply or grow back." Then came a tap on his shoulder he turned seeing Naomi. "Before you ask the villages seemed fine but I figured you'd like some help." Kazuichi sighed. "What's the plan." She hummed thinking. "Buy me some time I have an idea." Kazuichi nodded and jumped onto then off the serpent's head shooting tiny shockwaves at it. "Come and get me hot-head!" Naomi hid herself and opened her backpack trying to build a rifle like object.
Tazmodo said:
As Connor slammed into Rachel she was knocked out do to his size. She laid there helpless and defenseless.
Reed thought for a moment. "If it has a weakness but it's not the head then what about where they're conjoined." He flew around the beast stairing at it. Inspecting every inch of it. He mafe sure to fly fast enough to dodge any hit it tries. He watched the cloud of black mist like substance flow aound the beast. The more he watched it the odder it seemed the flow he noticed a point where it wasn't flowing. A small little point the size of a cupcake. He plunged into it full force at top speed and stabbed into that point.

Kaylee looked at them confused. "Ok I don't know what's going on but I'll look there." She looked at the monsters.
Reed hits one of the Minotuar Golems in it's weak point. It roars in anger as it bursts in darkness, defeated.

ConnorX said:
Noah got to the scene and thanked Haxk. He saw the guards get trambled. "MOVE!" He charged at the nearest minotaur-golem and swung his sword so it would cut them in half.
The minotuar golem gets cut in half and regenerates like a Hydra. Right when Reed kill one Noah caused another to come back.

DizjayDeathPride said:
She stared at her. She really wanted to believe her. But... So she figured she would. Alright... I trust you.. Anyways, I already knew that since I killed the other but that last part. Interesting" She got up and went focused her mind on a type of broadcast. "Zaphkiel. Come here. And bring Brooke."
Zaphkiel was scouting around, looking for a weakness when he got the message. "On it" He teleported, grabbed Brooke, then went to Daliah and took off his music. "Whats up?" He heard Rachel's mind kind of.. .dreaming. He looked around and saw her knocked out. A clone grabbed her and carried her to somewhere safe.

She spoke in his mind. "I know about your sister but Im sure I'm the only one." Then out loud. "Okay. Simple. The monsters have a single point of weakness. Look around the darkness for a point that doesn't flow. Zaphkiel I want you to distract them. Make clones. Get their attention. Brooke your job is to scout around and find that point. When you do, use your speed to plunge your blade into it and kill it. It's very small and hard to see. But I believe in you."

Zaphkiel nodded and made multiple clones, about 30. They ran out and ran around in front of the demons. "Hey! Come here!"

Brooke nodded and flew around, looking
The other Minotuar Golem looks at all the Zaphkiels around it and stomps it's foot. To lightly shake the ground as it starts to charge at them. Attacking as many as it can. It starts to roar into the air. Brooke can notice the weak point on it. In the front of its conjoined body.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
"You must be fcking kidding..." Carter said to himself when he noticed the weak spot of the Phoenix, as he run to the door, opening it and running to the next house.
The pheonix centuar saw him leave. It starts to gallop after him as it screeched into the air.

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi jumped back. "Woah! " He landed thinking to himself ready to draw his knife but. "I can't just start slashing away I don't know if it will just multiply or grow back." Then came a tap on his shoulder he turned seeing Naomi. "Before you ask the villages seemed fine but I figured you'd like some help." Kazuichi sighed. "What's the plan." She hummed thinking. "Buy me some time I have an idea." Kazuichi nodded and jumped onto then off the serpent's head shooting tiny shockwaves at it. "Come and get me hot-head!" Naomi hid herself and opened her backpack trying to build a rifle like object.

The dragon serpent turns around to face Kazuichi. When it does this, Naomi can see that there is no darkness oozing off a certain spot on its right side where the serpent and the dragon are conjoined. It passes by like a blur. It fires searing hot flames at Kazuichi and rushes towards him. It bellows into the air.

Ruby seems to rock from side to side in response to their cries. Ruby secretly sings to herself, even though she was an astounding singer. She kept it to herself. But she couldn't help but sing along out loud as they roar. Ruby suddenly stops at the same time they do. She turns to Daliah immediately. "They're planning to combine their bodies to form several conjoined monsters so it's one weak point would be harder to find. I dont how but I think I told them it would be a bad idea. Still.... watch out though! They could still attempt to try."
Daliah looked at her and smiled. "Aww that's so cute you can sing to communicate. We both know you heard that Zaphkiel"

He spoke in their minds "Yeah I did. Alright party animals let's make sure they don't mingle" Everytime the beasts steps on a clone now, they get teleported a few steps back like an ender pearl being throne. He continued to have the clones taunt the beast

She saw the point and squinted. "Well... that's small. Ew... I dont want to touch that" She flapped her wings "I hate you Daliah" She flew highspeed with the tip of her blade pointed out straight into the point
Kazuichi made a wall of flames as he did this Naomi finished her rifle but the front part was more of a funnel. She threw it to Kazuichi and he caught it. "Focus your powers threw it like your knife and blast the right side of it where the serpent and dragon parts meet!" Kazuichi didn't question her and aimed but with it coming at him he couldn't get to the right of it. "Looks like I'll have to use my trump card!" He activated his other ability allowing him to move at the speed of sound. He aimed at the spot and focused sending a shockwave in a narrow beam at the spot.
Carter quickly bust the front door with his shoulder and kept running , leaving the house using the back door , taking his Katana from the holster , losing sight of the Phoenix.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah looked at her and smiled. "Aww that's so cute you can sing to communicate. We both know you heard that Zaphkiel"
He spoke in their minds "Yeah I did. Alright party animals let's make sure they don't mingle" Everytime the beasts steps on a clone now, they get teleported a few steps back like an ender pearl being throne. He continued to have the clones taunt the beast

She saw the point and squinted. "Well... that's small. Ew... I dont want to touch that" She flapped her wings "I hate you Daliah" She flew highspeed with the tip of her blade pointed out straight into the point
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Kazuichi made a wall of flames as he did this Naomi finished her rifle but the front part was more of a funnel. She threw it to Kazuichi and he caught it. "Focus your powers threw it like your knife and blast the right side of it where the serpent and dragon parts meet!" Kazuichi didn't question her and aimed but with it coming at him he couldn't get to the right of it. "Looks like I'll have to use my trump card!" He activated his other ability allowing him to move at the speed of sound. He aimed at the spot and focused sending a shockwave in a narrow beam at the spot.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter quickly bust the front door with his shoulder and kept running , leaving the house using the back door , taking his Katana from the holster , losing sight of the Phoenix.
The beam makes contact with the Dragon Serpent. It bellows again into the sky as it bursts into darkness. Defeated.

Brooke's blade stabs into the weak point of one of the minotuar golems. It roars into the sky as it bursts into darkness. Defeated.

The Phoenix starts to roam around the town. Looking for Carter until it hears the cries.

Ruby rolls her eyes. "Oh shut up..." Ruby suddenly raises her head once she hears another set of cries. She sings once again and stops. She turns to Daliah as crystals float behind her back. "The Phoenix and one of the minotuar is coming our way. I told it to come over here. Most of them have been defeated." Suddenly one of the minotuar golems turn the corner. It starts to approach Ruby. She raises her hand and makes a finger gun. The crystals fly from behind her back and grow on her arm all the way down to her hand. "Bang." She presses down her thumb and a piece of crystal flies towards it and splits. Most of it covers it's mouth while the others fly around it and hit it in it's weak spot in the back. Ruby shakes the crystals off of her. "There's still the Phoenix and one minotuar golem left."
Carter finally re-appeared behind the Phoenix, noticing it was distracted, he runned after it and jumped, grabbing its leg, quickly climbing to the beast's back, slowly making his way to the weak spot
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter finally re-appeared behind the Phoenix, noticing it was distracted, he runned after it and jumped, grabbing its leg, quickly climbing to the beast's back, slowly making his way to the weak spot
The darkness oozing off of it's body starts to wrap around his legs. Holding him in place as the Phoenix turns it's head around.
Haxk trashed the rifle and made explosives instead. How it would help he didn't know. The only thing he knew was there was a lot of fire. He grabbed a knife, the explosives, and magic stone he found in the Lost and Found. He ran to the bridge and into the forest.

Noah was mad at the demon. It was a hydra demon. He went to the outskirts thinking of the books. Hydras who are branded by fire should die. He found a good looking stick and stuck it in a nerby fire. He went over to another golem demon, cut it where both sides had flesh and used his stick to brand them.
Daliah stared at Ruby and smiled, holding her arm up, showing it was coated in crystal. "Looks like I can finally use this too" It sank back inside of her skin and was gone. "Zaphkiel, bring Brooke and come back"

The clones all said okay and molded together like playdoh and rolled through the town to find any injured survivors while the original got Brooke and teleported back. "So what's the plan now?"

"Now we sit here and wait to see what happens"

Meanwhile, Morpheus, Decimus, Ryan, and Damian were sitting on top of the school, watching the events. "Interesting... we'll see if they can finish it off. Why did your daughter go major tyrant mode?"

"It appears she's developed feelings for someone and they almost died in front of her. Nothing major"

"Sounds oddly familiar don't you think Decimus"

He shrugged. "Guess watching the ones you have feelings for almost die runs in the family."

Ryan sighed. "i have so much healing I have to do. What did you do about the ones dragged into Underworld?"

"They're fine. The Hands did no physical damage"

"Thank God. Morpheus, you're going to have to erase the villigers' minds"

Morpheus stared. "God... fucking... damnit! THE TOYS DONT STAY! YOU LIED TO ME! THEY'RE BREAKING INTO DARKNESS!"

Damian shook his head. "You have such odd standards"

The Headmaster finally came down, holding his blades. "Interesting..." He watched the beast be attacked and watched what it did
Kaylee watched it go from two monsters to four. She sighed and looked at the monster nearest to her. She flooded the area and trapped it in mud. She then inspected it for a weak spot.
ConnorX said:
Haxk trashed the rifle and made explosives instead. How it would help he didn't know. The only thing he knew was there was a lot of fire. He grabbed a knife, the explosives, and magic stone he found in the Lost and Found. He ran to the bridge and into the forest.
Noah was mad at the demon. It was a hydra demon. He went to the outskirts thinking of the books. Hydras who are branded by fire should die. He found a good looking stick and stuck it in a nerby fire. He went over to another golem demon, cut it where both sides had flesh and used his stick to brand them.
The minotuar once again splits into two. Now there is no longer just one. But once again two. It was an apocalyptic demon, not a hydra demon. They all just happened to have the same splitting ability as a hydra. They didn't have flesh, even more inky darkness spills out of the wound and ensnared the flames and put them out. It seemed like randomly cutting them open didn't help. Everyone else seemed to be aiming at a specific spot at the demons conjoined areas. Noah can see a spot in which the minotuar upper body connects with the golem lower body. It doesn't have darkness flowing off of it as if it were a bald spot. It was the size of a cupcake.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
Screw it..." Carter said to himself, throwing the Katana towards the weak spot on the Phoenix/Minotaur's back, barely managing to hit it.
The Phoenix bursts into darkness. Screeching as it did. There were only the two minotuar golems left.

Tazmodo said:
Kaylee watched it go from two monsters to four. She sighed and looked at the monster nearest to her. She flooded the area and trapped it in mud. She then inspected it for a weak spot.
The new minotuar golem that Noah recently created gets pushed away and trapped in mud. It's weak point could be seen on its back at the conjoined area.

Ruby looks at Daliah. "The Phoenix is gone.... another minotuar was created. It's just two left and they're gone." Ruby smiles at Daliah, she turns to the air and starts to sing. Suddenly roars could be heard. "They're fighting two others and they're in trouble. This is good. It'll be over soon hopefully."
The Headmaster watched it split. "Interesting" He scouted around one of the beasts, looking it over. "Yes... it appears to be made of complete darkness. How on earth are these kids killing it?"

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