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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Carter was out cold, having a small blood puddle closer to his right arm and left leg.

Voices echoed on his mind. "Are you sure?" "Yes, now go on..." "B-But sir..." "I want you to shut up and KEEP WORKING"
Drumonkey said:
Fahy was sitting in his room writing when he felt a disturbance that made him look up. Fahy however decided he didn't care and that it was someone else's problem and they would fix it. Fahy was still hurt and reeling from earlier.
Connor had seen the fires from the ocean but decided he didn't care not like he could do anything about the matter anyways.Connor was walking through the hallways with two metal buckets with various fish in sea water.
( I expected at least Connor to do something. Meh. )
Rebecca closed her eyes then quickly pushed him back. "Put me down. Now"

He flew around. "Wheeee!" Then he saw fires. "Whats... going on over there? Come on" He flew towards it

She went after Ruby and grabbed her hand "No. You could... sigh. No you're going to fight anyways. Come on" She started running, pulling Ruby. "How do I know you didn't lie to me then? How do I know what you said to the monster isn't the truth? It makes sense. Girl has no power and will do whatever it takes for power. Ruby I just.." She ran out the front doors. "I don't know what to believe okay? I want to believe you so badly but I wont put emotions over logic. I dont care what I feel for you I will look at the facts at hand. And the facts are you display the characteristics of someone who would do whatever it takes for power and finally feel accomplished and feel like people can depend on you. Even if it means contracting with a... a.... DEMON! I just...." She got as far as she knew the guards would let her go. She looked up to see Zaphkiel and Rachel flying towards it. She kept going. The guards must be distracted, pulling Ruby. In reality she was using this as an excuse to secretly examine her soul. She didn't see anything wrong but it was just... off. It felt full. Like there was extra pressure. But of course she couldn't tell what. "I just really want to believe you but I feel so betrayed. I feel like you played with my emotions, knowing how I felt and using it as a weakness. It makes sense. Thats what pathological liars do." She noticed she can just walk as far as she wanted. The guards were distracted. She kept talking. "How do I know Ruby? How do I know?! I am so tired of being lied to and hurt and used. I opened up ONE MORE TIME just to be shitted on and walked on! You're such a good actress! How do I know I can ever believe anything you say anymore?!" She kept pulling her

Ryan sighed. "The boy is bleeding a lot. Of course. Arteries. Fine let me get serious" He held his hands over the boy and started healing his wounds
(all connor saw was fire from the ocean and he was collecting sea creatures. He is one of those does things with friends for friends so to his knowledge this is something the gods will check out and if it is that bad then he will find out anyways he is in the hall so he could get dragged along)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Rebecca closed her eyes then quickly pushed him back. "Put me down. Now"
He flew around. "Wheeee!" Then he saw fires. "Whats... going on over there? Come on" He flew towards it

She went after Ruby and grabbed her hand "No. You could... sigh. No you're going to fight anyways. Come on" She started running, pulling Ruby. "How do I know you didn't lie to me then? How do I know what you said to the monster isn't the truth? It makes sense. Girl has no power and will do whatever it takes for power. Ruby I just.." She ran out the front doors. "I don't know what to believe okay? I want to believe you so badly but I wont put emotions over logic. I dont care what I feel for you I will look at the facts at hand. And the facts are you display the characteristics of someone who would do whatever it takes for power and finally feel accomplished and feel like people can depend on you. Even if it means contracting with a... a.... DEMON! I just...." She got as far as she knew the guards would let her go. She looked up to see Zaphkiel and Rachel flying towards it. She kept going. The guards must be distracted, pulling Ruby. In reality she was using this as an excuse to secretly examine her soul. She didn't see anything wrong but it was just... off. It felt full. Like there was extra pressure. But of course she couldn't tell what. "I just really want to believe you but I feel so betrayed. I feel like you played with my emotions, knowing how I felt and using it as a weakness. It makes sense. Thats what pathological liars do." She noticed she can just walk as far as she wanted. The guards were distracted. She kept talking. "How do I know Ruby? How do I know?! I am so tired of being lied to and hurt and used. I opened up ONE MORE TIME just to be shitted on and walked on! You're such a good actress! How do I know I can ever believe anything you say anymore?!" She kept pulling her

Ryan sighed. "The boy is bleeding a lot. Of course. Arteries. Fine let me get serious" He held his hands over the boy and started healing his wounds
Reed eyes darkened. "Ok" he put her down and flew away full speed. He didn't have it in him to stay there. He flew in a random direvtion near the school and saw the fire. His curiosity got to him and he flew there. He saw the most demonic thing he could imagine. "Just my luck." He pulled out his magical of repulsion and his sword that can cut through anything.

Rachel followed happily. "I wonder what it is.

Kaylee watched Reed fly full speed and decided to check it out. She used water to spawn to the nearest toen with a lake. It was in flames and she saw the beast and gasped.
She watched him go then went inside and went to bed

When he got there he stopped and stared at the monstrosities. "What the.. hell Is that?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Rebecca closed her eyes then quickly pushed him back. "Put me down. Now"
He flew around. "Wheeee!" Then he saw fires. "Whats... going on over there? Come on" He flew towards it

She went after Ruby and grabbed her hand "No. You could... sigh. No you're going to fight anyways. Come on" She started running, pulling Ruby. "How do I know you didn't lie to me then? How do I know what you said to the monster isn't the truth? It makes sense. Girl has no power and will do whatever it takes for power. Ruby I just.." She ran out the front doors. "I don't know what to believe okay? I want to believe you so badly but I wont put emotions over logic. I dont care what I feel for you I will look at the facts at hand. And the facts are you display the characteristics of someone who would do whatever it takes for power and finally feel accomplished and feel like people can depend on you. Even if it means contracting with a... a.... DEMON! I just...." She got as far as she knew the guards would let her go. She looked up to see Zaphkiel and Rachel flying towards it. She kept going. The guards must be distracted, pulling Ruby. In reality she was using this as an excuse to secretly examine her soul. She didn't see anything wrong but it was just... off. It felt full. Like there was extra pressure. But of course she couldn't tell what. "I just really want to believe you but I feel so betrayed. I feel like you played with my emotions, knowing how I felt and using it as a weakness. It makes sense. Thats what pathological liars do." She noticed she can just walk as far as she wanted. The guards were distracted. She kept talking. "How do I know Ruby? How do I know?! I am so tired of being lied to and hurt and used. I opened up ONE MORE TIME just to be shitted on and walked on! You're such a good actress! How do I know I can ever believe anything you say anymore?!" She kept pulling her

Ryan sighed. "The boy is bleeding a lot. Of course. Arteries. Fine let me get serious" He held his hands over the boy and started healing his wounds
Ruby finally understood. She didn't have much to say, some times she didn't know when she was acting or being herself. Ruby's face changes to it's regular look. One similar to Luna's. It even shows in her eyes. "I don't know when I'm acting either at some times. But when I talk to you I know it just feels right. I feel like, I'm speaking in the form of Ruby Crossway. I know its not much but that's honestly how I feel. I don't know what your talking about when you say I'm taking advantage of your feelings but if you mean I'm taking advantage of your loyalty and friendship. I'm not! I haven't made a contract with anything! I know for a fact though. I told you the truth! Not the monster!" Ruby notices that they've now reached the town. She stares in shock at the burned town and the dead. She felt like she was about to throw up from the smell of death. She saw the one of the apocalyptic monsters and things got worse.

Drumonkey said:
(all connor saw was fire from the ocean and he was collecting sea creatures. He is one of those does things with friends for friends so to his knowledge this is something the gods will check out and if it is that bad then he will find out anyways he is in the hall so he could get dragged along)
Ash was reading a book in the hall. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going as he passes by a window. He bumps into Connor's shoulder. Making Connor slightly turn and see the entire town far off in flames. Ash mumbles an apology and turns the corner.
"Fun?! That thing is.... what?! Just.. stay out of trouble okay? I'm going to go get the headmaster." He kissed her and flew back to the school

Ryan pushed him back. "Hush it up. You're in my office. I had to heal you since I hear you tried to play hero"

Daliah wanted to believe her. After all her soul wasn't acting up. She squeezed Ruby's hand and let go. "Okay." She was unfazed by the smell. After all her father took her to Underworld a lot to get her used to the sounds of screaming, torture, and the sent of death. So it was nothing. She did however look at the beings. There were 3 here now. "Oh.. my god.."

Decimus was sitting at the table with Luna and Rikka, Damian and Morpheus. "Listen. I know it's a bit much but how else do we test them? By their grades? The beasts may be wile but are still minor ones. Only two parts. I trust they can handle them"

Morpheus sighed. "What do you mean? This is bad! They could die!"

"Morpheus you're panicking. Do you have no faith in our kids?"

"I do but this is a bit much!"

"You get toys"

He sat there for a moment. ".... Alright I'm in. No helping the kids"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Fun?! That thing is.... what?! Just.. stay out of trouble okay? I'm going to go get the headmaster." He kissed her and flew back to the school
Ryan pushed him back. "Hush it up. You're in my office. I had to heal you since I hear you tried to play hero"

Daliah wanted to believe her. After all her soul wasn't acting up. She squeezed Ruby's hand and let go. "Okay." She was unfazed by the smell. After all her father took her to Underworld a lot to get her used to the sounds of screaming, torture, and the sent of death. So it was nothing. She did however look at the beings. There were 3 here now. "Oh.. my god.."

Decimus was sitting at the table with Luna and Rikka, Damian and Morpheus. "Listen. I know it's a bit much but how else do we test them? By their grades? The beasts may be wile but are still minor ones. Only two parts. I trust they can handle them"

Morpheus sighed. "What do you mean? This is bad! They could die!"

"Morpheus you're panicking. Do you have no faith in our kids?"

"I do but this is a bit much!"

"You get toys"

He sat there for a moment. ".... Alright I'm in. No helping the kids"
Luna looks around at the other Gods. "I will only help them if things get too out of hand. I cannot completely say I won't help them if things get bad."

Ruby stares wide eyed. Suddenly the apocalyptic demon inside her starts to speak. "You could survive... If you make a contract with me. Trust me, I'll be fair. I'll give you my power, loyalty, and knowledge. In trade for being able to posses your body at any moment I feel it's necessary. Do we have a deal? If you don't make this deal... You will die this time. I cannot allow my body to be harmed. Now that I have a gemstone my power is far greater than those three."

"No... I refuse. I can do this without contracting with you. You're trying to tempt me. You take over my body already so what's the point? Your existence has proven to be nothing but despicable." Ruby responds to it but not out loud.

"Alright then... my offer still stands. Let the games begin."

( I'm going to stop posting for the night. To save the action for everyone else tomorrow. )
Connor's jaw dropped at the sight before him He quickly took his buckets to his room set them down and took off and began to Sprint towards the waterway that led from the town to the castle. After the few minutes it took for him to get there Connor dove feet first into the waterway and slid down dodging the ocasional seahorse Coming up the other way.
Noah woke up to the sound of stomps. "Whats wrong?" "THERE'S A TOWN ON FIRE!! GET YOUR WEAPON AND GO!!" Some guards got the rifles and others got swords. Noah got his sword and ran with the guards.

Haxk saw the fire in the distance. He wasn't going to do anything, he was going to stay here and make his rifle. He needed to go with the water but he needed work on the rifle. He got all he needed. Scope, gunpowder, bullets, and the just in case ammo. He was building and building when he thought of something. If there was something going on over there, the guards needed more then swords. They needed a cannon. But where would he get the material. Haxk went outside and shouted for Noah and the guard came. "Yes goblin?" "If there is something going on over there and its a monster you guys are going to need a cannon." "Yes, but where are we going to find one?" "We need to make ammo for it, I bet you saw one on your way here, right? "Yeah, but..." "GO GET IT!" Noah went out to get the cannon while Haxk worked on some ammo.
The first apocalyptic demon swats a house down with its wing. It doesn't hesitate to crush people with the hooves of its centuar lower body.

The second apocalyptic demon breathes flames as it slithers around. It's dragon upper body smashes through homes and catches people in it's jaw.

The third moves extremely fast. It's power is just as dangerous. It's minotuar upper body charged down anything in it's path while it's golem lower body pushes it forward.

Ruby decides to start helping townsfolk escape. She would focus on fighting much later.
Connor made it to the edge of town and hopped out the water landing gracefully then connor began running towards the distress and the beasts, he was quickly forming a plan to help evacuate as many people as he possibly could he was still tired from his trip and running but he was going to do what he could to help the mortals.
Kaylee used her water powers to start extinguishing the flame. Rachel went over and start absorbing the flame making her stronger. Reed rose his sheild and charges for the flaming one. But instead of attacking he evacuates as many people as possible.
Daliah watched the beasts and processed. One was a dragon-snake. Weakpoint was easy. The other was a... Phoenix-Centaur. Weakpoint was in a bit harder spot. The last one was a.... horns and.. weird golem body. Guessing Minotaur-Golem. Weakpoint would be a bit covered. Great. She stayed away and scouted around, primarily watching Ruby in case she had to save her, secondarily looking for the points.

Brooke could sense a lot of panic going on. So many minds of just fear and chaos. It made her curious. She looked at the girl she was laying with and hesitated. Then finally decided to go. She kissed the girl's head then quickly got her armored clothes on and sword and ran to the town, letting Telieos sleep

Zaphkiel flew into the Headmaster's window which instantly began repairing itself. "Sir! I'm sorry for interrupting but there are these weird black murky beast things attacking the towns! There are about 3 and I have no idea what they are"

The Headmaster looked at him. "They're the Apocalyptic Beasts I'm sure. I'm guessing the death of one of their own has caused them to come here and avenge it. Interesting" He turned and walked around the room, contemplating. "Well what exactly do you expect me to do about it?"

Zaphkiel looked around "Uh I dont know maybe HELP US?!"

"Boy, I have a school to run. I do not have time to deal with the whims of a child or beasts. They are terrorizing the town, not the school. It is not my responsibility to deal with them. Go talk to your father." He was facing the window now, back to Zaphkiel

Zaphkiel just stared at him. "If any of us die, that becomes your responsibility then." And he left, appearing next to Rachel

The Headmaster stared at the fires. Some spreading, some disappearing. "Hmm..."

Brooke got to the scene and joined Kaylee. "So... what exactly are we doing?"

Meanwhile Morpheus was bobbing his head and whistling, the mass chaos was powering him up. He made about 55 clones and started a dance party
"I'm going to assume you're not okay with me doing experiments on you, right? Very well. Your wounds are healed. Just don;t too active or they'll rip back open. And no one wants to clean that mess."
Tazmodo said:
Kaylee used her water powers to start extinguishing the flame. Rachel went over and start absorbing the flame making her stronger. Reed rose his sheild and charges for the flaming one. But instead of attacking he evacuates as many people as possible.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah watched the beasts and processed. One was a dragon-snake. Weakpoint was easy. The other was a... Phoenix-Centaur. Weakpoint was in a bit harder spot. The last one was a.... horns and.. weird golem body. Guessing Minotaur-Golem. Weakpoint would be a bit covered. Great. She stayed away and scouted around, primarily watching Ruby in case she had to save her, secondarily looking for the points.
Brooke could sense a lot of panic going on. So many minds of just fear and chaos. It made her curious. She looked at the girl she was laying with and hesitated. Then finally decided to go. She kissed the girl's head then quickly got her armored clothes on and sword and ran to the town, letting Telieos sleep

Zaphkiel flew into the Headmaster's window which instantly began repairing itself. "Sir! I'm sorry for interrupting but there are these weird black murky beast things attacking the towns! There are about 3 and I have no idea what they are"

The Headmaster looked at him. "They're the Apocalyptic Beasts I'm sure. I'm guessing the death of one of their own has caused them to come here and avenge it. Interesting" He turned and walked around the room, contemplating. "Well what exactly do you expect me to do about it?"

Zaphkiel looked around "Uh I dont know maybe HELP US?!"

"Boy, I have a school to run. I do not have time to deal with the whims of a child or beasts. They are terrorizing the town, not the school. It is not my responsibility to deal with them. Go talk to your father." He was facing the window now, back to Zaphkiel

Zaphkiel just stared at him. "If any of us die, that becomes your responsibility then." And he left, appearing next to Rachel

The Headmaster stared at the fires. Some spreading, some disappearing. "Hmm..."

Brooke got to the scene and joined Kaylee. "So... what exactly are we doing?"

Meanwhile Morpheus was bobbing his head and whistling, the mass chaos was powering him up. He made about 55 clones and started a dance party
( @Drumonkey )

Minotuar golem rushes towards Connor. Seems to miss him as it rockets by extremely fast. Crashing into the house behind him. The house crumbles and falls.

The Dragon and snake flies at Reed. It smashes it's claws into his shield and starts to fire flames at him.

The Phoenix centuar rushes towards Daliah and fires arrow like feathers at her. Some fly in Ruby's direction.
Daliah erected a shell of darkness around Ruby then coated herself in shadow to let them pass through her. When the barrage stops she lets the shell go
connor was glad the creature had missed but was worried about the people so he quickly hid in the nearest building and checked it, any people he found he told to go out the back then he jumped out one window into another building and told the people he found to do the same then he peered out a window looking for the beast or rather any beast in general as he was quickly making a plan for something semi stupid.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah erected a shell of darkness around Ruby then coated herself in shadow to let them pass through her. When the barrage stops she lets the shell go
The pheonix centuar rushes forward, it beats it's wings and approaches Ruby. It spin around and gets ready to kick Ruby with its hind legs. The Phoenix beats both of its wings. Some arrow like feathers flies towards a mortal Ruby was trying to save and Daliah.

Drumonkey said:
connor was glad the creature had missed but was worried about the people so he quickly hid in the nearest building and checked it, any people he found he told to go out the back then he jumped out one window into another building and told the people he found to do the same then he peered out a window looking for the beast or rather any beast in general as he was quickly making a plan for something semi stupid.
Suddenly a shadowy rock flies straight towards the window from the minotuar golem's leg. It charges straight towards that building after it fires the rock.
Daliah groaned as she coated the mortal since she knew how Ruby would be if it died. From there she grew a wall of solid ice for the centaur to hit, causing it to spread on contact. She let her self get hit with the arrows to see exactly what they could do


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