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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

ConnorX said:
(So Noah can't see the monster but can he see the gem?)
Noah stopped at the dragons. "My job is really diffucult sometimes you know. Lets get the girl back." He goes over to the girl. "Hey, is there something wrong with you, its looks like it." He walks her to the gate and tells Rikka all that happens. He then heads to the barracks to sleep.
( Her back was turned to him but sure. Unless your talking about now then no. The gem disappeared into her. It's not sticking out her chest. )

Ruby was escorted back to her dorm by Rikka. Ruby looks at Daliah. "Daliah.... can we talk?"

( @DizjayDeathPride )
Daliah had gotten over her anger from the Fahy-Ruby altercation and was just laying there, reading a book. She looked over at Ruby, her voice perfectly normal and calm. "What is there to talk about? If it's about you looking for a guy you don't have to apologize or anything. We're not like together or anything we're just friends" She laughed. "Im supposed to be here for you to tell me these things." She sat up and put the book down. "So have I met him?"
Carter was in the 'heart of the forest', standing still,slightly scared, as a giant beast was standing a few feet away from him, ready to attack Carter.

Carter jumped towards it, managing to punch it one time in the neck, but it bit him two times, one in the right arm and the other in the left leg. Carter tried to run away, but with his bleeding leg he didn't managed to go too far.

"HELP" He yelled, hoping that somebody would hear him.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter was in the 'heart of the forest', standing still,slightly scared, as a giant beast was standing a few feet away from him, ready to attack Carter.
Carter jumped towards it, managing to punch it one time in the neck, but it bit him two times, one in the right arm and the other in the left leg. Carter tried to run away, but with his bleeding leg he didn't managed to go too far.

"HELP" He yelled, hoping that somebody would hear him.
( The beasts are friendly. They don't attack, they're contracted with Rikka so they're under control. )
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah had gotten over her anger from the Fahy-Ruby altercation and was just laying there, reading a book. She looked over at Ruby, her voice perfectly normal and calm. "What is there to talk about? If it's about you looking for a guy you don't have to apologize or anything. We're not like together or anything we're just friends" She laughed. "Im supposed to be here for you to tell me these things." She sat up and put the book down. "So have I met him?"
"There is no he!" Ruby felt like the monster would be distracted with the gem so she could speak. "I didn't mean to say it. The monster inside of me just wants to make you jealous." Again the monster speaks for Ruby. "Anyways we need to talk about us. You seem to hate me."

AtlasTheShapeless said:
(But what about a feral beast in the 'heart of the forest'? Have a little bit of "Fun" and etc....)
( Whatever, go ahead. )


AtlasTheShapeless said:
(But what about a feral beast in the 'heart of the forest'? Have a little bit of "Fun" and etc....)
( Carter might miss out on what's going to happen next though. )
She raised an eyebrow at that first comment. "Mon...ster?" Her mind was about to connect the dots when she was interrupted by Ruby again. "Okay.... what about us?"
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter kept crawling away, still calling for help. "HELP..PLEASE..." He then slowly managed to stand up again, now walking.
Rikka steps in front of him. The beast stops in it's tracks. Rikka kneels down to assist Carter.
She looked at him, confused. "Um... what kind of treat" She was a bit weary now

He smiled. "I would love to. But I better check on Rachel. I'll see you later" He gave her a quick hug and walked to his dorm, listening to music
DizjayDeathPride said:
She raised an eyebrow at that first comment. "Mon...ster?" Her mind was about to connect the dots when she was interrupted by Ruby again. "Okay.... what about us?"
"Well I feel like... You haven't been the... Well we haven't been the same since the incident."
She smiled at her. "We've been at classes. I don't know what you mean. I haven't had the time to talk with you about it. Come on. Sit with me" She was of course maintaining facade. And surprisingly she was good at it.

She shook her head, her hair swaying. "Absolutely not"

He eventually came in the room. "Honey I'm hoooome. What did I miss?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled at her. "We've been at classes. I don't know what you mean. I haven't had the time to talk with you about it. Come on. Sit with me" She was of course maintaining facade. And surprisingly she was good at it.
She shook her head, her hair swaying. "Absolutely not"

He eventually came in the room. "Honey I'm hoooome. What did I miss?"
Reed frowned. "Well I guess now thats its come to this." Reed started tickling her.

Rachel looked up on him. "Oh hey. I got bored and made this." She showed him the invention. It looked like a futuristic backpack. "Its a jet pack." She put it one and pressed a button. She flew around a room.
Reed tickled her more. She was laughing so much she lost her concentration and fell. Reed caught her and held her. "Now for your treat. How on tight." He kissed her forehead and flew outside showing her the view. Holding her tightly. "See nothing to worry about."

"Well I got bored waiting for you and was gonna walk around looking for you but I was tired. So I made this so I don't have to walk." She landed and gave him a kiss.
She held on as she looked around. She never went flying before. It was an experience. She extended her arms, letting her hair fly

He chuckled and kissed her back. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting. Well not too much since it gave you inspiration to make such an awesome invention. May I examine it?"
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"T-Thanks..." Carter said to Rikka before passing out from blood loss, hitting his head in the ground.
Rikka put her hand on his chest and they suddenly appeared in Ryan's room. "Ryan he needs medical attention now."

DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled at her. "We've been at classes. I don't know what you mean. I haven't had the time to talk with you about it. Come on. Sit with me" She was of course maintaining facade. And surprisingly she was good at it.
She shook her head, her hair swaying. "Absolutely not"

He eventually came in the room. "Honey I'm hoooome. What did I miss?"
Ruby sat down on the bed with her. "I'm not talking about that. I'm going to ask you this and I want you to answer honestly. Do you hate me?"

Suddenly a town not too far from the Academy starts to burn. Three apocalyptic monsters had flown onto the continent since it floated over an island they were on. They were attacking the town and we're killing the townsfolk. All three monsters had the regular apocalyptic monster appearance. They looked like they were made out of murky darkness. Inky darkness flows off of their bodies. Their eyes were deep inside the middle of their head. Two red glowing lights. The first beast was mixed with the upper body of a Phoenix and the lower body of a centuar. The second one had the upper body off a dragon and the lower body of an serpent. The last one had the upper body of a minotaur and the lower body of a golem.

( @AtlasTheShapeless @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @Drumonkey @Nenma Takashi @ConnorX @sarahbella @Church Burning Don't worry. I've decided to postpone the fighting and action for tomorrow so everyone could get in on it. We'll all just skip our classes to fight for the greater good. )
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Reed flew up above the castle. "So how do you like it." He was holding her so they were face to face.

Rachel pulled out another one. "I knew you would say that." She said with a smile.
She hesitated a moment, thinking about it. "No. I don't. I have no reason to. It's in your nature to pretend. It's-" then she could feel a lot of minor souls just dropping. "Hold on" She looked out the window and squinted, seeing... fire. "What... is that?"

Ryan was performing a routine checkup on an elf. "Well alright I guess. Lay him on the table there"

She giggled at him and tapped his nose "I liked it"

He smiled and took it, looking it over. His eyes turned silver and spun as he looked it over. "Ahhh interesting. Copied." They went back to light blue and he put it on. "Shall we.... race?" He flew out of the window. He'd fix it later

The headmaster was looking out of the window when he saw a patch of town being burned. "Looks like the people are rioting again"

(before all of you post do take into consideration how large this island is. please dont be all oh your character saw the beasts and went to help immediately like accuracy!)
Reed kissed her.

Rachel strapped it on and followed him.

Kaylee wondering outside the school.
DizjayDeathPride said:
She hesitated a moment, thinking about it. "No. I don't. I have no reason to. It's in your nature to pretend. It's-" then she could feel a lot of minor souls just dropping. "Hold on" She looked out the window and squinted, seeing... fire. "What... is that?"
Ryan was performing a routine checkup on an elf. "Well alright I guess. Lay him on the table there"

She giggled at him and tapped his nose "I liked it"

He smiled and took it, looking it over. His eyes turned silver and spun as he looked it over. "Ahhh interesting. Copied." They went back to light blue and he put it on. "Shall we.... race?" He flew out of the window. He'd fix it later

The headmaster was looking out of the window when he saw a patch of town being burned. "Looks like the people are rioting again"

(before all of you post do take into consideration how large this island is. please dont be all oh your character saw the beasts and went to help immediately like accuracy!)
Rikka nods her head and sets Carter down on the table.

"In my nature to pretend? I only use it as a weapon. You know the truths about me so why does it matter to you?" The apocalyptic monster inside Ruby started to stir. As if it were trying to take over again. Something had it on edge. Ruby also looks through the window as well. "What? Fire? Daliah we need to go check it out. This feels strange." Ruby starts to make her way out the dorm.
Fahy was sitting in his room writing when he felt a disturbance that made him look up. Fahy however decided he didn't care and that it was someone else's problem and they would fix it. Fahy was still hurt and reeling from earlier.

Connor had seen the fires from the ocean but decided he didn't care not like he could do anything about the matter anyways.Connor was walking through the hallways with two metal buckets with various fish in sea water.

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