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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Daliah woke up early today. She couldn't sleep all that long after last night. Sure partly because of the fight but mainly because of how she felt. And that infuriated her. The fact she allowed herself to become so involved without knowing. And worst of all it wasnt reciprocated. She allowed herself to feel for someone and be fooled by them. Screw the beast. That was enough to ruin her entire week. She got up, changed into something simplistic, and went for a walk to clear her mind. She knew she had to keep face and pretend to still be so happy and trusting. She wouldn't tell Ruby how she was feeling. She was glad she never did now. But she also knew she couldn't do that while being so angry. But all she could think about during her walk was how could she be so stupid? She went out to the courtyard and relaxed in the morning sun.

Zaphkiel was asleep when Rachel spoke to him and when he woke back up hours later she was asleep. Most everyone was either asleep or doing activities that the adults did in the school. He silently got up to not disturb her, put some clothes on, and went to get his music when something so bold was in his mind. So much anger, pain, betrayal. It was... peculiar. Give she was so happy last night. He knew it was a bit wrong but he decided to listen more. Then she was happy to never tell his sister how she felt? And be so stupid? Whatever happened last night during that fight really destroyed Daliah. He debated going to her but what could he do? Sure he knew how Ruby felt about herself and them. He knew how she envied and hated him at the same time. But why bother? Would she even believe him or suspect it was just her brother trying to defend his sister. Ruby was never power hungry though it would make sense. He shook his head and grabbed his music. He left a quick note saying he was going for a walk and went out, going to go as far as he was allowed in the academy
Rachel woke up again and found the note. "I'll meet up with him later." She got ready for classes.

Reed woke up and changed for his exercise. After he finished he took a shower and got ready for the day.

Kaylee woke up and got ready. She went outsude and wondered the halls.
In his music ridden endeavors, Zaphkiel ended up running into the girl from before. He didn't turn it off, seeing he forgot it was even on, when he saw her. "Oh hey. Kaylee was it? Nice to meet you again"
He let his headphones hang around his neck. "It's no problem. Complicated name. May change it I dont know. Anyways It's Zaphkiel. What's your first class?"
Connor got up and got ready to go for his morning swim and managed to make it out and back with 15 minutes before class. Connor then quickly changed and got ready to go to his next class looking around his room for a notebook or something for any notes he might take.
He chuckled. "That works. I'm in battle tactics or something of the sort. So I guess Ill see you around. Want me to walk you to class?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah woke up early today. She couldn't sleep all that long after last night. Sure partly because of the fight but mainly because of how she felt. And that infuriated her. The fact she allowed herself to become so involved without knowing. And worst of all it wasnt reciprocated. She allowed herself to feel for someone and be fooled by them. Screw the beast. That was enough to ruin her entire week. She got up, changed into something simplistic, and went for a walk to clear her mind. She knew she had to keep face and pretend to still be so happy and trusting. She wouldn't tell Ruby how she was feeling. She was glad she never did now. But she also knew she couldn't do that while being so angry. But all she could think about during her walk was how could she be so stupid? She went out to the courtyard and relaxed in the morning sun.
Zaphkiel was asleep when Rachel spoke to him and when he woke back up hours later she was asleep. Most everyone was either asleep or doing activities that the adults did in the school. He silently got up to not disturb her, put some clothes on, and went to get his music when something so bold was in his mind. So much anger, pain, betrayal. It was... peculiar. Give she was so happy last night. He knew it was a bit wrong but he decided to listen more. Then she was happy to never tell his sister how she felt? And be so stupid? Whatever happened last night during that fight really destroyed Daliah. He debated going to her but what could he do? Sure he knew how Ruby felt about herself and them. He knew how she envied and hated him at the same time. But why bother? Would she even believe him or suspect it was just her brother trying to defend his sister. Ruby was never power hungry though it would make sense. He shook his head and grabbed his music. He left a quick note saying he was going for a walk and went out, going to go as far as he was allowed in the academy
Fahy was sitting in the courtyard deep in thought when Daliah walked out and sat down not too far from him Fahy looked around unsure of if he could go and talk to her especially with the look on her face. Fahy decided to continue looking at the book and pretending to read while thinking about what he had seen in the dream that morning.
"Sure" she said smiling.

Rachel walked to her health and medical class.

Reed woke up Rebecca. "Hey classes are starting soon."
Drumonkey said:
Fahy had cur out early and decided to got to his room and read as a treat to himself for even managing to be there and almost talk to two people. Fahy fell asleep and his body passed fully into the dream world causing his sandman to appear next to him. He looked around and seemed to be in his room but he knew his dad had built a replica of the school for those that could dreamwalk. Fahy decided to see who was sleeping and came across what looked like Ruby's dream but it was tinted with something different. Fahy stood watching for a few minutes gathering his courage to check on his friend and finally stepped into Ruby's dream hoping to quietly observe what she was dreaming about. @Light
As soon as Fahy stepped into the dream he could hear loud screams and could see the lives of many people killed in the apocalypse flash before his eyes before he was forced out of Ruby's dream. ( Lets just say that's what happened. I already know Fahy is awake. )
Zaphkiel walked her to class to see Rachel. "Oh hey sweetheart perfect I don't have to walk back to our room. See you later Kaylee." He went over and kissed Rachel. "See you after class dearest" And he went off to battle studies

Daliah didn't calm much and she felt bad for not talking to Fahy but after Ruby she just wasnt in the mood for anyone. She went back to her dorm and went to sleep

Ryan came into the class. "Happy to see my daughter is getting along with the students. Our room? Hmm. Anyways did everyone bring their needles and thread?"
Ruby had waken up and made her way to her S-class room. Nobody knew about the whereabouts last night with the monster and she intended to keep it that way. It wasn't a normal beast she was sure of that. "What if it was one of those apocalyptic monsters?" Ruby whispers to herself. She didn't know where Daliah was but she was sure Daliah was handling something. Ruby entered her class and took a seat.

Telieos made his way to his Ocean Survival class. Ready to see his favourite teacher again. "Hello! Hello! Time to swim some laps!" ( @Drumonkey )

( @DizjayDeathPride )

Ash made his way to Monster Studies. He still couldn't find a suitable host. He'll look more closely at each student this time.

Diana made her way to Ability Conditioning and took a seat.

William points at Zaphkiel immediately. "You! Step down here immediately! Time for education! Come, come!" He waves for Zaphkiel to walk over.
"Oh yeah he's my teacher.... sigh." He walked over to William. "What are we doing?"

Decimus looked at this girl. "Interesting... I have a student today now. Hello. Take a seat and tell me your abilities."

Morpheus was shocked when the student walked in. "Oh... looks like I have a student today. Lovely. Well.... I cant go with my normal lesson with one student so maybe Ill lecture! Take a seat, tell me your name, and pick a beast."
Gaige waited for students to arrive to her crafts class.

Jack wait fir student to arrive at his weapon compatibility class.

Reed woke up Rebecca. "Hey we're lat wake up. @DizjayDeathPride

Rachel went inside and got her things ready. Kaylee sat down next to her and did the same.
Dax was having a very heated conversation with an octopus when his first student walked in surprisingly on time followed by connor Dax smiled at his students "I am ready to take you all out to the ocean and swim."

Fahy walked into battle studies and sat down into the back of the class and was deep in thought about what he had seen that morning. The screams were still ringing in his ears.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh yeah he's my teacher.... sigh." He walked over to William. "What are we doing?"

Decimus looked at this girl. "Interesting... I have a student today now. Hello. Take a seat and tell me your abilities."

Morpheus was shocked when the student walked in. "Oh... looks like I have a student today. Lovely. Well.... I cant go with my normal lesson with one student so maybe Ill lecture! Take a seat, tell me your name, and pick a beast."
"Today Zaphkiel I'm going to use you as an example. On how to handle yourself against certain abilities. Also how to take down an enemy with a few moves. The first thing you should do when facing off against someone with abilities is to test the waters! Don't go all out at first. Let them attack and then counter. Examine them, their strengths and weaknesses. Also examine exactly how they dodge or counter or how durable they are are they get hit. Take in the environment as well. Everything around you matters as well as every second. It's ideal to wait them out to drain them of their energy but don't make it obvious that you're doing this. Make sure you seem convincing as if you're putting your all into it. Now! Let's go!" William's hand starts to glow red.

Diana nods her head. A blue form of mana leaves her body. "Um... mine is restoration magic. It can restore anything back to what it once was."

Ash takes a seat and clears his throat. "I'd like you to tell me about the apocalyptic monsters. Have you seen one before?"


Drumonkey said:
Dax was having a very heated conversation with an octopus when his first student walked in surprisingly on time followed by connor Dax smiled at his students "I am ready to take you all out to the ocean and swim."
Fahy walked into battle studies and sat down into the back of the class and was deep in thought about what he had seen that morning. The screams were still ringing in his ears.
Telieos smiles at this. "Hurry! The fish won't wait forever. My life depends on it!" Telieos turns into a fish and flops on the ground. Waiting for water.
Brooke was already sitting in the back of battle studies to the corner. She was quite pleased with last night. She was lost in thought

Rebecca got up and hurried to get dressed. "Im sorry I kept you waiting lets go." Rebecca had Health and Medical

He simply sighed. "I guess so." He watched his teacher as he took his headphones off, them turning into dual swords.

"Is that right? Interesting... well. Do you have a good grasp of your power?"

Morpheus' expression hardened. "Sorry I can't. There's not a lot of information on them right now. Anything else?" He knew very well of Ryan and Decimus' experiments on one of the creatures. But he was under the impression it died during them. He's yet to go and check them out himself
Reed turned when she started to change. "It's ok we have health and medical so I would have felt bad if I left without you."
Ryan put his hand on his board which turned and opened to reveal a surgery room. "Today we'll have you do a minor surgery on these lovely Morpheus clones. Your job is to access the severity of his injury and decide what type of treatment is necessary"
Dax slammed his trident into the ground and it disappeared along with the desks revealing a steep slide that had water flowing down it and they all fell into a water slide until they came out into the ocean. The ride took only a few minutes and Dax stood on top of the water watching them "Alright students you have to swim into the ocean and then back I will tell you when you are supposed to stop also there are many beasts in the sea.

(Who teaches battle studies?)
Drumonkey said:
Dax slammed his trident into the ground and it disappeared along with the desks revealing a steep slide that had water flowing down it and they all fell into a water slide until they came out into the ocean. The ride took only a few minutes and Dax stood on top of the water watching them "Alright students you have to swim into the ocean and then back I will tell you when you are supposed to stop also there are many beasts in the sea.
(Who teaches battle studies?)
( William. )
Haxk went to Craft and continued work on the remote-controlled spider. He remembered a girl from last night. She looked so cute. But that couldn't distract him. His focus was why were the guards needing rifles. He needed to find Noah after class and ask why they needed the guns. But then his focus was on the girl again. Her name was Sokai, right? Haxk slapped himself. Weapons, focus on the weapons. Why did they need them? He would ask later, he needed to focus on the girbot, robot not the girl.

Noah was taking guard at the school, greeting all who came in. He suddenly saw a mushroom pop out of nowhere. "Where that come from?" He went over and poked it. The mushroom tilted to the left. Weird. He went back to position and waited to see if anything would happen but the rest of the hour was uneventful.
Gaige watched Haxk work. She walked uo behind him. "Is something troubling you? Also you meed to finish that by today."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Brooke was already sitting in the back of battle studies to the corner. She was quite pleased with last night. She was lost in thought

Rebecca got up and hurried to get dressed. "Im sorry I kept you waiting lets go." Rebecca had Health and Medical

He simply sighed. "I guess so." He watched his teacher as he took his headphones off, them turning into dual swords.

"Is that right? Interesting... well. Do you have a good grasp of your power?"

Morpheus' expression hardened. "Sorry I can't. There's not a lot of information on them right now. Anything else?" He knew very well of Ryan and Decimus' experiments on one of the creatures. But he was under the impression it died during them. He's yet to go and check them out himself
( @Drumonkey )

"Now class! I want you to take in everything you see in this battle." William rushes in Zaphkiel's direction. William was faster than expected since he's used to carrying his draconic weight. Now he only has to support a humans weight. Which makes it easy for him to hit high speeds. William spins and sends a kick to Zaphkiel's jaw but blasts flames out of his palms to push him back before his foot hits Zaphkiel. He only did that to shock Zaphkiel. William jumps up to the ceiling and pushes off of it in Zaphkiels direction. He spins and magma forms around him. Making him an magma encased bullet. Behind Zaphkiel molten material was preparing to surround him.

Diana nods her head. "Yes, I do have a good grasp of myself."

Ash silently curses. "Alright, tell me about wolves."

Telieos starts to flip around in the water. He turns into a gold fish and starts to swim his laps.

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