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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Ryan shook his head as he entered the room "Let me finish my work and Ill ravish you okay? I've got to hook him up to the doodad here so he doesn't choke on his blood" When he finished he took Gaige by the hand and flashed in a bright light to their room
DizjayDeathPride said:
The swat was enough to knock her back to her senses. She rolled on top of Ruby. "No I'll protect you. Don;t worry" The monster was getting closer. She could feel it. It felt so... wrong. She looked over at it. Her mind was so filled with Ruby and protecting her she couldn't think of a real plan other than run. She got off and grabbed Ruby, pulling her up. "Come on!"
The monster doesn't even growl as it starts to chase after the two girls. Knocking down trees as it went. Seeming gaining on them easily. It grabs them up, clutching them tightly as if it wants to make them burst. It stares at Daliah. Inspecting her, inches away from her face. It then turns to Ruby and inspects her. It seems to stare at her longer and the dark mist starts to envelop her. The monster turns back to Daliah and opens its beak, ready to devour her. Only to be knocked over by a beast. The monster let's go of both Ruby and Daliah. Ruby seemed to be suffocating for some reason. The beast and the monster were battling. To the death as it seemed. The monster was getting overpowered but it didn't look like the beast would hold out for long.

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She screamed. "NO! I WILL KILL YOU NO!" Then it dropped them and she watched the giant monster fight this new weird snake demon. She scrambled over to Ruby who was choking. "Shit you breathed in it's weird mist didn't you?I think it's killing you from the inside. I'm going to try something please don't slap me" She went and pressed her mouth to Ruby's, breathing a mixture of frost and Underworld. The Underworld would find the foreign particulate and the frost would freeze it and kill it for her body to extract later.
DizjayDeathPride said:
She screamed. "NO! I WILL KILL YOU NO!" Then it dropped them and she watched the giant monster fight this new weird snake demon. She scrambled over to Ruby who was choking. "Shit you breathed in it's weird mist didn't you?I think it's killing you from the inside. I'm going to try something please don't slap me" She went and pressed her mouth to Ruby's, breathing a mixture of frost and Underworld. The Underworld would find the foreign particulate and the frost would freeze it and kill it for her body to extract later.
Ruby's eyes widen. She could suddenly breathe, well she could if her mouth was free. She lightly pushes Daliah off. Once she does she breathes heavily. Trying to catch her breath, grateful to breathe again. "Thank you." Was all she was able to spit out before she grabbed Daliah's hand and continued running. The last thing she saw was the beast that came to their rescue getting flipped over. The monster dug it's claws into its chest and ripped it open, ribcage and all. She turned her head away as she saw the monster dive its head into its open carcass. Ruby looked up but couldn't see the platform due to the trees above them. Other beasts were starting to grow active due to the panic and the ruckus. Ruby didn't even know where she was going but she kept running. They were lost. That was until they ran into another beast that seemed to be resting.

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Daliah followed her but rage was flowing through her because of this beast. The thing almost killed her friend. Her dress was starting to ruffle at her surge of power, slowly turning purple from the bottom until she crashed into a sleeping beast with Ruby. She looked up at it. It was the one from before. She thanked the gods and cleared her throat. "Um... creature. We're kind of about to die. Can you possibly give us an advantage and fly us up?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah followed her but rage was flowing through her because of this beast. The thing almost killed her friend. Her dress was starting to ruffle at her surge of power, slowly turning purple from the bottom until she crashed into a sleeping beast with Ruby. She looked up at it. It was the one from before. She thanked the gods and cleared her throat. "Um... creature. We're kind of about to die. Can you possibly give us an advantage and fly us up?"
The beast shakes its head. It can actually use telepathy. "No. I cannot fly, it is too dark. I won't be able to see an enemy from above the trees. I'm not allowed to fly up to the platform without Rikka's permission. This is the law of our contract. Though, I can fight for you. I shall gather whatever beasts I can." The beast itself moves off in a different direction to gather allies.

Ruby seems shocked. She didn't expect telepathy. She was also happy about the allies but she was concerned about being left here. She doubted the monster would be eating for long. "Daliah... are you okay?" She wasn't going to ask what that thing was since they both didn't know. Ruby flinches once she feels like there are eyes on them. But she couldn't see a thing. "Daliah we need to run."
She grabbed Ruby's hand. "Im fine. Let's go" She started running to where she thought was back then stopped. "No we can't run. It doesn't make sense. It will just chase us. I have to fight it"
DizjayDeathPride said:
She grabbed Ruby's hand. "Im fine. Let's go" She started running to where she thought was back then stopped. "No we can't run. It doesn't make sense. It will just chase us. I have to fight it"
"Are you crazy?! No! You saw it! Take out that beast! This thing is extremely powerful. We don't even know what it is!" Ruby wanted to do something to help. But in the end she could do nothing. This is what S-class training was for but she's only been in that class once. Ruby knew she had to do something but all she could do is.... "Daliah. I have a plan."
"And let more creatures die pointlessly trying to help?! No we have to do something." As she was about to go Ruby spoke. "What is it?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"And let more creatures die pointlessly trying to help?! No we have to do something." As she was about to go Ruby spoke. "What is it?"
"It seemed to want something from me. I'll put on an act and try to communicate with it. Hopefully it's intelligent. The beast seemed to go in that direction so we'll lead it that way to the allies. While I distract it I want you to watch it and look for any weak points and at build up some power to use on the beast. If you can point out a weakness you can use your combined strength with the allies to kill it once and for all. No matter what happens to me. That's your job! Don't make a sound and don't come out of the shadows!" Ruby starts to walk out into the open without a reply from Daliah.

The monster itself steps out as well, it seemed furious. It immediately strides over to Ruby. Ruby herself started to back away into the allies direction. She decides now is a good time to start. "I know what you are.... what you want." Ruby starts explaining about her being afraid at first but now realizing its true intent. Also about Daliah being in a different area. Ruby also throws in her entire backstory, playing it out as if she hates her brother and family for being unable to do something. Which is why she's siding with it. Using her backstory and previous jealousy and rage made it look, sound, and feel genuine. "Now! Use me if you must to complete m-. No our goal!" She intentionally almost said my goal to make it seem even more convincing as if she desires this more for herself. The monster starts to grow closer to her. It eventually picks her up again. Not squeezing her harshly this time around. This not only meant the plan slightly worked, it meant these monsters carried some form of intelligence.
Daliah watched her. She would be damned if she let Ruby be hurt. But she turned into a shadow and stalked around silently and out of existence to look at the beast. It appeared to be made of pure darkness but... she couldn't use the darkness. It also appeared to be... conjoined. And it was flowing. Like Angelica's hair. Which came from a point. So obviously it's power must come from a point to. She continued to stalk around, looking at it. The more she looked the more it looked so... unnatural. Like a human centipede type of creature. Not really meant to be so forced. It's lower body didn't match it's upper. It looked like it could snap at any moment. Odd. She looked at it, still stalking around. It's whole body was a flowing mass of black. But there had to be a weak point. There had to be. She cursed herself for not having Monster Studies today. She listened to Ruby talk, her heart longing to make her feel better but she knew it was an act. They talked it out. But... was it? Maybe last night was an act. A beast like this wouldn't be fooled so easily. Maybe Ruby really hold so much anger still inside of her. She may genuinely want to join with this beast to obtain power. She stared at Ruby. She couldn't tell anymore. She wanted to believe Ruby didn't lie to her but now... the girl was an actress. Who knew? Her heart cracked a bit but she had a mission to do. Nothing else mattered anymore. She focused on the task at hand. If Ruby had to die for this thing to die too, so be it. But could she really allow that to happen? She scanned the beast more and more. Really focusing on the hips. It looked so.... forced! So unnatural! So that had to be it. There had to be a fragile joinment there. She squinted and stared harder. First the sides. No still flowing. Then the back. Nothing. The other side. Nope. Then the front. And she kind of saw it. A small spot that didn't move. She thought her eyes were playing tricks but she looked harder, focused. And she was right. A single spot of conjoint was it's weakness. Hit that and it probably broke and died. Bingo But she didn't have the accuracy to do that from here. She stayed silent in the off chance it's hearing was perfect. At this point of revelation, she looked at Ruby. She didn't know what to do now. She knew how to kill it but... if Ruby wanted power this badly she didn't want to take it from her. She considered letting Ruby make a contract with it. But what if it's demand is too high? Then Ruby dies. But if she ruins this for her Ruby would hate her. Which was worse. She closed her eyes as she slowly died more inside, the happiness and emotion Ruby had built inside of her dying. When she opened them she had one thing. Kill the monster. Ruby no longer mattered. The monster was the objective. She raised her hand and a bow appeared of pure darkness. She pulled it and a shadow arrow appeared. She held it there, aiming. She stared at the spot, making sure she didn't go off target. She had one shot to do it without getting Ruby killed. It was still holding her. If she missed, the beast would obviously crush Ruby in rage. Sure she could just sink away and plan another attack. But still. But if that's what it takes then so be it. She focused all she could on that one spot and finally, let the arrow go
Daliah grew out of the darkness and ran to the girl. She ignored the beast and huddled over her friend. She laid there, near lifeless. But her soul was still there. Just very, very weak. She knew exactly what to do. Her bones were crushed. She held her hands over Ruby as darkness went into her mouth, going into her body and holding her bones together, other shadows pulling the bone fragments out of her organs. Her breathing was weakening. Her heart was slowing. She didnt even noticed she was crying on the girl as she worked. The shadows filled and clogged the internal bleeding so she didn't die. She knew Ruby now just needed time to heal but that could take forever. She couldn't move the girl or she'd definitely die. And she couldn't leave or the darkness would no longer do it's job and she'd die. She didn;t want to inform a god either. They would definitely be in trouble. She just kneeled there, hands over her friend, crying on to her. Her mind played over and over the few moments they had shared. And as it did so she just remembered over and over what she just told this thing. Daliah remembered her talks with her mother. How Rikka occasionally believed the other gods never forgave her for trying to kill them. That no matter how much they smiled they held a secret. From then Daliah learned to always read and scan people's intentions. And here she was, believing any sob story some pretty girl told her because she had stupidly grown feelings for her. She knew it could have been bullshit. It was the typical story. Girl has no power from a family of powers and now hates herself and wants to kill herself because she thinks she's a burden. It was common bullshit. And she fell for it. She knew it. And after this? After Ruby had shown she would do whatever it took for power. That made sense to her. And she had idiotically given her loyalty to this girl. This.... girl. Willing to trade her life for power. She would honor her word but... how could she trust Ruby? How could she trust anyone? This just shows that you shouldn't put emotion before logic. She should have thought everything out before she just leaped into the Ruby sob story. But she just couldn't stop crying on her. It was a mixture of fear Ruby would die and pain of her betrayal. Ruby had lied to her and so casually showed her true colors in front of her. Daliah just... couldn't. She considered a slight moment letting Ruby die but the thought was quickly gone. She just stayed there, holding her darkness, keeping the girls body from killing itself.
Daliah stayed there. "Hey hey dont push yourself." But the girl said her name again "Yes im right here. You did amazing" She was still crying a bit. When she spoke again she wiped her eyes. "Yeah I'm fine. You're going to be too" Daliah was ready to kill anything that came near Ruby but the creatures assured her they came to help. She allowed them to carry them to a cave, never once leaving Ruby. "Please hurry with the healers."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah stayed there. "Hey hey dont push yourself." But the girl said her name again "Yes im right here. You did amazing" She was still crying a bit. When she spoke again she wiped her eyes. "Yeah I'm fine. You're going to be too" Daliah was ready to kill anything that came near Ruby but the creatures assured her they came to help. She allowed them to carry them to a cave, never once leaving Ruby. "Please hurry with the healers."
Ruby smiles up at Daliah. "You depended on me. Just like you promised." Ruby was dying and she knew it. Unless the healers arrived on time. "Daliah...." Tears start to roll down her face. "I can't see your face anymore."

The healers were on their way. Rushing through the forest as fast as they could. The closest one was in view of the cave.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150727_031818.jpg.a693e8a795b1d9e8602bffcec5145045.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64296" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150727_031818.jpg.a693e8a795b1d9e8602bffcec5145045.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Daliah held her face. She wanted to murder and kiss this girl in the same time. She hated Ruby. This is what pure hatred felt like. Ruby had lied to her, played with her emotions. She probably knew all along how she felt. Thats how she convinced her so easily .She's probably been telling that lie for years. And as the girl was laying there dying Daliah slowly realized she wasn't so upset that Ruby lied so much as that Ruby was leaving her. She had opened her heart just to be lied to and now abandoned. She was dying more and more inside with each beat of Ruby's heart. She could feel her soul weakening. She watched as Ruby's hair and eyes began to dull more and more. Daliah started crying again as she kissed Ruby's tears away. "I'm right here. Ill never leave your side. I promised." Her lip quivered. She had never felt something for anyone. And now the one person she did was dying and she could do nothing. Her life was being destroyed before it began. She leaned and kissed Ruby gently. Lingering there a moment, there lips together. She pulled back barely moving away and said, "Goodbye Ruby Crossway. I'll miss you. Always" Her tears were mixing with Ruby's. She heard the sound of something coming and pulled back, looking at it, rushing. It had to be the healer. She felt so relieved but she didn't weaken her darkness still maintaining the girl
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah held her face. She wanted to murder and kiss this girl in the same time. She hated Ruby. This is what pure hatred felt like. Ruby had lied to her, played with her emotions. She probably knew all along how she felt. Thats how she convinced her so easily .She's probably been telling that lie for years. And as the girl was laying there dying Daliah slowly realized she wasn't so upset that Ruby lied so much as that Ruby was leaving her. She had opened her heart just to be lied to and now abandoned. She was dying more and more inside with each beat of Ruby's heart. She could feel her soul weakening. She watched as Ruby's hair and eyes began to dull more and more. Daliah started crying again as she kissed Ruby's tears away. "I'm right here. Ill never leave your side. I promised." Her lip quivered. She had never felt something for anyone. And now the one person she did was dying and she could do nothing. Her life was being destroyed before it began. She leaned and kissed Ruby gently. Lingering there a moment, there lips together. She pulled back barely moving away and said, "Goodbye Ruby Crossway. I'll miss you. Always" Her tears were mixing with Ruby's. She heard the sound of something coming and pulled back, looking at it, rushing. It had to be the healer. She felt so relieved but she didn't weaken her darkness still maintaining the girl
The healer comes in and starts to get to work. He starts to mend Ruby's wounds but she falls unconscious during this process. The dragon continues its healing in deep concentration. The colour in Ruby's hair and eyes flood back to her. She was movable now. She would still be sore but other then that she was fine. Ruby looked like she was pleasantly sleeping. As if she were peacefully dreaming.

Though in Ruby's dream all she could see were more of the monsters they'd previously faced but in the view of one itself. She see strange symbols she couldn't make sense of and hallucinations.
Daliah relaxed and thanked the creature. She grabbed Ruby, holding the girl's head in her breast, as she sank into the darkness and rose up in their dorm. She put Ruby in her bed, tucking her in, and then went to her own and went to sleep without saying a word
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah relaxed and thanked the creature. She grabbed Ruby, holding the girl's head in her breast, as she sank into the darkness and rose up in their dorm. She put Ruby in her bed, tucking her in, and then went to her own and went to sleep without saying a word
Once they both were asleep. With not too many clues left behind of them being at the Beast forest. Ruby starts to stir in her sleep. She gets up and markings start to appear on her skin. These markings give off the same murky darkness. She stood over Daliah with a smile spread across her face. "She's so beautiful." Ruby grows closer to her face. Her voice doesn't sound the same. "I bet you'd look beautiful in dress... at your viewing." She brushes the hair out of her face. "It wasn't very nice... what you did to me. I had to hijack her body. This isn't a contract." Ruby presses her face lightly on Daliah's cheek. She continues her speech at this distance, with a cold whisper. "This is a possession." To those whom could read minds. Ruby was still asleep having dreams. The moment Daliah wakes up if she did. Ruby would be back in her bed fast asleep.
Daliah shot up to nothing. She looked over at Ruby. She could have sworn she heard her. Must have been a dream. She went back to sleep

Zaphkiel's eyes shot open. He had fallen asleep when he knew she was okay, still holding Rachel. But the words woke him up. "This is a possession?" His head started to ring then pound throbbing and he was forced back to sleep. When he would wake up he wouldn't remember last night. But would feel.... off

Morpheus was on his way to her room when he was stopped. He didn't know why or what for but the words, "This is a possession" His head started to feel like he slammed it into a wall and he passed out right there. When he woke up he didn't remember anything of last night

Decimus was ready to save them if needed but he knew this was a chance for his daughter to test her abilities. But as Ruby started to fade he began to worry. But she eventually was fine so he pushed it aside. He hadn't felt the being. But he knew exactly what they were up against. That... thing Rikka had trapped. The thing with no soul. He was impressed they killed it though but he stayed silent. Then later in the night he felt a... change in Ruby. He couldn't put his finger on it but not too soon after it was gone. "Odd..." He continued to look out into the darkness as he always did since he never sleeps
Fahy had cur out early and decided to got to his room and read as a treat to himself for even managing to be there and almost talk to two people. Fahy fell asleep and his body passed fully into the dream world causing his sandman to appear next to him. He looked around and seemed to be in his room but he knew his dad had built a replica of the school for those that could dreamwalk. Fahy decided to see who was sleeping and came across what looked like Ruby's dream but it was tinted with something different. Fahy stood watching for a few minutes gathering his courage to check on his friend and finally stepped into Ruby's dream hoping to quietly observe what she was dreaming about. @Light
Rachel woke up in Zaphkiels arms. He mumbled something about a possession. "Hey are you ok?" She said holding him tighter.
Haxk heard a knock on his door, he got up and opened it to see Noah with a box. "Here's enough supplies to make ten guns and one hundred bullets." He gave the box to Haxk. "I'll see you tonight my goblin friend." Noah went away. "Bye I guess." He got to work on the rifles.

Noah saw a guard run to the forest. Noah grabbed the healer. "What happen?" "Some students went into the forest and got injured by a monster." Noah let go of the healer. Dumb guards letting them go. He went back to Haxk how already made a gun and a few bullets. "Give me the gun." "Okay." Haxk gave him the gun and 4 bullets. Noah went to the barracks. "Listen up, a few students got out and injured thanks to us. We need to be better." Noah shoved the rifle into a guard. "Lets get some practice in. Your all lazy guards, I fought way better guards. Now get out there and practice." All the guards went outside to do what they were told. He went back to the school to guard.

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